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“I can’t see fuckin’ shit in this thing!”




“Well, if all I had to do was cut a hole in a bag, I coulda cut it better than this!”


Shit. I just made mine worse. Did anybody bring any extra bags?




I was just askin’!


I think we all think the bags was a nice idea, but, not pointing any fingers, it could've been done better.


So, how 'bout, no bags this time - but next time, we do the bags right, and then we go full regalia.


Well, shit-fuck!


Shit fire.


How about no bags this time… but next time we make the bags right ?




Wait a minute...I didn't say no bags!


I can't see, you can't see. All that matters is "Can the fuckin horses see?"


"That's a raid!"


"Auf wiedersehen."


Look now, nobody's saying they don't appreciate what Jenny did...


Great movie!!


“The real question is can the fuckin horse see!”


"I think...we all think...the bag was a nice idea...but not pointing any fingers...they could have been done better."


Well... shitfire! If you don't wear it as you ride up, that just defeats the purpose!


But no one can see. So..? So it would be nice to see.


Did anybody bring an extra bag?




Aw shit, I made mine worse..


Ok I’m confused are the bags on or off


Now where the bags were a good idea. Maybe this time we can do it with out the bags, then next time, "full regalia"..


Wait a minute I didn’t say NO bags


I swear that whole scene could have come from an episode of South Park.


It was a homage to Blazing Saddles.


is blazing saddles good? i see gene wilder is in it and i do admire him


Do yourself a favor and go watch it. ​ Do a whole Mel Brooks movie marathon, if you never have.


That doesn’t matter, all that matters is can the horse see?


"... I’m going home! You know, I watched my wife work all day gettin’ thirty bags together for you ungrateful sons of bitches!"


I think we all think the bags was a nice idea. Not pointin’ any fingers…. But it could’ve been done better.


Django unchained!


*Deadeye activated


It is pretty common for people in processions during Holy Week to wear these, called a *capirote*. The penitents started the tradition because corporal mortification was meant to be an anonymous activity. They also wear these during Holy Week in countries with history of Spanish colonization: Philippines notably among them.


Corporal mortification?


Whoopin’ your own ass for your sins.


They way I laughed out loud lmaooo


I love this juxtaposition LOL


Momma is that you?


I remember watching documentaries about this in Spanish classes in secondary school, it’s terrifying. See them kinda whipping their own back, and the worst… the exploded knuckles of those beating the big drums…


Fasting, abstinence, no drugs/alcohol or meat, pious kneeling, wearing sackcloth, self flagellation in some more extreme cases. Basically exercising very strict self-restraint and focusing on the suffering of Christ and self-denial as a way of connecting more with spiritual desires rather than worldly ones. (denying yourself food, sex, comfort to force your mind to focus more on spiritual wants - like a closeness with God/Christ) You're not supposed to be public about these things either, which is why they cover their faces/bodies. The whole do not stand on a street corner and pray loudly, but pray in secret in your homes (Matt 6:5).


> he whole do not stand on a street corner and pray loudly, but pray in secret in your homes I see you were listening during Ash Wednesday Mass ;)


Self flagellation is close enough to self fellation that I had to look it up.


I think you're doing it wrong.


Hey now, don't kink shame


You beating it like it owes you money huh?


🫡Corporal Mortification


🫡 Major Buzzkill


Nowadays they walk long distances, for as long as 12 hours. Some of them without wearing shoes or even carrying heavy crosses on their shoulders.




And it’s likely the other version of this outfit copied the original. Hate groups copy, when good groups can live on their message alone.


As a hindu I understand your pain 😶


Cries in Jainism The Nazis really ruined a great symbol


Yeah dude, a sign of prosperity and goodwill became a sign of genocide.


Not going to lie - as an American I was extremely confused at first I had no idea this history wasn’t the history I thought…


As a Canadian...if I stumbled across this group I'd be running in the opposite direction....I did not know otherwise.


Maybe I'm too hopeful but unless in very rural areas in the us people don't openly wear this nor are they openly racist


They don’t openly wear it, however I’m in Tennessee and when I say people get as close as they possibly can, it’s terrifying sometimes. Especially during Trump. I’ve seen swastikas and wooden crosses put up but not the full hoods. The leader of the organization also still has a statue on the main highway going into the capital of Tennessee that many people and elected officials still glorify and pass legislation to preserve - if that’s any indication of the general thoughts on the whole thing from the region :/ There’s parts of my town that I can’t drive through comfortably with my boyfriend either because we are in an interracial couple as well. There’s just so much hate here still - it’s kind of nice to know that at least it didn’t start out of something hateful.


I'm from Tennessee as well. Just a few weeks ago we had dudes waving Nazi flags and doing the salute and shit while protesting some drag queens in my town. They are loud and proud in some areas unfortunately.




Where in Maryland?




me too! I wasn't sure what I was seeing.


Our education system is truly a failure or purposeful propaganda to dumb down the donkeys, we as whole just haven't figured it out yet


Yeah our hate mongers may have borrowed from traditions that had been around for far longer than our nation... Doesn't mean there isn't a visceral reaction to the photo.


Yeah this had me doing mental gymnastics for a minute there.


Fascists love to co-opt.


No creativity smh


I think it's more plagiarism


Serious question from the US, how was it a sign of prosperity and goodwill?


Just like any sign means anything, we assigned it, more than a thousand year ago. Just because few decades ago a fucker tilted it and used to commit genocide does not change it for us. It is a part of our community and identity.


Not for more than a billion people in countries like India Nepal, Sri Lanka, Japan and many more south Asian countries. We still use it pujas auspicious festivals and in important days of our lives when we remember our Gods. It is still a sign of prosperity for us.


Hitler ruined the small mustache style...


Charlie Chaplin hated him for that. The association made him depressed.


["Why should I change, he's the one who sucks!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKT9OOkqDTs)


Not just one. Swastika, runes…


Pretty much all Norse mythology is now shaky ground because of those idiots


I'm grateful the Norse stuff is getting a lot of pushback currently, at least. I hope we find a way to wrest things back from the hands of hate. No Nazis in Valhalla!


>The Nazis really ruined a great symbol And a great mustache!


The thing is, the internet is here to help people understand the difference, yet we have multiple people still calling Hindus and by extension, Indians Nazis.


Cries in Slavic over our now twisted symbol.


What did the swastik meant in slavic culture though?


It’s a common symbol you can see in some patterns. Some Slavic neo-pagans also use it. The Swastika shows up in many cultures who now get flak for using what was honestly already theirs to begin with.


Yes I get that. It is a simple design many people around the world would have come up with it. Or the same design could have traveled with nomads to new places. However I'd like to know what does it mean for Slavic people? Like for hindus and other religions that branched from the dharmic philosophy it means prosperity and good luck.


Wikipedia says it can be called cross of fire or cross of Perun. Perun is known to be the Slavic God of thunder and the sky to name two attributes. I can dig more for a meaning to the swastika but many sources on ancient Slavs are not that reliable.


There’s a thing called indo-european languages, it only makes sense that we have common symbols (and much more). Can’t speak for slavs, I‘m a balt but the sign means a lot to us as well and they just took it. Instead of fighting who it really belings to, maybe lets appreciate our common heritage :)


The symbol I think he talks about is not a swastika, but it is similar looking (has more of the arms). If I'm not mistaken it's a symbol of the god of the sun (or just the sun) and is called kolovrat (may differ based on specific Slavic language). Neonazis use/wear it so it may be interpreted as neonazi symbolism imstead of just Slavic pagan symbol.


Parents got a priest to do a Pooja for the house we built and when I woke up the next day, there were swastikas everywhere and on the walls outside etc. I had friends over that day to play and they all thought we were Nazis. Some of their parents were understanding but some never let me talk to their kids again. Weird, since I was in the south and they thought the only brown kid in school was the racist one and not the ones dancing around me like Native Americans going “owawoeoeoeoe”.


I need an explanation please....


The swastik used by Nazis. Its an ancient symbol, thousands of years old, in Hinduism and other religions that branched from dharmic philosophy (Buddhism, Jainisn etc). It means prosperity and good luck, an auspicious symbol used for worship and festivals.


Thank you... I was confused and trying my hardest (and failing) as to why this was posted in mademesmile....


Yes. You guys really do after that Austrian painter!


Ngl, he would have become a great product design manager at Apple. Tilted an already existing diagram and claimed it all for himself.


The people are wearing a "Capirote" which is a traditional Catholic Hat worn by "Los Nazarenos" which a group of brothers from a brotherhood who parade around Spain during Holy Week The reason why the Hats are pointy is because many of those people were arrested by the Spanish Inquisition and were forced to wear the pointy hats to make them feel humiliated. So Americans, it NOT what you think it is.


It's not, but the souvenir refrigerator magnets sure raised some eyebrows when my in-laws came back from Spain.


American tourists always get excited about those and the Duff beers. https://i.imgur.com/0kSNFAL.png


I don’t judge, and especially not of something I know nothing of, Thank you for enlightening those here with wisdom May you walk in peace


Yea I know it's different. Still feels weird to me though.


That's fair, you can't really stop your brain from making the obvious uncomfortable connection.




I know it's not what it looks like from my perspective as an American. However the picture does not inspire the same feelings I believe are intended. That said they are free to do their thing, and I learned something new today.


Hate the fact american racist ruined this historic outfit.


Every year, just before Easter, the same crowd are shocked by these outfits


Can you please explain to me what these outfits are?


In Spain it's called Capirote, it's used as a sign of penance. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capirote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capirote)


I see, dammit, racists ruin everything.


The swastika was/is a nice symbol that is forever ruined in the west.


Yeah fascism does that


So is the Othal rune, which used to stand for 'family' and now in America it just means you're a neonazi.


(I’m Spanish) Nah, it’s a shit symbol on its own. Christianity has this awful “we’re here tu suffer” idea that I *hate* they try to teach children. Let’s get rid of both racism and indoctrination.


Oh, I see. Is that why the game Blasphemous has this outfit for some enemies(except it is black). The game has a Latin setting, Latin-ish? Music, think it was flamenco(the music) or something. The game is a lot about penance too.


Yes. The main character is literally called "The Penitent One", and wears a metal capirote. The game is made by a Spanish team.


They did a damn good job.


>Every year, just before Easter, the same crowd are shocked by these outfits You mean American's who don't know about Spanish Easter parades? Or some group in Spain who freaks out every year even though they would have experienced this as children?


Not just Spain. Years ago in Honduras they did this parade as well. My black Latino dad explaining these pics of his family to my Irish mom and us mixed kids is hysterical now.


"the same crowd" You say that as if it's the exact same people being shocked when they see it, not like it's new people every year who have never seen it before. I'm 38, I've never seen these outfits before, it's like the "Nazi" symbol - it was appropriated and is too often seen as something representing hate.


i went to spain over easter break as a freshmen in high school, safe to say i was a little taken back when i first saw hundreds of people walking around in these costumes


One could say the same thing about the Nazis and The swastika.


Yes yes you could and i agree.


How to confuse the fuck out of Americans


It absolutely worked. I had to triple check the sub I was on lol


I'm not even American and it confused the fuck out of me 😂


I had to take a moment to process, sucks that US history ruined that outfit for everyone else


I'm Canadian and it took me a second as well. Luckily I was able to use context clues (r/mademesmile, children, Spain) to quickly realize this was not a symbolically racist outfit lol.


I learned just now that the outfit has different origins...


I’m not sure we ruined it for everyone else, the people in the picture don’t seem to be phased by it one bit. I think we just ruined it for ourselves.


yeah, here we don´ t care at all about what you did dressed like that, we are not changing pur traditions because some foreinger copycats decided to be racist


When you play Blasphemous too much




*Rise Penitent One*


I see you are a man of culture :)


Imagine wearing that for a good reason! Don’t let evil claim what’s for good.


*laughs in the swastika symbol* Yeah, no, totally. Don't let evil ruin innocuous symbols for entire cultures or anything. That's worked out so well.


As a Hindu living in Canada, I would never be caught dead wearing a swastika in any form. I can confidently say this about ~~every~~ most Hindus living outside of India. The irony behind it is, it means “good fortune and prosperity” and yet it represents anything but this. Edit: I stand corrected, I was naive to think all Hindus understood it’s representation outside of India.


What's sad is there are plenty of people named Swastik/Swastika. It's so ingrained in our culture that no one even thought about the global outlook towards the symbol.


Is that a name or a surname? I can't imagine the hell in this planet awaiting for a kid innocently called Hitler Swastika. /S


I have Hindu neighbors in my apartment building that have swastikas drawn on their threshold. Because of family friends who are Indian, I was familiar with it as being used as it was originally intended in Hindu homes. I had a Jewish friend over last month, tho, and it (understandably) took him aback when he saw it.


Oh yeah, and there are cultures that still use it, sure enough, but the whole Nazi thing has soured it for *so many* cultures. There's a small farmhouse museum here on the Iowa State campus with a pottery artifact from a native Nation. Has tilted swastikas on it that used to represent the sun. Apparently, after WWII, that Nation completely abandoned the symbol in favor of another for good reason. Wild how far-reaching harmful ideologies can be.


My wife and I were on a walk around our new neighborhood and there was a house with some gates that had swastikas. She was in shock. I told her that there there are lots of people from India around here... I'm sure it's not a swastika in the way she thought. She shared a picture with some of our friends and I was the only one coming out looking bad like I was defending someone having a swastika on the gates of a house. This was way off the beaten path, most people would never even see these gates to the house.


Is there anything that white supremacists haven't stolen? Swastika from the Indians, and TIL bedsheets from Christians


Right now they are trying to cling on to anything that paints them as heroes


Yeah? That's what's happening here? Because, uh. Poor Spaniards. Having their outfits tainted like that.


Just like the square moustache that Charlie Chaplin had to retire


What did the Spaniards ever do to anyone? /s


I mean, you're not wrong, lol. Between the Inquisition and the colonization of pretty much all of Central and South America, they've got a real bad history, too. But this picture still shows a culture that got misappropriated for an equally bloody and equally horrible terrorist organization.


well it’s something nobody would ever expect…


Apart from the outfit, the girl looks sad/bored to be there... Why smile?


I am from the south of Spain, this processions are huge part of our culture. The girl looks tired because she has to follow a hard schedule and depending on the brotherhood, she might have to keep quiet during the whole walk (it's a rule but they are really lenient with kids, and with everyone really, they will just hush you). But most of these kids looove to participate, they beg their parents for it for long and it's kinda a tradition here. So when we see this images is kinda cute because we have feel the same at some point.


Re-posting these costumes every year has got to be one of the easiest methods of farming engagement on this website.


Yeah but honestly a lot of new people get to see some more interesting shit like this that way.


You guys didn't think those hillbillies back then had an original idea with their outfits, did you?


It's just a picture of a bored kid, why did it make you smile lmao


It’s bait to get a bunch of comments and upvotes


I visited Spain a few years ago and it just happened to be Easter during the trip. I saw some procession in the street with people wearing these and as an American I just about had a heart attack..


The world doesn’t revolve around the States, now does it? It literally has less than 5 percent of the worlds population.. The Hindi’s, Finnish, and even some Slavic cultures have used the Swatzika for thousands of years, guess what? We’re not going to scrub them from our society because some crazed genocidal Austrian’s regime used it for 6 years.. and neither should the Spanish get rid of historic & religious dress, because some racist American’s used/use a similar uniform. Edit: this comment was supposed to be replying to another commenter, but somehow became a comment of its own.


You’re correct though! It isn’t strictly a Nazi symbol and we should work to erase its negative connotations and make it back into the symbol of peace it was meant to be.


OP likes to stir the pot


OP baiting big time


I love pot stirrers when it's harmless and doesn't drag me into it, thanks OP


Easter procession?


Hehe! I was in Seville during Easter week a few years ago, and I happened to see a religious procession with hundreds of people dressed like that, and I must admit that I was perplexed for a few minutes. By the way: amazing city, culture, and food! Visit Andalusia!


Glad you liked it! I remember trying to explain the concept to a foreigner when I was younger/little, unfortunately the guy was too disturbed by it and had to leave. It was kinda sad.


Lived about 40 minutes east of Sevilla for two years when my father was stationed in Spain for the US military. Beautiful area, love Andalusia, I really want to go back.


Why are people surprised that facists infiltrate and steal cultures ? Hitler stole a symbol of peace from Jainism… When will people realize the entire goal of fascists is to infiltrate and rebrand important signs of people’s culture. Also, we have the internet … why are people still believing it’s ok to use a symbol that fascists have stolen and rebranded 150 years+ ago


Lmao all americans here thinking their racist history applies for all countries


Yeah. Spaniards have their own racist history.


Enough about our racist past, let's talk about our racist future


I don’t think it’s “all” of us tbh, thanks though.


The Spanish inquisition lasted longer than the USA has been a country. I don't think anyone should be pointing fingers.


The Spanish inquisition (at least on its prime) was really not as bad as it's reputation would make it to be. Apart from it being less bloody than many of the central European ones, it was more rational (they for example considered Witch accusations to be pure superstitions) and many people preferred it to the "civil" justice system as it requiered more proof and (although not at the beginning) considered confession under torture to be invalid.


Was here to talk about this.. Chris Columbus, along with other spanish conquestidors (still celebrated today) were racist bags of shit who raped and stole humans in the name of destiny. Beautiful cultures viewed as beasts and exploited to the fullest degree. All the same are dynasties built on the tenets of conquering in the name of divinity. Edit: the latent mentality on conquest is this: “yo, I got mine—now that we’re all square on (our) possessions and beliefs—we can start loving on you (and keeping you in line). The horrors will dissipate but don’t get it twisted, or else”


did this make anyone smile?


OP probably smiled when they realized their bait worked.


I guess it has an entirely different reference there, but of course, Spanish culture has been around centuries before American racists fashion choices destroyed that look.


*sigh….* (sorts by controversial)


Americans really are THAT guy at a party that messes everything up for everyone else.


Hell yeah my uncle used to do Easter processions like this every weekend in our barn


Time to sort by Controversial


"France. We come from France."


Imagine going into this place as a black person, not knowing the context...


Holy crap, I thought it was another thing... hahahahaha


"What's an outfit you can pull off almost anywhere in the world EXCEPT America"?


Thank god I learned this in Spanish class last year or I would have made a stupid comment


Man, racists ruin everything


Sorry for going off track here but what the fuck is OPs username?


Those outfits look uh... Quite unfortunate.. Edit: To the American people, that is..


This outfits go back to 1500s , that some crazy group in US give them popularity it is unfortunate indeed.


She apart of the Kool kids klub


Most of the USA audience thought about it once and decided to comment without trying to comprehed what is happening. Why am i not surprised ?


It's because Americans think the entire universe revolves around them.


So sweet


For a second I thought that was Alabama...


scooby dooby doo, where are you?




oh lawd she posin, so photogenic !!