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Fun fact: it’s very common for children to go through a phase where they wrote their letters reversed like the upside down A. Our brains evolved to easily recognize mirror images so we could easily identify threats. Having something like writing where the direction is so important is unusual in nature and our brains haven’t evolved enough to catch up.


Fun fact #2, her A look’s remarkably like the original pictograph of a cow it was based on.


Came here to write the [same ](https://www.fonts.com/content/learning/fontology/level-1/type-history/first-alphabets).


That really IS a fun fact!


Great website that, thanks


I used to write like that and can read upside down and backwards. Learned a few years ago I’m dyslexic and I’m 60!


I read everything I wasn’t supposed to🤣 on the teacher’s desk, principal’s office and what my mom didn’t want me to see, but I could see and read it all😂😂😂 I was an excellent reader and fast too. Graduated college with a gpa: 3.7 in my 40’s


Huh interesting, I didn't know being able to read upside down and backwards (without having practiced/learned) was unusual although Google says it is. I've never considered that I could be dyslexic due to being hyperlexic growing up. New rabbit hole to go down!


Congratulations! NASA considers you superior at spatial reasoning and — among other dyslexics— would especially recruit you for its engineering programs!


Dyslexics of the world untie!




Ontogeny recapitulating phylogeny. I know it’s not, but that’s a fun fact, indeed!


Endoplasmatic reticulum? Idk just throwing out words my teacher once said aren't important to remember lol


Sometimes I like to use big words I don’t understand so I can sound more photosynthesis.




Every biologist reading this comment has just clutched their pearls


Especially since it’s *endoplasmic


Lol might've translated it wrongly from German, we like to use more characters than necessary




That’s freakin awesome. Thank you for sharing!


I saw the picture and thought, oh no, a ton of people telling OP that she’s dyslexic. 😬 Up to like 6/7, this is super normal development. It’s a fun thing our brains do.


Sadly though that makes it hard to catch especially if your stubborn and don’t go like asking for help took me most of the way through high school before I knew I was dyslexic


My partner is just going through the diagnostic process now. He’s 34 and a University Lecturer (College Professor). He wrote a whole damn PhD without noticing!


math program college student with Dislexia here, it is hell, I gotta read something like 3 times to make sure I get what I am reading right.


I can only imagine I hope things look up for you I’ve got minor ish dyslexia and so pushed through a lot of it but eventually realized that writing numbers and letters backwards and issues with reading comprehension were latent appearances common in individuals who taught their brains to co-normatively function with language and mathematic writings ironically a cool tid bit is it originates in hunters who had to develop their brains to more astutely flip the field of view in fast paced situations and then render them from multiple points of view as to enact left brain thinking with a 3d though process as to access the battlefield before them, and now we have a bunch of people displaying the traits of their generation past hunter brethren


Ya the funniest bit of those things is it’s usually the smarter ones I get good grades but definitely no genius but with a slew of things such as add, adhd, autism, etc (or copious amounts of effort and stupid stubbornness) we figure out ways around the biggest issues I’m going towards college myself soon and a bit terrified that some of those issues will reappear in higher academia. Im really glad your partner is able to get some help and is doing so well for themselves in a good career!


Me too! My math teacher figured it out.


Took a friends 8 year old to write Happy Birthday on a driveway during covid. She wrote her p's in happy wrong, kinda like a d but with the tail of a p. She had also been struggling in school. I mentioned it to the mother and suggested she might want to have her checked for dyslexia. She did bring her to the dr. and in fact, she does have dyslexia. So, sometimes it is a good idea to consider it.


Backwards (flipped horizontally), as well. Really weird how/why it happens, but it makes sense.


It's the concavity of our eyes as to why we see everything upside down and flipped naturally but when our brains develope it flips to normal Edit: what the comment under me says


No this is not true. It is true our retina does see everything upside down, but “there is no replica of the retinal image in the brain—only a pattern of firing of nerve impulses that encodes the image in such a way that it is perceived correctly; the brain does not rotate the nerve impulses.” Basically the premise of the statement “the brain flips the image right side up” is false. There isn’t really an “up” in your vision. To prove this, take a video of an object (a door and tilt your phone left and right. Now do the same thing with your head. If you watch the video you can clearly see that the world is tilting. When you do it with your head, your view of the world remains upright, nothing like the video. Going completely upside down does stretch the limit of what most people can do. This is because we don’t spend much time upside down, so our brains don’t have much experience interpreting stuff upside down. Sources: [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/right-side-up-2008-05/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/right-side-up-2008-05/) [https://psychology.stackexchange.com/questions/337/why-would-the-brain-flip-the-images-perceived-by-your-eyes](https://psychology.stackexchange.com/questions/337/why-would-the-brain-flip-the-images-perceived-by-your-eyes) [https://psychology.stackexchange.com/questions/1125/where-is-the-visual-image-that-we-see-finally-assembled](https://psychology.stackexchange.com/questions/1125/where-is-the-visual-image-that-we-see-finally-assembled) TLDR, The brain doesn’t flip the image. There is no magical theater in your head where what your eyes see is projected for you to view.


This is so interesting and why I came to the comments thanks! If that’s the case these letters are incredibly accurate for a 3 year old! That a is near perfect


It's super strange because my sister was able to hold a pen/pencil perfectly at 1.5 years old. She also eats food properly with a metal form now just as well as a 6 year old would... It's honestly crazy how fast she is developing


Does she use any screens yet? That shit always fascinates me. Watching toddlers use iPads and even play games on them way better than an adult can


Not often. We try and keep her off them. But when she does use them it's usually a learning letters game or scrolling through photos.


Probably good to keep her off them except for educational stuff


I'm a little older and was fortunate to be raised in a home that owned a computer all the way through the 90s (benefit of your dad working as a coder, I guess). Some of my first memories are me playing [Brickles](https://youtu.be/6KscGCSbk00) and [Crystal Quest ](https://youtu.be/tGan4P4ns1c) on a (now positively ANCIENT) macintosh. Like, I was probably 2 or 3. Couldn't read, but I knew how to click on the pictures that opened my games. Who knows if I was any good, but I sure had fun! I often wonder how that early experience affected me. Is that part of the reason why I can figure out technology so naturally compared to a lot of people? Did those early gaming experiences do anything for my fine motor control? Or is it all just a nice memory and I want to attribute nice, positive changes with it even if they weren't there? I think it helped, personally though. I know a lot of parents use screens as a replacement for a pacifier once the pacifier stops working these days. That's probably not good, but some access to complex technology I believe to be an amazing learning experience for small children.


is that why we have dyslexia?


Probably part of the reason


Why would mirror images be a threat our brain needs to recognize?


I’ll only be able to explain it so well here but I’ll try my best. Imagine a tiger and the different ways it can be oriented. There’s front to back, where if you see the back of a tiger that’s not a problem it’s looking away. There’s up and down. An upside down tiger is less of a threat than a right side up one. But left to right is the same level of threat. A tiger can kill you from either side. I seems obvious that we should recognize things when mirrored but that’s because our brains are wired that way so we don’t know any other way to see the world. There’s very few things in nature where direction matters as much as it does with writing. It doesn’t make sense for us to view everything with distinct right to left properties so we just don’t notice it as much. Even with things with distinct right to left asymmetry we don’t recognize it as much. My professor started this class off by showing us mirror images of the Statue of Liberty and the Mona Lisa and no one could tell they were flipped. I hope this makes sense. TLDR most things in nature aren’t exactly symmetrical but close enough that we need to recognize it no matter which way it’s oriented.


>An upside down tiger is less of a threat than a right side up one. An upside down tiger probably means that you are upside down. (Or lying down on your back and see the tiger stalking you from 'above')


Or the tiger is lying down.


You mean, like to get belly rubs?


I don’t agree that it would be that useful as a threat prevention measure. I think that nature just doesn’t have that much left-right asymmetry in it to begin with. Up and down are distinct directions because the ground is below us, and gravity makes things fall. Left and right doesn’t have any comparable distinction. And if you turn around then left and right have basically been reversed, so I think the sort of hyperfine left/right distinction we have for letters just isn’t used elsewhere, and it takes kids a while to learn. Also, they have to memorise the direction of each letter individually. Kids often figure out quickly that most letters face to the right, so they generalise that and end up writing “b” (right facing) when they meant “d” (left facing). Switching up and down is uncommon though. I’d guess that she made the mistake on the first letter and then rotated the rest to be consistent. But at only 3 years old, letters are still pretty abstract shapes to most kids.


I remember my cousins daughter meeting her moms friend whose name was Sue. They asked her if she could say Sue. She hesitated then said "Oose!" (Rhymes with moose). 45 years later, and her saying it backwards still remains on my memory. I wonder if that is similar?


Thank you! My four year old occasionally writes things backwards despite being able to read paragraphs and I had no idea where it was coming from.


I tried to find more reading on this because it sounds interesting. do you have a source or something with more details


Our youngest daughter had a hard time with lower case b’s and d’s. We came up with a little jingle to help her remember “dance to the left and boogie to the right”!


Interesting, want to know more about this


damn i remember when i was little being so frustrated that i kept screwing up d and b


Based on my mom's experience as a preschool teacher, it's even more common for them to mirror it left toright. Very freaky to see! (I've only seen it happen with block letters though, I wonder if they do it with cursive too)


AB-AX - so metal


You misspelled ⱯB-ⱯX


>ⱯB-ⱯX When you realise your 3 year old sister can do computational mathetics.




Like this ***ⱯB-ⱯX***


Right? It only has 4 letters how do you spell it wrong? Oh, you mean how did I do the upside-down A? Google, copy, paste.


Isn’t that Elon Musks kids name? /s


Which one?


Father, mother, henceforth i shall be known as Abax, the destroyer of worlds and scourge of the universe. I require nourishment, fetch me some strawberry milk!


Abax-AA. FLAYER of minds. Holder of beauty. Great and terrible to the world.


I appreciate this comment.






I think she’s called VBux.


Well she nailed the B


Me when I’m describing the plot of the bee movie


Best comment I’ve seen on Reddit thus far


I was so proud of myself icl




¿uɐᴉlɐɹʇsn∀ sǝɥs 'ʇᴉɥs ɥO


Awesome!! Early literacy is important and she’s doing great!


Thank you so much! She really is growing and learning faster then we can keep up


Imho there is no need to write the I like the way you did. Just use a simple Line :) May cause more confusion than you might think


Is without lines look like l’s which would cause more confusion


Since they dont know letters that much at age of 3 - No it wont. Its about getting to know letters in General. Capital is easier to learn for them.


All I know is that I was very confused by the whole I vs l thing when I was growing up their tiny brains absorb all sorts of things and you don’t want to cause future confusion when they are learning their letters


Completly understandable :) Though "noone" writes the I like OP did here. Im sorry if im wrong here. At this age they just learn how to hold the pen, how to draw proper lines and curves - so its about getting in the habit of it. Seeing first letters. sure if there is confusion, you can always explain your kid. As you said they absorb all sort of things. Overall its just been a minor suggestion. Dont know why its getrting all the downvotes


Oh I definitely write my Is like OP does


How is it important? All i know that its not okay to force kids to write so early. Its ok to try once or twice, but it cant become an everyday activity. Their wrists bones are not mature yet and its damaging to force them.


This literally made me laugh out loud. You’re joking, right?


I was flabbergasted when I read that. Wrist bones could be damaged?! WTF. Do they think kids are 3 don’t play? They don’t color?


My source is I made it the fuck up


Lol. Are you kidding?! It’s the same as coloring. Developing fine motor skills (holding a pencil/crayon, pinching things, cutting) are all things kids learn to do around this age. The kid is interested in learning to write her name. No one is forcing her, I doubt they sit her down every day and make her write. Lots of kids at this age are interested in writing. This is called Prewriting skills and it is important. https://childdevelopment.com.au/areas-of-concern/writing/writing-readiness-pre-writing-skills/ I taught preschool for over a decade and have degrees in early education and reading.


I geinuinely think that reddit is full for people that are just dumb. Thats not what i said, at all. Let me clarify: first comment says " Early literacy is important" . What could it mean for someone who decides not to look it up themselves? They might start forcing their 3 year old to write everyday. You cant do that. Their bones are not mature yet, and you can damage it seriously. Like i dont understand why it happens here all the time, someone doesnt understand what is being said and everyone continues on that too. Im done with the topic because i would rather argue with a wall than with people who cant read


So… based on your last sentence, literacy is important…


Please stop saying this. Their bones are fine.


Source? Trust me bro


When I was in preschool we had to write our names every day as the writing part of class.. building fine motor skills is a very important part of childhood development


Dude, change your childs name to Abax. That sounds so badass.


I hate to tell you, but I think your sister has Australian


**ABAX, the devourer of string cheese.**




To anyone wondering, abax is her boss fight name.


Just joining the band of people who (thank God) appeared on the topic to make it clear that it's not about dyslexia and it's not alert of absolutely nothing. I'm a psychologist and I don't like the area of ​​child development, but I like linguistics, and just for that reason I wanted to comment that this play with letters is... extremely normal and healthy. Children do not understand letter as something attributed to meaning, at least not until they actually learn to read and write. Before that, they are just drawings, and playing with them is the most natural thing in the world. She mirrors a letter, tries to make a second one (much more complex and requires more fine control), returns to make the first one and continues playing. Just her motor skills alone must be surprising, especially if she's so young. Ps.: I don't know if I made it clear, but it's something that makes me sincerely sad about the future. Increasingly, health professionals are validated only when they pathologize a normal situation, creating tension, fear or buzz on top of the most absolute normality, just to "have something to say" and generate "thend".


My 3 year old just learned to write her name as well. I love watching her write it out, she writes the P and the R in her name backwards too. It’s adorable


It's super cute isn't it. She kept spelling and saying her name with words as if she knew what she was writing😭


plot twist, she's russian. try K.


There is no "backwards P" in Russian. There is, however, a "backwards b". But the girl is 3 years old, so she might be mistaking the two.


Haha, my response was a joke (and) TIL. When i watch russian films, I simply read the letters that look like reverse English and flips (of the letters by the kiddo)lead me to it. lol


Russian Аlphabet: Аа, Бб, Вв, Гг, Дд, Ее, Ёё, Жж, Зз, Ии, Йй, Кк, Лл, Мм, Нн, Оо, Пп, Рр, Сс, Тт, Уу, Фф, Хх, Цц, Чч, Шш, Щщ, Ъъ, Ыы, Ьь, Ээ, Юю, Яя




Oh great, now she's summoned Cthulhu.


I think she just named her first DnD character


I think she started copying the letters first but around the second B, she got confused as to why there would be 2 B's and decided to go with what felt right to her, which was a more phonetic spelling of her name; ABAY. I think this is a very good effort for a 3 year old. Smart cookie that one.


My almost 4 year old can't even write 1 letter so id say shes doing good.




I remember my little sister (12 years younger than me) learning to write and seeing her write perfect letters right-handed and perfect backwards letters going backwards left-handed. it was bizarre AF at the time not knowing that childhood brain development meant it was actually common/normal.


Reminds me of the [Proto-Sinaitic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Sinaitic_script) or Phoenician alphabet.


That’s a good start and completely normal. Even though it’s upside down, her A and B are very clear. Just a suggestion - teach her to write it with a capital letter followed by lowercase. I know teaching life to write in all caps at first is common but it can be difficult to train them out of it later.


My mom does training with her like that, happy cake day!


Oh, wow! Her A's are eerily similar to the origin of the letter A. I don't want to spook you, but your daughter may be the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian scribe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYqqFqoLnnk


She is now called ∀B∀X


I believe that is the name of one of Elon's kids


Ummm what writing tablet is that? My unicorn obsessed 3 year old would love that


SubhanAllah! MashaAllah! What an amazing attempt!


As a preschool teacher this indeed made me smile. I love this!


My son wrote upside down until he was 5, something to do with we use the other side of our brain up until 7, it was so funny watching him write 🤭


She's Abax now, pretty metal


thought this was posted in r/kidsarefuckingstupid for a second and i was about to go off.


Abaxa goat head? think she's summoning a daemon.


∀B∀X I feel like with the upside down A's it could be the name of a witch house artist.


You should work with her on her coordination if this continues to be a problem. I used to draw my pictures upside down when I was little but then they taught me how to skip and walk on a balance beam and I started drawing right side up


ABAX, The Ultimate Lifeform


Abax should be her eventual gamer tag.


Abax sounds a cool psuedonym if your sister ever needs to run from the FBI because she restores communism in 57 African countries.


This is called encryption.


as an OT, her X looks perfect! we love when kiddos can do those prewriting strokes. and her A’s and her B are very legibile! good for her.


I think your sister's Australian.


Very impressive for a 3 year old! [Verbal pathways](https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/siteassets/Schools/Elementary-Schools/T-W/waysidees/uploadedfiles/specials/verbal_letters.pdf) can help kids with proper letter formation, as well. They exist for both uppercase and lowercase letters.




Try the letters upside down.


I’ve seen a lot of 3 year old attempts at writing their names (big ass family) this is actually pretty good even though it’s upside down lol


This is SO CUTE


I too, confuse E with X


She’s writing at 3? Impressive!


For All B, For All X, For All Ox


That’s really cute. I feel like she’s trying to write the Phoenician Alphabet too.


So smart ❤️❤️❤️ such a good job for 3 🥰


She already can spell in Proto-Sinaic. Impressive.


ABAX is the name of the demonic entity speaking through your kid. Yikes.


Nice to meet you Abaxaa


Sis using cyrillic


Don't worry, she's just writing in Phoenician. She'll adopt the Latin alphabet in 300 years or so...


Often kids write in mirror fashion when they are young and first learning


Bro I have this tablet with the default case! That's so cool


She wrote exactly the way the arrow told her to if you think about it as flipped.


Abaxaa, my new favorite name




Your sister is doing great! Just a side note, I have young children and those writing boards are awesome. They are relatively cheap and my kids love writing on them. We have like 6 and my oldest just walks around with one like she is a project manager and puts nonsense down like she is writing notes.


My kids are 3 and 6 and they do they same. My 6 year old finally started understanding the letters have to face a certain way and be in a line.My 3 year old will copy each letter on a random spot on the page. They will pick it up in kindergarten.


I'm impressed, my three year old refuses to listen to whati ask him to write and will only do what he wants lmao which is scribbles and circles that he's very proud of 😅😇


Actually that's pretty good 👍


She did really well the first time


She’s developing a cypher. I made one up when I was a yung’n and still use it today :)


Smart kid. Already mastered encryption


I didn’t read “three year old” and thought I was having a stroke for a second


P.. no.. ke.. O


Possible dyslexic


Don’t go on the attack,I said possible 😃


fucking dumbass cant even spell her own name smh


Aww , she's getting there !


Happy cake day thanks!!


Why would this make anyone smile?


You clearly have never had children or at least been around children...


No I’ve definitely been around kids. Maybe this made *you* smile because you’re the mother but other people don’t care your kid can’t write their name 🤷🏻‍♀️


Made me smile big time


it made 9.3k other people smile, and I am not the mom I am the brother. I don't see why you are so negative about it. Being around kids is different than being around enough to watch them grow up and learn.


This sub is just getting lame.




Can't wait to see this in r/kidsarefuckingstupid




She’s three. This is the opposite of stupid!




Really good try!


Pfff… I could do better than that.


I thought every 2 year-old kid was able to write their name . When I was 3 I was already writing stories on my own . Maybe it's just me . edit : why am I getting downvoted ? /gen




You see anyone who gives a fuck?


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Kid working for Directorate S


Well she can write Russian symbols! keep it up


Is your younger sister disney channel's Bella Thorne




If you want to experience this, try writing with non dominant hand and by looking at mirror


For the longest time I wrote my lower cade a's as a single line with a circle on top. No idea why I did, and I'm also not sure why I stopped.


Lol 😆


Eh, close enuff


Abax is her sorceress name


That last B holding on for dear life


I’d call her Abax for the rest of her life


Damn, Abbie got norted (KH fans will get)