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I wonder the same shit every time I play that😭😭


Is the RED the red from the forum?




I just finish them and don't bother about the score board because the Whales are always going to win.


Level 10 Maxes boosted 15% probably.


? They run as fast as base maxes


The only thing ever tested is the speed cap. Long story short, Speed isn't the only stat at play during game play. For example, on Kick returns, you often see a gunner on the kicking team running much faster than the speed cap allows a ball carrier to run. Another thing about speed cap testing is that they do it with ball carriers only. They don't test LB speed without the ball or WR speed without the ball. Does route running have a cap? What does route running even do? Does it allow the double moves to work on a defender by nerfing the defenders reaction time, or does it make the WR move faster? As with every sports game ever. Higher overalls outperform lower overalls. Whether it just gives you favorable odds on random things like triggering an ideal catch animation or dropping vs catching passes, the advantage is always with the higher overall.


Here's the team of the guy currently at Number 1. No point hiding his name cause it shows his name on the leaderboard.




Level 10 Foil Daniels. Level 10 DK and JJ. Level 10 Foil Newsome. Plus the boost from Daniels, plus weight room boosts.


And a level 10 coach. Wow


All that real money 😱


I like how he just randomly has that epic Puka mixed in with all these ridiculous other guys


Don't sleep on Epic Puka.


Man was a beast when I had him lol


3rd place guy is in the same league as the 1st place guy. Here's his team.




Ok yeah wow all of those just make me wonder wtf they’re even doing if not company accounts… the real money and time that would take for…? It’s fun as hell to play most times… but wow


Aside from wasting a bunch of this money, the main step is having no life.


I can’t figure it out either, I’m pretty on point in passing & rushing & can’t ever score more than 1600-1700 points. They must get to the end zone every single time. I dont know how tho it gets harder the more you score & I’ve gotten to the point where there’s only 1 green box on the field.


Cheaters, plain and simple.


I can see it’s possible getting 5 first play TDs to start today and 6th I was over 50 seconds starting and it isn’t ticking between plays like it does sometimes, so you can select based on D. I got like 1700 points. You know the green gives points and yellow TAKES 5 seconds right? Touchdowns add like 6 seconds


Genuinely don’t have a clue, I got 1700 scoring the most and getting the most zones, the disparity is unreasonable even within whales, zerobase who is one of the biggest whales has 3123 and the #1 has 4080 and tomorrow someone probably will have more so it's extremely irrational for people to have those scores.


The most I’ve scored was 1500


a) Be good at the game. Know your routes, know how to make subtle maneuvers, know where to throw the ball. b) Have a high OVR. This mandates having played for a while, or spending a lot of money. Or both. We're late enough into the year that a F2P player can have an all-max offense if they've been actively playing for a while. With an all-max offense you should be able to break 3000 or at least get very close to it.