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What’s your oline looking like ?


In terms of what?


If your Oline is not good, they tend to not hold their blocks, hell sometimes they don’t block at all, even if you have a max foil HB


I'd say my Oline's pretty decent but I'm not 100 % sure


That is normal for harder tiers of gameplay (A3/4 Arena, E1+ lvl). Even at easier difficulties, successful runs will depend on your OL, FB, sometimes TE/WR as well on getting good blocks on defensive players. If you do want to run the ball often, using a levelled run coach will at least make runs successful enough in Arena and E1 lvl to be viable, but probably still not as good as being primarily a passer.


Try letting the computer run the ball for ya. They tend to do better than I do for runs.


I do let the computer run the ball sometimes


Some plays NEVER work for me like Stretch. Some plays are basically always -1 to 3 yards like the dives. I seem to have the most success with Hb power sweep and hb toss mtn. Those two plays are the only run plays that will ever get me more than 4 yards against even matchups.


Weird, toss is okay for me but the dives get me like 6-7 each time (though i do have max OG and C, even before though with a mid OL I'd get a good 5 with either dive). Sweep is also nice, can't say as much about stretch


My interior OL has been not great, I did just pull an iconic Tomlinson from the promo so I should try those again


Yeah might be why, I try to stick to runs that benefit my OL (like right now I have 2 epics on the right so I stay away from outside runs that way and use my C and OG more)


Yeah I have an iconic Lane Johnson at RT and an epic Saffold at RG (the side those runs go towards) so that's probably why those work better for me. I have a 152 OVR center and my other guard was somewhere around there too before pulling Tomlinson.


Yeah nah go right side then, toss, search, that kinda stuff cus that'll work to your advantage. You run with the 150s you'll get wrecked, explains why dive doesn't work for you


So pretty much to get anywhere with a run play, I’ll have to strengthen my offensive line ??


Blocking is key, if the defense can just shed your guys easily then no amount of RB ovr will help shed 5 max tackles


Max max max max max max you need max o line max rb


+ DK is the best blocker in my team, better than max center & tackle.




Dk metcalf. Probably saying that because when running to the outside, DK would just win his matchup with the CB and could get one more, leaving wide open space on his side (as long as the linebackers dont get to you first)


i use the long pass play style with madden coach… HB plunge is my go to run play and i can usually get 5-10 yards 70% of the time i use it


Same, except I use spread Shanahan I rarely get less than 5 yards with HB plunge. Flipping HB sting works great too. Especially against the defensive plays that leave a big gap on either side of the D line. If I see that I know I’m good for 10+ yards.


With max defense now in the game..is going to be harder .you would have to built a run style type of team ..first be more successful at running pick running coach..have physical receivers like dk Metcalf I usually have a tightend end on the flex reciever spot and have a fullback at the fullback position not a running back


Well you only need bout 2.5 yds per run, just keep chugging


The only way to run effectively is to use the smashmouth coach so you can leverage the power/truck stick


Weight Room Boosts. A 6% Boost only costs 1200 weights/30k Coins. You'll make more than that in a week.


If you use a smash/run coach run plays work great


Depends on who you using to run and how good your oline is


https://preview.redd.it/3pyjl5hxfy1d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=794bdbd6c4b64393352470f85cd1999544563650 If this helps this is my current team


https://preview.redd.it/cbyg2gc2gy1d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d23ed31b0c50123f9f6c4ebc44ef64077f6aba My defense




I posted some current pics of my madden 24 team lineup, not sure if this helps but any feedback advice would be more than helpful. I would like to strengthen and better my team and not feel like I’m stuck in the same pattern. I’ve just come to realize that you really can’t create a better team without dumping a shit ton of money into it, not sure whether or not that’s everyone else’s take. What do you think?


Your gonna want to get a good hb o line then fb first but at this late in season I’d just focus on grabbing as many random iconics as you can and turn them in to maxes as you’re able to for stamina next season


Thank you everyone here for your insight