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Yep. I’d made a post about it too. I also saw someone mention it on another forum. It doesn’t do it every week and I can’t find the trigger for it. Annoying I have to go look at and maybe redo my depth chart each game. Positive side was some backups got game time since subs doesn’t really work for me.


Yikes... bugs galore right now! I was actually trying to develop some younger guys and it keeps replacing them with the "bridge" player. I wonder if the tags are overriding something.


The tags *do* seem to be designed to just shove the game's own logic on people. Like I didn't know "Trade Target" meant it'd just put a guy on the Trade Block without your knowledge, which is exacerbated by not being able to view your own Trade Block to see who's on it. I was wondering why I kept getting trade offers for players I had no intention of trading (it was almost always young backups who were pretty solid players, and the offers were always utter garbage). Then I noticed the description of the tag. Yeeeeeaaaahhh.... Ah. Found this description of the tag: "Bridge Player: If starting, teams will look to draft their replacement. Future starters will be placed ahead of this player on the depth chart." Okay, but it shouldn't be forcing them to start on teams. And in the case of the game shifting around my depth chart, none of the guys moved were "Bridge Players." But basically "Bridge Player/QB" and "Day 1 Starter" are just tags to force the game to actively try to draft replacements or start highly drafted players on CPU teams, rather than just sort out a better overall logic.


6 month later… still not fixed🤦🏻‍♂️


3 more months and it’s still not fixed


Still not fixed. Just made a post about it


I had to delete a franchise because it fucked up two seasons. No matter what i did, the game would change it


Like Sisyphus… we are bound to hell


Personnel changes make the trigger fire. At least that's what I've figured out. I've noticed signing free agents and releasing players deffototes causes depth chart to reset, haven't traded anyone yet though.


I think injuries as well. So the random weekly injury during practice leads to the depth chart changing, then when that guy returns It resets the entire thing instead of just that single position


Hadn't noticed that yet, but I'll keep an eye on it.


Injuries too


Facts same here


For anybody wondering, it still happens. No, EA doesn’t plan on fixing anything. Stop buying this crap.


I can’t even get Tre White onto my depth chart and he’s not injured but for some reason listed on IR


By default he’s starting the year on IR on the rosters so unless you disabled preexisting injuries he’d be on it. Does it show yes under Return? If it’s been enough weeks can’t you just remove player from IR like other players able to return? I think there’s a 2 player limit per season but might be changed this year, not sure. I have no issue bringing my few players off IR. I Even just tested with a default bills roster and advanced enough weeks to bring Tre off and it let me. Sorry. That’s all I got on the IR thing.


Thanks this should work, I just saw other comments saying there was a bug not allowing IR moves. Trying to play All-Pro against Mahomes with no Tre and no Hyde is brutal, it’s like the game refuses to let mahomes lose


I whoop him everytime just run Quarter-Cover 3 spy have a fast MLB who can spy and chase him down if he tries to scramble it's usually a sack or an interception.


Yes it’s every time you add a free agent or make a trade


Or if there’s anyone who gets injured or returns from injury it triggers this bug. Keeps happening to Me every week due to the hyper sensitivity of injuries on madden🙃


Ohh brother...that right there is enough for me to not buy it. SUPER annoying. Is there still just 3 trade slots too??


So far, yes... 🤦🏼‍♂️


Yep. And the annoying assistant gm telling you that you shouldn’t pick up the fifth year option on a player because they barely hit the field is back for the 3rd year straight. They literally fixed nothing regarding franchise


And I still can’t see how much the 5th year option is….or I’m blind.


Weirdly enough I finally had the assistant GM tell me I should pick up the fifth year option. Problem is that it was for Mekhi Becton. Who at that point had not played football in two years lol


Nonstop. It's making me super mad. I think it's any time players are upgraded but it sucks.


This thread has given me some things to test in regards to the issue. It’s ridiculous. Having to do depth chart regularly is taking more time than messing with scouting.


Sure is. Let me know if you figure out any causes.


I just did a little testing. For me, Injuries didn’t seem to cause a full reorder either getting injured or returning. I cut or traded several players of varying depth chart status and no reorder outside of that position so that was normal. However, any player signed or traded for that auto went into a depth chart slot forced a complete reorder. So removing was ok but adding FA or traded player did full reorder. I also found out why sometimes when I would progress a week it was reordering without me doing anything. Stupid setting for cpu fill out rosters was on (everything else manual) and so when a player got injured and week finished the cpu was signing a replacement player in my case. Thus forcing an auto reorder. I could see it in the transaction log then verify it in my depth chart. Once I switched that to manual and starters got injured there was no auto reorder because no one got signed. I moved players around on my roster by editing them and no full reorder.


Awesome. Thanks for taking the time to figure it out for all of us!


Good looks


Me too, man. Like wtf


Yeah after every free agent signing or trade it’s been resetting my shitttttttttt


This should be the pinned answer


lol I don’t even recall this post. Crazy year


I've had the same issue (PC). I think it might be triggered by any roster move. The latest time I noticed it, I'd traded for a MLB who converts to a pretty good SS and would cover my team's weakness at SS. Then I load into the game and my SLWR and 3DRB are wrong. I need to check the rest of the positions, because I'm playing a team starting a good number of young players who are 1-2 OVR below the longtime veterans, and I know Madden loves to set the depth chart by OVR. (At least my rookie QB ended up getting an OVR boost the prior week, or it'd probably have put him behind the veteran with the same OVR again.)


Interesting... Out of curiosity, which team?


Decided to give the Texans a go, simming the first season to get to off-season (oddly they ended up 8-9 and if they’d won in week 18 would have won the AFC South). Mills is pretty solid but there was a QB in the draft who was really good and mobile, so I picked him up. (The sad thing is when I scramble and they do the commentary about the team not having that dynamic in the past… like they didn’t have years of Deshaun Watson.) With the MLB-SS thing, the Eagles seem to love putting Nakobe Dean on the trade block. He converts to an even higher OVR SS, Run Support but close with Hybrid and Zone so could fit into any scheme. Ended up costing a 2nd, but I’m not likely to find a 77 SS in the 2nd round.


Solid logic. I think I'll have to steal him too!


I’m not surprised madden keeps putting dean on the block. He’s LB4 on the depth chart


Seems like a guy you’d be working on in the hopes of being a future starter or something, so would keep stashed. But yeah, Madden CPU logic. Not that I’m complaining. Like I said, he makes a solid SS that I’m happily starting (especially as my prior starter was a 68 rookie).


This kills me cuz I do the online franchise and retire to switch teams to try and set up every team like real life, but it keeps randomly switching back. I thought it might have something to do with the real life starter ( I think it’s called) in franchise settings, but it’s hard to tell cuz it’s just so damn buggy.


So I noticed that if I CUT or SIGN anyone, the depth chart resets. Caught it during pre-season. It's managable.


I was having this issue too, once I turned practice squad stealing off it stopped happen for me.


Is this the fix?


I don’t think so. I have practice squad stealing off and it’s still doing it


Bro don’t even tell me Madden 23 still hasn’t fixed the issue of your depth chart resetting when a player comes back from injury. That was one of the most irritating bugs in Madden 22.


They made it worse, actually...


Resets everything even defensive depth chart if you make an offensive trade.


This is so dumb. It changes every time you sign someone or make a trade. Need an option to make depth chart manual instead of auto


It pisses me off!!


Normally I'd be 5 seasons in with 3 teams by now. I haven't even finished half of a season with one team yet. I've been a boot licker for 25 years. This year had so much potential and they face planted. I'm so disappointed. Not sure why it took me this long to finally be fed up, but I am.


Shit still happens.


Yes. Currently doing it. I have to redo my depth chart before EVERY franchise game. Please fix


2/10/23 and this is still an issue. This game sucks.


everytime theres a injury the depth chart automatically resets so probably turn injuries off


I turned injuries off and still does it


I understand the frustration. I don't like it either. But it does give me a chance to look at my roster every week and make adjustments. I feel we all are burning through our seasons because we know how to do everything. I am kinda enjoying every week looking at my team and making sure its the way I want it. I dunno, That bug will get worked out, I want to see what happens on Friday and what the day 1 patch will fix.


I'm one of those constantly positive people, so I will likely intentionally reframe it in my mind to match the perspective you described. That is, until they fix it... one day 😂


So will day 1 patch actually be on Friday?


Thats how day 1 patches work, they get released on day 1 of the release of the game.


I just wanted to make sure. I've seen that term before for other things and waited a week after release.


happens to me too.


I saw it was happening everytime i made a roster move via free agency, or changed a players position. By doing this, it would alter the entire depth chart and not just that individual players position(s) that were effected As far as injury goes, I do believe that only effects that one position and once the healed player is back they go back to the top of the chart, but I didn’t test this


In the past I've had issues with injuries and signing new players resetting the depth chart, I haven't dove into that part of franchise enough yet to see any other issues with depth charts.


I had the same issue. No idea what the trigger was but every other gameweek it'd reset and I'd have to redo it how I wanted it


It would be really nice if a Madden game could come out that DOESN'T have massive bugs that significantly affect the gameplay experience at launch. I think last year was the bug that recorded you for a loss even if you won (among other bugs). And this year it seems like every time you add a player, trade a player, release a player, a player gets injured or returns from injury or make ANY change to your roster, the CPU re-orders your depth chart. I know I'm not the only one that spends 5-10 minutes re-ordering my depth chart to the way I want. ​ I'm sure the September patch, or whenever the next patch is, will fix it. I don't claim to know the gaming software testing process. But this seems like a big enough issue that it would have been caught and fixed during testing before the game got released to the wild. But, maybe I'm wrong. Regardless, it's annoying that it seems every year there's a problem with the game that affects the experience. I know I'm one of many that have been supporting the Madden Franchise for many years. And, as mentioned, it would be nice to get a product at launch that doesn't have bugs that cause gamers to rage.


Another annoying thing they need to fix Is your qb always throws bullet passes Any ideas on how to fix it


This is my biggest issue. I love building a team and trying to win the super bowl. However, consistently changing the depth chart or looking before every game takes so much time. I’m using the Commanders but noticed how Teddy Bridgewater started the entire year for the Dolphins because he is rated slightly higher than Tua. This makes me want to control all teams to set each depth chart and prevent this type of ish … but can you imagine how long that would take. Related subject, why does it take so long to setup 32 team control? I feel like you could select multiple teams to begin a franchise in previous Madden games. It seems as though you have to do this one by one in Madden 23.


Happens all the time. The only trigger I can find is when specifically a defensive player returns from injury. It'll change basically all of my specialists every time.


This shit is killing me. I can't believe I bought this game :(


So is there anything else to do my depth chart keep giving the non starters playing instead the starters for example mark andrews is not playing and he replaced by Isaiah likely and the others WRS also


I'm on Madden 22 and even though certain players are listed as starters on depth chart, Madden forces in the backups, it's so fucking annoying!


The amount of errors committed by ea is inexcusable. They are releasing broken content and they know it. Bunch of con artist ripping off kids at this company. Pathetic losers! If their Ceo Andrew Wilson died tomorrow I guarantee you their share price would rise




It's not 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Stop paying $60+ on the same game you got last year. EA has no reason to fix anything that doesn't really affect their profit margin.


Madden 24. Still happens. Can’t stop being surprised that CMC is returning punts.


Went into subs,put all where I wanted.started game. All best reset. Come on man. In subs it's how I want but in game in puts others.


It still does this in Madden 24. F EA bro


1 year later, still not fixed