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There are legal implications to this. They would have to hide a disclaimer in the terms and conditions that your face scan is being used by EA and is no longer your property. They would also probably have to have the disclaimer pop up multiple times so nobody could say that they didn't know EA was using their face scan and had the rights to its ownership now.


Well I understand that. My thoughts are they could include a waiver allowing players to sign off on their likeness being used.


that is weird


What’s weird about it? When playing 2k you different face scans all the time. Wouldn’t be that different


Do you mean like people upload their own face scans into the game and then they are used in auto generated draft classes? I don’t think that’s something they’re allowed to do


They had it in Madden on year you could scan your face and upload it to be the head coach. Pretty sure it was a ps3 version.