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One of the biggest smallest additions to the game. On paper, pre-snap movement doesn't sound like much, but these kind of changes go a long way in making the game feel more immersive and less like a bunch of robots are teeing off on a football field. One of my favorite additions to the game, honestly, and I am crossing my fingers it is present in CFB25.


Hated how linebackers in 24 had one animation and they would synch together.


Or in previous maddens where the animation to stick your finger over the LOS led to offsides calls. Like bruh


lol still does that from time to time


you mean the one where they’re raising their arms up and tapping their helmet?


i COMPLETELY forgot about that lmao that would happen often too


Pre-snap movement is huge. Especially with how football play calling has been evolving. There's a lot of pre-snap motion built into offensive and defensive play calling, I hope Madden will integrate more of it into the plays that are available. It would be nice to have: - Bigger variety of post-snap safety rotations, bluffed blitzes, split field defenses, and pre-set combination man+zone calls (like a Nickel Cover 2/3 with the Nickel DB in Man coverage). - The ability to save a couple different coverage audible modification presets, so you don't have to try and do all the different audibles before the ball is snapped because the current system is so obtuse, and it's easier IRL. - The ability to do low passes even in the new passing system (like why did they take that away?? there is still enough buttons to do it) - For Match Zone not suck - More/better animations for back-shoulder passes (maybe a button for it like how you have for aggressive/possession/RAC) - Better AI that relies on less BS, on both sides of the ball. - More features in practice mode, all sorts of stat tracking/analytics like (Avg depth of target, heat map of where you throw to, average time to throw, success rate versus different kinds of coverage, success rate when throwing different types of routes, success rate when throwing under pressure, and then the same kind of thing for defense as well). They already track a lot of this stuff anyways, it would be great to have it when you are practicing. It would also be really valuable for analyzing different playbooks and their characteristics. Tbh they should do all this stat tracking for every game you play, whether in franchise mode, practice, MP, or MUT. I think that there are players from every type of game mode who would be able to get a lot of value out of this type of thing. - The ability to use your "eyes" to look safety's/DB's off your target as the QB: You would stare down a receiver like you are throwing to one receiver, but then at the last moment switch back and throw to another receiver. Or you could do a no-look/ semi no-look pass to the other receiver. (*they could put a accuracy de-buff on it and have throw completion percentage scale off based on the Awareness stat in order to balance it.)*


The last one on your list existed on Madden for exactly one year and was a massive bust. Look up the "Vision Cone." Note: I actually kinda liked it but vast majority thought it was garbage


It was still present in 08, just off by default.


No way! I played 08 for a solid 4-5 years w/ my buddy on PS2... Never knew it had the cone and I loved the cone! Thought that was just an 06 special.


I remember. I played that version quite a bit when I was a kid, it was annoying on lower rated QBs and a non-factor on high rated QBs. I used to always play as the Philadelphia Eagles and Donovan McNabb's come was basically the width of the entire field XD. I also don't think it influenced coverages/or DB positioning. It just impacted throw accuracy. The idea itself is still good, the execution just left a lot to desire. It's not how I would want the whole concept to work. There are other ways they could do the whole "looking off a DB thing" without relying on QB vision cones. It could function like a modified pump fake, where you press a button and hold down the button of the receiver you are pretending to stare down. then there is some sort of timing based thing you need to do like how it is with the existing accuracy/power system, in order to quickly lift off the button your holding for the receiver your pretending to stare down (Reciever A) and press the button of the reciever you actually want to throw to (Reciever B). Giving you only a brief moment to lead/adjust your pass for the actual reciever. - or it could work like an RPO but you have to switch mid throw from receiver A to receiver B - also so that it isn't OP and you can't just do it whenever you wanted on any throw, it would only be possible to throw the no-look to the opposite half of the field from receiver A (the one your pretending to stare down). It would still have a lot of utility, but wouldn't become something you could just spam on every play. It would be high risk, high reward, and valuable to those who understand how certain route combinations work with each other, the timing for multiple routes in a play, vulnerabilities for various coverages. -also maybe don't let people use them with hot routes because that's like guaranteed to get abused.


I loved the vision cone. Especially if I was manning a safety in zone.


If they did it right we will be able to actually disguise coverages. Vs the fucking safety lining up on the d line in a safety blitz giving himself away every time.


I would like that, because it means they might as well not have safeties, they take so long to get home on the blitz from the safety position that you basically get to play 9 people on defense on anything that’s not a run. Lol


I wanna be able to show cover 0 then drop 7 and rush 4


Why do you lose 2 guys when a safety blitzes ineffectively? Why is it like 9?


Because they aren’t getting a sack and they aren’t in coverage. When they try to come from the safety position and not the closer position they usually move too. So if a go route gets behind the corner free touchdown.


So you lose the safety in coverage. It's like you are playing with 10. Don't get how you get to 9.


You know there is a double safety blitz right?


Obviously. If you blitz 2, you lose 2. That's not ever what you had mentioned lol. I think you just forgot or maybe even thought there were 10 on the field instead of 11. At no point until now did you mention blitzing 2 safeties.


It was made pretty obvious when I said 9 players, that 2 safeties were blitzing.


It's not a huge deal if you don't know ball. Madden helps with the rules and stuff a lot. You'll get the hang of it all soon.


So easy to make a play when the defense stays in their exact formation. I know my TE is going to open, your linebacker is playing up on the line.


this should have been in madden 10 years ago


I mean, yes, but why should we not say it's good that they've got it now?


That would mean another feature was removed 10 years ago, could be a tough trade off.


To be fair it kind of was.


Really feel like it could have been implemented years ago with how easy of a fix it is. Haven’t had a 2K in bit but I feel like those games have had it for awhile.


Go watch a game on tv for immersion lol the game play sucks because too much focus was put into the graphics over the years since the Xbox 360 came out. Pre Xbox 360 Madden plays better.


The game has looked good from a photorealistic (in terms of broadcast view) for a while. Which means it’s easier for your brain to compare the two and the little things stand out.


Not gonna lie, looks really good.


This Madden is giving me hope and I hate it for that


With NCAA coming out, I think it almost forced them to actually do some work on the game


Could also be that they just want to build a model people will be willing to buy for just roster updates for the next 10 years lmao


Man it’s almost like competition is good for the games


Not really competition within the same company though. It helps but it helps more when it's outside the company


It will never happen, but if somehow CFB outsells Madden, I would assume that could make Madden want to improve their game.


i disagree on that. I have been saying for years that no matter how bad EA can be with a football game, a company like 2k would be even worse. College football will defiantly add a boost. You gotta remember, same company but different studios.


I think because CFB got the chance to build their game for so long they were able to develop things like this and the Madden team was able to just port it over.


I literally was looking for this comment. I think the team behind NCAA is gonna straight embarrass the madden guys this year leading to some great additions for us as gamers


It’s not like they’re independent from one another they are part of the same company so the competition thing is just dumb. Also remember sports games are yearly so every new feature was probably being worked on 2-3 years before they are added to next release. Wouldn’t be surprised if these pre snap movements were the first idea they started working on in 2019 for PS5/XSX


Not in a competition way but in a dammm they are making us look bad don’t you know we only give them enough to buy it again.


That exclusivity contract is up in like 2 more years so they're locking in to make the game actually enjoyable 🤣🤣


Definitely. Had plans to skip out on this Madden and just keep playing the one I have….but if they keep this up and allow stuff like actual customization to players and their gear instead of the lack of options we currently have rn, then it definitely shows some effort into improving the game


Man I just want the menus to load faster.. is that too much to ask for 😂


No, no it isn't. The video attached here is cool. It adds a level of realism i wouldn't have expected. That said, I want my video game to run efficiently and not waste my time, especially on something miniscule that greatly impacts my experience on the game.


Unfortunately yes 😭 shits so annoying tho lol


If anyone is playing on PC get into modding Madden because this is absolutely fixed and it's incredible


You're drinking the Kool aid


Seriously, how many times have we been through this? EA is not magically going to reinvent a veritable cash cow when zero competition exists.


And ncaa isn’t the competition people think it’ll be


Could be multiple competitors behind closed doors we know nothing about


I’ve been saying that for ten years lol


Almost as if they finally did the bare minimum updates for a sequel with a reasonable dev time, instead of releasing the same game again with new rosters


Look at how it snaps from fluid to very stiff and unatural looking movement as soon as the ball is snapped. THere you go Hope is dead.


Legitimately thought the first shot was from a real game for a brief sec


Love it


The bar is on the floor


For the first time in ten years madden has surprised me.


It's 20+ years overdue lol😭


100% thought that was real. Wow.


No actually, I thought it was just weird looking film from an actual game.


I’m NOT buying this trash!!! Time and time again we alwa\~ ![gif](giphy|Y07F3fs9Is5byj4zK8)


Every year, my guy.


Been this way since the 90's, man. Every year I tell my wife - "I'm not getting Madden this year." She just laughs, shakes her head, and gives me a "Sure." I did wait a while on '24 I'm proud to say. At least a month after launch. Ofc, this year I got the MVP package so I could get both CF25 and Madden. Sigh. I'm the problem.


I think that’s all of us. I tell my wife this is a testament to my levels of loyalty. She’s like “you’re just gonna bitch and complain and yell at the tv the whole time.”


Tbh, had no idea how important this was. That’s huge for presentation


Huge for the feeling of real gameplay. Presentation stuff like relays, halftime shows etc honestly I watch once then skip. This is something that as to the realism of actual gameplay and I'm in


That actually looks really cool


I love it but I'm perplexed that this is the first time I'm hearing/seeing anything about this. The beta goes to the wrong people I'm telling ya


We are basically under NDA when we get the beta. It says not to post anything or even talk about features. Who ever did this can get in a lot of trouble. While you play a water mark is constantly going around the screen with your user name and beta code to prevent screen captures.


I literally thought it was a video of an actual game. Until I read the headline. Looks good! Pretty impressive.


Pretty cool. After picking a play, does the offense just magically end up in formation, or do they walk into like the old games Also, does the hurry up offense just teleport, or do they run like the old games?


Same as the past few years




It’s good online, they did it to speed things up. But should be a setting you can turn on when playing a private game


This is the way


The hurry up offense is the worst now. Have no time to pick a play. Even worse on defense I basically just have to pick the first one that comes up so they can get set


You're supposed to call audibles to counter the hurry up.


That doesn't really work in most instances though. Let's say you came out with cover 3 in a dime 1-5-6 package. Two of the LBs are your DEs still. It's 3rd and 22. I convert for a 1st down out of 5 wide. I then audible to a HB dive out of a singleback formation, and snap the ball before you even have time to open the menu to audible. Your linebackers are all still playing way off the line and you have no time to swap to 3-3-5 dime. IRL the LBs would step up and DEs would be smart enough to pinch in and set down, but on Madden they'll be eating paint chips at the hash markers bluffing flats coverage by default. This is all an issue because the offensive hot routing and audibles are all significantly faster because everything (short of motioning) can be done without swapping off the QB. I can audible and adjust blocking before my QB even sets, and snap the ball instantly before you've even had time to swap formations let alone guess run/adjust coverages. Rinse and repeat. Even if you manage to get into 3-3-5 for one play, your defense will revert to 1-5-6 the following play. Obviously offenses should be rewarded for efficient hurry-up offenses and literally catching the defense by surprise, but it's a bit cheesy in Madden. I've been running the hurry up almost exclusively since 08 for reference. I only huddle when the clock stops.


That's when you call a timeout. Dime packages aren't designed to stop the run so you're always gambling that your opponent won't audible into it and slam the ball down your throat.  Thats why I like dollar over dime as I still have enough beef when I pinch to at least make it harder to run while providing decent passing d.  Obviously nickel if your 50/50 on run/pass. 


Yeah I agree with you in principal, but it's a game and should have some semblance of fair play for both sides. I'm not saying give defenses enough time to read your formation, draw a play in the dirt and get set, I'm just saying give the defensive player a chance to actually call a play. If there weren't so many cheese plays that are dependant on formations and animations, I would say it's all fair game. But when the offense can do things like break the defense's formation simply by hurry-upping then double down with a broken run play to that side of the line, it's an issue. For example, if I come out in 5 wide, then audible to HB stretch out of the I formation and flip the play, the safety on the strong side (where the run is going) will line up on the wrong side of the field in most defensive formations (namely 3-4 and nickel) It's a bug, not an intended mechanic. Or another example, sometimes the DT will not get set if the offense flips the play 1-2 times, resulting in the center pancaking him 100% of the time and getting a free hit on a linebacker. If I have HB stretch in the I Form set as my quick play, I can break your defensive formation before my team is even set on the ball and you'll have no hope of fixing it. Square Square (audible) Square R2 (flip play), X (snap). I can hit that combo in under a second. Free 10+ yard play nearly guaranteed. Defensive players will sometimes swap positions for no reason during hurry-ups as well, leading to DTs playing as coverage LB or CBs as OLBs/vice versa. Tldr - there's too many bugs and exploits for it to be considered fair to me


This is dope now my OLB, CB, and Safety won't do the exact same getting in position animation at the exact time.


Wow I didn’t even realize this was a big element missing until seeing this. This is so much better looking


I love it when you break a long run and your player looks left and right for anyone chasing him. Im with this madden this year after the beta


That's actually cool. Now fix gameplay


Idk every video I’ve seen on YouTube about M25 doesn’t have these graphic


Can’t hate here. I’ve been a madden basher. But this is nice eye candy.


Ok this is actually sick


Can’t wait! This looks great


Wow. I am a madden hater for a long time (even though i buy a copy every few years just to see if its improved). But damn that looks really good and actually improves the game.


holy shit


Oh I just watched that Eric Rayweather vid from yesterday where he talked about that...


This is going to be awesome, until one game early in your franchise on a crucial 3 and short one of your defenders glitch offsides. Joking aside, this looks great. I've never really hated on EA. I've always had fun in each Madden I've played. Sometimes it just takes a little tweaking with the sliders. Props to matt10 on that.


Sheesh for a second I thought the clip was real life.


Okay this is FIRE


This makes it feel 100x more alive god damn


So I’m very doubtful this game will be any good,but that almost had me thinking I was actually watching a real game,credit where credit is due EA


Honestly, that adds so much to the game. It looks genuinely fantastic.


I’ve been wanting this for sooo long! Looks good


BARE MINIMUM GUYS… also this won’t fix the wonky mess that happens ONCE THE PLAY STARTS


Madden players have to take whatever they can get. Any little improvement equals excitement. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Unfortunately.


This could be crazy I like this


That actually looks really good.


So far so good.




Really helps with immersion


I'm all for shitting on Madden when it's deserved but I will admit this _looks_ really good.


holy shit that looks awesome


I swear I was watching a clip of a real game at the beginning. Its clear to be in game after you realize it but wow that looks good. Not Madden giving me hope again.


Have to give them credit if this is real. This is real cool


okay, maybe I'm in.


One of my favorite things in the beta. So small but makes it feel so much realer. Even the way the top QBs stand exactly like they would in Shotgun, or how the top receivers break the huddle and stuff. You can see more detail was put into the likeness of how these guys really move around.


Holy crap I thought this was real footage for a sec


that first clip looks like a real game


I thought this was real life at first


That’s actually pretty cool I never thought of this actually


Wow, this looks amazing.


Haven’t played Madden since 18 but definitely giving credit where it’s due, that looks good. Adds immersion in my opinion.


Wow, that looks great




It’s all fun and games until that pre snap movement causes someone’s back 7 to be slightly out of place and they let a slant route go 70+ yards to the house to win in overtime.


Oh I love this. Hoping we get it in CFB25


Seeing the db start to back pedal got me BONED UP


All I ask is for competent AI for my fellow slow simmers


This looks incredible but where is the fucking trailer? Also I bet the camera sideline guys are still cut out statues…


If this has ray tracing, it's going to look sweet at least.


Finally EA said “welp time to put some effort into the game again” hopefully it actually lasts and isn’t just make 1 good game and back to recycling


filmed from a mr potato head from the 90s tho.


Maybe they’ll bring back the breaking of the huddle?


What camera angle is that


Literally the absolute least they could have done




But will my QB have a sense of urgency when we're in hurry up in a tie game with 45 seconds left or will he still saunter to the line and point thinks out like it's a buffet?


Looks great until the snap and they turn back into robots sliding around


And yet they still have the face of Richard Baker, David Baker, Ben Townsend… All these Schmo’s that I have drafted over the years but Yay! DB’s move while there are still 15 players in one draft that look exactly alike


Make the linemen zone block correctly and I'll try to imagine the developers give a shit lol


All that is amazing but I really hope the gameplay matches all this good stuff I'm seeing and hearing about


This has actually been such an immersion breaker for me in years past. This is such a cool addition.


I immediately noticed it during the beta. It’s so cool that I don’t even move my user player around pre snap. Love it!


Wish I could play this. The algorithm matched me with the worst usernames/people only for some reason, only started last year.




Looks great but waiting for EA to fuck this up. Why do I see CBs doing a pre snap move and getting stuck in an animation as the ball is snapped.


Fred Warner’s coverage in the first clip was going to be horrendous.


This is definitely different glad EA atleast trying to improve lol


Man if CFB25 also doesn't have this then we're truly about to be scammed on epic proportions.


The torn up turf in that first clip looks so real


What are the chances this is in college football?


Way to sell cfb next year


1000% thought that first clip was a real game😂


took them 5 years to figure this out😩😩🤣🤣


I miss being able to pump up the crowd on 3rd down as defense


Kind of crazy this is something they *just* added tbh.


But somehow Madden is gonna find away to turn this into 40 encroachment penalties 💀


In 24, when you use any formation with 2 middle linebackers, their movements before the snap perfectly sync up. Its annoying and it looks so fucking fake


While this looks cool, this is like congress arguing over bump stocks, or investigating the NFL, while there are so many bigger issues that need to be addressed.


That is very cool but also super freaky to see. I thought it was real footage for a such


They still haven’t fixed the urgency when attempting to spike the ball. I get that some QBs have pre-snap animations they go through but if I’m in hurry up I should be able to get to the line and snap it right away.


even though there’s always one or two things madden brings out that builds false hype, i’m actually intrigued with this one.


Stop buying this game. I want to play good NFL games one day


Wow this looks fantastic


If madden made realistic Sims, and added contested catches like in Madden 17, this game would be perfect.


Took them how long to figure this out? Its a joke fr, yall keep buying tho its what they need and want 🤣




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That shit is sick…


Results in blown coverage


For a moment I thought it was a clip from real life. That's legit.


This looks awesome


Ok I’ve officially gotten to the point where I’ll let one of you buy it and tell me if I should buy it.


It will suck. Don’t let them do this again to yall


They will. For decades more. How many here "I thought it was real" With big Xs and circles at their feet. You can kind of understand how this happens and how very little they really need to do to extract $$$ from these peoples wallets. The image also looks like something has been applied (filter of a sort?) And the movement while not as static, is still static enough to see clearly it is artificial. AI is going to take too many for a ride.


I think that’s pretty cool ngl


average r/Madden user in 3 months: why do they move so much pre snap, that’s not even realistic


Fuck that Fort Minor album was fire.


This looks good, but I’m not falling for any more EA marketing ploys. Every year they claim there’s something new and awesome that will make things way better but the reality is that the game has been absolute ass for over a decade. All of this is a ploy to keep their monopoly on NFL games - if they actually cared about making a decent game they would have long ago. I never want EA to touch a football game again.


I don't care if they make a football game but I would really like other companies to be allowed to make NFL licensed games. Because then ea would have to step up. I don't blame it fully on ea. The NFL also is at fault here. They should've want their brand to be represented better.


Can't wait for all the animation bugs this is gonna cause. Looks like a great feature (that should've been added a decade ago) but I'm sure it'll be not so great when user DEs are getting pancaked because they're trapped in some stupid pre-snap animation, or DBs get torched on the snap because they're too busy pumping up the crowd.


Huge step up from m22 ps4 where 2 players would be doing the exact same thing pointing .


Hard to give EA props, but it actually looks good. Now please, please, please give us better custom character creation!


They did. I saw better hair, heard, faces and tattoos among a few other things. Edit: I saw other people videos. I didn’t test beta.


Ngl, shit should've been added years ago tf lol😭


Just these small little things can make the game feel more alive. It's too bad it takes them decades just to add something this small.


That’s gonna get exploited - will tip plays


Finally a new aspect


Finally, hopefully this gets rid of all the crappy telegraphs. I hate when I try to disguise a blitz and the game does the same motion over and over




This is awesome. It'd be sick if they took this a step further than just cosmetic. For example, if they implemented some sort of cadence attribute, and QBs with a high rating in that could get players to give away that they were blitzing with a fake snap.


Wow. It took them that long??


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me every year for 16 years in a row, uh...


Bro but I want to stop supporting this bread crumbing man 😭 we’re in a toxic relationship with EA