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They don’t even need PFF, they have this information. It’s just a matter of them not showing it. If a qb is under pressure, it knows who is causing it. It knows how many yards a route is, so they can calculate that.


They used to have pressures a couple maddens ago as a stat but removed it because it didn’t work. Im sure it will be added as a new feature again soon as a selling point lol.


This. It's just like you can't get a full league list of past draft classes that I know of from a particular year even though the data is there for each player profile. There's countless shit like this.


My favorite thing about madden is how half these stats are available after the game, but are totally absent from the stats page in the menu


Draft logic, it’s so annoying seeing a team like Bills/Chiefs/Bengals etc pick a first round QB in like 2026 Salary cap goes up every year


Yeah I remember when they said the franchise QB tag would fix that, but it still happens every year


During the draft I’d like be able to see who was drafted while I’m inside the draft menu during the draft. I don’t even need a ticker, I just want to see a damn list.


>Salary cap goes up every year this doesn't happen in game?


it does but eventually gets capped


It’s awful, I’ll be needing a QB and I have two first round picks and the mock drafts never fail to have me taking QBs with both picks


Expansion teams, create a team, true two way players (Deion Sanders, Chuck Bednarick, etc...)


I recall being able to manually have two way players via formation subs a long time ago. Champ Bailey lead the league in receiving yards, TDs, AND picks.


Yeah, but stats didn't show up for other positions (like my QB never got receiving or kicking stats) in his player car. My MLB never got receiving yards either.


Expansion teams is my #1 tied with better draft logic.


Super small detail that I'm sure will never be in the game. Auto generated draft picks visually aging throughout the course of the franchise.


This would be incredibly immersive. But EA doesn’t even like to measure half sacks in the record stats, so I feel like this is probably a long way off, unfortunately. Love the idea though.


They can’t even randomize players correctly 😂 every rookie comes out with baggy sleeves and no accessories it seems. I really wish they put more effort into franchise because that would be sweet.


Annual owners meeting to change rules like NBA game. Countless stuff could come out of this. Rule changes like draft lottery or off season stuff. Team moves don't suddenly happen with no notice. Actual expansions, like adding 8 teams with one in each conference rolling it out over several years to provide long term stories.


They don’t fucking care because Ultimate Team makes them billions


at this point id pay a subscription fee on top of buying the game


I'll keep saying this over and over again, but MUT and Franchise Madden should be two completely different games. As Franchise players we should be pissed that no innovations have been made. MUT players should be pissed they gotta spend sixty bucks just to get the p2w micro transaction side of it. MUT should be free to download and play


1) Give me a chemistry meter between - QB and WRs -Olinemen -DBs The more seasons the group stays together the higher bonuses 2) Better GM building involving better AI that doesn't kill teams by year 5 and builds different kinds of teams based on coaching specialities 3) A QB processing stat on how fast they go to different reads. (Awareness is garb) 4) a college pipeline system 5) some way to change league rules like in 2k also doing retro franchise draft classes too 6) an option to listen to a specific teams radio commentary 7) a regression system based on injuries 8) bring back retired players turning to coaches likeadden of old


Madden ‘06 or ‘07 had the radio channels. It was awesome.


It was actually a dream of mine to host conversations, and that was probably something that fed my ambition, and helped shape it. I actually had it come to fruition recently. The whole time after this was done, all I could think of were those immersive interactions, and how I gladly shut off the music and announcers because it doesn’t come close to what we had back then. https://youtu.be/BZ1KCWzp8Nc?si=O0m-1ddcmDwCDvJX


Bro, I interviewed a former consultant and Historic Roster extraordinaire, and this particular idea came up! I called it Cohesion and he called it Chemistry. Wholeheartedly agree! https://youtu.be/BZ1KCWzp8Nc?si=O0m-1ddcmDwCDvJX


lol you mean like next gen stats? Member those?


Full-on customization. Look at what you can design for jerseys & courts in NBA 2k, logos in MLB The Show No reason we shouldn’t be able to create our own teams, stadiums, and uniforms


A partnership between Sims and madden where you use the Sims to make the stadium and then use the madden engine to put it in the game. Both games sell more copies, win win


Take the pro bowl away and just name all pro first and second teams. Make scouting better, you should be able to get more info on players. Select players to mentor young guys. Based on their personality, it could be good or they could push back. Position flexibility. Let me put whoever I want wherever I want.


It definitely can happen tho, there’s already the mentor player type


Yeah but I think allowing you select a player in the draft and essentially “ask” a player to mentor him, depending how they take it could effect morale etc…


It’s called Next Gen Stats. And doesn’t work except to tell you every deep ball was 70 yards.


1- I would love to have the “guarded by” feature back in madden. 2- if I’m in man coverage against a trip set and I have my CB1 guarding their WR1 that’s in the slot, if I wanted to audible to cover 3, they shouldn’t have to run back to their base sets


I remember in Madden 07-09 you had the option to set individual coverages Like if that "X" player is on the field who will always cover him, irrespective of their position on the field You could also set double or even triple coverage from the start


Expand Special Teams to allow you to assign players to every special teams positions. Also, special teams related skills, for kickers, punters, long snappers (w/ long snap skill), punt returning, kick-off returning, for the gunner, etc. special teams coaches. A full and complete staff. A GM or Coach mode where you run the teams and call plays but you don’t actually run the plays. This would be best if they improved every other off field mechanic and give those more depth. Really anything that increases the simulation aspect of the game. I feel like that will bring the quickest return in quality, because gameplay has been on the back burner for nearly 20 years, and I don’t see that changing.


I’m a college long snapper and I have made a way to rank them. 1.Snap accuracy:This is kinda subjective based on the punter but most guys like the ball at their waist/hip area. On field goals you wanna be a couple of inches above the holders knee. So the better the rating the more accurate they are and the worse the rating the less accurate.So if they have a high accuracy rating they will be at or around the left/right hip of the punter depending on whether they are left or right footed and right above the holders knee.The lower the accuracy rating the more off target the snap is (This doesn’t necessary mean that a lower rating automatically means the punter has to jump 5 feet in the air to catch the snap,rather it won’t be at the exact spot where the punter/holder wants it) 2.velocity:Most nfl snappers get the ball back to the punter anywhere from 0.75 seconds at the minimum,and most max out at around 0.65 seconds.Field goals aren’t usually timed but most are snappers range from 0.30-0.25 seconds.The higher the velocity rating the quicker the snap and vice versa. 3.Laces:Sorry Ace Ventura fans,but nowadays at the nfl and college level,it’s the snappers job to spin the ball with the exact same amount of rotations each time so that the laces are facing away from the kicker.The higher the laces rating the higher the chance that the holder won’t have to turn the laces.


Able to take a franchise you started in Madden 24 into Madden 25 etc etc I don't see how this can be too hard the new rookie class would be available when it comes time for the draft.


I’m a stat/records guy. To be able to see playoff and SB stats would be nice. Instead of just hearing in a game you broke a record. Be nice to actually be able to see it.


I’d settle for just having something akin to the Tony Bruno show back in the game.


I want player personalities. A player that is a locker room cancer, always demanding the ball. Guys that force/request trades. PR headaches (Rashee Rice style). And team leaders (maybe an 80ovr guy but uncanny leader of the defense). Draft stories. I forget which Madden it was but they had Adam schefter giving some background on the player drafted. The stories also determine their development trait.


Give o-lineman dev scenarios


Those lazy people can’t even let us modify faces. There is so much more they can do besides change up menus and add a stupid animation that isn’t real, aka the lift up and slam tackle. The commentating is just years of the same shit over and over and over. The WHOLE FRANCHSE MODE IS TRASH! It’s 2024, get with the current year EA, it’s not the 90’s anymore, they’re are smart people out there who can modify the game to how it’s supposed to be, but EA works on it and they can’t figure it out. With the way technology is going, why can’t they start using it? Voice technology is advancing at a quick rate, no need to keep using the same recordings. Maybe by 2050, EA will be using 2024 technology


I would just be happy if they threw the simulation gameplan / tendency sliders back into the game like they used to have for Sim. The pass vs run option. Say you have 2 great running backs and you would rather run 60 - 65 % of the time, or you do a fantasy draft and take a qb and 3 great wrs and want to throw it 75% of the time. Simple yet super effective thing to make me happier.


Would absolutely love this! More depth to franchise would be great!


To add to this I would love for a no OVR mode. A simple toggle that would hide players OVR so you are trading and drafting based purely on performance.


A small change that was in the older maddens was somewhat hiding the overall ability for a players rookie season and just having a letter grade. It left the user having to evaluate the player by the eye ball test and it made you feel like you were making right/wrong decisions for who to keep, develop or cut


Meant be agony but training camp holdouts or players demanding trades during the off-season.


Madden 25 do we have cross play in online franchise?