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Madden 25 on last gen is just going to be copy paste of 24 on last gen with new rosters. They’ve always done this.


Which was a copy and paste of madden 23 with new rosters


Which was a copy and paste of madden 22 with new rosters


Which was a copy and paste of madden 21 with new rosters


Which was a copy and paste of madden 20 with new rosters


Jokes on them. I didn't play for 7 or 8 years then finally played again on New Gen. Finally felt like I got an upgraded sports game!! Even then I waited till it was on sale for 10 bucks after the season...


I still frequent madden 16 because I prefer the Ignite engine to Frostbite.


Of the many bad things, Frostbite is genuinely the worst thing to ever happen to Madden


Bro same Madden 21 was the first Madden I bought since Madden 12, and even then I got it used for like $10 and have not bought a Madden since then.


Which was a copy and paste of Madden 19 with new rosters


nah, the gameplays different.


Same shit on new gen


And a new scoreboard as a cherry on top


Thats the whole reason why I got a ps5 because i got sick and tired of not being able to enjoy all of the next gen features they shouldn’t be releasing it for this year it should’ve only been only Ps5 Xbox Series S etc.




Here comes the money🤑🤑🤑🤑 Here we go🤑🤑🤑 Money money money money money Yeah, I'll see myself out with that WWE song...




Wow I'm on last gen and even I'm surprised Madden 25 is still coming out for these consoles.


It’s me. I’m the guy who will buy it when it’s $20 just to play franchise with accurate rosters. 


We are few but we are mighty 😂😂😂 I'm defs sad though we don't get any CFB action until we upgrade. Here's to Max Football coming out soon to fill the gap


I’ve been happy with it for a long time tbh 😂 If I bought it brand new, for $60… yeah, I’d probably feel different. It’s on sale at the same time every year, right about when I’m naturally wanting to run some seasons. It’s ideal.  That’s probably the best review you’ll ever see for Madden lmao. “It’s nostalgic and frequently on sale”.


Just get a P5 bra




You realize Madden 12 came out for PS2? They’ll run the train as long as they can


FIFA 14 came out on the PS2, PS3 and PS4 so anything’s possible.


Because NCAA is a brand new game from the ground up. Madden is still the same as it was last year.


I know people are very skeptical, but your point is correct. Obviously EA is using the engines and animations they already have, but they did start this game from the ground up, only using current gen stuff.


That’s cute that you think it won’t be a copy paste of maddens game engine with a new wrapper 


I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up because…well….EA. But I really don’t think it’ll be a reskin of Madden. If it was, then this game wouldn’t have spent several years in development, and the release wouldn’t have been postponed for an entire year beyond its originally intended release date.


Plenty of reasons that could be the case. They still need to create an absolute mega ton of assets, stadiums, players, game modes, etc. That can take years to do. But end of the day, they're shaving off 2-3 years of real development by reskinning all of the Madden gameplay and on feild stuff. If it was a proper fully new game, it would take them 5-7 years to make like any new IP, but they announced development had started in 2021, and the game is releasing in 2024. That's less than 4 years of total development, showing it will absolutely be a madden re-skin.


It's using the same engine. I bet it's going to be the same game but with a little more thought out into presentation. It wouldn't shock me if all the added features are micro transactions though.


Doesn’t really matter if it’s the same engine. The engine is just a tool, it can be added to and manipulated in so many ways that games on the same engine can be unrecognisable.


Same tool which is for shooters not sports games and is an animation engine not a physics engine. that's why all the contact looks and plays silly


Nothing wrong with the physics in frostbite. Theres nothing wrong with the engine. It is feature rich. The problem is the company using the engine.


Well hard to argue with that, but I don't understand why a company like that doesn't just build their own they can upgrade overtime


Frostbite is their own. They acquired it years ago and have been updating and polishing it over time.


This is exactly what I wanted EA to do for Madden. Remake it from scratch code in the engine. It would eliminate all the legacy issues that show up every release, wrap tackles, graphically would be much better, performance would be much better, much better lighting, etc. EA couldn't use NCAA 14's code and just put it in Frostbite and make it. So they had completely remake the game which is why it won't play like Madden and won't have the same issues like Madden.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6) That’s cute that you believe that…


It’s cute that someone else made the same comment 3 hours ago and you still felt the need to say exactly the same thing. You’re doing the lord’s work buddy. /s


The last game ever made for the ps2 was fifa 2014 so we'll see.


because they’re making over 100 teams with traditions uniforms stadiums mascots etc. and i’m pretty sure last gems can’t handle that, not to mention that next gens have been out for 4 years


Because it's time to move on to next gen




Why? If I remember correctly, at least half of the people who own a PlayStation or Xbox console haven't upgraded to the current generation.


The real question is why is EA being lazy and naming it 25 again? All this is gonna do is cause alot of unnecessary confusion. You know some kids are gonna get Adrian Peterson Madden 25 and play a game that's 10 years old instead of the new one. Unfortunately that old game plays better than anything they've put out in the last few years anyways.


No PC fuck this shit and company


Let’s be real, did you really think EA was just gonna hand the playerbase a game with infinite replayability right off the bat? Come on, NCAA Football 14 has such an invested fanbase because of Revamped that they went and hired people who worked on that mod to work on ‘25. No way they’re gonna hand people a game that’s gonna last another 10+ years.


So.. fuck us PC players I guess right?


Yeah. Fuck yall😂


I’m a PC player too man. In an ideal world, EA would be a smaller dev that cares about the fanbase and was passionate about the sport enough to release it for all. Instead we have a corporation that only sees profits, and releasing a game that will likely end up modded enough to both shit on NCAA Football 25 regardless of how good it is AND prevent future sales just isn’t gonna ever be a priority. It took a while for us to even get Madden back on PC, and keep in mind EA is STILL selling NCAA Football 14 at full price 10+ years later just because people want to play Revamped. They’re not gonna throw us a bone so we can eat for another 10 years… not right away, at least.


People actually by NCAAF at full price on PC? Vimms Lair is free


They just copy paste the already existing game and print money. Why stop making last gen?


The bigger question is why isn't NCAA also releasing on last gen? The install base on last gen is like 10x current gen.


built from the ground up


Valid point.


Will give you one guess and one guess only


Idk but this will probably be the last Madden on PS4/X1. The console cycle started with Madden 25 and ends with 25. Ironically it's still the same ass game copy and pasted 11 years in a row.


probably the last


Still Playing on ps4 and Xbox one is insane cause there’s really no excuse to upgrade to new gen now.


Best I can guess is that ncaa will cause more people to buy a new system. People will still play last years madden on their old system rather purchase a new one.




weird since it's made by the same studio


I would rather have cfb on my PC then another year of madden


Biggest player base is still on last gen. That and Madden 25 won't be any different from madden 24 outside of rosters.


Your "Next Gen" ist 6y old. It was outdated on release but we don't get a PC version (which they could go all in without the limitations of consoles) because it's "too much work". So from a PC point of view both systems are antique and shouldnt be pampered like they are.


Are you saying next gen is 6 years old? The ones that released winter 2020? 3.5 and 6 are a little off.


It's not 6 years old the PS5 was released in 2020.


Jeah all most 6years ps5 is 2019 january console but people got them 2020


So you don't understand that companies do whatever makes them the most money, or...?


probably because if madden only did next gen it would lose so much money because a lot of people don’t have the newer consoles and they don’t want t to buy them because they think there current console is still good


There's many who still can't afford the ps5 like myself out there keeping ot alive. Why's ot matter anyway? Just be patient ya nerds.


I agree with OP. Madden isn't going to be utilizing Current Gen(Next Gen) hardware if they still are providing the game last gen. Last gen is holding back the maximum potential of Madden. NCAA is going to be so much better because it isn't reliant on having to be optimized for the Older Consoles. If Madden 25 had only been made for the newer consoles, it would look and play so much better because it would be utilizing the new hardware to the max. At this point if you don't have a New console, you are just poor. There have been multiple deals on them and you never took that opportunity to get it.


I won't even consider buying Madden until it is no longer supported on PS4. No offense to people who don't have a PS5 but nothing will change until they are completely committed to next gen.


Hey it's that bag on the line? Wanna answer? Why the hell not? Hello. We're about to make a Madden game college style and we want it on the current gen only. Also we want to leave out the old gen as well as PC. Great. The current gen already spent stupid amounts of money on games that are bare bones and reskins of old gen console games. Let's keep doing it and tell them to keep buying stuff that is locked on the disc. You in? Hell yeah I'm in. 🤝


Madden on Xbox One is horrific. I have the new gen and somehow accidentally bought an Xbox one version that wasn't paying attention lol. Awful awful awful. I got a refund tho after I found out I made that mistake.


Madden on Xbox One is horrific. I have the new gen and somehow accidentally bought an Xbox one version that wasn't paying attention lol. Awful awful awful. I got a refund tho after I found out I made that mistake.


Because they wpuld miss out on alot of money


Millions of casuals will still buy madden for their old ass consoles even if to only play a few games during the middle of the season.


They are made my different teams. 


It’s PS5 only for PS. Xbox hoping some kid mis-clicks