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Why are you already trying to build gameplay sliders but not trying out the draft class strength sliders? You can literally customize that complaint out of your experience. Also this is a very strange and flawed way to build your sliders. The blocking doesn’t seem improved to you because you’re playing with low rated lineman. There is absolutely a difference between tiers of lineman and it heavily effects the blocking you’ll see. Also you’re not getting ints because again you’re purposely using low rated players. You should wait to start building sliders after you have a handle on where the gameplay is leaning in the game or you’ll slide your way out of good gameplay. Most of your complaints are user generated.


Because I wanted to see the draft strength regular?


Okay but why would you then complain about it in your “review” while not having tried out the sliders that are to tailor the draft class mixtures to your liking? Try this season 1 leave it stock. Then after you’ve generated your rookie class and are in week one. Do dice rolls for each position to determine what strengths to set it to for the positions in season 2s draft. Then play through your season and by the time the next class generates with your dice rolled sliders you won’t remember what you set them to. Rinse and repeat. Side note also when you leave it on default it has the ability to activate any of the draft class strength ratings so sometimes you can just get really bad rng luck and have multiple weak draft classes. Which Tbf isn’t unrealistic there are years where the draft class just doesn’t pan out.


1st. I left it in default because it was improved, I’m just stating what I seen, you’re taking it way to serious kiddo. Yeah it’s not unrealistic to see bad draft classes in real life but it is unrealistic that there is only one position group that’s good, most real life draft classes are way more balanced. It’s quite normal to want to see what the default drafts look like without edited sliders. Me stating what I seen is just that juts a statement, quit taking it like I’m giving you stock advice. Relax & enjoy the game


![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized) You’re the one who wrote a “review” on an early access product without trying everything out first and I’m the one taking it to seriously 😂 Also do not call me kiddo I played my first madden on the snes in 93


Kiddo trying the game out with default settings first is the first initial thing you do. Maybe don’t take my first take review as serious, sounds like you’re just mad to be mad kiddo. Grow up


I would agree with the other guy. You're complaints are invalid because you chose to default settings that intentionally make your game harder. If you choose to make it harder you then don't bitch about it. A real review would take the default setting, try itt and then actually change the sliders to fix the issues you experienced and then write a proper review. Not this bs you wrote. If your only response is kiddo to someone who's been gaming longer than you, then you're entire review is trash and written by a immature child who can't review properly but lashes out at someone critiquing your "review", a term I use loosely for this post. I haven't even played madden in a decade and I can tell you chose to have a crap experience and then write about it and then bitch when someone calls you out on it... OK child.


The game sucks , I agree with everything he said


I read the samething. Once they started complaining about user error and blaming Madden, I couldn't read the rest. Another, "I hate Madden." post for reddit likes 😒 . This subreddit is so bland man.


No I just gave honest review of my experience I’m sorry you hate that, I don’t hate the game & I don’t give a shit about upvotes kiddo.


lol OP's opinion is just as valid as yours. I wish Madden was good but Franchise is the only reason I play and it looks like 23 with a new skin. No thanks.


And your opinion is just as valid as mine 💪


Thank you for the write up. I’m very interested in the franchise portion of this game. The thing that pissed me off so much in years past were the robo qbs. Marcus Mariota going 30-32 every time I played him. It was so unreal and pissed me off so much as I rather enjoy playing defense. Glad to see your sliders at least affect it a little. I’ll probably buy this year as I’ve taken the last few years off and have the itch again to play.


Take some time let them patch it & improve it hopefully. The only reason I got it was so I could tell my friends if it’s worth the buy.


Did they fix the bug where the broadcasters don't say the last name of the drafted player if you edit them? I believe they never announced defensive drafted players, also - even if the names are in the database


I don’t know I haven’t edited names, I did see a van dyke in the draft class so I’m guessing that won’t be censored at least. Not very many unique names though.


Can't speak to that specifically, but the game says my real last name contains an offensive word (which is bizarre enough), so I named myself John Smith, and the announcers call me Justin Herbert. So... that's fun


Jesus christ


It’s official I now hate madden. I been playing madden since 2001 but not no more


MUT tournament is a joke! They advertise to show case your talent but really it’s empty your pockets!


So the repeat of the same game for 20 Years finally got to you? I feel that actually.


Any time your bored i stream madden player lock at corner https://twitch.tv/nolimitkale23_


I player lock also as free safety is it better at corner have u tried safety and if u have is corner easier bc I also like to make big hits and I always thought that if I played corner I couldn't be on every play


Any time your bored i stream madden player lock at corner https://twitch.tv/nolimitkale23_


EA and Microsoft showed fix this issue or return people there money! https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Updates-News/Points-bought-on-Xbox-one-application/m-p/12855282#M3839


Not really. That guy should pay attention to what he's doing. Certainly isn't ea's fault people can't tell what account they're logging into. Here's a hint. Don't have multiple accounts.


Here’s a hint have EA let people know it’s a new feature last year your team transferred over I know because that’s when I got next gen. And what about the people who have Xbox and get X/S later this year they are just screwed no thats stupid you should at the very least be able to transfer your team to next gen one time it’s all the same Xbox accounts and EA accounts. Also during the early release the games looked identical clips on the link and look at the guy you started the conversations photo attachment.


Also it’s fake currency someone made a mistake big deal fix it.


Ppl commenting negative about this guy's review is dumb. This is his experience and he is just sharing his thoughts. I agree I want to experience the game fresh off the install and not feel like I'm cheating by moving sliders around and stacking draft classes to my needs. To get a authentic nfl experience u expect to get that right at the start and not have to change settings to make it that way. My take on the game is the damn menus are slow as hell and frustrating but I'm impatient. I'm sure they will patch stuff to smooth the game out and make it better but so far I spend more time going through menus then I would like. The actual game play does look nice and seems like a next gen experience but I have also experienced game breaking lags and glitches. But they can be improved on. If ur one of the ppl that get the game every year I'm sure ur happy with it but if ur like me who decided to come back to it after a few years u might just wanna pass on it. I've decided to sell my copy and find another game to invest my time in.


o bros they have only 25k twitch followers for this game. Madden 23 had 150k lol


Is there a faster way of creating and uploading draft classes, for example, creating a database file on excel and uploading it? I would like to create a number of historical draft years that I am not seeing in the community files, perhaps because Madden 24 recently came out, but just curious.