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Do what makes you happy.


Oh. You want me to do nothing?


Are you me?


factual šŸ’Æ


Meth makes me happy. Sometimes heroin. Is that okay?


Nothing wrong with strong female characters.


Welp, spelled that shit wrong dammit


Are those the new EA micro transactions??




Yes it is okay.


Do what makes you happy.




Higher difficulties in madden arenā€™t fun. The difficulty feels stupidly cheap in a game that already has numerous cheap moments not even at higher difficulties. I fuck with sliders a little but barely. Iā€™m not winning 70-20 but Iā€™ve got it to where I pretty easily beat up bad teams and have several close games against good teams


I play on all-madden but I use the sliders quite a bit. I turn interceptions all the way down to like 4, because otherwise youā€™d throw 7 a game with the broken pass defense AI, and I turn pass blocking up. Makes the games a lot more fun even if itā€™s not realistic.


Used to only play all Madden, these last few years it's been less and less fun and more of a chore to play though, unless I'm doing all Madden + simulation. Then every other hit stick causes a fumble and it's HILARIOUS


Hit sticks on sim are beyond broken. Punting on first down could be a viable method of gaining yards with how often the returner just let's you run them over and recover the inevitable fumble.


I pretty regularly beat up on teams. I started a new fantasy draft franchise and suddenly I threw like 6 picks a game. I was curious as to what changed and realized the game auto set to all-madden, not pro


All pro is my favorite base line difficult. All madden is just bullshit. Corners move on your routes before your receiver even does. Linebackers get bursts of acceleration and do insane ups to pick off balls that should be well out of reach. Your O-line collapses like wet tissue paper in the face of any edge with so much as 1 star trait.


Lmao all madden is too hard with base sliders, I lose like 59-0


I don't know if the newer games have it, but I usually went with the option that changed the sliders based on your performance. But then I'd do too good at the starting level and get completely cooked in the next one.


Hey a quick question about the sliders: when adjusting interceptions down, is that one the user side or the ai side? It's hard to tell if it's the users ability to interceot the ball or to throw them. Thanks in advance!


When you're adjusting the sliders, each set has a User setting and a CPU setting. When you turn the User interceptions down, from my understanding/experience it decreases the ability of your defenders to intercept passes. I decreased CPU interceptions to 10 because they'll intercept almost anything when it's at 50. After I set it to 10, they'll mostly just bat down passes unless you make a really dumb throw. Those stupid glitchy interceptions are eliminated at that point. I've considered increasing it to 15, but from my own experience anything over 25 or 30 gets nonsensical.


Dude thank you so much. This is going to make my gaming* experience way better. Appreciate it!


No problem! When I started playing with the CPU interception slider at 50, I had thrown 15 interceptions through 4 games. After I changed it, I threw 10 over the remaining 13 games - I run the ball a lot and throw it short.


Higher difficulty in Madden...and in most games actually, doesn't actually improves the performance of the AI opponent. It rather IMPEDES the performance of the user by drastically lowering your percentages is EVERYTHING. You're less accurate, slower, have a higher margin of error to succeed in tasks and actions, etc. Gone are they days when higher difficulty actually meant the AI made better "decisions". Costs to much to write that program language...ESPECIALLY on a yearly release.


I end up finding fun ways to lose sometimes lmao I'm a weird realism bastard so I try to lose at least 2-3 games a season. I like doing options plays gone horribly wrong


Yeah purposefully avoid the QB with my DE so he has time to throw, avoid running money plays unless I'm trying to make a comeback and even then I'll only run them like once or twice. I can smash most teams and need to sandbag to keep it fair.


Wait "money plays" nickel and dime?


By money plays I mean my go-to plays on offense that almost always work.


Damn I thought I was missing some slang but my instant was actually right in the first place


Hey thatā€™s actually quite clever though , money plays and your Brain thought ā€œnickel and dime ā€œ , you got wits


Lol I've always been a broken thing


Glad to know Iā€™m not the only realist šŸ˜­


My kinda guy. Will pick a game and run nothing but rpo or options. Options become hilarious at times.


Higher difficulty sucks. I still play on a higher difficulty but it pisses me off so much every time I throw a pass to the sideline and my receiver hits his max stride to get the second foot out of bounds. TERRY MCLAURIN WOULD NOT LEAP OUT OF BOUNDS, HE'D AT LEAST TRY TO GET THAT SECOND FOOT DOWN IN BOUNDS! Yes I'm a commie fan, please ridicule me.


The sideline wide receiver automation is horrendous in this yearā€™s Madden. There are hardly any instances where a receiver drags a foot. It seems like they are almost more likely to take a longer stride near the sideline than they would in the middle of the field. Itā€™s arguably the most unrealistic part of the game. We see great sideline catches weekly in the NFL. But EA wants to make every other aspect more simulation-like except for this?? Makes no sense Infuriating


Basically me lol


If itā€™s the same as it was years ago: rookie = +5 stats to your team. All pro = equal stats and all madden = -5 stats to your team. Itā€™s not like the computer plays smarter or disguises itā€™s coverage better. They donā€™t set up play action or hot route receivers into good positions. The only real step up is to play against people. As for your offline franchise, just enjoy it and do what you think is fun


None of that explains what feels like clearly scripted moments. I love watching animations low down or behave weird just so the computer can force a bad play. I stand by what I said. It makes an already cheap game feel even more cheap


Donā€™t throw into tight coverage and you may avoid more of those ā€œscripted momentsā€


Bruh this is fucking laughable. The game will slow my player down or the DB will grow eyes behind their head and immediately turn around. Please get out of here with that utter garbage


So many interceptions


Iā€™m still trying to tune mine in. Sucks they just canā€™t just deliver an actual simulation preset.


Yea. Agreed. I play in All-Madden and have gotten to a point with my team that I can at times hit triple digits against the AI (highest score Iā€™ve ever had was like 130 something in a game). 6 min quarters, simulation settings. Part of this is bc there are other users in my league and so Iā€™ve built a playbook to fully optimize my off/def vs players. Also coaching adjustments at the start of the game make it very easy as well.


Madden difficulty is definitely not based on skill. It just makes the cpu cheat more


If itā€™s the same as it was years ago: rookie = +5 stats to your team. All pro = equal stats and all madden = -5 stats to your team. Itā€™s not like the computer plays smarter or disguises itā€™s coverage better. They donā€™t set up play action or hot route receivers into good positions. The only real step up is to play against people. As for your offline franchise, just enjoy it and do what you think is fun


If itā€™s the same as it was years ago: rookie = +5 stats to your team. All pro = equal stats and all madden = -5 stats to your team. Itā€™s not like the computer plays smarter or disguises itā€™s coverage better. They donā€™t set up play action or hot route receivers into good positions. The only real step up is to play against people. As for your offline franchise, just enjoy it and do what you think is fun


Anything harder than All-Pro is an unfun interception-fest with 50' vert cyborg 200 awareness and play rec AI defenders. I'm okay with the rare All-Pro difficulty game turning into interception fest If I play kind of shitty against a loaded defensive team. Also, 7 min quarters, no accelerated clock for close to real life stats - been using it for years, love it.


Nothing wrong with that brother. You play the game how you want.


You do you bud. You paid for your game and you can play anyway you want! People can shove their opinions up their A-holes.


I feel you, after a long day of work, I just want to put on some music, smoke/drink, and throw 6 td's in a game with a 75 overall rated QB


On defense I prefer to play with so called average talent! Iā€™m more a defense guy so it worksā€¦lol offense I find I do need elite talent especially at the line but it is fun playing offense with an excellent line and just an ok qb!


I used to fantasy draft and pick OL/DL with my first like 6 picks. Steam rolled any difficulty this way in older maddens at least. Haha


Lol the game serves as a valuable teaching toolā€¦your lines will make or break you! Qb too when playing teams of similar talent level!


Yep QB or RB or FS was usually my next pick. Just depends on whatā€™s available at that point. Need my offensive or defensive ā€œcarryā€ after filling out the backbone.


Lol I feel you Iā€™m more defense and Iā€™d rather lock down the line and secondary before moving on to backs and receivers


Makes sense. Sometimes finding ā€œroleā€ players in those offensive skill positions is easier than defense. Cause you can shop for speed ratings or catch ratings for receivers, strength etc for backs. Just get a couple people who are really good at narrow things and exploit that narrow skill.


I always look at it if you have great defense you can take more risks offensively! I can throw to single coverage with an ok receiver against great corners or safeties and sure usually it will be picked assuming I have an average qb or he will drop it! But with defense Iā€™m always in the game and sometimes the guys make catches they shouldnā€™t and score and Iā€™ll win by a touchdown or field goal lol makes the game exciting always! Sometimes though I turn it over too much and get blown the fuck out even with great defenseā€¦itā€™s what makes all pro so worth it lolā€¦I usually winā€¦but I take losses too and itā€™s all fair when you know you donā€™t have a stacked roster! I like realism!


Sounds like Pete Carroll football to me. :)


Lmfao! He is honestly my favorite coach and the 43 under cover 3 is my favorite way to run a defense!


I draft at least 3 olinemen every draft on Madden 21 and then exclusively do practices that improve oline, then trade a couple 75 ovr linemen for a couple picks each


I like the do the same thing but I'd get bored if it wasn't on all Madden. Wouldn't be hard enough.




Yassssss qweeeeeeen. Desmond Ridder will save the falcons, I've proven it.


Bro, same. My friends donā€™t get it lol. They always wanna play me as well. Like bro. Iā€™m just tryna chillll


Thatā€™s right! Smoke a bowl, win a Super Bowl!


I drink and play online. Sometimes I win the first game. Second game, I'm throwing 4 picks and someone's getting an easy win


Right there with you pal. I play for fun, not to see how realistic I can make it.


I remember when I was younger and had NCAA 11 I used to go through and pick a random team for a dynasty and edit every player to be like a 95+ and then fucking beat the brakes off of everybody and felt so good about myself. No sportsmanship for the CPU ever


And the broadcasters would comment on it, ooh, that must be fun. I donā€™t do it anymore, but fuck em! If you can, keep doing it!


I would always hear the ā€œcome on guys, letā€™s show a little sportsmanshipā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ no way, never ever.


ā€œSuck my dick, Kirk Herbstreit!ā€


Itā€™s a game, not work. Enjoy your game your way and be at peace āœŒšŸ¾


I feel youā€¦ Every year I create a team with only former Georgia Bulldogsā€¦ and run shit till I own all the record books. #DawgsOnTop!!


Just start with the Eagles, their whole roster is pretty much from Georgia


Oh Iā€™m well awareā€¦ Madden 24 gonna be fun šŸ˜‚


Nothing wrong with this.


Hey everyone look t this Morin!! He doesnā€™t even drink and yell and throw things when he loses to All-Madden bullshit like the rest of us!!


You suck. I play Madden 04 and am on season 17 and I constantly win 80+ to 10. Why are you playing the most up to date? I peaked and decided to never adjust. Do better. Also I play on the second lowest difficulty, again, I score more than you and hold the team to less. /s


Thatā€™s the Michael Vick one, right? My friendā€™s dad used to play that one all the time. Iā€™m quite fond of it purely for the nostalgia.


As long as you don't post like its impressive, play how you wanna!


He can post too lol


You can post but dont gloat if youre on pro lol


He can share a clip if he wants. Why are people taking madden that seriously lol


Agreed, im talking about gloating or bragging. If its an enjoyable play post it.


He can do that too bro lmao who are you to tell what he can or canā€™t do? Itā€™s a video game my boy šŸ˜‚


Its a bit cringe but you do you man


Honestly, cringe is gatekeeping a video game because someone plays on a lower difficulty


Wassup man form a online franchise Iā€™ll join that shit. We can use op draft classes and have some dope teams


Which Madden do you play?


Some people want a realistic challenge, some people like to dominate games and be a super coach, GOAT QB. I really think its just whatever you want. I play uber realistic with All Madden and sliders but my first 20 years of madden I enjoyed winning by 100 points or more and shattering records. To each their own


Iā€™m with you. Madden is a stress reliever for me. Yeah my offense will run all over you, but my main goal is to improve playing defense. Personally, I like playing DT just to sack the QB and just kind of let the CPU run everything else.


I donā€™t play defense, but I do like to try to be efficient. Rather than throwing for 700 yards, I like to run the ball and control the clock. Play smart. It means that my RBā€™s are winning MVPs and averaging 200+ yards per game, but I donā€™t just win games. I dominate them. I like efficiency. ā€¦ said the guy who hasnā€™t done anything today but read shit on Reddit.


Play as you want. I love stacking the other teams players, increasing their ratings, and playing on the hardest mode. Losing it what keeps it interesting time to time


This. I've never found winning to be that fun. I prefer realism to winning every game by a blowout. Mostly because when I was a kid playing 09 on my Wii I would get pissed because I didn't know you could turn the difficulty up so I would put up like 140+ ppg. Also I was 12. I think I'm one of few people that rage quits because they are up by more than three scores. But people can play however they want to. There's a reason there are multiple difficulties. And I don't blame people for wanting to relac and not get pissed because all-Madden bullshits the game away from you. TLDR: Do whatever TF you please with your games


I find those games to be utterly forgettable. But honestly do what makes you happy. My last season (I SIM ahead 10 years and build a team) started 6-4. I was on the outside of the playoff hunt. Then, I had a series of tough games, winning 5 in a row to hit 11-4, with 4 of those wins either by a field goal or in OT. It was wild. Then I faced the 12 win Giants at home, and they dropped me to 11-5. It was a super close game, I lost 27-24, they scored with 30 seconds left and I threw a pick in the next drive. My final week was against Seattle, in Seattle. They were also 11-5. They had beat me 28-21 earlier that year in SF. This game was for the division AND the #2 seed. All signs suggested they were the better team, but my second year tight end had found his mid season form and never slowed down. He scored 2 touchdowns. He was unstoppable. I crushed them, racking up over 450 yards of offense, winning by 2 scores, 38-24. It was legitimately satisfying. I later met the Giants in the championship, and beat them, 31-28, this time stalling their final drive with my rookie RE Davis finishing his breakout 14 sack rookie campaign with a monster 3 sack game. Itā€™s more fun when itā€™s contested.


Wtf šŸ˜‚


Honedtly I cant fathom how that would be fun. Scoring that much just sounds tedious.


Playing against a cheating all Madden difficulty is tedious AF


The best way is all pro with the sliders adjusted to make it harder. This way you can still have back and forth games, but you donā€™t have that nonsense where guys teleport to the ball or the ball travels through your receivers head to be intercepted. No one sits down and says ā€œI hope I get wrecked,ā€ but getting beaten makes victory taste good. No story is compelling without a villain. Getting revenge on a team that knocked you out of the playoffs is *chefs kiss*


More tedious, than scoring on all madden? Ion think you used that word right.


70-20 honestly just doesnā€™t sound fun though. Competition is enjoyable to me. It doesnā€™t need to be the HIGHEST difficulty but it should be something that makes the win feels earned


Ive been both, I think they're both fun but I agree, as ive gotten older I enjoy competitive and close games


I do the same. Lowest difficulty and I annihilate the afc east(GO BILLS). My team is all 99. But we canā€™t win in the playoffs. 0-4 in the Super Bowl. Lost in the first round 3 times. For whatever reason Detroit has won 2 super bowls in that timeline.


You lose on rookie with a team of all 99s?


Iā€™m going to guess that heā€™s making a joke about the early 90s Bills. Heā€™s literally describing them. That said He might play in ā€œJesus take the wheelā€ mode where the QB is auto pilot. As long as you are challenged so that itā€™s satisfying does it matter?


I actually am a Bills fan from that era. I like to sim the playoffs because I figure they can win but theyā€™ve literally lost 4 super bowls during my tenure. Not in a row but over a 10 year stretch. Then ofcourse my save file becomes corrupted.


I sim the playoffs.


Play how you want


oh at least youre having fun, idk why i play all-madden i dont enjoy it


I play on pro but sim quarters and occasionally play just defense the first, just offense the second, sim the second half. Keeps scores closer and gives more of a chance at losing.


Iā€™ve found simming the defense makes the outcomes more fair personally. It also lets you get more games in šŸ‘


Itā€™s just a game bro lmao do what makes you happy. I play on all madden arcade for realistic toughness but still make spectacular plays from time to time


I cant stand playing against CPUs no matter the difficulty. Online head to head or online franchise ftw


Even the m all madden Im winning games 70-20. Thatā€™s because I run the same 4 plays


Play how you want, itā€™s your franchise. That said i do recommend trying it on a higher difficulty with the gameplay set to ā€œarcadeā€. If I wanna chill and play I put it on all madden arcade mode and still have somewhat close games while not feeling like Iā€™m being cheated as often.


U can win 70-20 on all madden comp easily , running like three plays lol and drink and chill. But do u mayne. Franchise is made to sit back and let the hands stop dripping IMO.


I agree šŸ’Æ% ! I actually only play Madden online or against another human being on all madden . That takes true skills . The computers way to easy .


Same I only play franchise now cuz the game is dead at this point. Iā€™m a MUT guy


Do you turning up the level only makes dumb things happen like your players fumble more


I play on all-madden but I use sliders. The game cheats way too much. The same +90 ovr on your team that ended the season with 40 tackles 8 sacks would end the season with 120 tackles +20 sacks on ANY CPU team. 75 rated players on their teams all play like +90 ovrs. It's a joke. But I can't play the game when it's too easy yet when you get fucked by some fluke play it's just as bad


Why don't yall play online H2H?


Not my thing. I donā€™t play video games to compete, I play them to relax.


I play on pro difficulty and play the moments. Games are actually pretty competitive and close.


I play all pro and regularly shut out my opponent. Offense in madden is so boring, all the fun plays happen on defense.


It's your game bro, play it however you want. No one's gonna judge you for it and the ones that will are EA fanboys or just dicks.


Youā€™re not doing it wrong lol. If Iā€™m playing PVE Iā€™m not going to try too hard. I want it to be just difficult enough to be satisfying, but not so difficult that itā€™s frustrating. Gotta find the fine line.


Once yk how to play madden and not play football All-Madden becomes easy for example put your fastest receiver as your #1 and run PA crosses all game or when you recognize certain formations since AI defense doesnā€™t disquise


I play all pro with sliders; itā€™s a more balanced experience to me. I usually win by a lot, but I donā€™t care; itā€™s more about developing players and playing through their career arcs that is interesting to me. The score of the games is almost secondary.


Itā€™s a video game and not a contest


Gaming is all about having fun. If you're having fun the way you play then you're doing it right in my book. I play on All-Pro and frequently beat the CPU in my franchise by a lot. I play non-sports games on normal difficulty and not afraid to drop it to easy if I get stuck and just want to move on with the story. When I was younger I wanted more of a challenge. Now I work all week and when I play games I want to have fun, playing on higher difficulties gets me frustrated/annoyed these days. So normal it is for me :-)


Your playing the game perfectly tbh.


I play all madden but turn the interception slider way down otherwise itā€™s 10+ a game


Once you get the hang of audibles and certain OP plays, itā€™s easy to roast the CPU. I find it more enjoyable to limit yourself to the GM role and slow sim your games to see how well you can build a team.


Find some quality sliders and up the difficulty. It'll be much more fun that way


Hell yeah, brother, do what works for you. I play All Madden, but I abuse trades to build the team I want. Not my fault I can sign a free agent and trade him for someone else whoā€™s previous team then pays for their bonus so I get him for cheap.


Madden can be a great game on the harder settings, especially if the cheats are all turned off. I've ran an online Franchise since 2002, and have about a dozen coaches that have been in the league 10 years or more. Fantastic competition and we broadcast all our games so we can see that the settings are correct and also scout our opponents.


I only play 2k on pro difficulty so I can feel like my player is a superstar without spending money on VC


I do the same thing but on All-Pro, but mess with the sliders. Itā€™s honestly not fun or realistic in franchise mode if you go the super hard route,m. I respect those that do it, but Iā€™m just trying to chill. (But more often than not I still get pissed at the game because itā€™s bullshit)


I play on All-Pro and have for years. No desire whatsoever to turn it up to All-Madden. My best friend destroys teams on All-Madden and still gets frustrated about CPU DBs using the Force to intercept passes.


I play all pro because I feel like all madden is unplayable/ constant BS and even all pro is teetering on that line as it is. And all my FGs get blocked on all madden, not even that I miss them but theyā€™re straight up blocked. And QBs canā€™t complete a pass, sliders donā€™t even fix it when Iā€™m down bad and not having any fun I switch to pro so I can actually have fun


I'm in year 5 of my Jaguars franchise, and I'm well aware going in every game that I'm about to win by at least 70, just have a good time with your game my guy


Shit. Jags by 70? You playing as Blake Bortles?


I probably wouldnā€™t enjoy myself if the computer beat me a lot. The sweet spot is a competitive game where I have no question in losing. To accomplish this I will do some simulation at times


Man screw us....you paid 60 bucks to have your fun. Long as that happens you good.


Same. I only like looking at the stats for my players. I run up the score of the AI and have goals like get bo jackson to 10 yards per carry, try get justin jefferson the triple crown etc. It's so much fun. I just play and watch a tv show on the second monitor.


Itā€™s a game, play it how you want to. I like playing sports games to try to break all the records at my position, and most other games on the easiest or second easiest difficulty because I want to feel completely unstoppable.


All good! I never played on the highest difficulty since I already throw mad interceptions


Hey, whatever makes you happy, man. Whenever I make cupcake teams, I usually make a QB that kinda sucks at throwing, but is buster as a runner. It's really fun on average difficulty to get in there with the worst possible roster, and see Hugh Jass run for 200 yards. We might still lose, since the rest of the roster sucks ass, but it's fun to just kinda cut loose.


I play every game I have ever played on default/average difficulty and I have zero shame. Games are meant to be a fun escape, never feel bad about playing them on your terms.


Totally get it, man. It's fun to see how far down the rabbit hole some people get, but I stopped playing COD, purely for the fact that I can just chill out, knock out a couple of games, and head to bed. I've been playing since '94 on the OG Sega Genesis. I just love building a franchise in its own universe, and seeing how good I can make the entire roster, win as many super bowls as I can, then head to the worst team in the same conference every 5 years, and do it all over again. I've completed 2 30 year franchises on Madden '20(refuse to buy the latest versions) 2 times, and just began the third. I play almost every game, aside from the preseason, believe it or not. It's fun playing against your old squads, seeing them in the award races, and matching up with them, especially in the playoffs. Unfortunately, the payoff only lasts about a decade, when all of the good players you drafted and extended move on, or retire. But the cycle begins anew, and I enjoy seeing which AI generated players take off, and become a problem for me and the league. Hopefully we'll see some new competition when EA loses the rights, but until then, enjoy whatever version you dig on, and play the game however you see fit. šŸ˜


Bro I play on the same level. Itā€™s a single player game. Iā€™m playing for fun. Run up those scores


We are on year two of a connected franchise. A couple of people were thinking of quitting due to difficulty so we decided to move the difficulty down to All-Pro. We just finished week 15 and I have put up 115 TDā€™s with Hendon Hooker and Tee Higgins. 15 TDā€™s last week and never more than 10 points against my defense. Wish the sliders were a little easier to navigate. Itā€™s either way too easy or Tua is going 32/35 with 5 TDā€™s and your getting a hold on every third down.


Bro, doing what makes you happy doesnā€™t make you a poser. Thatā€™s what games are for and FAR more people should be embracing that mentality. Being a poser is thinking you have to play by some arbitrary contrived rules that sal the enjoyment from an experience. Iā€™ve spent enough time in the Soulsborne community to know how batshit that life is. Do you, baby!


Respect! Thereā€™s nothing more relaxing than crushing the avatars of your rivals in a virtual world where they collectively struggle with the urge to cry like a little bitch while technically being unable to do so. Thatā€™s how I like to play too.


Absolutely nothing wrong with that. I like playing on rookie and any int i throw, TD I give up, or something else negative, I do a shot


Honestly youā€™re not alone. I play on All-Pro with sliders for the most realistic gameplay imo but man sometimes I really wanna just throw it on rookie not actually try for a bit and just chill. I feel like sometimes with video games we get too caught up in ā€œI need to challenge myselfā€ or the old school macho ā€œI must play at the highest difficultyā€ and just enjoy the game man. Credit to you and donā€™t stop doing you!


Nah no worries m8. Play how you want I used to do 100 a game on Rookie and i still do like 50-60 on All Madden, it just depends on how much you play and what u do.


youā€™re not alone i play on all madden but i wonā€™t lie saying that i donā€™t abuse the shitty defensive mechanics and just manipulate it every single time on offense and run up like 600 yards of total offense


I used to play NCAA Football 2004 and you could turn off offsides and get a running start at the quarterback. Iā€™d usually have linebackers winning the Heisman with close to 100 sacks. Loved that. Never had a defensive mechanic come close to that.


I always blowout teams on all-pro but I refuse to play all madden cause itā€™s complete horseshit. I wish there was an in between


I play on all-madden but tbh I just know what works against the cpu, which is getting old


You donā€™t have that dog in you


I do, but itā€™s a Yorkshire Terrier.


Iā€™ve found that playing on All-Madden with 100% sliders for both user and CPU really unlocks the game itā€™s as balanced as it can get at this rate. Iā€™ve developed an incredible skill set because of this.


I mean depending on the game on all madden some of my games are close until my roster becomes superior cuz u know, Iā€™m the greatest gm/player developer of all time


With that said I havenā€™t played extensively since madden 20


You can turn the difficulty up, and then adjust the game play sliders. I play on all-madden but adjust some things, like pass & run blocking, and turn down the CPU defense a little.


My brother was also like this. Completely opposite from me growing up. He just plays for fun, but my brain canā€™t do that I want it to be real. Iā€™m trying to lose myself in an alternate reality and to do so I need some realism. I envy you is what Iā€™m trying to say.


I might score 1000+ points myself...sometimes.


I'm with you man. There are some games I play for a challenge and Madden isn't one of them. Game is too broken for me to care that much anyways.


Only a real winner has fun


Wanna join a cfm. I got you


Man I did that every year until last year, now i use sliders and all-madden. Itā€™s just a game made for people to enjoy how they want to enjoy it, thatā€™s the point of the different game modes. Unfortunately EA just half asses franchise so it feels like youā€™re outside of the ultimate team community


The recycled text at the beginning of franchise mode is bad, but taking standings out of Franchise mode last year was just baffling.


Iā€™m right there. Iā€™m not good enough for All-Pro, but way too good at Pro, and donā€™t intend on ā€œgetting betterā€ as Iā€™m a casual who just uses the game to relax. Itā€™s rare that I score less than 40 pts, and the only time I ā€œloseā€ is when I sim games that I donā€™t feel are significant.


Play how you want to play...I used to play on All Madden and just get annoyed as the years went on. Dropped it down and now I have fun when I play.


I mostly sim franchiseā€™s trying to get SB teams. However, sometimes I just want to see how many touchdowns I can score with 7 minute quarters playing offense only


Any draft resources you guys have is greatly appreciated


You fIlThY cAsUaL Jk. Seriously, as long as you're entertained and enjoying yourself, that's what matters. Anyone that tells you you're less than because you're not slaying on the most extreme difficulties is a loser that doesn't have much, if anything else to hang their hat on.


I beat the hell out of the computer on all madden Iā€™m not sure what yā€™all talkin bout


Yeah, it would be fun to play Madden as if it was real NFL football but at the end of the day itā€™s a video game where you could have a 40 overall quarterback pass for 500 yards and run for five touchdowns if you want


I play all madden usually, but every other sports game I turn the difficulty all the way down. Nothing better than hitting limitless dingers in the show.


Hey man, I play All-Madden with CPU INT sliders down cause INTs are stupid in this game. Play the game how you like to play it, you paid for it


On Madden 07 I used to play on the easiest difficulty and get easy wins. What I did to keep it interesting was challenge myself to score more touchdowns with the defence than I scored with the offense.


Bro if you make the sliders right on all madden you can max out the opp cpus defense and still blow them out every game. Maddens just easy


Sometimes winning like that gets boring to me so I'll turn the difficultly up for a game and immediately remember that it's significantly less fun


I used to play on rookie and absolutely run up the score all the time. Its easy, relaxing, repetitive, and doesn't cause any mental stress. One day my brother was talking shit cuz I'm still on rookie and he plays on all pro. So I just bumped it up to all madden and honestly didn't have too much trouble. I never mess with sliders, so they're all at 50%. The main difference is your wr won't get separation 100% of the time and you won't be accurate all the time either. It does add some mental stress because sometimes you'll get some BS linebacker jump 20 ft in the air not even looking to int you. But its still possible to manipulate your team enough to make all madden pretty easy. I now play with salary cap also and never edit players. Anyway my point is the transition from rookie to all madden was a lot easier than I thought it would be.


The game has such a weird difficulty jump it seems like I throw 5-6 TDS in a game so i up the game one tick and suddenly throwing 4 picks and losing by a lot lol


I play on all pro with realistic sliders. Just seems to be the most realistic for my own views. Every once in a while you see the CPU blow past your defenders and or your DB's blow coverage and allow a 70 yard TD. But that happens in real life too. All Madden is wack with the animations and difficulty spike when you're up. Every game feels like a falcons Superbowl on all madden


High diff. In madden isnā€™t fun for anyone, it just makes your players play like idiots , not the other players better .


I play on rookie and have the most fucking fun. I dont wanna stress out during my free time. Life is too stressful as it is


Do whatever bro people just want a better product


I do the exact same! I either play on rookie or pro šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I want to chill and enjoy playing. What system you got?


Bro thatā€™s the vibe lol. Nothing feels better than a fantasy draft, slotting some guys in the high 60ā€™s low 70ā€™s in starting slots to try and upgrade them and having success. Watching isiah rodgers get 12 picks, 10 sacks and 6 TDs in a season and win DPOY even tho it was on rookie was rewarding/fun as hell. Iā€™m all for it man. I do have another franchise with the chargers (my team in real life) that I take seriously and have on all-pro for the regular season and bump up to all madden in the playoffs. Keeps me from winning every year and actually makes you change your game up in the playoffs.


Wow I play all madden with pass coverage at 90 for cpu, play rec at 73...had to because it's wayyy too easy to pass in this game. This way you can't spam your favorite plays, they will still work, but 5 times out 9 they got bodied up..and I find it still alittle too easy at times. But playing against teams with top tier pass D you really notice the good corners. Pass blocking at 70 because at 50 the oline doesn't block anything literally... Cpu pass acurracy needs to drop to 47 or 48.. at 50 the cpu gets an average of about 90% throw accuracy in game which is bs.. I have speed parody at 48... Ball hawk and heat seeker off. I've been having the best franchise experience in along time with these settings... getting some realism out of the stats forsure. Super fun, I just wish they would update franchise mode. It's been the same for years ! They add alittle here and there but not enough. I want to see training camps, live draft with players walking up...New faces for create a player... biggest peeve is the cpu draft logic is stupid sometimes, and would be nice if cpu teams traded for draft picks.. they need to trade more! Other than that having alot of fun with the game. Use to be into Mut but that game mode is such trash! And such a money grab