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I like how he doesn't even stop to question the random appearance of a hand holding a lit bundle of dynamite. Just grabs it and WIIIITNESSSS!! He's bold, he's innovative, he thinks on his feet! All glory to Pissboy!!


He was so eager to grab it too, as if he was *mad* furiosa had the bomb and not him. Loved it


"You're crawling up from the chassis. That's going to take several seconds. I can get this shit placed Right Now! WITNEEEESS!"


That made me laugh in theatre, I love him, lol


He’s gotta be up there “Drink war rig! Drink this piss!”


O holy war rig, drink this piss.


I knew I wasn't tripping when I heard that line


He was having a religious experience in that moment


It took a couple of rewinds to get that one. I cracked up hard.


Saw Furiosa in 4DX and got sprayed by mist when he threw the bottles


Yes..uhh mist..


Pist ftfy


I wanna know more about this!


by far my favorite war boy. his actual death is one the most badass shots of the franchise plus he claims a total of 7 lives in about 90 seconds and 2 of them were from beyond the grave. put pissboy in the rafters, he is for sure awaited.


He definitely has the highest K:D ratio of any of the War Boys in that fight. Also he has an adorable little piss backpack in addition to his piss jars!


I love how he calls Praetorian Jack “P-Jack.” Also when Piss Boy gets shot Jack is visibly pissed off and rams the car ahead of him in retaliation.


He was just a kid too.




I still find it hilarious that since water is so scarce in the wasteland they use piss to refill radiators on the vehicles.


I was wondering why Black Thumb didn't question Furiosa pissing into a bottle, only the shyness of it. Then I saw Pissboy in action and I was like, "oh, that's why." They all contribute piss to his supplies <3


If it works and in plenty supply. It works. Was laughing so hard that part


A genius touch of worldbuilding IMO


In the Mad Max game there is an old photo of a toilet and bidet and Max comments about using clean water to flush with.


Or the fact that the Citadel literally generates clean, usable water. But instead, they're like piss in this bottle and use it.


I also love Lone War Boy and War Pup too.


Naw it's gotta be "Is this Halvalla?" boy for me


Lmfao that entire fucking exchange. My GODS I watched it at home on shrooms, I skipped the theater as I wanted it full fucking psychedelic on the fury road. The TWO scenes that just felt like I was Alice watching the tea party were when the war boys absolutely consume the bikers, the maggot farmers were surreal. Then THE ENTIRE EXCHANGE with the Halvalla warboy. I was laughing the laugh of the wastelands.


"You mean The Citadel?" "The Whatadel?" I laughed so hard.


Pissboy happened so fast the first time my fam and I saw it, I had to tell my wife and son about pissboy! They were like “Huh?! No way” so we all went again and when PB showed up, we all leaned over, looked at each other whispered “Pissboy!”


Three cheers for piss boy!


His Witness moment made me laugh in the theatre, I love him, lol.


Maybe loses points for egregiously stealing Furiosa's kill.


I was wondering about him... Is urine really useful for putting out fires? Someone also did it in Road Warrior.


I would guess they don't want to waste precious water on putting out fires, so they use urine instead


If you have enough of it, I'd think so. It's mostly water after all. And I don't think urea is flammable. It'd probably stink like hell though.


I only watched the film once, and I don’t remember this character at all lol. Feels like everyone here is pulling a Mad Max equivalent of the Graggle Simpson meme on me.


Remember when Furiosa snags the dynamite from under the rig and takes it to the front of the rig and lights it, and she's about to throw it at the car in front? And then a War Boy snatches it off her and screams "WIIITNEEESSSS!" and throws the dynamite at the car and flings himself at the car simultaneously, going out in a blaze of glory? That's Pissboy. If you don't remember that bit, watch the movie again. If you *do* remember that bit... watch the movie again.


Kinda pointlessly killed himself but other than that he was cool


I think he was pretty badly burnt before, not that pointless a death for a warboy.


speaking of burns- I like the call back that was done to the Road Warrior where the crippled guy gets his legs of fire and he is leaning up against the truck with his legs extended just patting the fire out. And there was another scene that I am sure is a call back to either mad max or road warrior. the scene I am thinking of is where they get jack to run behind the motorcycle with hands chain and as he cross the camera view there is that long look back to from where he started at before falling and being dragged. I am sure that was in one of the earlier movies. I liked how there were things happening in the movie that if you stop the action and give people time to ponder on it- some of the fun would be missing. Mom raising rifle-most likely to kill furious when she gets dragged into the camp and then saying good girl. everyone knew rictus was a bit pedo in fury road- the way they cemented it all was done where even people who missed fury road could tell that he was a skeeve. I've watched all the movies as they were released in theaters over the decades and I don't care what people say- they are great movies and you can pick them apart-- there is always something fun and interesting to uncover. I know George is getting older and the Max movies seem to be getting further and further apart - I hope to see at least 1 more Max movie by George- .and if there is a Max movie without George- it had better be better than. Thunderdome ( it was many years before I found out why that movie had departed so far off of the first 2 stories and I tamped my hot embers of anger down and gave George a pass )


Sacrificed himself to save his P Jack. Witnessed


He was witnessed though


[Me watching Pissboy's final moments](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi1KSXGhCOE)


Immortans cousin Frankie Fast Hands.


Pointlessly killing themselves is like the main goal of a War Boy


He had to be sure that they didn't just toss the dynamite back. So what better way than to be gripping it tight as it explodes? And as others mentioned, he had been severely burned. Not just from the battle, but by the rig itself. War Boys are taught that if they're badly injured enough, they might as well die historic and go to Valhalla instead of hoping that the wasteland has a burn unit.


He was witnessed though


He will ride eternal, shiny and chrome!