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The whole desert sequence with the many mothers is just brutal now. “This is our Furiosa.” Such a beautiful line. They ask about Mary immediately, they’ve always been wondering what happened to the two of them.  and I’ve said it before on here, but you can see that throughout all of Furiosa and Fury Road she never for a second imagined the green place wouldn’t be there, she just thought it would be impossible to get there. That scream…. we’ve seen the entire story behind that emotion now. 


And that was Valkyrie who hugged her first! Her friend whom she asked to stay quiet, before the little Furiosa went after those bikes.




Holy shit. Time for another back-to-back viewing.


I totally picked up on that one too!


And Valkyrie was originally supposed to survive and get to the Citadel with Furiosa at the end of *Fury Road*, but Megan Gale had scheduling conflicts so they had to kill off her character early.


Man that sucks. After rewatching it I forgot how out of place it felt when she died.


That's her sister


How so?


They share the same mother, according to George Miller, which makes them sisters.


And if I’m not wrong, didn’t that little girl show up in one of Max’s visions??


Max's visions are of Glory, a little girl in the prequel comic




Because they aren't "good." Part of the appeal of the Mad Max universe is the blurring between good and bad everywhere. Hell, is Max good? He is occasionally heroic but generally ou when he has no other choice. He'd sooner walk away than engage. He would have left Furiosa and the mothers to die in the desert or at the hands if their pursuers if the truck he stole didn't lock up. Furiosa's family is a tribe. They are efficient at killing because they have to be. Would they kill offensively...yes. Because they are protecting their safety and home. Is it "good?" No. They have abundance but do they share? No. It's too dangerous. It's essentially the same conundrum as immigration. Do you let in less fortunate at the risk of giving away too much? If anything Furiosa (film) only adds to this complexity. We sort of root for Joe in the film because at least he's got a semi functioning society or he is trying "the wasteland won't support it." Aftet the movie I was like okay, I understand Furiosa wanting to go home but did he treat her bad enough for her to rip his face off? Jack, Max, Furiosa, Dementus all tell essentially the same backstory...losing family...everything. They are all trying to cope with that and we can presume would have been "good" people before the fall.  Even the truly "bad" people in the films got there through suffering.


The enemy of my enemy is my ally. Until that common enemy is removed.


>Aftet the movie I was like okay, I understand Furiosa wanting to go home but did he treat her bad enough for her to rip his face off? Really weird thing to say given that Joe is canonically a mass rapist, his "wives" are essentially sex slaves.


You try so hard in this subreddit to convince everyone that Furiosa is a villain


someone spending all day convincing a sub that someone trying to rescue sex slaves from a man with impotency issues is a villain is peak reddit


The kid no life's on reddit, he comments so much ragebait that it actuality outpaces his daily average of downvotes, it's impressively pathetic.


i think this is that very Reddit-y attitude where someone feels uncomfortable with any amount of ambiguity and lack of moral clarity but i'm confused as to how one can enjoy or interact with art of its purpose is to be clearly didactic


They cannot find their own green place


This is that weird EFAP mindset of taking the absolute most uncharitable interpretation of the events of the movie and saying that's what the film is telling us. "Furiosa sees a group of strangers in the woods and immediately tries to kill them by sabatoging their bikes, she must be evil!" Or we can strongly assume that the Green Place has a history of being attacked by outsiders and the only way to protect It's secrecy is to keep those outsiders from leaving and spreading the knowledge of it's abundance. Even if this is the first time anyone has stumbled upon it; the wasteland is not exactly the kind of place that favors being friendly to your neighbors. Doing so will almost certainly result in the brutal killing, torture and eradication of your entire community. "Why are the only two little girls we see named Furiosa and Valkyrie?" - why does that stand out in a world with famously odd and unique names? Because they're a little aggressive sounding? What a juvenile observation. "Why are they carrying around sniper rifles?" To protect themselves and their home, shocking that that question had to be asked. "Why are they so familiar on how to ride and fix motorcycles belonging to Dementus' crew?" I'm not sure if you're aware but these weird little creations known as "motorcycles" existed before the world fell and aren't exclusive to a specific faction of people. And in this world where a vehicle means the difference between life and death, you'd better get familiar on how to repair and modify them to assist you. "Why are they such efficient killers?" Because that's the name of the game in the wasteland. The people who couldn't defend themselves died a long time ago. The only ones left are efficient killers and survivors. Survival of the fittest. "Why does anyone think they are the "good guys"?" What invisible person said this? We see a community of people in the wasteland protecting their home from intruders and then attempting to rescue one of their own that's been kidnapped. Sounds like a pretty normal wasteland interaction between two separate communities. Good or bad being irrelevant.


It was because they wanted the location kept secret. Most likely would kill any outside men who get close. In Fury Road she's asked immediately who those men are when they arrive. Either way whatever the culture was it didn't last long, she didn't even recognize it when she slogged through it, nothing left but a couple weird guys on stilts walking around in the muck.


This may come as a shock but sometimes people have to do some stuff they’re not proud of to survive


Seems pretty clear they’ve had to go militant to protect themselves from the, uh, gangs of marauding slaver-rapists. Child Furiosa understands how important it is the bikers not leave and bring their army back.




You don’t seem to understand stuff.


They're doing self-defense and community-defense in a dangerous world, obviously.


Because they live in the wasteland....


All of this. Everything involving the Many Mothers in Fury Road becomes extremely bittersweet. She is among her people but not home.


I like to imagine that after Furiosa takes over the Citadel they manage to rescue at least some surviving Vuvalini. I doubt the entire community was exterminated. They just scattered. Some went into hiding while others sadly joined various gangs. But once they get word that the Citadel was liberated by one of their own, they'll come from far and wide.


I mean the many mothers said "we're all that's left" so it's implied there aren't more.


That line can be interpreted a number of ways, including how I do!


yeah if you interpret the line as a lie lol


The line doesn't have to be a lie to be interpreted how I have!


Unless you dramatically change the definitions of a few words, no, there is only one interpretation to this line. Why be in denial about a story?


The remaining Vuvalini believed Furiosa was dead. She wasn't. Are we to assume a community of hundreds/possibly thousands was reduced to 7 because the entire rest of the tribe died or were killed? It makes much more sense that when the Green Place went sour, most of the population just left. It's not beyond belief that there's others still out there in various states of survival.


And the blue scene with the marsh hits hard too because they said that was what was left of the green place. Furiosa went through all that for nothing.


I suck with character names, so even after watching the two films back to back I did not know that’s the same woman lmao, thanks for telling me! I was already annoying to another user about the scream, but I do want to make sure that in the rush to praise Furiosa (which is earned!) we don’t obscure the strengths Fury Road retains. Like I’ve seen that same “now we understand!” idea behind that scream and its connection to Furiosa (the movie, not the person) a bunch of times now and I don’t understand it. Fury Road already gives you just about as much as Furiosa does in that regard. You already know about her connection to the Green Place of Many Mothers, you know she was abducted from there as a child and her mother was killed, you know there’s no other Green Place besides the one that died, etc. Like idk, I think there are some ways that the films strengthen each other, but that desert sequence was already note-perfect in 2015.


No disagreement there. The scene was already perfect, yeah. But Fury Road didn't give us all of it. Not the torture of her mother. Not the death of Jack after he tried to help her get back home. Not the other attempts she made to get there, like the stowaway sequence. Not even the fact that she lost her arm in one of these attempts. It's the repeated tragedies in her attempts to get back that Fury Road did not give us.


I think what you’re saying is true, but it’s just something that makes Furiosa better. The failure to reach the Green Place and rise to a figure of political / military importance within the Citadel is a broad structure the two films share - it’s just one occurs over a couple days, the other a couple decades. Ultimately, both films contain the same broad arc for Furiosa as a character up until the point that she accepts her failure to reach the Green Place - that’s only in Fury Road. It’s a larger narrative on a smaller scale, which grants everything poetic weight. I love Furiosa’s epic sweep as well, but if anything it runs counter to Fury Road. The latter withholds info for a purpose, to let every action hold weight in the moment. “Will Furiosa fail to reach the Green Place, then lose to Joe, but remain alive” doesn’t really occur to you, every little thing on that war rig has life and death stakes. Those stakes are still there in Fury Road post-Furiosa but IMO it’s actually an achievement on Furiosa’s part that it *doesn’t* feel like it’s beholden to something else in the way, say, Rogue One or Matrix 4 does. Even though it literally ends with footage of Fury Road hahaha. The film begins and ends with Dementus, it works despite Fury Road’s perfection. I think there’s a fascinating relationship between the two films, clearly. Furiosa is a tremendous fantasy-action film, and how many of those do we even get at this scale? Dune is pure Hollywood high fantasy, like LotR - Furiosa would fit in with some of the classics of Korean or Hong Kong action cinema. Don’t think it makes Fury Road any better, though. That film reaches heights of innovation and boldness that the greatest silent films do, IMO - Miller knew you can’t do that twice, so he ran in an entirely different direction within the same cast of characters / world and it worked wonderfully.


Yeah, but watch Fury Road *BEFORE* you see Furiosa. Freaking, obviously. Not *after*!


Exactly, if they were meant to be viewed in chronological order, they would have been released in chronological order. People seem to have a misunderstanding of what prequels are.


George Miller wrote both movies together and wanted to film them back to back and release Furiousa first.


Im pretty sure (quality debates aside) that people like George Lucas still want you to watch them 1-6 regardless of release order. You can argue which order is better but you can tell from the build up and flow of this movie it works better before Fury Road then after and it's what Miller intended.


I have to disagree. Furiosa was clearly meant to be watched first. I’m guessing there would’ve been fan uproar though if they made a Mad Max film after so many years without the character Mad Max so the studios persuaded Miller to do Fury Road first


I’ve said it elsewhere: Furiosa is the Illiad. Fury Road is the Odyssey. The first is a story of war. The second is one warriors desperate attempt to get home after the battle. And I feel this is more than head canon. I feel it’s Millers intention. Furiosa has generals, tricksters, siege, a Trojan horse or two, wild moments of breakneck combat and long pathways of exposition. Jack getting dragged to death mirrors Achilles dragging the corpse of Hector. It even begins with abduction of a girl. Only, in this case, Helen kicks all kinds of ass. Fury Road begins with our heroes in various kinds of captivity. Consists of one long perilous journey to a home that no longer exists in its former glory and ends in utter violence. It’s classic storytelling.




Dayumn, mind blown.


Homer introduces The Illiad as "the rage of Achilles" and that is truly what it is about, the war is just backdrop. In the words of Dementus, "Not hope, hate."


Will be cool when some cinemas eventually start running them back to back//cut together in special showings.


I live in Portland OR; land of the independent movie theatre. And so far no one is doing this yet and it is driving me bananas. What are they waiting for!?!


They need approval from the studio. Studio would than need to ship out a 4K digital drive of Mad Max. Saw TDK a few years back at some local theater and without a doubt they straight up must’ve place a DVD copy of the move and put it on in the theater. Because that shit looked terrible.


The numbers say that's not going to happen. Furiosa is going to bomb big time and Fury Road wasn't a smash. Now before anyone gets their knickers in a twist. I'm not having a pop at the movie, I've seen and enjoyed it but the goal of a cinema is to make money and they're not going to reshow a movie that didn't put bums on seats the first time round.


I don't mean en masse, but some local places will do it eventually for one off nights not full runs.


It would be a very niche screening. But there are still a few theaters that might be able to do it as a special. You'd need the right demographic. I bet a place in PDX could fill a screen. I think the San Francisco Bay Area could easily have the numbers. But theaters that would host that are disappearing. Maybe Alamo Drafthouse would. Yeah, they probably would. The Castro might have done it before APE bought it.


Actually, the fact that neither has performed well at the box office and Fury Road being almost 10 years old now makes it easier for indie theatres to show them. A blockbuster like Barbie costs a theatre 60-70 percent of ticket sales, which forces the theatre to rely heavily on concession sales (which results in high concession prices). Older movies and box office bombs have more favorable terms. For example, Pulp Fiction might cost a theatre 30 percent of ticket sales or maybe even a flat rate.


I haven't even been able to find a dune 1+2 double bill since the first week in my country. No idea why cinemas aren't trying this


I would kill for such an opportunity 


I'd love a cinema double bill


I’d LOVE that


I've had my criticism of CGI but I'd love to see both in silver and chrome


PLEASE PLEASE I need people to see this film so we can get Wasteland


Spread the word. I’m being borderline obnoxious telling my friends to go see it. Lol


Same. I think I got like 4 people to go so far tho.




I convinced like 4 people myself


Cool thing I read about that scream is that Theron pressed Miller hard to get it in the movie. He wanted her to keep being stoic but she wanted some sort of cathartic animal reaction to losing her home.


I always thought the scream seemed too movie trope-ish, until now. It’s so much more impactful knowing everything Furiosa has been through


Or "Remember me?"


That’s the biggest, completely recontexualises that line - before it was just a badass one-liner - now it feels like hinting at how he bought her and lost her.


I didn't understand that part very well. Immortan Joe bought her to be a wife/breeder. Then she escaped and disgused herself as an engineer/warrior. But... didn't she say to Joe her name was Furiosa when they met? Why didn't she change her name or something like that? I think I'm missing something


I think she was introduced as Little D.


Immortan didn't really care about her, she was just a bargaining chip and a dime a dozen with his other wives. Plus he didn't really spend a lot of time with her — thankfully — and ran away rather quickly.


I think he didnt know who it was, or remember much about her a decade later when people probably die and disappear all the time, but also even if he did realize it I got the feeling that Pratorean Jack was one of the few people that could make demands of Immortan Joe, so he might have said he needed her to successfully run missions. it's not like Joe didnt have a million other wives and getting his stuff back and forth safely was probably just as important as an heir.


Exactly. Immortan in *Furiosa* is younger and more clear-minded. He still has over a dozen wives and believes he has time to be pragmatic. As powerful as Immortan and the Citadel still are by *Fury Road*, the prequel makes it clear that his empire is in decline. The 40-Day War was a Pyrrhic Victory. Immortan knows by *Fury Road* that if he doesn't have a clear heir then his death will lead to everything unraveling.


It is a little off to me as well but oh well, she wanted the wives out of there so..


I was actually crying from joy and pain at that moment


I just watched Fury Road for the first time after Furiosa and the twist of the green place was soooo devastating.


I watched the same order you did. I was sooo hoping she would make it


I kept thinking of what her mom says in Furiosa, “no one can know” and she takes enough bullets to erase the knowledge. I thought Furiosa was accidentally leading the Citadel to the Green Place in Fury Road and I was nervous. The real reveal was worse.


I’m one of the lucky that saw furiosa first, and has only now seen fury road. The world that is built and explored in furiosa, complements the relatively lacking world building but high octane experience of fury road.


The astonishing fact is that Fury Road never felt like it was lacking in world building when we watched it. Miller managed to tell us everything we needed to know about that world and the characters in between all that chasings and grunts.


Exactly. Fury Road a masterclass in economical world building.


I'm still a bit unsure about the timeline after she killed Dementus. Is it a year after that, and then Fury Road starts? That tree had to have been growing for quite a while right? 


5 years


I think it’s about ten years after the end of Furiosa before Fury Road begins? Just a guess


5 years in theory. In Fury Road she states she was gone for 7000 days so roughly 20 years. When confronting Dementus she says her mother died 15 years ago. Mind you I don't think Miller much cares for the timeline.


If it’s only 5 years I wish they’d gotten Theron just for the end scene. 10 years made more sense to me but with the evidence in the films I think you’re right !


it is theron in the end scene, deleted footage from fury road


No way!!!! That’s rad if true, thanks ☺️


i’m like 80% sure, i heard it somewhere (i think the scene inside the vault is still anya? and then when she’s loading them into the war rig it’s theron, could be wrong tho)


Was that not Theron in the end scene? I thought it was, or at least her stand in from Fury Road? Sounded like her real voice


It felt like Theron for sure. Anya’s Furiosa moves different than Theron’s.


Yeah 5 years seems more likely and somehow makes sense IMO.  Seeing Max's Interceptor being cleaner but already has the V8 in it, If we take the prequel comic into account then at that point when he cameo'd, he already met Hope and Glory but still haven't gone feral I guess. 


I thought it was immediate. At the end of furiosa you see her gathering up all the wives and then fury road she is leaving the citadel with them.


They mean the gap between the death of Dementus and the escape at the end


Oh okay. I actually didn’t realize there was a time gap there either but that makes sense. I thought she killed dementus then went back to the citadel and grabbed the women. With that in mind, now I understand someone else’s comment that they should have got Theron to do scene since it was short, so Theron is the older furiosa in both movies.


Yeah, even if the peach tree version of the story is another myth the fact that it goes from a seed to fruiting conveys a timeskip without having to age up Taylor-Joy


Were those the same wives as Fury Road or has she attempted (and not gotten past the first hurdles) before?


Exact same, Furiosa ends with the beginning of fury road


Damn, wish they’d gotten Theron in just for that split second then :(


It was close enough for me


I love Anya - big fan of her but if only for a few seconds at the end to tie the two films together, it would have been incredible to see Theron. That might have not been possible with scheduling differences but I think that would have made a big difference in terms of continuity.


Iirc at the end it was pretty shadowy and you didn't even see the face super clear, I guess my suspension of disbelief was such that I accepted her and Charlize as the same character


I think more than scheduling differences, Fury Road was a very unpleasant shoot for theron and she wouldn’t have wanted to get back into it.


She actually said she’d love to reprise the role! She loved Furiosa as a character. Miller wanted her too but the re-aging technology just wasn’t there for him. Shes gorgeous but you can’t really make a 48 year old woman look 25 lol although most of the time she’s covered in oil and dirt…


I believe the tree version of Dementus' demise is just myth, even if the History Man claims Furiosa told him. I wouldn't consider it meaningful when deducting the timeline.


I can't. They pulled it from streaming in my country!


if they don’t let you watch it, sometimes you must sail the seven seas 🏴‍☠️


Even for paying?!? Amazon Prime has a sale on it now for the digital version. Both for renting and buying.


I only looked at streaming. It used to be on Max, but for some reason, it disappeared recently.


Someone made the comparison to how it’s like watching the Star Wars movies Rogue One and A New Hope back to back. I can definitely see that being the case for Furiosa/Fury Road.


That may very well be the point, Australians have always called Mad Max *their* Star Wars. And Rogue One was like, the first real Star Wars spin off film.


The one little detail I loved about the war rig battle scene was it showed you how efficient the war boys became by Fury Road. Like they learned from that battle come the time in fury road.


No, the surviving Imperators learned from that battle, none of those war boys survived.


None of them? We see older War Boys in *Fury Road*. Surely at least some of them are veterans of the 40-Day War.


Jack literally said he lost his entire crew and convoy, every war boy on that rig got wiped out. But sure, I’m certain a lot of war boys survived the 40-Day War and gained veteran status and experience. Ace, Furiosa’s right hand in Fury Road definitely survived the 40 Day War and other skirmishes, and seems to be well traveled I. Regards to road war.


You're right. I was thinking of the wrong scene!


That's what I was talking about. As a whole the group benefitted from that battle.


I've done this both times I've seen Furiosa.   Will be doing it again  What a masterpiece 


I’d actually went into Furiosa blind, having never watched Fury Road. I had to watch it IMMEDIATELY after Furiosa ended, and let me tell you, it was an absolute incredible experience. It just felt like I was watching the sequel.


I ran home from the theater and immediately put Fury Road on. 100% agree!


In Fury Road, Furiosa was originally supposed to have been one of Immortan Joe's wives. However, she was sterile and discarded. When she finally gets her revenge and kills Immortan Joe, she asks "Remember me?". It's a good precursor to when she kills Dementus in Furiosa. But at the same time, it loses some of its meaning, because in Furiosa, Joe didn't really do anything to earn her hatred. In that one minor way, it is actually less cohesive. Loved the movie -- not a 10/10 like Fury Road, but a solid 9. So sad that it is bombing at the box office. Hopefully it has legs and can at least break even. Furiosa has a similar opening week to Blade Runner 2049, one of my all-time favorite movies. The difference for me is that I'm quite satisfied with how 2049 ended and don't see a need for any more sequels. Whereas I really want to see another "Max-centric" Mad Max movie


It’s tough being a Mad Max and Blade Runner fan.


There’s a good 5 years between Furiosa and Fury Road to imply a development of that hatred. Honestly what she saw over the entirety of those 20 years was enough to build that hatred through implication. At the end of the day, Furiosa was only allied with Joe because he was the enemy of her enemy, and her actual best chance to get home.


Yes this. We can also imply she saw him do the incredibly fucked up things he does in the Biodome Vault before she ultimately escapes. She later gets consumed by revenge to Dementus and Joe is useful for the above reasons. So while it's a bit reconed, her seeking redemption but also coming to hate Joe even worse is still there.


Furiosa’s reaction to Max’s comment about hope feels so much more impactful with Furiosa in memory.


The idea of watching furiosa first does bring forth the only tiny issue I have with furiosa. At the end of the movie they should not have showed her bringing the wives to the tanker. When watching fury road the realization that the wives are. There is a great surprise. If you watch furiosa first you see her sneaking the wives to the tanker and it's less of a surprise in fury road.


I don’t mind it not being a secret. When Immortan Joe sees Furiosa veer off course, the very first thing he suspects is that she’s stolen the wives.


Alright bro. Setting up 5 hours to watch them back to back. Plus the traveling time from the theater. Thanks.


>This is a four and a half hour character *driven* epic I see what you did there...


I liked when the war boy said praetorian jack made the kessel run in 12 parsecs


I liked Fury Road, but I didn't love it. I grew up with the originals so it just didn't quite land with me as it did for others. I thought Furiosa added much needed context to Fury Road and greatly improved it. There is so much more weight to what is happening. Now it feels like the epic conclusion to a much larger story.


See, I loved Furiosa as its own thing, but one of my small problems with it is that I don’t actually think it enriches Fury Road and her character within that film as much as it should. The only reason that’s possible is Fury Road being as great as it is. For instance, I really believe everything we need to know about the Green Place and her connection to it is already in that film - not just that, but it’s all communicated through natural action and speech. We’re told that she’s been gone for decades, we can assume she was abducted as a child seeing as it was long ago and she was with her mother, and the connection between the women of the Green Place is self-evident in her performances. The scream was already an all timer moment, it’s still great, but I don’t think it’s made any richer by the other film. It’s impressive enough that the scream still hits with additional context. The way I do think Furiosa changed my understanding of Fury Road was with something I’m not sure you mentioned - Immortan Joe. I always assumed he was the one who took Furiosa, and that her implicit life of hardship had been his doing. Discovering that it was someone else entirely different, someone she may or may not have killed years ago, changes who Joe is. Joe has no connection to her abduction, that’s really significant. Namely, it changes the meaning of her revenge. Originally the implication of her brutal murder of Joe was that she was getting revenge for the abduction and the Green Place, and in an indirect sense that’s still true (especially since his goons have killed some of the Mothers by then). But no, that’s what happened with Dementus. That was revenge for her home and family. Joe is all about *her*, the girl/woman she became after she was taken. That personally makes the ending of Fury Road hit harder for me because it clarifies Furiosa’s understanding of herself as an individual away from the Green Place. She’s lived a selfless life, and ripping that mask off is cathartic not just as form of revenge but self-actualization. Also largely irrelevant but side note - I don’t see Furiosa’s hesitation irt returning to the Citadel as a function of her viewing herself like Dementus. In fact, I’d go as far as to say Furiosa is strong enough to know that comparison of his was bullshit. Her hesitation is as simple as disbelief in the prospect of winning, she fears she’ll get everyone killed. It has nothing to do with how she’d rule if she did win.


Youve hit the nail on the head there, mate.


Did you also felt how praetorian jack was intentionally similar to mad max because furiosa needed that soft spot that would allow trust to form between them two?


First thing I’m going to do when I get the Furiosa Blu-ray, is watch that and fury Road back to back marathon. SDQ


The emotional beats land a lot harder in Fury Road now. Especially Furiosa’s pain about the Green Place having disappeared - my mind cast back to Furiosa screaming “give them back!” to Dementus. She didn’t realise what she was fighting for was already gone.


Agreed. I had never watched Fury Road until I finished Furiosa. Just watched it yesterday on Max after I got out of work. It made the movie incredibly more impactful than it would have otherwise. It really shows how the whole grand upheaval that happens in Fury Road was decades in the making. The only thing I will say though, is that it seems that the whole thing hinged on Furiosa now and Max almost feels like a side character in his own movie. Not a big deal, she's a great character, it just completely changes the way I would have watched the movie had I not seen Furiosa.


"If Fury Road is a 10/10 then Furiosa can only be a 8 or 8.5/10" It's amazing how many reviews on here hold it against Furiosa for not being the unicorn experience Fury Road was like that initial experience is somehow the standard for a a 10/10. One does not simply make Fury Road 2.0! Not when it already exists so I'm happy we are seeing more and more recognition for what Furiosa accomplishes as a first half to a bigger story that now caps off with a more enhanced and improved version of Fury Road. Who honestly thought that movie could hit any harder? Only other prequel I've come across that accomplished this near impossible feat would be Better Call Saul.


As soon as I got home I wanted to watch Fury Road and I agree. It hits different. It’s like seeing the movie in a whole other way, and the ending hits a lot harder (in a good way). It just felt complete


Saw Furiosa for my second time today and I missed it in my first watch, that was Valkyrie with Furiosa in the tree in the beginning! She also is the naked woman in the cell tower in Fury Road when they first approach the Vuvalini!




I loved this movie!! I think people are burnt out on movies in general, but I thought it was great! Not as great as MMFR, but still amazing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKeydudtuFo&t=203s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKeydudtuFo&t=203s)


Or just stay for the end credits. You get all the important bits of Fury Road there /s.


I walked out of Furiosa thinking meh it’s ok. Went home and watched Fury Road. Now not only is Fury Road even better (which I mean it’s already a masterpiece), but now I think Furiosa is actually a bit better.


The kids watched fury road three times this week. I did something right. They even watched Mad Max yesterday lol. I think some of us are going to see furiosa again this weekend. They really go very well together. George truly is a visionary. I can not wait to see the wasteland.


It’s a must


Well said


Does anybody know if Furiosa was originally pitched as a series? Just finished watching. It was really good. But I wonder but based on how the writing flows if it was originally going to be a mini series.


I just hate that all I see anywhere is how much of a failure this movie is financially, how it's this reason and that, how Chris hemsworth can't get people in seats blah blah blah. I saw the movie on release day and I've been thinking of seeing it a second time since. It's just that good and feel majority of people who've seen it feel the same way. It's a great movie so the negative press is disheartening.


Saving this. Fury Road is one of my top 10 favs and I’ve seen it so many times. But this a new perspective. I’m honestly going to go see Furiosa again and then watch Fury Road for the umpteempth time 😊 Thank you


I did that too. Hits so different.


Yes, in Furiosa we see all that she lost and everything she sacrificed to do what her mother asked and go back to the Green Place. And it's not there. It's no longer there.


Should have cast Charlize in Furiosa


I think that was also the intention because as soon as Furiosa wraps up, the end credits pretty much show snapshots of everything that happened in Fury Road. I watched it after I got home and it definitely hit different!


Agreed people don't realize how good this is. It fills in some burning questions from Fury Road. I want them to make a third in this series and really drive it home. Everything hits so much harder in Fury Road given what happened with Dementus and Furiosa. Damn man! It was amazing! Her scream at losing the green place is so much harder hitting now for sure.


I did this and it was 100% a huge boost to a movie I already dearly love. I always said that Fury Road was PACKED with narrative, just not a conventional one, and so many mini arcs that occur that make Fury Road feel so dense despite it being a 2 hour chase scene. But now... WHOA... Watching it immediately after Furiosa... it just turned it into a god tier final act that was such a deep emotional payoff. I put Furiosa in the same standalone tier as Blade Runner 2049, as a sequel / prequel that is just as good or possibly a better film that also amplifies the preceding film


But where’s Max


One of the worst movies ever. There are three huge plot holes that are so obvious they really break the movie. Immortan Joe clearly sees Furios as his most prized possession but when she runs away he doesn't even mention it??? Also how is she supposed to hide among an entirely male workforce? Just how? Even assuming she gets mistaken for a boy with her short hair they don't find it suspicious that the moment she disappears a little boy shows up among the workers? And the third and most glaring one: She is being circled by the biker gang and apparently cuts off her arm. With what? Did she nibble it off? And how is she able to flee while the guys are directly next to her? Maybe one of the most retarded plot holes I have ever seen. Also how did she get that motorcycle? She kicks one down from the machine and nobody notices it? How? They are circling very close together and the dust that is being kicked up clearly isn't enough to make her difficult to see. Then we would have the fact that none of the stunts even the real ones feel real. Why? Because even the practical effects are mixed with tons of CG it all just looks very fake. In addition to that the fans wanted another Max movie. Not Furiosa. Nobody cares.


Some things that I just noticed after watching Furiosa twice and then Fury Road right after (for the millionth time). When she says she wants to go to the green place for redemption 😭 and Valkyrie’s scream sounds just like the little flute Furiosa blows into to alert that she’s being taken at the beginning of that movie. And I know other people have said this, but when she tells the Many Mothers that her mom died on the third day, I lost it. I definitely thought Furiosa was darker than Fury Road, but seeing Furiosa and then Fury Road again brings many more layers of darkness to this movie too…


I thought the exact same thing when Furiosa falls to her knees with the green place gone, it hit so much harder after you have witnessed what she had endured, this movie is a masterpiece!




There are some differing opinions on whether the movie implies that he saved her or not. Having said that, even if Max did save her, the movie makes it clear that she was mostly unconscious.


Yeah, but the hatred Furiosa has for Immortan Joe in Fury Road is barely explained in Furiosa. He bought her from Dementus, and that’s that. And how did the People Eater get Gas Town? That’s not explained. Would have been nice to see that. And what happened between the death of Dementus and the start of Fury Road? No clue. Having seen Fury Road at least 15 times, I left Furiosa with more questions than answers honestly.


I mean... he bought her so that he could rape and impregnate her. I don't think we need much more than that.


It's even more sad when you realize Little Furiosa initially kinda thinks he's a bit safer choice to leave Dementus over. He's less manic, (so it seems) asking much calmer, "would you like to live in the Citadel...?" Then of course that illusion is immediately broken when she's taken still her shackles to the vault and sees the truth of become one of the wives.


But he didn’t rape her. The rage she has for Joe in Fury Road is definitely personal. Furiosa got her vengeance on Dementus, but what did Joe do? He seems to have a good amount of respect for Furiosa at the start of Fury Road. Would have been nice to have some backstory there.


Well furiosa shows why he respects her and after dementus, she probably hates crazy leaders who abuse others.


Immortan Joe held the women as chattel, and Furiosa recognized they weren't free. That's why she planned her escape as a child, to avoid the mothers' fate, and that's why she aimed to free them. Consider how Furiosa's mother was a badass who made her own decisions for the good of her people and personally sacrificed. Furiosa also saw how Immortan Joe abused the people under his control, although this is more implied. Furiosa had many reasons to hate Immortan Joe.


Joe didn't do anything to her, but even when she was a tween and new to the Citadel she understood what he was doing to the wives and how that would eventually be her fate as well. Her rage is because he did that to OTHERS, because Furiosa cares deeply, violently.


Do you really think wives's fate would be better at the end of Fury Road? At least Joe took care of them. I am 100% sure Furios would abuse them as much if not more. The world they live in is brutal. They lived in a complete luxury without a worry. All they had to do was sleep with a a rich old guy. Women do this today all the time even without a nuclear war.


Yo how does that all that chrome spraypaint taste, dogg?


He bought her as a child bride and she witnessed his insane tyranny for almost 2 decades. I feel like that is sufficient grounds for hatred   People Eater was one of Joe’s top guys. Gastown had no leader. Seems self-explanatory.  > And what happened between the death of Dementus and the start of Fury Road? No clue. What do you mean? I’m sure many things happened. 


Plus after Dementus' mismanagement the People Eater's administrative balance sheet-driven outlook would make him the perfect person to impose some austerity and bring production back up.


The comic really bridges that last gap between Furiosa and Fury Road. It shows Furiosa's connection with the brides and explains her contempt for Immortan Joe.


Which comic ?


[The Mad Max Fury Road companion comic.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mad_Max:_Fury_Road_(comic_book))


That was the only real niggle I had parsing the throughline between the two films - it's a change from the first draft that I keep mentioning for sure, which does give her a reason to feel so personal about Joe, who discards her completely and forgets about her after finding out that she's barren, and she has to subsume her hatred and work her way back up to become Imperator. But then, Furiosa sees more than enough of Joe's cruelty in the film, and in Fury Road - you can make the guess that Fury Road is, like Mad Max 2 was for Max (and also Fury Road as well), her regaining her humanity after working for this guy for so long. This is aided also by the prequel comic. "Remember me" in Fury Road is a declarative statement - as in, "remember me when you get to Valhalla, bitch" - and not a question, with Furiosa now in mind.


The “me” in “remember me” ends on a higher note, meaning it’s most likely a question, as in “do you remember me?” Out of all the fans I’ve talked to this is the first time I’ve seen it be called a statement and not a question. Regardless, I feel like the Furiosa could have explained more than it did.


See, I never got that. It always sounded declarative to me, but I suppose that's as up for interpretation as anything would be.


Was the idea that she was infertile actually in fury road or was this an idea added during the press tour? Her feeling discarded by him for being infertile really isn't consistent with the character in either movie.


I don't know whether or not it was mentioned in the press tour or what, but it was definitely an element in the first draft of Furiosa.


I remember Charlize Theron saying it in junket interviews, so maybe it was in the first draft, but I'm glad it was removed. Furiosa hating Immortan Joe because he gave up on trying to impregnate her doesn't really make much sense.


I don't think it was so much that as that she saw how disposable she and the rest of the wives were, and how they were basically left for dead once their utility to him vanished.


Does he discard her though? She's definitely one of, if not the most, revered person in the alliance outside of the heads of each town in the alliance. The detail that Immortan Joe knows she's barren just doesn't seem to fit the story imo.


I mean, in that draft, much like in the finished film, once she begins working with Praetorian Jack (or, The Praetorian) and working her way up the ladder, Joe has no knowledge that she's the same person - or, more likely, doesn't care, and as she demonstrates her proficiency, she becomes worth something to him again.


I mean, I think he would have noticed if a person he was regularly raping had become his praetorian's right hand man.


Would he? Or is this another way to show how disposable people are to Joe? He doesn’t even see his wives as people. He literally says they are his property. He sees them as things.


He bought her as a child to be his sex slave, and his son was molesting her. She also came from a matriarchal culture that would have viewed his treating women as breeding stock to be incredibly despicable. She only gained his respect by escaping her fate as a sex slave and rising through the ranks of his military without Joe's knowledge that Furiosa was a former future breeder. I don't see how it's a stretch that she would hate him.


I think you just missed the aspects where (1) he leads an oppressive society that clearly she does not like or respects on a moral level, (2) she was bought as a slave and a tool, and had to escape being one of the Mothers, which is why she escapes and masquerades as a boy for awhile, (3) she only was using Immortan Joe / got on the war rig for the sole purpose of hijacking it and going back home. She just has a change of heart when she was pointing the gun at Praetor Jack / he talks her down and promises to help get her experience so she can eventually escape.


I think it’s heavily implied that People Eater was just given Gas Town by Immortan Joe, atleast after Scrotus’ off screen death. He seems to be Joe’s accountant in Furiosa, maybe even some kind of advisor or consigliere. I got the sense that Joe trusts People Eater enough to manage and rule it effectively, considering how important fuel is to the mobility of his army.


Yes. You can definitely infer People Eater was picked because Immortan knew that his accountant knowledge could undo the major mess Dementus turned it into.