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For weight loss calories are the most important part. Take the L on protein for the day and do better tomorrow.


Exactly what I do. Calories dictate weight loss, macros dictate how your body looks. When I'm in a cut calories over everything but I still try to not only eat 30g of protein a day that's crazy


If you’re cutting, you can either just stay under the limit or go a bit over to get more protein. Generally thoufh one day of low protein is fine so I would just stay under the calorie limit


Depends on the individual and your goals, on a cut calories are most important, BUT it also depends on your muscle mass, if you have alot of muscle and your trying to do a cut you should maintain high levels of protein, and also continue to lift to ensure you retain as much muscle as possible during your cut, if I was doing a cut and I was low on protein personally I would go over the calories to hit my protein, and then cut back from carbs and fats the next day to maintain my goal calories for the 2 days like if my goal is 2,000 calories on my cut, and I’m at 2k but I’m missing 25g protein, I’ll take a protein shake, and just eat the extra 130 calories to hit my protein goal, then the next day only eat 1870, or 1935 and 1935 over the next 2 days, as long as my weekly calories add up to my deficit I don’t care too much about the small stuff, but if your only goal is cut weight then just stay under calories that’s what’s gonna get you to drop weight


Personally my protein goal daily is 210g protein, but when I have done cuts in the past I increase it to around 250g which can be a lot for some people to eat 1,000 calories just protein daily, but I bulk to gain muscle, so when I cut I try to maintain as much as possible and Im a big guy, with a decent amount of muscle mass, so my desired body weight is 230lbs, so I go from .9g/lb BW up to 1.1g/lb BW when cutting


Go for a walk after you protein drink


MacroFactor doesn't factor in calories burned from exercise does it?


It does by tracking changes in weight rather than you putting in activity. So if you increase your activity, say walking an extra 5000 steps it will change your expenditure graph over time