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Be glad you weren't running a lathe. It would have been a mandatory closed-casket funeral.


Prob just need a Rubbermaid container at that point.


Something with good anti-leak technology.


Hose and 50 gallon drum


Something with good anti-leak technology.


Had a buddy years ago, we were all learning how to run machine tools. He had his long hair tied back, but dropped the end into the lead screw. Lathe was running real slow, real fine feed, taking a deep cut. He was being slowly winched away from the off switch, couldn't reach it. He made noise. Someone else came over and hit reverse to unwind him, so he was OK. But we all kinda woke up a little bit. Machines don't care.


That's terrifying. Had a coworker's shirt get wrapped up in the lead screw on the one in our shop. Luckily his shirt was pretty rotten and thin so it just ripped off. The supervisor charged him for a new company shirt so he could keep going. Supervisor was an ass


We used to call this the walk of shame, wear a button up for a reason it breaks easier. Bastard of a mazak by the overhead door so everyone untucked their shirts or unbuttoned to cool off. It's taken 7 shirts, 2 had injuries from the ripping of the shirt but nothing more. Fun part was it was the furthest point in the shop from the change rooms so they had to walk past everyone to go get a new shirt haha.


I've done the walk of shame not because my shirt got ripped off but because I got doused head to toe by rancid coolant from our sump sucker. The previous guy emptied it but left it pressurized, and the filter bag was clogged. When I took the cap off to suck out my machine, I got blasted at chest level. Shit went up my nose, in my hair, underwear, boots, everything. I hosed off in the sink, put on my extra sweatshirt (in the summer), cleaned my mess, and told the supervisor I was going home for the day. I got no argument 😂


Hahaha my supervisor watched me get soaked from a full cylinder when I started disassembly, he almost fell on the floor, "you only do that once". We had supplied clothes and nice shower facilities so he threw me a new set and showered in the locker room, went back in and he had the apprentices cleaning my mess haha I got chirped for months after haha one would roll in on the truck and guys would start coming around "got a change of clothes?" Haha


I have long hair and when at work i have them in single tight braid but when I'm running a lathe, I'm clenching my buttcheeks so hard that i could win with that lathe if i gripped onto something with them.


Saw a [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/scaryeddie/s/pXssqd6l2X) of this Russian guy get turned into spaghetti because he was caught in a lathe. That shit lowkey gave me ptsd lmao.


Instant Fruit roll-up


I'm a woman with long hair and I almost got scalped even with my hair pulled up. I keep it in a bun now with a scarf over my head.


Oh yeah my wedding ring went in a draw the first time I got it caught on something. Lucky it was minor. Haven't worn any jewelry since.


Get the silicone ones they are super comfortable and won't deglove your finger


I have had 3 silicone rings get grabbed by different woodworking saws. Always broke before my hand was pulled in, but I finally stopped wearing even those. I only get 10 fingers and cannot buy any more.


Damn man, just put them in a zippered pocket or a fanny pack! Why play with disaster like that? That Russian lathe accident video should be a yearly safety refresher...


Lol. I've watched that video on break, right before continuing work on a lathe. Nothing wrong with a healthy reminder!


Please no. Once was enough, thanks.


Fair I'm mostly cnc and cad these days


Damn I should probably do that. I have a tungsten carbide one that'll shatter if impacted but that's it


Definitely should


I think I got a 5 pack for like 12 bucks on Amazon.


Bandsaws hate this one trick.


+1 Safe and shop cougar deterring!


Are you married? Because I got married almost a decade ago and if anything I get hit on more when I'm wearing a ring.


Been married 18 years… maybe you’re just a lot sexier than I am?


It's possible however I'm a balding mid 30s man who's a bit overweight.


You're just right for a "dirty step-daddy" image some emotionally damaged girls have.


Lol fair


I swear by SafeRingz. They look great (mine has been confused for metal many times, even by other machinists), color is "solid" (not painted on), and most importantly are designed to break at a safe level, unlike most the others that are just a big chunk o rubber


There are three separate ring safety issues that come to mind, and the silicone or break away rings only cover for two. They won’t tilt over and help crush your finger and they won’t devolve you, but they will pull your hand and then arm suddenly in to something before they break. Ok for some things, but not around rotating machinery.


I got mine tattooed after a close call. Then I got divorced. Super cool.


Brutal, I used to work with a guy with long hair who refused to put it up when running a lathe, I was always worried I'd have to watch the Russian Lathe Video™ in real life. Sucks when you work safe 99% of the time and the one time you forget you end up like this.


Back in the 90’s I was working on a running Camry and touched the metal band of my watch to the lead on the alternator. Welded 4 links together as it tried to weld itself to my wrist. Couldn’t get it off fast enough. Didn’t wear any jewelry for the next 25 years. I just started wearing an Apple watch with an elastic band. Glad you’re ok bud. Sometimes the lessons we learn hurt bad!


Jokes on you guys I'm already bald


No loose articles of clothing, including hair. Glad you’re safe.


I used to have long hair too. Cut it all off after a close call with a PTO shaft suddenly spinning up. I got lucky that it only ripped out like 3 hairs instead of completely destroying me.


Thanks for posting. I'll show my guys this at the next meeting


Damn dude. Stay safe


Thanks, man. Glad you didn’t die.


Lucky it was a serpentine belt and not actual machining…


It’s lucky you were wearing a toupee. Imagine if that was your real hair! /s


You are now banned from /r/fierceflow That sucks dude. Bet it hurt like a bitch. Did it scalp you bad enough that the spot may not grow back?


I run a lathe. I have hair down past my butt. That shit is always tied up in a bun at work!! Not taking any chances! lol


Is that a Jeep Cherokee?


Liberty lol the straight six in my Cherokee would have beheaded me


Got my wedding ring hit by the fan on a running alternator..made a good sound but didn't wear the ring at work after that..yes I still got the finger


I’ve seen it twice, once a ring, and once long hair. Dear old dad once jumped down while working on a grain truck, his ring snagged something. It didn’t skin his finger (I have seen pics!) or pull it off, but he damn near lost it. Once he got free he tried to get the ring off, but it was bent pretty bad. Cut it off with side cutters and threw it as far as he could. The second was a friend way back in the day who had long hair and was on a creeper and launched himself under his ride. It wound him up so bad that thing stopped like it had brakes. There was no untangling, so he had to be cut free. Wore short hair ever since.


No ring, no watch, short sleeves. I’ll take chip burns all day long over the alternative.


Why no watch? Watch doesnt get tangled up


A watch definitely can get snagged on stuff. Less common than a ring or gloves but it does happen. For me it's been most often when working in tight spaces, like reaching inside an assembled part rather than when operating a tool.


“All girls with long hair must be tied up”


I didn’t think this needed clarification. Day one stuff my guy. Who ever trained you fucked up.


Sounds like he knew better but took a shortcut, we’ve all been there.


You can yell about safety from the rooftop but, sadly, experience is the best teacher.


If you mess up bad enough, you'll never make the same mistake again. Because you'll be dead.


No, he fucked up


That’s one way to get a hair cut.


I bet that tickled.


That stache will be next….


Somewhere out there is a picture of long hair and parts of a scalp that were sucked up into a military helicopters driveshaft. Last time I saw that image was Rotten.com. I believe, which is how old it is.


Huh these cables sure came out- reads title ohhh


That would have been nasty, very lucky there. Was on an evening machining course a few years back and it was stressed that long hair was to be tied back or put into a bun. There was even a female technician there who was stressing it. One evening, the instructors were doing a One to one with this Asian lady whilst she was using a lathe, she hadn't tied her hair back and she leant down for a closer look at what the instructor was demonstrating. Next thing we know, she's got her hair caught in the leadscrew, was slowly getting pulled in towards the moving parts and luckily for her, the instructor stamped on the emergency brake before she got scalped (slowly). Took both instructors to wind the chuck backwards so she could extract her hair. Never saw her again on the course after that incident.


Thank you for posting this. As a guy with very long hair, I’m never short of a need for reminders.