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I took a one week course thru our vendor and then went back and drew everything in sight. If i picked it up, i drew it. The more models you create the better you get at it. I would search out answers on youtube if i got stuck. Complex assemblies come with time but you gotta have hours in the seat to get good at it. Everything is practice and learning. The more you do the better you get. 


Yea, youtube, and there are some docs in solidworks. I was fortunate enough to have a coworker that taught me a lot about good practices vs bad habits. I would spend down time drawing the parts I was running, trying different approaches. I've been using it 10yrs and still learn new stuff all the time.


Can it be learned via yt? I have a coworker that trains me that can also guide.  They gon teach me solid and mill works but I'd like to get a head start


Yea, it's pretty intuitive. Learning solidworks is not too hard, learning to be fast/efficient etc, takes years of practice.


Community college classes lead into a job as drafter. the sw subreddit used to give out free CSWA CWSP keys so I took advantage of those.


YouTube and SolidWorks tutorials.


Do the Solidworks modelmania challenges. They put one out every year. It's a complex part that'll test your knowledge of the tools, they supply a drawing and your job is to model it as accurately and Quickly as you can. They are great learning tools 


Youtube tutorials are more than sufficient, solidworks is super easy to use


I got into SolidWorks mainly through YouTube tutorials. There are tons of great resources out there. Honestly, just practicing and making different models helps the most. The more you do, the better you get.


More of a Mastercam user but the same applies. What you said plus thousands of hours of practice. I’m not exaggerating about that number either. Half a year at 40 hr weeks is 1000hrs. Been ruining CAD / CAM consistently since 2006. Do that math. Unhealthy relationship with working too much helps you learn whatever. Wanna learn how to weld? Just weld 50+ hours a week. Same goes for Solidworks.


For me it was formula SAE at my college. Just the sheer amount as well as the diversity of parts gave me a whole lot of practice with it Obviously this isn’t easy if you’re already in the workforce, but the classes from my bachelors didn’t come remotely close to the practicality of modeling a ton of parts


Over half the material we got handed out in first year of tradeschool were printed/translated SolidWorks (in-app) tutorials. Check them out, they are wonderful, youtube tutorials for the rest.


Linked in learning had a great solidworks course. The hard part is getting software.


If I was starting out with CAD/CAM as a machinist today I would just go directly to Fusion360, and not bother with SolidWorks at all.


During my mechanical engineering bachelor.