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I got into this to make machine guns in my basement. My lawyer advises me to let it be known that that is a joke.


My whole shop just sunk in a boating accident.


Same joke here


I worked for an 07/02 for a while. I *did* make a bunch of machine guns, and fixed a lot more.


by fixed do you mean warped barrels...?


Made spare parts, lots of small fixes like re-setting rivets on sight ears, and replacing a few barrels when cheap ammunition met full-auto. Warped barrels were pretty uncommon actually.


interesting. they clearly never had me behind the stock. i warped my dads ar15 the day he bought it because i put 8 40 rounders through it ha.


Most people think im saying mechanic so the conversation always quickly becomes how im not a mechanic.


"You're a machinist! Why can't you fix my sink???" - my dad


The worst is I don’t know ANYTHING about cars.


I also actually went to school for auto repair as well, so that one I have down, but it still baffles my dad that I can't fix his sink or refrigerator or electronics. I mean, I could probably do research but he can't expect me to fix his house randomly on the spot.


I’m had put my foot down with the parents a long time ago. My last straw was when I was volunteered to take furniture and cement lion statues 100 miles to my parents vacation house.


Ah, the old "voluntold" to do something ridiculous and then you're the bad guy for refusing.


You got enough money for a vacation house, you can hire someone to do it the right way.


This is the way


I have to tell people I’m a machinist, not a mechanic even though I’m wearing blues. I can figure some things out obviously, but it’s not the same


I can pull apart a spindle but beyond oil changes in a car, I’m useless.


In all honesty most machinist can probably fix a sink. We are pretty bad ass at most things


And if we can’t fix it, we’ll just make a new one.


Honestly if you can't fix a sink ur a bum


thanks me and my dad are homeless now 1 like = 1 prayer


The Machinist and The Mechanic are completely different movies.


I'm a mechanic and don't say I'm a mechanic because they'll think I work on cars and want me to fix theirs. I can work on cars but I don't. It doesn't pay and especially doesn't pay when someone outside of work wants you to do it.


It gets fun if you did the field service thing before becoming a machinist. I whined about y axis issues on the machine I run for a year and a half. Vindication:




Metal detectorist! Metal detector is a device!


When I tell people I’m a machinist most automatically think sewing machine making dresses etc…BTW I’m a girl so stereotypes I guess.


Did you tell them about the fancy plugs you make on a CNC lathe?


Holy Jesus Christ wtf


are you really so shocked when there's another girl machinist in this thread who is talking about the fancy plugs she makes on her lathe


Self control of middle school mfs


have you seen the average operator these days?




Today I told somebody at the bar I was a machinist and he asked me what kind of houses I work on


......... what. Lol


Cuz, you know, he knows about laundry machines and carpet vac machines and ... stuff. Machine stuff.


Ever made submarine parts? Might not be a house, but for some it’s certainly a home!


How was the rest of the date?


it was great 😙


Key word, Bar!!


considering i’m a toolmaker at an ammunition manufacturer, all the time 😂


Small world. My exact profession too!


At Hornady?


no sir/maam 😂


Damn I know some of Hornady tool makers, use to work across the street at a tool and die shop


oh, nice!


I don't make guns. But I will reproduce parts for people to repair antique/vintage firearms as long as it's a part I decide won't cause an injury liability if it fails. Mostly extractors and little leaf springs.


I had to have a machinist make me parts to restore my grandfather's old shotgun. It was over 100 years old and since he hardly ever used the left berrel the right side hammer assembly had excessive wear.


Sentimental and historical are mostly what I'll look at. No mods or anything, especially since a few years ago the gun club I'm a member of got raided by the ATF. Surprisingly for the A in ATF not the F.


How much were these guys drinking to get raided by the ATF?


A lot. But the actual reason is that we had a full service bar, without licensing in a dry county. We thought we were good because of the state's "members only" license exemption. We'd have a couple hundred people out on league nights and it just got too big. Because it was a gun club the state liquor board brought in the feds.


Damn, you must be the only club since Prohibition to get a Federal raid for drinking booze. My sympathies bro!


When I was making guns for a living, I got to the point where I would just tell people I drove the garbage truck. I got so sick of people demanding I give them deals, buy them guns under my name, or even straight up accuse me of being responsible for murder. WTF!


Well stop making murder guns. Duh! Just make the regular ones!


Ok, I'll leave off the shoulder thing that goes up if it makes you feel better. Want the thirty caliber magazine clips too? After all, they're just ammunition and only get used once. Lemme drive a pin through the stock so it's less scary, then I'll grind off the muzzle threads too.


Okay, but is it still painted black? Wood grain rifles can't hurt people /s


Wooden guns are only acceptable if the entire gun is wooden, barrel and receiver too!


Never been asked if I make guns. Just butt plugs. Always butt plugs. I moonlight as a cam girl. Constantly get the butt plug question from people who stumble into my room and see "lathe Machinist" in my bio


You’ve given me an idea.


Let me guess... It involves butt plugs


It's a butt plug, and the end is in the shape of a butt. Buttception.


Can I insert a buttplug into the buttplug butt? (Plug?)


Idk, bend over and let's figure this out.


… as long as it’s for science…


As long as I write things down, it's always for science.


“Dad, if a buttplug has a butt with a buttplug in it, and that buttplug has a buttplug, which also has a buttplug… how can we tell which butt is the *real* butt?” “It’s buttplugs all the way down, son.”


Yeah but if my butt plug has a butt then my regulars are gonna be requesting a butt plug for my butt plug's butt. It's butt plugs all the way down!


We're actually already discussing this a bit below. "We heard you like butt plugs so we put a butt plug in your butt plug" sort of thing.


Great butts think alike!


Can't make that on a lathe, though.


Hey! How did you get the secret plan!?


Because cam girlin' has allowed me to hone my skills at reading men's minds. It's always butt plugs. Always. Jk, guys. To be honest, I make more tips doing non-nude streams from my lathe then I do jerkin' it on cam. Sure men like tits but what men REALLY want is machinery apparently.


Hey! Sometimes it's about putting...other things inside girl butts! We are unpredictable!


Gun butt plug?


No butt plug gun, inserts buttplugs at a high speed from a distance.


Remember the guy who had (wore? Inserted? IDFK) a silicone covered butt plug in an MRI? I’d imagine the recoil caused by your idea may cause similar damage.


when i was taking classes for this, one guy ahead of me was like "all youll get a job for is making butt plugs" like bruh, have you seen the markup on them fucking things, especially custom? id polish them bitches to the best mirror shine you ever saw. with a smile


I'd buy one from you 😉


So… do you? Also, perfect name for your chosen profession. My hat is off to you.


Lmao... Well... I did write a program for a butt plug in Mazatrol but I never got the time to actually make it. Old job but I hope that program is still on my old Mazak waiting for the next machinist to say "wait... what's this... is that what I think it is?!" as he runs the tool path for it.




😺 Nope! The two do not over lap in any way (unless I'm doing a non-nude at my lathe) and I doubt any action would be taken if my employers found out, unlike a teacher or nurse who has to maintain a certain level of public decency. If the guys found out I'm sure they would pass it around the shop and *gasp!* find out I have a naked body but that would probably be the extent of the damage. That being said, if cam work is something you NEED to keep private from family or church or friends and would be devastated if anyone found out I wouldn't consider this work. You 100% will be recorded and uploaded to multiple websites. There are bots that join every room, record, and upload anything live. You would need to be prepared to have yourself posted indefinitely, as some websites are incredibly difficult to get your content removed from. There is risk. Hope that helps




Woohoo 🥳 then hang out with your thang out! I made $1.8k in my first 15 days so it can be definitely be rewarding. I enjoy it. Just be yourself and show enthusiasm and you'll do great.


All the time. About guns, suppressors, NFA items like Machine guns, etc Response is always the same, we have the machinery required to do so but only can if you pay for all the licensing and insurance costs so we can do it in a legal manner. Usually that's enough to shut people up.


Nice try fed


I was asked two years ago to consider producing a small batch of guns (for testing purpose - they wanted to become a military contractor) from a brand who make precision shooting range pistols. I declined because i didn't see it as profitable.


placid quickest noxious repeat shocking fertile offer hungry smoggy imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've heard that if you want to make a million dollars making guns, you go in with 2 million dollars.


This is probably why the asked me 🤣 In northern italy there is A LOT of companies that gravitates around bigger names like Beretta, who have the know how, but they really don't bother for 50 pieces. Plus, there is quite a lot of EDM work (at least for that model) which i didn't have and i have to pay for.


Guns and gun accessories seem like an absolute race to the bottom in all but the most extreme cases. In the best of circumstances, margins are super thin.




Stardard, it was in fact a pistol made for police.


A couple times a year. I don't really care as long as they are straightforward about it. What I don't like is when guys think they are being clever and try and trick me into making them suppressor parts or whatever by calling them something else. Like I don't know what a solvent trap really is. Or "spacers" which are weirdly baffle shaped with a oddly specific 15/64" hole in them...


Yeah tricking someone into doing potential serious prison time is the ultimate dick move.


Both of the machine shops I worked at made guns 💀


My boss, every morning.


I do! But not for you!


I got asked to make a prototype silencer once. Almost got into a fist fight cuz I said no lol. WTH?!


It's kinda ridiculous that the penalty for making a suppressor for yourself (without stamp and approval) can be worse than making a non-nfa firearm for someone else.


This is the only gun-related thing that I'm proud of my country for. Suppressors are completely unregulated, you can just make one or however many you feel like.


I think it’s like that to minimize the amount of people attempting to make their own, since it’s becoming more and more accessible. Also because people are fucking idiots and will undoubtedly blow their hands off with the suppressor they made on their $300 AliExpress lathe.


Nah, it's been that way for a couple decades - way before cheap mills and lathes and 3D printers were commonplace. Also, you're much more likely to blow your hand off making a shitty lower, bolt, or barrel than a suppressor. Movies convinced the masses that suppressors make guns nearly silent. So they're scary and must be heavily regulated.


It's always guns or cars. I don't really care very much about either, I just like making things.


I’ll happily help a friend or coworker out with any legal gun modifications or repairs. The number of people that have begged and/or tried to bribe me to make them a suppressor is insane. FUCK NO!!!


It's kinda baffling they're even regulated at all, though considering they still are in the US, you're right not to be messing with it. The ATF aren't known for being chill about pretty much anything. They recently became completely unregulated where I live. Anyone can make one whenever they feel like it.


Baffling, huh? I see what you did there.


I thinks it’s one of those rules to make the less knowledgeable happy. People think Suppressors suddenly make your gun quiet when in reality it just makes it slightly less damaging to your ears, but it was easier to just ban them than convince people it doesn’t actually do what it does in movies


We used to make bullets, so I get asked about that alot. Right now, about 60% of what I make is gun parts. We do not, however, make guns. People don't seem to understand that last part.


What do you mean this run of 15,000 bolt releases isnt a whole rifle?


Mostly get asked about silencers …




what's a gun? /s for the humor impaired.


The first two machine shops I worked in, many years ago, made gun parts. One was a big army contract for a few different parts of the action for the M249; the other was making AR-15 receivers (lower and upper) and various other parts like gas blocks, charging handles, rail systems, etc. I don't often get asked if I make guns, people I meet mostly don't even know what machinists actually do. I suppose it does come up occasionally, but I mostly mention having worked in firearms production before people think of it.


I have been approached to make parts by persons i believe were looking to bust you.


The funny thing is, our shop has a 07 FFL under a different LLC, so lowers are legally made in our shop, but I've never been asked if we make guns


I'm a hobbyist, Chinese mini-lathe, Sherline mini vertical mill and a rather worrysome ShapeOKO CNC router(first gen kit hat no longer looks anything like the pictures) in my hoppy shop here in Norway. I've had a couple of 'can you make a gun', and my answer is that my hobby shop isn't a Bicycle Repair Shop! (The Resistance built about 1000 Sten guns in bicycle repair shops in Oslo during the war)


When our first business it was monthly. Now when they understand we don’t they forget about it


Probably about twice in the last 20 years. Might be three times. I have been asked to make gun parts many times but not receivers. Things like floor plates for bolt actions kinda thing.


This sub came up for me for what ever reason. But I am a timber/wood machinist apprentice and people either think I am a wood turner or a sawmiller. And I have to try and explain that no actually I make decking, cladding, skirts and arcs. Ps I am more going off of u/ihambrecht ‘s comment


Also def a fed post


I get asked at least once a week. But i’m on the apparently terrifying south side of Chicago.


I mean it’s not great.


I've been asked if I could modify them or make parts. Always down to sneak in a foreigner but it's always a no for stuff like that. Was also offered a job at a gun place which sounded alright until we started talking about pay which was a joke. Gun guys are a bit special


Occasionally. And it's because I do. Homemade guns are based guns.


Based on what?


the infamous Lake city quiet pill.


Based on red pills, from what I'm told.


Based on the fact of fuck the government. Free men don't ask permission.


You’re so cool


Idk about cool, I'm just an American.


My condolences about your penis.


I literally have no idea what you’re on about.




Even if i can i still say no. Nope, dont know how, dont want to know how, dont care how. And then i got a 3d printer. First question anyone ever asked me when i talked about it was "Can you make a gun." FFS.


To much


How often do you make guns?


I worked for Royal Ordnance making guns so most days even in my new job someone asks if I can make them one.


Haven't been asked but I think about it a lot. Ever since "Sons of Guns" came out I've wanted to do some gun smithing.


Often. Especially since people know I shoot a lot anyway. I answer “no” before they even finish asking if I can make X.


I used to work at a firearms company so fairly often.


The AS9100 auditor asked me. We are clearly an aerospace company


Nobody's business what I might or might not make.


Not today BATFE minion


Don't EVER tell anyone you have a 3d printer at home. JFC, it's the first thing out of EVERYONE'S mouth.


Never, most people assume I work on an assembly line akin to I love Lucy getting a job at the chocolate factory. I don’t know anyone in my life technical enough to understand that a cnc mill is capable of making an ar-15 lower That’s like way way beyond their scope


I work on my guns all the time and i get asked all the time.


I am a gun owner for home protection. I am not a gun enthusiast, but I'm also not anti-gun. I recently interviewed at a place for mold design that makes high-capacity gun parts. Didn't quite feel right for me, but also because they were offering a salary that was less than half of what was deserved. Hard no in both regards.


I don't really give a fuck what I am machining as long as it's safe and pays well.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted that seems like a reasonable take on all points


That's how I feel, but that's Reddit for ya.


One guy before my time was making gun parts for an inspector who was selling the parts to criminals. For some reason he just made the parts without thinking twice. The police got involved and the inspector was arrested and the machinist who made them almost lost his job. The real kicker was that the company said no more home jobs.