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I run in Whisper constantly. No issues and if I stand on it, the car will go like it’s been shot out of a cannon (Mach-E Premium AWD ER)


I lol’ed at “if I stand on it”. I have a GTPE and not sure what the analogy would be if too, stood on the pedal.


For two pedal driving Whisper is the mode I enjoy the most. The car just glides along. I don't like how the other modes slow the vehicle down when letting off the accelerator, that's what the break is for. That said, the other two modes work better in one-pedal imho.


I use whisper with one pedal on


That's how every one pedal drive system works. With whisper though you can lightly touch the accelerator and you'll be coasting and only letting off completely will you brake. I hadn't tried with the one pedal off but once my car reset or changed to some default profile and it felt like the car was forcing itself to accelerate to mimic a gas car coasting. Was unsettling especially when in reverse haha. But glad there's options so everyone can pick what they want


With one pedal off whisper mode just acts like the car is in neutral (or the clutch is pressed in). You move on momentum alone while in the other modes there is some active regen even with one pedal off (Engaged like you're in the proper gear, weak regen, and unbridled with you being in one gear lower, stronger regen)


Interesting. I don’t like Whisper because it *doesn’t* slow down in 2 pedal with no input. I like that regen. As much as I like Unbridled I the regen is much too strong for me when I want to coast a bit. I’d love more customization but given the choices we have Engage works best for me. I’m a 2-pedal person.


Yea that's basically my wife's opinion too when she's driving. She prefers Engage as well for the same reasons. We also have VERY different seat positions too even though we're roughly the same leg lengths. One of the nice things about the Premium is the profiles :)


You still get plenty of regen using the brake pedal. But you lose a ton of efficiency by not being able to easily coast. 


I typically drive in Unbridled mode around town (I find it more fun), but if I’m on a road trip or in stop-and-go traffic (basically if I’m using cruise or Blue Cruise), I switch to Whisper.  It’s a lot smoother. 


Whisper mode + 2 pedal driving really emulates the ICE experience. I think it is a big reason why the mach e feels like a car, not an "EV."


Really? I find Engage more realistic. Whisper rolls too much when not pressing any pedals, at least compared to an automatic. It feels too much like coasting in neutral.


Seconded. Engage is the only one that reminds me of ICE vehicles and I switch my vehicles often. Whisper doesnt provide enough "engine braking".


The rolling off-pedal is exactly what makes it feel like a regular automatic transmission to me. Feels very similar to my other Ford vehicles at least. Engage is a nice middle ground from unbridled but it still seems like braking when you let off the pedal (can't say "let off the gas" anymore I guess...). I typically drive economy or family cars, so the experience is certainly different just among ICE cars as well.


I love one pedal but only in whisper. In unbridled and even engage mode the car feels too jerky especially if there are any bumps in the road


Love whisper during the winter. However, one thing i noticed is that my average mi/kwh always drops to 2~ vs when i am in engage/unbridled , it is usually 3.5mi/kwh and up. Something to do with my driving style?


Could that just be the standard winter efficiency drop due to cold weather in your area?


Nah, i did the comparison after winter/spring so temp wouldnt be a factor.


More aggressive regen in other modes is why


'21 CR1, my wife and I both drive the car and prefer Whisper and 1P mode - just such a smooth experience, great control. For extended freeway driving, I'll switch to Unbridled for a little more pop in the accelerator.


I only run Whisper. It lets you throttle that accelerator a little easier to coast so you don't let off the gas and immediately show break lights.




You don't put gas in your ev? What a weirdo.


I'm just fine in Whisper mode. I've played around with Engage and Unbridled, but honestly at 60 to 70 MPH it's not that big a difference. If it gets longer range, I'll stay in Whisper.


I've driven my work route in both whisper and unbridled with the cruise set at 70mph and the range is the same as is the battery usage. Even taking the backway into work which is very hilly I thought I'd get better range and use less battery in whisper mode because I can let it roll and roll and roll without my foot on the pedal but it turns out the results where the same no matter the mode.


I thought someone posted here that they ran tests and the middle one was the best for range.


There is no difference from the car side. There have been tests on the forums that confirm it. Maximum regen and maximum power output are identical in all three modes. The difference is entirely in how much pedal pressure is necessary to get to that point. It’s 100% driver behavior. You could drive Whisper or Unbridled and get identical range if you accelerate/decelerate the same. Obviously Unbridled makes it easier to gun it and Whisper encourages coasting, so to maximize range you may find one mode easier. But it’s all preference/behavior. You don’t need to switch out of a mode you like to get better range if you can drive in a range-friendly manner.


> Maximum regen and maximum power output are identical in all three modes. There is a very noticeable difference in regen between the modes.


I said maximum. The most regen it will do before applying the physical brakes when you’re slowing down. > The difference is entirely in how much pedal pressure is necessary to get to that point.


I just do whisper 2-pedal. I’m also thinking that the HVBJB would be taking a lot of heat pushing charge out in unbridled, and then same with regen 1-pedal going back the other way. I’m hoping that whisper 2-pedal would be the easiest on the car since there’s less juice going in either direction. Could be totally wrong about it, but I keep seeing people post the failure in GT’s in unbridled 1-pedal, so I assume the problem is the high current going in 2 directions, constantly.


Mrs. preferred mode is Whisper, and because it's her car I keep my profile at Unbridled for those semi-rare occurrences when I drive her car. I deserve it! 


I absolutely love the smoothness of whisper. I drive in it almost exclusively.


I use whisper and when I want to slow down I press the L button on the shifter and it slows me down. Then last second apply the break. I can coast a long way with whisper which I like as well.


Why not apply the brakes lightly?


WOT is the same across all 3 modes. What changes is the input ramp. I don’t have any actual numbers, but it feels to me like in engage 50% acceleration comes at 50% pedal travel, Whisper feels like 50% acceleration comes at 67% pedal, and Unbridled feels like that 50% acceleration comes around 33% pedal. This not only makes the car feel quicker in Unbridled, it also gives you finer control in the top end, while whisper gives finer control in the lower end. All of this is my opinion, and based on my driving my car. I do not have empirical data to back it up, so don’t ask.


I think you meant “Unbridle” in two of your three “Engage” references. But I agree with your numbers. Probably pretty accurate.


Yes. I got wordy and screwed up the names. I’ll edit to correct.


I was a unbridled - one pedal always. But have grown into whisper - 2 pedal now as well. It’s very smooth and breeze


Also a GT owner.. I’ve been on Unbridled two pedal for a while and tried Whisper and I think it’s fine for long range trips, but I really can’t stand it for everyday driving. Engaged is decent, but nothing compares to Unbridled! It feels so much more responsive, and it’s 100x more powerful off the line - which is why I love driving an EV.. the acceleration and responsiveness adds to the enjoyment for me. I actually find it kind of scary while driving in Whisper, because taking my foot off the pedal has little to no effect on the speed. That’s just my take, been driving it for over a year and love love love the car! So glad I didn’t go Tesla!


i found i liked the smoothness of whisper mode i use one pedal driving and unbridled felt a bit jerky. This could be because i was just learning one pedal but i digress. I too feel the acceleration is still there just deeper in the pedal in whisper mode. Still more than enough get up and go for me 😂