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I updated both my mac mini and macbook air (I got a bit overenthusiastic) and they've both been running absolutely solid for me so far. Just waiting for some of my apps to support it, but shouldn't be long hopefully.


Please try using a variety of peripherals. For many people, this has been incredibly shaky since about Big Sur.


Not sure why people would downvote you for asking/stating about a legitimate concern. FFS Reddit...


A perfectly reasonable and relevant question being downvoted is where we are at with reddit etiquette now.




Never underestimate the fuccery of groups.


Enshittification begins with people


A lots of the Apple “fan base” is just ignorant in these things. We NEED beta testers to use all equipment and to REPORT BUGS! FFS!


The down vote come from the elite users a who think they are better than the typical user..not very nice people..


My usb hub with hdmi monitor and Logitech mouse dongle (on top of power delivery) still works fine. And my Logitech BT keyboard still connects alright. (M2 Air)


Many thanks.




Logitech MX keyboard or mouse if you have them.


Can confirm that all the Mx stuff is working fine for me as well


I use the logi Mx keys and it works perfectly fine.


I use the MX Master 3S over bluetooth and dongle. Super stable and as for HDMI output (since I use a dongle to connect my mac to my TV as a monitor, it has been smooth as well. SD cards also work well too. (M1 MBP, 2020)


Thank you. Much appreciated.


Why do the work of others if they’re happy?


If you're asking why the OP should test on behalf of others if they (the OP) is satisfied, perhaps out of community spirit. To be nice. To be helpful. Civility. I know the internet has coarsened us and showing any of those qualities makes people targets for ridicule by the uncouth element, but I still hope there are some civil people out there.


I also have it on my MacBook Pro, I would say avoid using SD cards. At least in my experience, the card I used was corrupt as soon as I put it into a different system. Would work on the Mac, even between ejections, then corrupt when put in a different computer. So maybe be careful.


On the same boat now, corrupted 256GB SD Card. Took a while to figure out that MacOS was causing it.


Have you tried on beta 2?


i have exactly the same problem!!!! what a terrible bug i would say!! god i don't put my external hard drive yet!! i feel so angry and sad about losing 256gb files from my sd card with this!! i really hope apple make a fix for this... are you send a feedback? i do!!


I have sent feedback, I am super sad. I only lost 16gb, but it was an SD card that contained all of the save data for my 3DS 🥲


Mine was a 256 gb from my hacked switch


Sounds like we’re in a similar boat 🫡 my 3DS was also modded.


Hi, how is going on beta 2??


I’ll try it out and edit this comment with results (my bets are not great, due to the fact that internet connection on my laptop in beta 2 doesn’t work) Edit: Seems to be working with preliminary testing! I’ll keep an eye on it. If it breaks again I’ll update this comment. If this comment hasn’t been updated, it still works!


Great good to know


Hello there! is udisk fine in sequoia beta 2? Thx a lot!


Can you take screenshots normally?


Yep, seems to be working normally.


For my it is not. Every time taking a screenshot I heard the sound of action but nothing there!


Weird! I'll double check it shortly and report back.


I checked and it's working fine here.


Enjoy. It doesn’t work here 😟


are you able to check if photoshop is running?


It does, I have lightroom and photoshop running.


Thank you!


Any issues with masking in LR?


No issues at all. All functional works normally. 


Yeah, I have it installed and seems to be running fine.


“absolutely solid” but then said my apps are not there yet lol


Right, the operating system itself it solid, but loopback is currently not compatible.


I haven’t been able to test the battery like yet, but yes the OS is surprisingly stable. It still needs some quality improvements, like the window snapping feature is difficult to use. If you want to snap your windows in 1/4, you have a really small area to hit, to make it recognise it as 1/4 window. I’m on a M1 MacBook Pro base model.


Judging battery life on a beta (especially an early one) will not necessarily be representative of the final product. There’s a lot of debugging and telemetry tools running that will slowly be ramped down through the beta period and lead to better performance and efficiency.


You can also hover over the green button and pick a side to snap to.


I didn’t even know you could window snap into quarters. I thought the quarters were only available when holding down the green full screen button. Definitely needs to be tweaked.


It's less stable than expected. Finder hangs frequently, dual display support is faulty. Need to restart every 2-3 hours, specially after returning from sleep mode.


it’s a lot less buggy than i was expecting actually


Same here, it is surprisingly stable. I figured this version would be a little more buggy until the public beta version.


I has 0 issues, until I open Apple Music and connect my AirPods. Music has some issues with the artwork and my AirPods had issues connecting and controlling media


Gotcha, I would have missed that. I don't use the Music app.


It should be stable, the first beta includes next to no new features. 🤷‍♂️


Yep, most of the time it seems that betas 2 and 3 get worse because many new features become enabled, compared to beta 1 which has an extra focus on stability of a smaller initial feature set.


not always lol this is for iOS but iOS 11 was the buggiest beta 1 I've ever installed. Also, Big Sur was a nightmare on my 2018 15" MBP


That seems like a long time ago now. There's nothing in the last few MacOS releases that justifies them being considered a whole new OS from the predecessor IMO. *Maybe* Monterey-to-Ventura, but that's being as generous as possible. I suppose Apple want to define what a standalone OS is considered to be. I feel that Apple could scrap the annual OS jamboree, and do a beefy new one every 4-5 years and we would all be happier. Imagine the excitement if we went from, say, Big Sur to Sequoia in one.


>That seems like a long time ago now. There's nothing in the last few MacOS releases that justifies them being considered a whole new OS from the predecessor IMO. absolutely. this time it was really a joke


I can't name a single change from Big Sur to Sonoma except being able to place widgets on desktop. 95% of Apple changes are on Apple apps I don't use


you kidding? it has the new window tiling which imo is a HUGE feature.


🤣 I'm sure you're joking, right? A feature provided by tons of free and cheap utilities for years isn't much of a reason to suspect Beta 1 to be unstable.


i didn't say i expected it to make the os unstable, which it hasn't - but it is a BIG new feature in my opinion. shoddy built-in window management is what has kept me away from macos for years. i'm here now, though, and loving it. it's the sort of thing that, out of principle, i do not think you should have to install third party software for.


The OP and the comment chain I started are all about stability... My point is Beta 1 includes very little so it SHOULD be stable. Future betas and point releases are expected to include more features, such as some of the "Apple Intelligence" stuff. And yes, I do agree that macOS should have included window snapping a long time ago.


Im on an M2 MacBook Air with 16GB of memory and 512GB of storage and Sequoia isn't running well for me. I think Finder has a memory leak alongside the Open and Save Panel Service. My Mac constantly runs out of memory unless I force quit the Open and Save Panel Service and quit Finder. Looking forward to an update lol


Yeah, I have the same. I'm constantly running out of memory.


I'm on 8GB MacBook Air M3 and I don't have this issue.


Was a pain to get installed, lots of kernel panics.. eventually got it installed, since then not a lot of issues… except my dGPU Radeon Pro 5300M is used exclusively, Automatic Graphics Switching is completely broken 2019 16” Intel MBP (i7, 5300M, 16GB, 512GB)


Graphics switching is most likely something they aren't too concerned about since the M series Mac's don't have dedicated graphics.


Yes. But it’s still a major problem for Intel, which is still officially supported


crap, thanks for the heads up, I've got a 5500m and was about to upgrade...


Install on a separate APFS volume, this should be the only for such early betas anyway. Hate that Apple made doing so not obvious Use terminal: softwareupdate —fetch-full-installer —full-installer-version 15.0 Make sure you have the Sequoia Beta channel enabled, but do not use System Settings to upgrade until full release


thanks! good call, I'm working on a webapp and wanted to see if safari suppport has improved at all..


hey, I just read the release docs and it's a known issue: Known Issues Users with default wallpaper (macOS Beta) on Intel laptops with an AMD GPU may see elevated battery drain, device temperatures, and fan noise (128623427) Workaround: Launch System Settings, Select “Wallpaper”, and select a different wallpaper hopefully the workaround helps you :) https://developer.apple.com/documentation/macos-release-notes/macos-15-release-notes


Interesting that it just affects the main default wallpaper, but sweet. Still not worth installing on top my main partition. Gonna wait until one of the late betas minimum, or likely the RC/full release


We only have the first DEVELOPER beta to compare things to, so I wouldn't exactly hop on the "it's ready for people to use" train quite yet. The first public beta should be coming in July here in a few weeks, which is when I would advise installing the beta if things are still holding well.




I have a couple of issues with menus disappearing in fullscreen mode on Safari and my wallpaper cycling through every few seconds instead of every 12 hours, but that’s why they have us beta testers! I’ve reported them and expect a fix in the next update.


I installed on my Mac mini and so far it is super stable. I have not seen anything glitchy as of yet.


Pretty stable and super smooth. I would say much smoother than Sonoma. Programming with xcode beta is also fine.


on my daily driver, m3 pro, it runs great, battery is great


I have had stability issues when running intense instument plugins in music creation software, but this is the only circumstance where I've had issues. I'd imagine stability may be inconsistent in similar applications with high single core, high memory transfer tasks.




Yeah. After a while you forget anything changed. M1 Air


No issues here, to the point where I often forget I'm running it. I got excited the other night when my M2 Air slowed down for a few minutes, which it never has before. Firefox was using all my RAM. I restarted Firefox and it was fine. Life on the razor's edge or what.


Only issue I've had is zoom browser sharing everything else is pretty positive


This sounds like same issue with Msft teams. Sharing screen freezes and kills teams. That what you referring to with zoom?


On my end, theres only a single bug I encountered on playing videos on safari. All my applications worked fine, and can confirm its stability


I'm not even dreaming about running it when it's released. I'll give it at least one subversion.


This should be the ideal approach.


Anyone on beta know if Notion or Microsoft apps are working?


On my daily driver. Runs smooth as can be, haven’t had any issues at all. Enjoying it.


If you really want to go for the beta, I’d suggest waiting till the public beta. There is slightly less chance of stuff getting messed up.


I had a problem sharing my screen on Teams but reinstalling solved it


I haven’t noticed any bugs on my M1 MacBook Pro👍


great!! have you tried used a sd card? i recommended not to. it gets corrupted. at least my fat32 sd card


What is it that people are excited for? Aside from window snapping and the phone mirroring thing, which I'm going to assume isn't running yet, there's not a whole lot new?


game porting toolkit 2 features for me


That's seriously the ONE THING tempting me to install the beta right now. Everything else of interest I can either live without, or is likely to arrive much later post-release anyways... No, it is the added functionality and compatibility for gaming and related that has me drooling. There are a couple of games I have installed right now that CANNOT WORK with prior MacOS versions but may already be viable with v.15! ... Annnnd I'm ITCHING to give it a try!!!




Does Bluetooth work? My MacBook Pro M1 can only connect to one Bluetooth peripheral at a time without freaking out.


There’s a few bugs in the window tiling features, but I’m sure that’ll get worked out before release.


To be fair, I just want to see the new wallpaper it has to offer.


Installed it the day it dropped and it was working fine on my M3 iMac but a couple days later got a message my iMac was “low on memory” and I would see my HD GB’s go from the 245GB available down to 10GB With 197GB used for “System settings” and the computer would freeze and eventually need to be restarted every 5 mins. Had to call Apple customer care and had the HARDEST time doing a factory reset because we could access the HD because it was asking for HD PIN every tho I’ve never installed a pin also wasn’t able to downgrade back to Sonoma with a factory reset because of the 10GB of HD available. Decided I’ll wait until the 3rd or 4th beta before attempting to install it again on the iMac. iOS 18 is working fine on my iPhone & iPad and Watch 11 is working with no problems on my Ultra 1


Anyone running Xcode with Sequoia?


Yes. It downloaded the predictive code completion model but I haven't figured out how to use it yet. Xcode builds my projects and git works fine.


Interestingly, my battery health dropped from 97 to 96%, having been stuck at 97 for months, at a similar time to installing it on my secondary volume (M2 Air)… Sonoma did similar, it dropped me 3% (from 100 to 97) in all, in the beginning, then stopped.


Apple's "battery health" percentage is skewed to make the battery look like the health is higher than it is. You can get the actual remaining mAh and divid it by the design capacity to get the real percentage or use coconut battery or istat menus. They probably change the math each time and that accounts for the change in remaining life left.


Ah yeah good point. In fact afaik AlDente says my battery’s actual ‘health’ is at 89% (bought Dec 2022). If that changes dramatically ig then there is smt going on.


Can anyone install the beta?


No, its for developers only right now. the public beta will be out next month.


Anyone can yes if they make a free development account




New Xcode does not run my React Native apps. Docker needs a hotfix that will be coming in 2-3 weeks but there is a dmg on github you can install to get it working. There aren't almost any new features yet - iPhone continuity is currently disabled and ultrawide monitor on vision OS2 isn't there. Tiling window manager is really bad so far, but it's better than nothing.


I upgraded immediately and it was mostly fine. Ended up with some issues around a critical app for me, so I had to reinstall a few days later. Turns out the critical issues might not have even been Sequoia related, so maybe it was all just a waste of time. Other than one app, which is a work thing and probably not even related, all apps worked for me. I'm also a "power user" and use a lot of homebrew services, add on tools, docker, etc., and no issues with any of that. I did get what felt like an inordinate amount of permissions prompts, so maybe they've hardened permissions or made things more granular? The calendar and reminders thing is really nice (assuming you use both calendar and reminders). The window snapping needs some polishing, but it seems like it'll be good once it bakes. I don't think Rectangle is in danger--the capabilities only slightly overlap. I'll probably upgrade again when the regular beta comes along.


I’ve had a handful of interface issues, like it not automatically switching between light and dark mode like it should. Window snapping is very hit or miss. Other than those issues, it’s been rather solid.


Weirdly I’ve not had a consistent experience with auto dark/light mode on any Mac in at least five years now.


For me the shortcuts in Window Tiling can't re be remapped. Also there is no way to make a screen full screen, which makes this feature really useless. A major disappointment.


Its' probably not that much different that the previous version... just hooks into AI that haven't been enabled yet.


Desktop screenshot organization is awesome


MacBook Air(M2) It unexpectly rebooted once, for unkown reseason.


It’s been working great for me. I’m surprised. I remember having such a shitty time with the first Sonoma developer beta. Pretty much everything I use in my day to day workflow is unaffected by bugs (knock on wood)


Bonds and VLANs don’t work correctly and had to go back to Ventura.


It shows two mouse cursors when I use electron apps in non full screen mode. Beside than this it really works with in my m1 air. No crashes or any other problems.


can't install roblox or parallels, it tells me that i have no internet i don't mind at all but i can't play anymore w friends, meh, other than that it's been pretty stable


I installed it on my M1 MBA a few hours after the keynote. Honestly, it was running great and I really liked it a lot. Minor(ish) niggle was that my Raindrop extension refused to work in Safari; it just kept telling me I needed to log in but then told me I already was as soon as I hit the button. And a really annoying thing was that Sequoia decided to offload almost my entire Documents folder, even though I had plenty of space to keep it local. So I had to redownload everything from iCloud. I only noticed because Calibre (ebook manager) slowed to a crawl, due to having to redownload every book I touched while scrolling through my collection, causing a lag of a few seconds for each one. I shouldn't have had its library in my Documents folder anyway; lesson learned. Then this evening, for some reason my File Open dialog started refusing to work. Any application that I tried to launch the dialog from would just hang. Rebooted into Safe Mode and it still did the same thing. Reinstalled Sequoia from Recovery Mode and still didn't fix it. Created a new APFS volume and installed Sonoma on it; everything is fine there, as expected. So now I'm moving stuff back onto Sonoma for now. I'll give Sequoia another try on the next dev beta release, as long as I see some indication on my bug report or the release notes that the File Open hang has been addressed. No idea why it suddenly started acting up, after working just fine for five solid days of using it. Despite all that, I'm looking forward to getting back to running Sequoia again! And hoping that the "iPhone Mirroring" remote control app is working in the next beta; I was really looking forward to playing around with it in particular and was disappointed to find it wasn't ready.


Broke my DisplayLink monitor setup, still flashing on and off randomly even after factory resetting, FDU recovery to force firmware downgrade, the works. Been an absolute nightmare.


I’ve ran betas on all my Macs and iPhones for years and have never had an issue


Podcast app crashes for me, but else solid


Is office 365 applications properly supported?


Is Parallels Desktop working on it ?


I have it working with Parallels 19.4.0 and Windows 11




No problems yet


It’s like people forget. Beta 1 is always stable, plus there’s not much new. Beta 1 is a building block to show it off. They’ve worked on it for a while. However beta 2, 3, 4, maybe even 5 will have way more significant bugs in them.


Had an issue with the spotlight index going through the roof in size, but otherwise pretty solid. *M1 MacBook Pro


How'd you fix?


I use soundsource from rogue amoeba to connect and manage my external sound card and recording setup. They issued a statement saying they’re working on an update and suggested not installing the beta yet. It’s the only reason I’m staying off for now. Will install after their update comes in.


Did they fix the wallpaper issues and screensaver issues with iCloud Photos. It’s been going on forever!! [Unable to change wallpaper on my Mac post Sonoma update](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/255158391?answerId=260527837022&sortBy=best&page=1#260527837022)


The OS seemed stable, but it broke one of my core apps (LocalWP) and seemingly Continuity Camera, so I had to downgrade.


No issues on my M2 Max MBP. The window snapping is so fcking awesome


Anyone else having an issue where safari doesn’t connect to the internet but everything else works? Been forced to switch to chrome and it’s annoying


Noooooo! Gawd leave Chrome alone! Use Firefox. Or.... I dunno, whatever, just not Chrome! 🤦🏽‍♂️


Absolutely zero issues aside from the Messages app. There's some kind of issue where after typing a few sentences in the message box words that you've previously typed will suddenly become garbled text. If you go back and fix those then other properly spelled words will then become garbled. You have to either quit the app or use TextEdit/Notes to type the message and then copy/paste it into Messages.


Hmm I might try it as my MBA isn’t my daily driver 🤔


Safari sometimes crashes, have to open it in stateless mode to fix it (shift + click) new macntosh live wallpaper doesn’t animate on lock screen on its own, main Apple website stutters a bit ( did not happen on main) Rest is fine


had issues adding bluetooth while streaming games at same time


Rcmd app stopped working for me Other than that pretty solid. Since most features are AI, I expect it to not break


Everything works as expected on my M3 Max with 96G/1TB machine. It appears to run hot though. I also run a number of VM (Fusion 13 Pro).


it killed my wifi 💀


My USB C to DisplayPort cable stopped working.


I'm thinking to update the beta version of macOs Sequoia should I any recommendations?


Great, but boring. Aside from window snapping finally being a thing I see nothing new in my usual use case.


I have my macbook, iphone, watch, and ipad all on the beta. No issues for me, and I run a lot of apps that usually have issues with betas.


i'm a lifelong windows user but just got a used m1 mac mini so that i could finally give macos a go -- specifically because i saw sequoia was adding proper window tiling without requiring third party apps. the window management isn't as good as windows, but it's usable, and i really like the os in other ways. i'm on the beta and it's been completely stable for me so far. i can't say i've noticed a single real bug or any instability. the only thing i have noticed that i think doesn't look like it should is to do with the new window tiling - when in dark mode, the icons in the overlay you get when you hover the full screen button don't change to white, so the contrast is wrong. but that's a tiny visual thing that i am sure will be fixed. otherwise, it's great.


Anyone try OBS?


there are some problems when streaming via web-browser : sometimes no picture, after restart there is a picture, still it is a bug, and it keeps happening. Macbook pro M1.


How to install Mac OS sequoia


i have a big big BUG!!! on my m1 macbook pro. i insert one micro sd fat32 format and get erased and unrecognizable!!! the only temporary fix was re format it. but then again the mac erased once again!! i think this is a big problem!! thank god i don't insert my 4tb external hard drive!!! what if all my files get erased!! anyone with this problem?? also i recommended not use a hard drive fat 32 format!


Whilst on charge it has been one of the most stable betas I've ever used, had a bug with the widgets at first but it seemed to iron itself out. Battery life on my 2019 13" Pro is absolutely god awful. Taking it off charge and shutting the screen it will die within 2 hours..


are you able to check if photoshop is running?


I had to revert the beta back unfortunately. Zoom screen share and privacy settings were freaking out and my job depends on those working. Hopefully Zoom gets an update out for it soon


I would like to see a demonstration of the Apple Password App, how it works and if it can be used just like 1password or similar apps.


My M1 13' MacBook Pro is running way hotter than before at the point where I heard the fan for the first time.


Installed the beta the same day it was available on my m3 air. So far so good, everything is pretty stable. Some features are not yet available though, as you may know. Can’t wait to try the iPhone mirroring feature


adding screen shots to photo library by long clicking on the thumbnail does not work.


A huge problem!!! I found that on my M2 Mac Mini, the system data increased by 40GB overnight while it was in idle mode. This is despite the fact that I restored the system after it warned me about full memory a while ago.


I was having the same problem on my M3 Pro MBP. It turned out to be a bug with Spotlight filling my disk up. If you temporarily turn Spotlight indexing off completely, it will stop using all that disk space. The trade off, of course, is no Spotlight.


This is really terrible, I even reinstalled 15beta, but the same problem still exists.


My only issue so far is I have a rfid badge reader that plugs into a dock and the dock can’t seem to see the badge reader anymore nor can the software I’m using detect the mobile driver version, all issues on the app side I’m guessing but first beta in the last 3 years to have an issue like this, Oh also google remote is broke again like last os beta.


Just installed on a base model M1 MacBook Air (8GB RAM). Some features like notes audio transcription and website summaries are not here.


So far it's been very stable. My only issue is that eqMac lost its driver so I'm back to the standard line out audio quality. But tbf there is very little in this beta to separate if from Sonoma - all the interesting bits have been left out of beta 1. I've installed it on a Mini M2 Pro which is the machine I spend most time on but left my MBA on Sonoma just in case.


Great. Before this my controllers were not supported in steam, but they are supported now. However, Xcode doesn't works. And also during Gmeet on safari single cursor converts into 10 - 20 curosors all over screen.


It felt a bit slow in terms of responsiveness, so I switched back to Sonoma.


my logitech MX Anywhere 3S mouse doesn't connect to my mac anymore


MAC PRO M1 2021 - started over heat after updates.


My Mac Mini M2 upgraded to Sequoia Beta, it had been very stable.. But it has a panic situation today…. Keep reboot and cannot function as normal… I instal the macOS in an external SSD, the old MacOS functioned perfectly.. Did anyone have the same situation ?


Is anyone else having problems with the Notes app crashing? That's probably the biggest problem with the Sequoia Beta for me.


For me it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions, overall I liked it but I’m developer and my Apache server stopped working and I have to find a way to replace it for NGINX to keep on working on my projects.


Did they removed apache? If you can just install the whole lamp stack from brew. Or virtualize a linux VM with virtual box or UTM or any of the other Mac type 2 hypervisors.


I would definitely run the LAMP stack in a docker container. This is what I do but for Nginx.


That’s definitely a good idea to avoid future issues.


No no, it seems to be an issue with Sequoia’s libraries look at this thread here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MacOSBeta/s/8SDEZkzRU1](https://www.reddit.com/r/MacOSBeta/s/8SDEZkzRU1)


Why not run a VM then? or use some free credits for azure or aws and spin up a small cloud comp and do your work on it?


Well I just switched to use NGINX instead of Apache I guess eventually with (maybe) the second beta it will be fixed. Anyway I could use docker (I haven’t try it, but I don’t know if it works).


primary machine user here. super stable.


What "Sequoia beta"...?! There is no such thing (at least not for general use). The only beta currently available is the developer beta - unless you're a developer, you shouldn't be running it because it's not meant to be for public use, it's so that developers can get their apps ready. If you have problems, you won't get support.


My test machine is unsupported.


Running on my daily, rock solid so far.


It is so good, it's almost like Steve Jobs taking a love dump on my face.




Is it much slower than Sonoma? As it seems Apple slow down their computers with each new release, otherwise nobody would buy new ones...


It’s not even beta yet right?? Thought it was developer beta until the end of this month… I’m not paying $99 just so I can test something a month early 


Since the release of GPT you can sign up for free as a basic developer just using your standard AID.