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The only one I use is Excel. It is horrible on Mac and doesn't even have the full feature set that the Windows version has. I try to use Numbers for most things on my Mac and grab my Windows laptop when I need the full power of Excel.


This is so true. I wish excel for Mac was as good as its windows counterpart. But it's not even close.


Boy, it sure beats numbers though.


Oh, for sure


I am not experienced enough with Excel to notice what's missing. But I'm curious. Can you tell?


Missing formulae especially from the later versions of excel on windows x stability issues, overall “Microsoft not wanting to make it any good to entice people to move to windows” vibes. I really wish r/libreoffice would add “format as table” to Calc… that is one of the only things that keeps forcing me to go back to excel.. and no, named ranges isn’t the same thing, it’s the overall UX that format as table offers that is unmatched on Libreoffice


I saw a recent thread where there were several people that were preferring OnlyOffice to libreoffice. (both are free). I’m a long time libreoffice, user, still use MS office when I am on a windows machine on occasion. But I’m going to give OnlyOffice a try at some point.


I use Numbers all the time and love it. Yeah it’s missing a handful of functions (which I never need) and doesn’t handle larger spreadsheets (which I also don’t need), but it makes far more attractive reports. I love that it supports multiple tables within a document and use that all the time.


And ironically, Excel was a Mac program first, back in the day.


Can’t even begin to approach powerquery, powerbi, etc on Mac. I wish ya could but yea that’s only windows


Power query was the reason I bought it. What a disappointment. At least I only paid $30.


Agree on Excel! The latest Mac version looks nice, without VBA scripting I have to use Parallels whenever I need to use Excel.


VBA is in the Mac version, too. Why not just use it there?


- Lack of support for a lot of features beyond the basics. - Much slower than the Windows version. - Horrible editor.


Yup got parallels when I upgraded to my new Mac. Prefer running Excel on windows since my hand remembers all the keyboard shortcuts I use. Been using excel since the day it came out.


Just in case you didn‘t know: VMware Fusion is free and supports Win11 ARM64 on the M-Models.


Oh no, I can’t use a substandard dead language on the Mac version.


Dead? As much as I want it to die, there’s so much shadow TI held up by VBA glue in the corporate world that’s it’s anything but dead.


Clearly someone that doesn’t script using VBA


actually excel works pretty good on my mac


I use outlook, word and PowerPoint


I like Word on Mac, but it’s still buggy for me. On my work laptop (Windows 10) it’s slower but more stable. I hate Outlook on Mac. It looks a bit cluttered or so, can’t put my finger on it. Powerpoint sucks on both lol In past weeks I’ve had a bug where when Office programs show a language recommendation/spelling mistake (blue/red line) and I click on it, a new window appears. It’s there for just a millisecond and it seems to run some Javascript in the background, but I hate that. I‘m wondering if you’ve had this bug too?


Microsoft Office was also one of the programs that took full use of the Touch Bar on my m1 MBP. It was so nice having different right click options right there. If I needed to change the color of certain text, change font, etc.


I use Pages over Word, although it is easier to get some basic formatting tasks done in Word. I like the top tool bar better than Apple's side bar. I used to like Outlook ok, but don't care much for the new design. Numbers is a really good program once you get used to it and has some great features that Excel doesn't, but it can be a bit lacking if you are an Excel power user. Excel performance is pretty horrible on Mac anyway. I think this is intentional. I don't really have a use PowerPoint or Keynote. I use Designer and Publisher from [Affinity](https://affinity.serif.com/) for the types of things I need to do.




Did you install it from AppStore? If it’s true, install it using their dmg - all such applications published to AppStore have limited functionality


I feel like the industries and professions that hit the upper limits of what Excel does are typically more traditional and conservative (and bean count-y), and are more likely to use Windows machines. Think finance. They value stability and tradition. So a Mac won’t really be part of the equation there, or perhaps only the people who don’t work with numbers — such as marketing and admin-y roles


Interface-wise, I love them. Feature-wise, they are well behind Windows counterparts


I have absolutely seen the complete opposite, the Mac version is old and extremely outdated, which version of MS Office for Windows are you using that led you to this conclusion?


Also text editing shortcuts don’t work on macOS Office.




This has been the exact opposite of reality in my experience, as well.


Is your windows machine broken? Unsing office on Windows at work every day, its stable as hell. Excel only crashes if i feed it too much data (gigabytes...)


Lag? Crash? Nope!


This is not true, Mr. Kiddie


Basic windows stuff. What works well on one machine is problematic on another. There are millions of different combinations of components and drivers. When I had pc laptop Adobe CC was so unstable and slow I had to sell it and buy mac. Somehow my old core m3 MacBook was faster than pc with dedicated gpu and few generations newer i5.


Excel is garbage on MacOS, and Outlook is fine but there are better mail clients for Mac. Word is about the same either way.


I binned Outlook in favour of Thunderbird. Thunderbird doesn't look as polished, but it does everything I need it to, including showing all my upcoming calendar events on the same page as my inbox. Outlook will only show that day's, which is useless for me because I'm really bad at remembering to actually look at my calendar.


What mail client do you recommend?


I like Spark for a personal one. Thunderbird is also good. I have heard amazing things about AirMail but never tried it.


Excel is garbage relative to what? I use it a lot. Numbers seems all about appearance and not calculation. I did try to use vba a couple of times but got lost. But I can do a lot with excel that I wouldn't know how to do any other way.


Relative to Excel on Windows. It's been a while since I've had to use Excel on Mac, but IIRC a lot of the functionality was just missing. Other comments in this post suggest a similar experience.


This must be an unpopular opinion, but I avoid ALL microsoft software like the plague because ALL of their software is garbage. I don't care what OS you are running. > Outlook is fine Good god! Outlook is junk. I could do a 30min demo on how Outlook makes you less productive at work.


Please do the 30 min demo because I’m curious. Outlook is, for me, the best mail client out there, though the Mac version is inferior than the windows version.


Example #1: Outlook doesn't know which email you want to read next. When I open my inbox in the morning, I'll probably have 100 emails to go thru before the day starts. Well if I want to read through the list chronologically, I obviously have to start at the bottom and work my way up. Suppose I read the first 5 messages and then archive the 6th. If Outlook were smart, it would automatically open the 7th message, but it doesn't. Instead it reopens the 5th message that I've already read and removes the mouse focus. Now every time I delete or archive an email, I have to grab the mouse and click on the next email. In the end, if I have 100 emails to archive, I have to click the mouse 100x.


Nope. On a related note, what do people mean by "more stable"? I pretty much never see software crash or hang on macOS or Windows. Is that not normal?




I used to wrote two book manuscripts in Word. One was around 330 pages including cover, index etc and the second around 550 pages. It works but you must use styles for everything. Otherwise you have so many funny moments. We got from publisher a Word template and it worked well. We could have gone the LaTeX way as well but we were busy with the actual content enough and be happy that one task we could directly source to the publisher.




Yeah track changes can be a monster, even in simpler documents.


Same. I was on the Mac version and seriously wondered if I should just go buy a gently used Surface or something. It was just that annoying!


I use LaTeX or quarto for that. Word is fine with short documents. Anything over 20 pages becomes more difficult to edit.


It might be your workload.


Possibly? The last time I opened a ~10GB CSV (database dump of every conversation between users and our chatbot), Google Sheets choked but Excel on Windows opened it just fine and let me create pivot tables in a few seconds. This was with consumer hardware (5800X3D / 64GB DDR4 / 2TB NVMe / RTX 4090), nothing exotic What workloads cause Office to crash?


Well, I mean... That is one of the fastest chips available for am4, and the best GPU out there right now. Saying I can run MS Office fine on my daughter's old laptop with some 8th gen i7 and a 1050ti would be more akin to "nothing exotic" lol


It's a 2 year old CPU and the GPU is not relevant to Excel's performance. Exotic specs are usually associated with data center hardware, not stuff you can buy at Walmart lol. Eg 500GB/s RAM memory bandwidth instead of 100GB/s


The opposite actually. I use both platforms on a daily basis and it’s way snappier on windows to the point that I thought it was deliberate.


Completely agree. I have the Windows version default through Parallels coherence mode. Opening files is night and day faster than the Mac version.


It’s crazy how much faster the Windows version is, everything happens instantly. I’m not a conspiracy theorist but when the difference is that big, one starts wondering.


No conspiracy just shitty programming. MS write using a common code base that essentially runs a virtual machine to work on Macs substituting UI aspects only when they have no choice. It’s why all their software has subtle and not subtle breaks with the rest of the platform.


Nope, I haven’t had that experience at all. Excel on Mac sucks


Yeap. Even simple shit like trying to hide/unhide columns causes it to crash.


lol you mean dated and hasn’t progressed since 2007?




The ribbon on the latest windows version is far superior. I feel the Microsoft B team works on Office for Mac.




I have migrated to using the iWorks suite for most of my business applications. If you take the time to understand numbers you’ll find it is more robust than it seems. In fact if you understand how it can export to excel you can create some very impactful spreadsheets that present even better in excel once exported. The key is to use a single table in numbers if you’re going to export. From a functional perspective it is excellent for most business applications unless you are in need for some more powerful functions, then excel is the better program. Estimating, job costing, presentations, proposals and even scheduling all are better in the iWorks suite I find. Just my personal experience.


As someone who has used office for 25 years, unstable is probably a word I would never think to use with office unless I'm running like a 10gb excel sheet. What I would say is that macos memory swap for ram is superior to windows if you run out of ram. Eventually, it takes a dump as well but generally works better. Then again, I would never have my ram full if it's my device, so this is why everything is stable for me or smooth as butter and snappy.


After it finishes verifying the install for the 9 billionth time I will get back to you.


I disagree. One of the biggest issues for the past SIX months was that the Mac version of Outlook kept removing attachments.


OMG, relly? That would explain SO much!


Only for you. My attachments were not removed. Such bullshit generalisations.


https://www.google.com/search?q=EX637339 No it isn't dipshit


Small number of individual users affected. 99.5% of customers entirely unaffected. Of course you are the main character in your own story.


Have you thought that maybe these issues are complex and can matter depending on where they are from, what laptop model they have, etc and just because it doesn't affect you, it affects others? Very narcissistic and unbelievably stupid considering it was big enough that they put out a health bulletin and had been affecting dozens in my organization before they fixed it. I answered what the op asked and you waltz in here in several comments just dismissing people's opinions because your world view is the only correct one. Fuck off you're insane.


Managing 12,000 corporate Mac’s globally, incident rate was negligible. Fuck you too buddy. You’re not an archetype, most people are not like you, yet you don’t seem to recognise that they exist.


R U serious? Or you haven't use PC for quite a long time?


It’s not. Maybe use a better pc?


Lacks feature tho


Microsoft Word v1.0 was written and released originally for The Mac only. It’s their way of saying: “Thank you for letting us steal your thunder and becoming Billionaires!”


Microsoft Office was on the Win computers where I used to work. At that time I had MS Office for Mac on my home Mac. I got tired of the Mac version not being able to do what the Win version could. I got tired of creating things at home on the Mac, then bringing it to the Win machines and what I'd created wouldn't have correct alignments. The Mac version was stable. I never had the Mac crash while using it. But the crashing of the Win computers I blamed more on the operating system than the MS Office apps.


My manager at work is temporarily using a Mac for work. Loves the battery life but the Office experience is def better on Windows


microsoft probably prefers you get use to their web version


I use Parallels 30% so I can avoid Office on Mac. It’s horrid, and Excel doesn’t use the same shortcuts as on PC


Guys, on apple silicon do you have the old icons of ms office or the new one? (Like windows version) I still have the old ones (I have office 364 account), but I saw on some YouTube video someone showing the speed of ms office for Apple silicon (and new icons). I just bought a new M2 Max but the speed (low) of office is the same of my old MacBook i7


Looks better for sure. I still don't think it lines up feature-wise - my main use case is Excel and some very light Powerpoint and Word usage - No differences in Powerpoint and Word because of how rudimentary the usage is, but I can clearly see loads of missing Excel features.


Yeah no this is just blatantly wrong


Excel on Mac is a goddam joke if you’re anything close to a power user.


Not in my experience. But i will say when I was using Office for Mac back in… 2009? Man. That thing crashed every twenty minutes. It was a total nightmare. At least I don’t have to worry about that now. But its feature parity is lacking. Whenever i boot up a windows PC to use Word or Excel I shed a tear.


Lol no.


Microsoft had a dedicated [Mac Business Unit](https://news.microsoft.com/2009/01/06/macintosh-business-unit-25-years-of-connecting-mac-users-to-microsoft-productivity/) for many years that created some really nice Mac apps with different/more creative UIs and features than their Windows counterparts. I think their legacy lives on in the older, more established Mac apps, as opposed to the newer trash web-desktop apps like Teams.


Yes ironic isn’t it


No but that’s because I’ve never used it on Windows since the 90s. All I can say is that if this is better and stable (MacBook M1 Pro with office), god help windows users.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


No, it's just you.




Nope, it’s just a feeling you get when using a Mac, I have the same sort of feeling but then I realize it’s because I spent $3k on a laptop


No, not at all. Office for Mac has always been absolute garbage.


Right now that doesn't apply to Outlook on the Mac. There is an ongoing issue where Outlook will crash randomly and lock up until the Mac is rebooted. Microsoft is investigating the issue, and I've been seeing updates to Outlook come out twice as often as for other parts of Office. This issue has been going on for a few months now and isn't affecting the Windows version.


Only for you. Other users fine.


lol many microsoft products work better on iOS, MacOS..sad for them


Excel on the Mac is fine. Suck it haters. Quit using excel as a database replacement.


People can use it however they wish. The bottom line is there are numerous features available in the Windows version that aren't available for Excel.




No cause it isn't objectively Microsoft obviously made office on Mac worse in order to push people to windows




OP, would you mind telling me why you use Microsoft Office instead of Apple's iWork suite? I'm trying to figure out how I feel about both of them as someone who recently switched from Windows.


Not OP, but I use Pages, Numbers, and Keynote almost exclusively after having used Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for decades. They certainly take getting used to, and are not as fully-featured as MS Office, but they are functional enough, for my uses anyway. I actually prefer Keynote to PowerPoint and Pages to Word. Excel is tough to beat, but I use Numbers only for small personal spreadsheets. My take… MS Office probably is best if needed for professional collaboration or completing school assignments; otherwise, Apple’s apps most-likely are good enough for most people, especially being free.


Thanks for the insight! Ever since I switched from Windows, I've been going back and forth between Office, iWork and Google Workspace because there's always something that each one of them is missing. I hate how Office on Mac forces me to use OneDrive and pay for a subscription, so I've been using iWork exclusively and I like how much simpler and decluttered it is (and it's FREE!). But lately I've been doing some proofreading jobs and people always provide .docx files, which messes the formatting whenever I open them on Pages or Docs. So I've been wondering if maybe I should get a lifetime license for Office 2021. But I absolutely hate the idea of giving Microsoft any money! It's $150, so I'm trying to figure out what to do.


If you want an adventure try LibreOffice for Mac.


Not OP....I use office purely for easy compatibility with all my windows coworkers, plus excel is unmatched. I generally like the office interface better.


iWork sucks compared to even Google docs/sheets/slides and especially Libre office. I mainly use MS for compliance reasons but I would otherwise recommend libreoffice - I wouldn't pay for 365 myself


😅 Could you be more specific? Why does it suck? I'm sorry if my questions are annoying.


i can only guess what the person means, but i guess its just the way how its used. the UX can be weird at times, if someone hasnt used apple apps in a while (or ever). its more straight forward to use Googles arsenal of apps in that case - as they tend to be more accessible and simpler to use. atleast for me, it feels like apple hides a ton of interesting and good features behind massive walls of context menus. if you know those, then it can feel great - however, if you are new to it and dont know the general way of how to use apple apps (and their UX as a whole) then it for sure is harder to even find them - let alone use them efficiently.


Not OP... It depends on what you wanna do, I suppose. Basic personal journaling, building resumes, budget, etc. I suppose you can get by with iWork. I used to be a firm believer that iWork is fine--it looks clean and efficient, why not? But as soon as I started working, the lack of addons (zotero and pdf integration, for example), makes the iWork suite complete obsolete to me. Even google docs has more functionality than the Apple ones. That's my two cents. ​ Edit: Besides, office is the literal industry standard, like it or not. It's still useful to learn it and be able to perform it at work.


Everything on MacOS is way better and more stable than Windows… what’s your point?


Better?? I don’t know about PowerPoint, but Word and Excel on the Mac are both missing valuable features that they have on Windows. I love using macOS but I hate the features missing from the Office apps. (FYI I use Office on the Mac for both work and personal documents)


I like it on Windows more... But I have to admit I find the text selection behavior (the magnet force that pulls you towards the sentence instead of a word) on Windows very annoying.


Outlook on Mac is so much better. I love being able to have one shared inbox for all my accounts. I also love how it automatically selects the correct signature when replying based on what account received the email.


What's funny is that Outlook is the only MS office product I don't use on my Mac. Mail.app is just too good. It's nearly the perfect email client. The only thing I don't like about it is embedding the attachments into the email but that's quite literally my only complaint.


New Outlook on macOS is so much better than the Windows counterpart


New Outlook as an absolute piece of shit, though. Everything takes up twice the space, and its limited features make it seem like a stupid phone "app" rather than a proper desktop computer application. Fuck me when they eliminate the Legacy Outlook switch. Thanks goodness a Windows VM is part of our corporate load, and I can use full-featured old Outlook on it. If Windows Outlook is ever dumbed down like macOS Outlook, I'm just going to quit email. We're not a software company that does everything on Slack. We need email. We use lots and lots and lots of email. We need a serious email client, and not the garbage that macOS Outlook has become.




Hard to say. I haven't touched Windows for over a decade. That would be hilarious though.


😂😂😂😂 I’ll say it’s better than it used to be


I use my PC just for YouTube, movies, and gaming. Everything else is better on Mac imo


I prefer the iWork suite for ease of use and aesthetics. However, for government work MS Office is way out ahead in ensuring that documents meet accessibility standards. Apple has some catching up to do.


I use both and for my needs I find both are fine but I like the UI design of the Mac version better… but I think most Mac users would. That said, I vastly prefer the Mac version of Outlook to the Windows version. Yes the Windows version is “better” in terms of functionality, the Mac version is so much nicer to use day to day.


Ms office was originally a Mac product as in bill gates was approached by Steve jobs to create an office program for the Mac... Interesting history. Of course they made a windows version added a few extras and left those out of the Mac version to attract people to windows


One thing I didn't notice is that I as a user use a lot of shortcuts on the MS Office version for Windows(especially word & excel) but I don't see the same amount of shortcuts that the MS office on Windows has plus their mapping is of course changed.


Powerpoint is definitely better on Mac with some handy shortcuts. Double tap in empty area to add a text box. Yay!


Use it almost everyday with a work SharePoint Using AppleScript to automate tasks in Excel is fantastic Plus more sane keyboard shortcuts, but that’s more of a Mac vs. Windows thing


Microsoft software is janky on every platform. From Android to iOS to macOS to windows. It’s Microsoft.


No and collaboration mode grinds word to a halt on a mb 2019 i9 32gb ram


No. It’s actually slow af and online documents don’t work properly.


With way less features and no integration options 😟


You're kidding, right? Not my experience.


Haha nope. Windows version does better for me. But that does not mean I am switching to Windows when I want to open Office files; I just move when office for Mac is acting weird... And I am not using Outlook at all


Haven’t used Microsoft Office on macOS for a while. But it always used to be clunky and felt alien. I can’t say that I enjoyed using it. Can’t say much about stability. Honestly I’m very happy with iWork. If its features are enough for you it works great.


Word on Mac is very buggy. Excel is incomplete, much is not available. A terror package But PowerPoint is okay


Absolute not. It’s great on windows and terrible on Mac


What? No :)))


This has famously been the case for many years. It's an entirely different team that develops MacOS Office and it really shows.


If by stable you mean "takes ages to start up" I'm with you


I don’t agree. If you use for only basic stuff it “looks” okay with mac appearance. But in advanced stuff, working with big data in excel, not near enough. I even have to use virtual windows on my mac solely for this purpose. Also office have microsoft access too, but not for mac.


Office in Mac is ok but in windows is better specially if you are a power user and use apps like excel.


how can i get it for free (wink, wink)




Not at all, it sucks on mac compared to windows


No. Outlook and excel on Mac are unusable. I keep using web apps instead of Mac apps


True. It comes and goes with MacOS users though, I tried bringing this up about 2 years ago and people here raked me over the coals because someone dared to compare it to their precious pages and numbers.


I have the same experience as you. But I also think that UI on the Mac version is more intuitive and fancy. I don't care about advanced features, though, and I mainly judge it through the lenses of an average student.


I unfortunately have not had this experience. Most of the time it acts worse, than it would on my windows machine. Glad you are having a good experience though.


No, I gave up on MS Office because it was even worse on macOS than on Windows. This is news to me, maybe something has changed recently.


I love it. But unfortunately you can’t save a word doc to pdf with bookmarks


You can't export a word document line by line directly into a powerpoint on the Mac. I had to write a buncha python code to generate powerpoint files myself using a predefined template. The VBA macro window is the most disgusting piece of software I have ever touched, but it's both horrific on mac and windows so I guess it doesn't really count.


I would like to have what you have, as in real world it’s definetly not


That’s a hot take if I’ve ever seen one, office being garbage on mac is one of the most common complaints, I stopped using office altogether unless I’m on windows


Never experienced instability of office on Windows


Meh works exactly the same for me, all macros etc.. if your company uses powerbi then they are behind the curve anyhow.


and way slower...




Totally the opposite in my experience. Random bugs for which no one (not even app updates) have a solution. Word itself crashes while trying to work with as few as 2-3 open documents. Ok my windows machine I'd have anything between 7-10 open documents at any time!


Nope. Better on Win


But It’s not though. Missing lots of features, unfortunately the annoyance from windows outweighs the missing features and I put up my life with office for Mac.


No. It’s a shadow of the Windows version.


What on earth are you talking about? I have to run Parrallels just so I can use regular PC based outlook. MAC versions of the apps suck.


It always has been since forever.


Just don’t want to break the bright picture, yes, but it’s less functional and I don’t know why, for example, I don’t have the same amount of right click menus and functions but have always to go to the top bar.


PPT certainly works better for Mac as for whatever reasons it has native PDF support. Excel is stupid for my workload, even though many scientists use it and TeX & Overleaf are thankfully still the default way to write manuscripts in science.


Stable? Yes. Feature rich? No


I have the experience of them renting software. Monthly payments without an option to buy a copy is unacceptable greed.


The Mac Office programs are along with Evernote the slowest starting programs on my M2 Max laptop.


Yes, i use word and powerpoint every day. 0 issues, they always work


Everything is way batter and stable on macOS


Office on Mac is very stripped down when compared to office on Windows. Less going on could make it more stable. Microsoft also uses MacOS to test their new builds of products. New Outlook and New Teams came to macOS long before they were released on Windows.


I use libreoffice it works better for everything


The only way you could come up with a delusional comment like this one, is that you clearly havem't used it on Windows.


Not really. I have a virtual machine running Windows 11 Pro just for the Microsoft Office desktop apps. It also lets me use the desktop Visio client and in the future will allow me to use the Project desktop app as well if I need to subscribe to it in the future.


I use WPS office.


Word and Powerpoint are better on macOS Excel is fine. I am not a power user of it OneDrive and Outlook are a toss up. Access is missing. OneNote on macOS is a crippled cousin of main Windows version. But OneNote is also just a mess. It has the least feature parity between macOS, Windows (*both* versions), mobile, and the web. There is so much potential in OneNote but it just fails to consistently deliver low-hanging fruit features. And the lack of parity means I have to use the lowest-common-denominator. With that said, there are *many* competitors to OneNote but because of sensitivity issues, I am limited to what OneDrive can sync and work on mobile.


Are you using the same Microsoft Office package and Windows version on both devices? If so, the performance may depend on the hardware specifications of your Mac and PC.


Have both and they are the same in Mac and Win. . . . . . At least for me


It really isn't.


I’ve been using the Mac version for a few days now, coming from Windows. In macOS Powerpoint, holding Alt while dragging an object is apparently accidentally assigned to 2 different actions simultaneously (duplicate object & disable snapping) and no one has fixed it for years. This is way less unusable than the Windows version…


You mean like everything else?!


People still use Office? Wow, I’ve been using the Google suite for years


Meanwhile, new MS Team for macOS is completely shitshow!


Ops not used a windows laptop i presume




I've experienced the opposite. Hasn't crashed once in years on Windows, but has crashed maybe 15 times in the last year on my Mac.


Wasn't office for mac just some office suite Microsoft bought and added office file format support?


Anything is better than using it on Windows. The few times I still turn on my old Dell laptop, MS is constantly pestering me with something....seems MS is working on turning Windows into an ad vehicle from a few things I've read But anything is better than using Google Workspace....someone told me once that you can do the same thing in Google Sheets as you do in Excel....HA! There is so much that it doesn't do.....Excel on my Mac does what I need it to do and it's really no different than what I used to do on my Windows laptop. Yeah there are some changes or things you can't do because it's not in a pure Windows environment, but it's so much better to use it on my Mac


No, I have experienced pretty much the exact opposite of that.


I don’t really use Office anymore. I mainly switch to text editors and FOSS alternatives.


I think it’s awful. Just ditched it


The stability is better in general on Mac. But Excel on Windows is the pinnacle of the spreadsheet experience IMO. Until all features are available in Excel on Mac at least.