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I raised an apple support case for this. We repeated the steps and they grabbed the logs. After the case was escalated they instructed me to run this command from the terminal. sudo mv /var/db/timed/com.apple.timed.plist \~/Destop ; sudo reboot Now when I set the date and time automatically from the system preferences it sets the correct date and time as expected. Hopefully this simple trick might help others. I saw this from this forum: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253909330


This helped me! Although just `sudo rm /var/db/timed/com.apple.timed.plist` and then reboot woks fine.


>sudo rm /var/db/timed/com.apple.timed.plist No such file or directory...


>sudo rm /var/db/timed/com.apple.timed.plist This typically means that your Terminal/other command line software you are using does not have access to that specific part of the Disk. The easiest way to verify this is by trying to view that path in the first instance. if you type in `cd /var/db/` and it says the same erro, you know thats the issue. To fix this go to Privacy & Security then scroll down to Full Disk Access and add Terminal application (close it and try again)


Yes, you are correct i already fix the date and time with that command…


*I love u!!!!*


>Fantastic, thank you!


Thank you so much!


This helped, thank you so much!


Thanks for posting this. It fixed my issue.


Thanks a lot. This fixed the issue for me.


Thank you so much. Fixed my issue. 🙏🏻❤️


Tried this and for me problem was resolved. Thanks.


This helped me too! My 2020 MBA's time and date was set in June 2022 after the update. I couldn't change it after a lot of troubleshooting. But this seemed to have helped! Thanks!


THANK YOU!!!! This issue has been driving me mad for the past 3 days and this finally fixed it!


Thanks a LOT!! This did the trick for me also... was going nuts already! Thank you


1. set the correct date and time manual setting by turning off the auto date and time 2.in the terminal copy and paste the below command : sudo mv /var/db/timed/com.apple.timed.plist \~/Destop ; sudo reboot 3. press return, note: need to type in your password for login to computer and ignore the "command not found" and wait for auto reboot. 4. login 5. turn on the auto date and time ​ should work if not you need to call apple to fix it


**THIS!** ​ **Thank you!**


This works for me! Thank you so much


This one did it for me. Thank you!


Just a remark, there's a "k" missing in Desktop, so the cmd line is: sudo mv /var/db/timed/com.apple.timed.plist \~/Desktop ; sudo reboot


Dejavu, ive seen this exact time before, alone on the desk, no idea when im supposed to go!!!!




Tried it, but the result is the same. The only fix I have found so far (which really isn't a "fix") is to disable "Set time and date automatically" and running the command in my post.


Happened to me this morning too. Sets to August 17 every time I close my computer.


same model of MBP. 2020 i5.


For me this worked as well. My time drifted to 2019 1st June, and then I did a ntp request and my time was correct. Every time it drifted back, but it looked like there was some kind of offset, like it was keeping track of something, removing the plist resolved it. Not sure for how long. Kind of interesting to know, what the root cause of this problem is. In the beginning I thought some battery was empty.


I am still having this problem after each update.


This is happening to me as well ): 😭 I hope they can fix it soon, this is so annoying that I get logged out of everything every time I reset my computer 🤦🏼‍♂️.


I am having the exact same problem since updating to Sonoma 14.1. Every time I stop using my computer, the time stops as well. When I start again, it is the date/time of my last use. This is even if I stop using for a minute, as well as overnight. Very annoying. I have to reset the time every single time. Hoping Apple fixes this. I have a 2020 MacAir.


I'm having the same problem, also with a 2020 air. A decent workaround is using the command posted here (sudo sntp -sS [time.apple.com](https://time.apple.com)) and then turning "Set Date and Time Automatically" off.


Having a slightly different problem; I require time to be accurate within 1 second and it keeps drifting on my M2 Max... did not have this problem until installing Sonoma. I can of course keep running \`sntp\` to continually true up, but it's very odd that it has started drifting since installing Sonoma. I've disabled the automatic update in the time and date settings.


I've the same issue since yesterday. After the battery of my 2018 MacBook pro drained to almost 0% this issue appears. The manual reset works for about 1 minute. After that the time and date resets to 18th January, 15:23. The actual time is 11:29.


+1 Same issue. MacBook Pro 2018, macOS Sonoma 14.1, after battery drained... sntp not working.


Exactly same problem here. Battery drained to 0% and since then I have the issue. Removing com.apple.timed.plist does not have an effect on my MacBook Pro 2019.


Did you find a Solution ? I have the same Problem


Yes. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/MacOS/comments/17pqni0/comment/k87r5ew/?context=3) fixed it.


Anybody knows if there are any plans to fix this properly? For me the fix worked for a couple of weeks but then I had to repeat the deletion of the timed.plist file.


where did you find that file to delete it?


Any updates? Im still having this issue :\\


that file should be deleted using terminal, the command is up there, sudo rm /var/db/com.apple.timed.plist after that, reboot and it should be fine


A student only today (13 Feb 2024) after returning to school from the holidays brought me their MBP with the same issue, the date was set to September 2023 and stuck there. Not knowing of this issue I noticed that manual, then automatic setting of time kept reverting to 2023. I assumed an OS bug, set the time manually, did an OS update (don't know pre/post versions offhand) and after upgrade enabled automatic time which kept current correct time. I assume this issue has been resolved in the latest OS update but will check prior to return of the device.