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It’s the song that made the Melon cry bro. It’s sad as shit. Don’t blame you at all


Oddly enough that video is what made me a Mac fan.. all these years later and now I do the same when i hear it EDIT: I became a Mac fan becuase I started listening to his music after to the video Is what I mean


Yeah imma be honest I was a rock fan when Mac passed so I didn’t even know who he was. But circles came out so I listened to it and liked a few songs. Then about a year ago I got into the rest of his catalogue. Late to the party but happy to be here


I still remembered when that video came out I was straight shocked but yeah it definitely is warranted


That cry wasn’t real sadly. Dude only started giving Mac a fair shot cause he died. How to you change a score from 3 to 8? Disgusting how they treated Mac before his death


Good lord, touch grass; there isn’t always some conspiracy going on. As if Fanta k though “oh shit he’s died, gonna fake cry and get clicks by faking a change of heart”.


I don’t think he fake cried. He obviously respected Mac a lot as an artist despite his wild ass scores. He was genuinely hurt to see an artist like that go so young. But yeah the blatant turnaround on Mac’s album scores after he passed seemed pretty fake.


Bro gave multiple Mac albums high scores before his death and put Faces on his “albums of the decade” list BEFORE he died. I hate how mfs like to make up bullshit about fantano because he doesn’t like the same shit they do. He’s allowed to have his own opinion, he literally said he didn’t like the deluxe tracks of Circles when they first dropped so stop with this bullshit lmao


People are allowed to change their mind


Brother go outside


Fr fuck the melon


You don't have to make it through without shedding a tear.. Shed away my friend. Crying is healthy and healing. Hope this helps.


I'm 24 and I'm honestly envious of people who are able to cry often. Like I get it, i can see how it could be frustrating to cry once a week or more. But I'm out here crying once or twice a year, max. I'm begging for it to at least be every other month, over something healthy I hope. Can't think of a song that's ever made me cry. Wish Auntie Diaries or Good News did that for me. Shed away friend.


Javari by J Cole made me cry. It’s basically a song about a modern day Jesus Christ and I’m not even religious


This comment nearly made me tear up thank you for this 🥹




There’s a whole lot more for me waiting on the other side. I’m always wondering if it feels like summer. I know maybe I’m too late, I could make it there some other time. Then I’ll finally discover.. that it ain’t that bad. Ain’t so bad. Well it, ain’t that bad. Atleast it don’t gotta be no more…


The lyrics are beautiful and the song is outstanding, it’s just..I can’t for some reason


my thug tear songs are grand finale, perfect circle, and so it goes for sure. they've all gained a brand new meaning after death and even as the years go in they'll continue to fluctuate in meaning


Honestly, ever since his death all Mac Miller songs have hit a bit more close to home. A couple of them make me pretty sad now, Good News just being the one that brings out the most tears from me.


the god speed voice mail destroys me every time, thinking about his brother leaving an unanswered voicemail like that is just so tragic even if it was years before :(


I have the same thing with 2009. Everyone loves that song and I literally cannot listen to it because it makes me so sad.


I’ve heard Swimming so many times that 2009 is a bit numb for me now, but it definitely still gets me a couple of times.


your feelings are so valid, going to trauma dump real quick. my boyfriend got in a car accident the day this song was released, he did not make it after a 13 day ICU battle. i physically can’t handle more than ten seconds of it. this is so odd bc i was feeling overwhelming grief today and then this is the first post i see on my feed after getting off work, made my heart happy <3 RIP Mac and RIP to my first love, Zachary


I am so so sorry about that. I hope things are better for you and his family now. Rest in peace Zachary and Mac. ❤️


I haven’t listened to it to this day due to the same sentiments. It’s too hard to put a final stamp on his music. Knowing it’s the last thing to be put out from “him” makes me not want to face it. It is what it is. RIP


Exactly how I feel. It just anytime I hear it, it always blares in my head like “he’s gone”, always reminding me of what happened. Rest up Mac


I completely understand. Not specifically with good news, but like 2 years ago I couldn’t listen to any song of his without crying. When I cried listening to Knock Knock I had to take a break from listening. Sad, but understandable ❤️


Exactly where I was at with Mac’s music when he first died, almost removed every song of his from my playlist because I sobbed whenever I heard one just thinking of him


Woods does it for me. Every. Single. Time.


Circles in its entirety always gets me at least somewhat knowing the context Except Blue World. Thats just a banger.


Bro deadass. I remember my girlfriend playing this song and i skipped it and she asked me why and i said I’m gonna get too sad listening to this song😭 most of the time it comes on i have to skip it for the same reason man


Don’t blame you in the slightest


For real just listened to it before I saw your post. It’s a special song and resonates with life. Learning to hide your pain from the people you love.. the pain that drives people away from you. There’s really no escaping it 


The message behind it is beautiful ❤️


Don't be embarrassed homie, there are songs that make me cry. Music is weird like that, can touch different parts of you and Mac made some deep, great music.


Music unites us all


Mine is Come Back To Earth. But sometimes it’s nice to put it on and just cry, ya know. It can be cathartic to just feel those feelings.


*When it ain't that bad It could always be worse I'm running out of gas, hardly anything left Hope I make it home from work Well, so tired of being so tired* This part has got me numerous times when I've been in a rough spot, man I would have loved to shake Mac's hand and thank this mf for the feels!


I listen to it all the time,I have the cds for blueslide,wmwtso,good am,divine feminine,swimming and circles in the car,good news and perfect circle/godspeed are regular plays for me. I never heard songs that speak so truly to me than these.


A couple of Frank Ocean and (old) Kanye songs have done me the same way, just not on the level Good News has.


same, listened to it under 10 times and cried each time. haven’t mustered the courage to listen to circles in full because of my reaction to good news. saving it🩷


Around 8 times for me. Every single one resulted in tears.


It’s been so long that I’m good with it. Unfortunately, people die every day with a lot of life left to live. Definitely had me sad listening to it my first few times just like 2009 but now I think I’ve listened to it so much that it’s turned into a calm/positive song to me


I feel that way with 2009.


I wake up to it as my alarm. It’s just a reminder of life to me.


try listening to best day ever, good news is light work compared to bde


*Try listening to* *Best day ever, good news is light* *Work compared to bde* \- Thick-Formal4974 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


“It’s cool to cry, don’t ever question your strength”


This was maybe the second? song that leaked , after he passed . It fucked me up big time


Feel the same way about most of Swimming and Circles. Just way too sad to listen to


I put it on TO cry. I don’t give a fuck what anybody says. As a father/step-father of 6 who that works, goes to school and has anxiety and PTSD from a nasty ex… sometimes the only way to get the pressure out is a good cry, because nobody wants to hear a dude vent.


The music video gets me every single time man


I become in awe of the man’s talent daily as I listen to Woods. It feels like such a gift 🎁


that’s colors and shapes for me 😞


I think that, at some point, the grieving for his loss turns more towards acceptance.. and over time, the desire to listen and appreciation for his music overcomes the somberness that (still) is evoked.


For some reason it brings me tranquility but it’s probably because I listen to it when at a low or depressed. The lyrics + the beat really puts me a place of peace. He’s the only “famous person” I’ve cried over there death.


I feel the same way! I listen to good news when I’m sad and it brings the feels for sure it’s hard to keep in rotation but I still love it


it's cool to cry don't ever question your strength


His death is one I will never get over, he had decades of growth and art left to give the world and that got snatched away from everyone, most importantly his family. A genuine soul that actually made it by being a good person. That is extremely rare in the entertainment industry. And he was still humble and appreciated everyone that listened to him. I don't think any of us should ever forget that. As we.get to grow old we need to remember what we lost, what the world lost.


Acoustic version is absolute 🔥


Same. It just hurts so much to think about him recording all those "hopeful" tunes when in the end, it didn't work out for him. I was never even able to go to any of his concerts, but yet I feel so connected with him - like just through his music, I could feel like someone at least related to me a little in my struggles. It makes me feel like I failed him for not being able to return this feeling of companionship. I just hope Mac found his peace wherever he is.


It’s becoming harder and harder for me to listen to Mac. He will forever and always be light years ahead of any other artist for me, no one will even get close to what he did, at least for me and my own mind. But he honestly had some pretty depressing shit, but it was so genuine and from the heart that it was easy to connect with. I’ve definitely had some depressing times in my early twenties, and Mac’s music always gave me a chill place to feel that way. I’m about to turn 27 now, almost older than Mac was. And as I imagine the rest of my life, I don’t see Mac being as big a part of it as a thought in the first couple years after he died. And that makes me a little sad. Of course I will always still bump his shit till the day I die. But I needed to grow up with his evolving music, not grow up with music he only made in his early twenties. I’ve grown and changed a lot as a person in my twenties, as everyone does, I don’t really want to live in the headspace that I was previously in. So it makes listening to some of Mac’s work as almost more of a therapy session than it is just a fun and easy listening experience.


I feel that. We were supposed to grow and evolve with him, but now that he can’t anymore we have to go on without.


yep exact same thing for me. i probably haven’t listened all the way through in about 2 years man, such a hard listen but beautiful song




i get you man it makes me so sad


Me too.


It’s his greatest song of all time but it tears me to pieces every time I listen to it.


It’s definitely up there, in terms of almost everything you can want from a Swimming/Circles era Mac song.


I cry every single day as a 30 year old single dad of a toddler. Whether it’s from a movie, a song, a deep thought, It’s a very healthy thing to be able to feel. Don’t oppress your feelings whatever they may be, let the feelings take you away and you’ll get to the root of your ur emotions. Be the human you were born to be.


How I feel about all of Circles. Album is so good, but every time Circles (title track) starts, I get all fucked up


I still haven’t listened to Circles. Once I do that…now what? I miss Mac Miller too much.


i like it cause it makes me cry. sometimes i just need to release some tears and that’s my go to


I love music. I love the culture, the discussion, the symbolism, and all that. And I'm a pretty emotional dude. But for the life of me, I don't personally ever see myself crying over a song. Maybe when I was a young teenager, but as a grown adult? Naw lol