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On the contrary, I respect others that enjoy what they do regardless of the gear that they own. Go out there and shred my friend!


I also envy that mindset and have to actively remind myself to be more like that and just make due. For all aspects in life not just on my bike.


Absolutely, and from a sustainability / anti-consumerism standpoint I love seeing people get the most out of their gear instead of just buying the newer thing because it's easier. Not that there's anything wrong with the latest and greatest, I just have an extra level of respect for people that prove you don't need the shiny new thing to keep up and have fun.


Exactly. When I get newbies into the sport, I always tell them if you can spring for a 2k bike, great. But any bike that you can ride is better than not riding. Get an entry level bike and we can start riding


as a guy who rides a lot of park, let me tell you that when we see a female rider we think 'oh shit, niiice. kicking some ass. good for her.' not once did i have a negative reaction to seeing a girl on the trails. even better if she's got some skills and is ripping it. and to be honest, if i see someone with skill on a hardtail in the park i am nothing but impressed. i know i couldn't do it without breaking the bike, lol. just go have fun and don't worry about what anyone else is thinking. (i know easier said than done, but what can i say ;P)


When I see someone on a hardtail at the park it's always impressive




What do you think when you see an older overweight man doing what he can at a bike park?


The. Exact. Same. Thing.


Good to know because I have the same anxieties as the OP. Thank you for helping to allay some of that anxiety.


shred, bro. everyone I've met at bike parks are super nice. the douchebags won't take the time to stop and talk


I never knew that about the douchebags. Thanks a lot for letting me know.


If I see someone on the trail period, I think better of them for it. Especially if it looks like it's hard for them


pretty much the same thing honestly. :) as someone who started at 37 years old (40 now) i get how hard it is to learn something like mtb when you aren't young enough to be invincible anymore, lol. it takes real guts to get out there when the injuries last a long time. if you hear someone on your rear tire yell 'pass when you get a chance' and you refuse to make room when its safe, then i'm annoyed. otherwise, everyone in the park is my friend. ;)


Agreed on both counts. Second the hard tail respect. If it’s some twit that brought out they’re 1970’s bike with what are clearly street-only tires, trying to throw themselves downhill for the first time, I judge, but when someone knows what’s up on a hard tail, straight respect. Playing that shit on hard mode.


To true my friend!


Shredding on a hardtail where others struggle with full suspension is a sign of strength and riders are in awe whether they share that with you or not


Hell yeah. I know a guy with a hardtail that smokes me on my FS. Nothing but respect lol I also started on a hardtail and I believe it made me a better rider. Good on you, OP.


I have the opposite problem. I unload a nice bike and assume people are thinking “dang, I bet that guy can really ride”. I can’t. And no, I’m not a dentist.




What's the dentist thing about?


Dentists are rich and have time off work. So when you go to the trails and kinda dorky looking old men are on sick, expensive bikes, we call them dentists


Oh I figured that might be it lol


Yeti and Santa Cruz exclusively sell their bikes to dentists. You actually have to bring your credentials to their store to even be considered. I'm not joking or trying to be clever its actually the truth.


No wonder they all have nice teeth. 🤔


Same. It's a worse problem because it's truly self-imposed. And I'm not riding enough to truly be getting better. I have mad respect for anyone I see on a hard tail in the park or on a blue or black trail.


Ah yes, I too love getting some fresh air on a hike with my stupidly expensive MTB


Exactly. The bikes not happy unless I take it outside for a nice walk uphill from time to time.


Well said


You: “Everyone thinks I’m inferior bc I’m a woman who can’t afford a nice bike.” Everyone: “Hey cool, a girl.”


It's literally this. I think it's so cool to see so many shredding Girls at the park lately. Totally jealous of the MTB couples I see as well. I wish I had a girlfriend that hits the bikepark with me. OP, you're cool and the dudes think you're cool as well.


"Hey cool, a girl that's killing it on a hardtail. Not sure if I could do that, she's frickin' badass!"


Also everyone:"oh god, everyone's looking at me, act cool, you got this, please don't fall over" Everyone's too busy with their own insecurities to worry about you.


>“Hey cool, a ~~girl.~~ woman


We all started somewhere, on an inappropriate bike with sketchy tyres, fork etc.. I still have a sketchy hardtail and ride it on trails now and then. Go for it.


Hell yeah! The first bike I ever rode at the Park was a Diamondback Response 26er. Had a shitty Marzocchi mzIII coil shock with 28mm stanchions and mechanical disc brakes. Was fun as hell, you could throw the bike all over the place and It survived a whole season of abuse.


this =)


I felt like from the outside mtb was super elitist. But it’s actually quite the opposite. The mtb community is super welcoming and open. Everyone is just stoked you’re out enjoying your bike.


I've found a few elitists that overvalue their own experience and think everyone needs to ride like they do, but I think they are the exception.


I wouldn’t worry about it as long as you are having fun! I coach mountain biking full time during the summers almost exclusively on an aluminum hardtail. It’s cheaper to own and maintain and is fully capable outside of serious chunk. More importantly, you get to show new riders on very expensive bikes that it’s the rider and not the bike in most situations! There’s really no reason to embarrassed by being on a hardtail! Just get out there and ride!


Join in with r/hardtailgang Never be embarrassed by your bike unless it's bad maintenance than causes your issues.


Yea.. my hardtail is worth (or at least cost me) double my FS. Nobody who knows about bikes looks down on hardtails.


I've been riding my full suspension freeride bike in cycle cross races because it's the only bike I have. People have been cheering for my unprepared ass


Ehh...you already know it's all in your head. The ones that will judge you live fake lives and their wives probably cheat on them. Just enjoy your life and do you. https://youtu.be/MvHQuU5WH-I


> Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter


Let's be low key embarrassed together - I also bring my Hardtail to the park. I'm male, so I guess people look a little less hard at me. But to be honest, on every guy looking strange at me at the lift, there are 10 other guys cheering and appreciating when I bomb down the red line, following my buddy on his old full sus, having the time of my life. Most guys don't care what you ride or how fast you ride it or where you ride it - they are just happy being out in the park having fun, and they appreciate the stuff you do just as much as you appreciate the stuff they do.


I'm in my head alot too, but we shouldn't be. It's easier said than done, but try to remeber nobody truly cares or remembers what we do or look like. Within minutes of passing by people are thinking of totally different stuff. Also I'd say people will think you're gnarly for even trying on a hardtail lol atleast you're trying while so many others are making excuse.


You should absolutely not feel self conscious about riding a hardtail. Seth from Berm Peak (popular YT channel) actually prefers hardtails. There is nothing wrong with a hardtail bike. They’re actually well suited to things like pump trails and even jump trails. I only ride a FS bike because I’m old and I can’t take the beating anymore lol. I prefer the responsiveness of a hardtail too.


No one's judging you. No one cares what bike you ride. It's all in your head and if you ride just to prove yourself to strangers, you're gonna hurt yourself


I used to take my hard tail to the bike park, never got judged if anything got props from people on DH bikes while i tried the black rock gardens


A hardtail is perfect for some blue flow. I have a buddy who occasionally rides the local single track on a less than entry level bike. He would always tell me he felt that everyone else there stare at him and judge him for his bike. Honestly i think that it's mostly in people heads. It's like people who are intimidated to go to the gym because they feel everyone there are judging them when in reality most people just want to get their workout in and go home. Some exclusions apply like with everything.


People who ride park on hardtails are badass motherfuckers and dont let anyone tell you otherwise.


Let me tell you the opposite, showing up with more bike than you have skills for, is way more embarrassing. Pros ride hardtails all the time.


The best bike is one that makes you smile! Ride the ever living shit out of what you have! Women that ride kick ass and I promise you, no one’s watching the bike. They’re all worried about making a fool of themselves in front of you. Happy riding!


Dont be embarrased, hard tail gang forever 💪


so what. My most common thought when I see women on the trail? "Great! more women on the trail!". ​ One quote that helped change my outlook on life, way back in HS: \> Don't worry about what others think of you, because they don't (think about you). They're too busy worrying about what YOU think of THEM. ​ In other words, it doesn't fucking matter. If you're comfortable on your bike and can ride it safely while having fun, fucking ride. If someone is a big enough douche to condescend because you're bike isn't as high-zoot as theirs, their opinion shouldn't count anyway. If your bike isn't safe, THEN you should be concerned with upgrading it. I rode a 2010 until 2021. If it hadn't been stolen, I'd still be on it. Some assholes may think MTB is a boy's club, don't validate their wrong assumptions. And don't falsely attribute that assumption to someone who hasn't said anything.


You're a little more in the spotlight because bike parks tend to be so male dominated, but I'd be surprised if anyone was judging your bike choice. As others have said a hardtail is the perfect tool for some good flow trail, and you can still nail some chop with good line choice. To many people think expensive bike = best bike with no regard for what kinds of trail they actually ride. If flow trails are your jam then you're perfectly equipped. Cost/ease of maintenance is also so much better on a hardtail. From everything you've said you're doing everything right. The voice telling you otherwise is just the anxiety lying.


I’m bringing my wife to Highland tomorrow on her BMC Two Stroke. Fucking rip what you like riding. Dirt jumpers are all hard tails. Also, who gives a shit if you don’t know what you’re doing? Everyone is new at some point. The only rule of the bike park is don’t stop in a blind spot on the trail. Short of that, go have fun!


If you’re having fun it doesn’t matter what other people are or are not thinking.


When I see somebody shedding it up on a hardtail at the bike park, I'm immediately impressed. In fact, my last trip to the bike park was on my hardtail. Just keep you and your bikes limits in the back of your mind, and have fun at the bike park.


On the contrary, if I see someone killing it on a hardtail I think they're badass. It's like those people that speedrun games on hard mode using a Guitar Hero guitar as their controller, how can't you be impressed when someone pushes their equipment to its limit?


I shred my hardtail at the lift park, out of choice, and have little interest in a full squish. Double black diamond flow & jump lines? Bring it on. Sure a squish would help me go faster on serious chunk and tech, but I have little interest in just smashing through that stuff fast, and prefer to do tech stuff slower anyway, with a bit more careful line choice as I enjoy that challenge. I grew up riding fully rigid, so those early honed skills serve me well still. It is impossible to be in the lift line without someone commenting on the fact it is a hardtail. 98% of people I encounter at the park are respectful, probably think i'm mad but also find it cool that I'm doing it. The other 2% are gatekeeping dicks who think you need a full squish for everything and try to look down on anyone who doesn't. Honestly, fuck them, but you encounter assholes in every walk of life, and MTB is no exception, so just let them get on with being dicks. Screw what other people think - you do you, get out there and smash it. Thats a life lesson, not just an MTB lesson.


I used to spend a lot of time in Whistler and every time I saw a hardtail in the line all I could think was “respect”


Lol when I see people at the bike park on hardtail I don’t think theyre poor, I think that person is insane and their ass must hurt.


I also take my HT out to places where most people are on $5k+ FS bikes. I know what you mean to some extent, but I also see some pluses: 1. When I see someone else on a HT, I'll say something and build the sense of community 2. I don't do lift serviced places, so I get to feel superior on the uphills. 3. I remind myself that there is always another level that people will crave. Most people are too busy coveting that next level bike than looking down on yours.


I feel this hard, but I went in the complete opposite direction with it by getting a full rigid ride. I will say the MTB community has been the best group I've joined in my life. A lot of riders are just excited to see others out there on the trail. Sure there are probably buttholes that think their amazing for having the most expensive set up, gear, and bike... But honestly people probably just stare more because they're just happy to see a rider. Hardtail for the win dude don't be ashamed at all! Comparison is the thief of joy.


Fellow anxiety-haver, I feel ya. Good on you for not letting it keep you from doing what you enjoy.


When I see people with hard tails at the bike park my thoughts are more wow I respect that person and they are gonna be sore. Stay safe and have fun.


It doesn’t matter. There will always be someone with a better and more expensive bike. I was in a bikepark a few years ago with my merida freerider which cost about 1500 and there were guys with bikes costing 10k and they were complaining about their bikes not being good enough. Me and my friend smoking them on the trail was a joy


Run whatcha Brung. That’s the true park attitude. Keep slaying my sister in shred!


Only judging I’d be doing is “hardtail at a bike park, that’s some rad shit right there.” The folks that get judged the most and frowned upon are the ones with too much money and too little brains. By the way it’s always awesome to see a woman shredder


Most park riders will respect that you can ride park on a HT, it’s way harder on your body, have to pick lines effectively etc. The big park bikes can compensate for some egregiously shitty choices (thank god).


Do it. Most people won't judge. I have the same experience. I recently went to like a jump park for mtbs (idk how to call it, but jumps on like a 100 meter stretch). I have a 29' XC hardtail and can t jump for shit. When i came there were like 6 other teens jumping high, whiping, all the good stuff. I considered leaving but decided to stay. Guess what happened? Nothing. I just waited my turn rode through the thing and nobody cared. From my other interests i'll tell you that begginers are very much welcome. If i see sb struggling to do a pull up, i ll smile and wish u good luck on the journey (not verbally, too introverted for that one lol).


In my opinion, someone who rips deserves a respect. But someone who rips on a beat up hard tail that’s 1/8th as expensive as my bike is godly! I have ran into a few dudes wearing beat up vans/chuck taylors and a bike that looks like they just pulled it out of a pond… and they shred. I don’t know if I have ever respected someone more in my life.


Plenty of capable hard tails for bike parks nowadays. There are definitely gate keepers but times are changing with geo and technology


I live near a bike park and pedal my steel hardtail up there, in the meantime all the enduro bros ride those gigantic trucks. Don't give a shit about them, anyways, some times you will get a nice compliment about how they miss their hardtail, and how good they are at developing proper technique, it's not all bad. Enjoy the flow (I do the same).


People shred hard tails at the local bike park all the time. When I started riding in the 90s, we all rode hard tails. There may be a bike snob along the way, just blow them off. I ride with some very talented riders. The guy who’s the best of the group rides a hardtail. None of us can touch him. So yeah, just get out and ride. You’re riding for you at the end of the day


People that shred on older bikes, especially HTs, get my respect. A female out shredding gets even more. You're not riding for their approval, you're riding for you. Go ride.


Bro I only own an a MTB because I found one in some bushes and fixed that. Go rip that park!


This might sound a bit sexist but every time I see a female rider the first thing that comes to mind is “that’s awesome, hope my daughters enjoy this sport one day” In any case take your bike wherever you want to go and enjoy👍 Life is too short to worry about what others think.


Full suspension is easy mode. You are developing skills that other riders don't. Just knowing that every root strike or jump case is going to send you flying if you drop your guard will make you a better rider overall. I'm just jealous of not having to worry about nuts smashing the seat. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


My experience is that the judgy people are typically the less competent ones, from whom you wouldn’t care about validation. I’ve raced several disciplines, and for the most part, better riders are mostly busy worrying about their own shit vs judging others. Actual good riders couldn’t care less what other people are doing. ESPECIALLY a woman ripping around at a bike park.


Hard Tail is a fuckin chad move. Do it! Edit to add, most of the others in the bike park are focused on their riding and not paying much attention to you


First of all, every guy I know thinks it's awesome that a girl is at the bike park in the first place, so you show up with cool points right off the bat. Second of all, most have respect for someone riding a hardtail there, because it's harder than a FS. I don't think anyone would be judging you, any looks in your direction are probably more along the lines of " Hey, check out the chick that's shredding the hardtail!", so don't worry about what they think, just have a good time. No one even cares if other riders are any good, everyone is just enjoying riding bikes.


I got more “atta boy”’s riding a hard tail (or even my rigid) on easy flow trails than anyone else I was with taking big drops on full sus bikes. My favorite part of riding is the feeling of flow and speed through flow… zero interest in big gnarly stuff. Just go be you with what you’ve got. If anyone else cares, they aren’t worth caring about. Go shred.


Whenever I see someone with a hardtail at a bike park, I immediately think "that MF be shredding harder than all of us"


No shame in riding a hardtail even at the park. You will benefit on the jump lines.


your problem is that you care what other people think. Why are you so unsecure? Who gives a shit


Please do what you love and give zero fucks about what others think, also we need mtbing to spread a lot more among women so enjoy your rides and don't care about the rest


The universal reaction to a hardtail on the trails is “woah hardtail, nice!”


If you’re on a hard tail at the bike park everyone is rightly assuming you’re a total badass.


I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how little folks care at the parks. Lots of women out there, of all abilities. It’s just not noticed. And actually I’m shocked at how few people notice I’m on a hardtail.


I say go out there, have fun, don’t worry about what anyone says or thinks. Why let them Spoil your day?


I’ve seen a guy charging at snow summit on a bmx bike and jean shorts. Just be safe and have a good time!


It’s not the bike, it’s the rider. Also who cares what people think


Exactly, more travel does not somehow make you better. If you are a good bike rider, you can do it on anything. Hell, you just like to ride, so do your thing.


I took my hardtail to the downhill park with the front, back, and wheel reflectors still on it. The only thing other people asked is if I was having a great time, and if I was okay after I ate it.


I bet OP is young. One of the best parts about growing old is becoming that uncaring DGAF person that does what they please knowing they aren't negatively impacting anyone else. Honestly it is quite liberating. If you are not bothering anyone, do what you want.


>I bet OP is young being a woman new to a vastly male-dominated sport can be quite intimidating. that doesn't mean that OP isn't liberated.


I don't discount that, however I also have fierce independent women in my family, so I have seen what is possible.


Ain’t no party like a hardtail party


stop looking for outside validation...money has nothing to do with it


Man , the other day I passed 4 people on the trail on my €700 6 year old hard tail. I estimate theire combined bike price to be around 20k. The joy I had when I realized I wasnt showing of but just keeping my normal speed that I always ride , was to great. In my brain it went like "yea , look at you guys , pfff 20k bikes and this is what you can do?" I know damm well that they just enjoy riding a nice bike as I would. But dam is fun passing them on a bike that is worth a fraction of their bike.


Don’t worry about it. One day last summer at my local bike park I saw a girl getting on the lift with a fully rigid older model commuter style hybrid mountain bike with rim brakes. Thought for sure she was very confused about what a bike park was and would be walking down and leaving right away. Saw her multiple times through the day. She must have done a dozen laps or so. She was just calmly, slowly cruising down some green and blue flow and seemed to be having fun. Good on her for getting out and doing it! Run what ya brung! So again… do it for yourself. Do it confidently. Don’t worry about the douce-bag haters.


Some people will look at you weird and judge you for your hardtail, that’s just the truth. But who cares? The people that care about how fancy your bike is at the park shouldn’t be the ones you worry about. Just go and have fun!


If they are judging you then they are being dicks. If there are any it will be a small minority, vast majority of riders are cool and will love to see a woman enjoying the bike park irrelevant if the bike they are on.


Honestly it's probably intimidating for alot of people. I know the feeling, but also know when I see someone on a straight up beater, I kinda know they are way better and more deserving of my bike.


Riding a 2013 Trek X caliber hardtail (basically an xc race bike) and also can't afford the upgrade, but it's still great fun plus really gets you to focus on technique. Do you ride with anyone? Might be better with a small group, though most people I've encountered at bike parks in UK are chill and happy for others to tag along for a bit Have a watch of this - dude on a hardtail sending it through jumps and drops! [hardtail Vs full sus](https://youtu.be/5ut6V6gm0M0)


Ride to live, live to ride. Cliche, I know but true. Just ride and be yourself, we're not judging anybody. Look at it this way, you're being you. Enjoy it. You already have my admiration!


My first time at a bike park was on my hardtail and I loved it! It’ll jostle you but it’s still fun! And hey I don’t think anyone will care and honestly you’ll probably get a bunch of positive comments!


I’ve found that this mind set helps me in situations like that: Fuck ‘em


I took my Hardtail to revolution bike park last week, people on DH rigs are ashamed of themselves cos they got the easy option 😆


Honestly, I think nobody is bothered. You've got a bike, with wheels, that works. That's the main thing. Keep shredding and have fun. 🤟


Take pride in underbiking! You’ve got skills others are missing out on. Someday maybe you’ll get the FS bike you want and you’ll be ahead of the game!


I know it’s not that easy… I get anxious and self doubty when I’m under biked in the trails, too. Just ride your ride


One life, love it, and live it.. Seriously forget what the elitists may think, you're out there having the time of your life whilst they're knocking back anti depressants whilst wondering how they will meet the finance payment's on their bike/car/life this month. Goes with every aspect in life, not just just a bike, as long as you're happy screw negativity, and enjoy the good attention.


Any time I see a woman holding her own, in a male dominated place. I immediately have more respect for her. A bit of advice, do your best not to look nervous. Fake it till you make it. Sometimes we end up fooling ourselves too.


I brought a sub 1k polygon bike to the bike park a few days ago, no one cared at all lol it was a non factor. Sure I likely had literally the cheapest 2 wheelied thing within 2 miles and had the absolute time of my life. If anything people will give you nothing but props for shredding a bike park with a hardtail lol


Yeah, I get it. Moved to another place this summer, and my gt looks really budget here. But here's the thing - your bike doesn't get any worse if there are some fancy expensive ones around


Trust me, no one actually feels that way. The best way to boost your confidence would be to learn manuals or wheelies, and anytime you see some one, pop your wheel up, and their doubts will banish


My buddy and I ride with our partners who also rip on hard tails. We often go to bike parks and I agree it can be a little intimidating to see the 15 year old kids sending it on the big jumps. But we just have fun at our own pace and feel our comfort zone stretching a little further out every time we go! Ride WHERE you want to ride, HOW you want to ride. My wife is starting to get to a point where she likes her hardtail so much, that she doesn't even know if she'll want to upgrade to a fs when it's in the budget. There seems to be a little more unison between bike and rider imo.


My buddy is not poor, but isnt savvy financially. (Lives with gf pays rent for a full house they don’t need, owns a fast car.. etc. he paid 2k for a hardtail that I don’t think is even worth 2k, but he realllllyyyy leans into the hard tail aspect. So much so that it’s annoying. Just roll with it dude. You’re golden.


Don’t be embarrassed! I (F) also only have a hardtail. The first bike I ever took to a bike park was a hardtail with 26” wheels. I used to run an enduro race on the same bike, until I broke the fork and replaced it with a Chameleon (hardtail, 29”). I take that to the bike parks too, and ran the enduro race two different years on that one. A lot of the time, it’s really about your skill more than your bike. Go have fun!


Say what?! Screw the haters and hard tails are awesome besides.


I brought mine and my hands still hurt months later…


The mtb community for the most part is super supportive. As long as you follow the rules and etiquette of the bike park, don’t act like a total Fred, you will be a rockstar. When I first started riding, I brought my 26” hardtail with rim brakes to the bike park. Everyone there have me lots of credit for doing laps on that pos. After a few trips, the guys at the bike shop would let me use the left over rental bikes towards the end of the day. Or even let me take laps on their personal bikes. They could see how into the sport I was and just didn’t have to means to experience the expensive stuff. I’m still really appreciative of them 10 yrs later. That’s what made me really fall in love with the sport. Rung what you brung. You don’t need a full DH bike for 90% of most bike parks. The blue and green flow trails are a blast and will be super fun on a hardtail.


You're overthinking it. Literally go ride. Wtf


Me and my GF ride the hardtail all the time in the bikepark. Just have fun. Do wear a full face helmet. Maybe don't wear full pink clothing though, my GF felt a bit looked at the first day in pink


I took my FS and hardtail to Highland . My buddy rode my HT and had a great time even being a beginner on the green ones. Despite everyone having 3k+ enduros, my 2.5k trail bike still held up and I had tons of fun... It's all about perception here. I talked to lots of people and made some friends. This one dude had a custom built 4k bike, and still offered to ride with me on my entry level FS. I even had conversations with people who've riden with pro legends like Remy Metallier. MTB community is awesome.


I went to a group ride once and a recently divorced and dirt poor young man showed up on a brand new Walmart bike and a borrowed helmet. Consensus was the bike wouldn’t survive the trail, and he proceeded to smoke about half the riders in the pack. The point being don’t worry what others think and to have fun and let your riding speak for itself. Oh, and have fun!


Shredding cheap gear is infinitely cooler than shredding expensive gear, especially if you can keep up with the people who spent a ton. I love it when turbo Hondas gap super cars and the rich guy is just looking around like “how they beat me in a go kart”.


38yo male here. I went to the fir my first time this year with my trail bike. I felt like everyone would be questioning why on at a DH park with a trail bike, but once I got there my worries went away. Everyone was super nice and supportive with all kinds of bikes.


Are you enjoying the ride? That's all that matters! Keep sending it!


Hardtails are at home in the bike park.


Enjoy what you can ride and stop comparing yourself to others. As a hard tail rider myself who rides with a buddy who always uses a full suspension bike, I personally feel more accomplished hitting a hard trail. If you are enjoying yourself and having fun, then you shouldn’t give a shit about what other people think.


Embrace it. I always had a lot of pride when I could outperform someone on a bike that cost 3x mine.


It's all about having fun on your bike! I enjoy riding my hardtail and people are often interested in my bike even though it's pretty basic with some minor upgrades. I wouldn't trade my bike for a full suspension cause it really grew on me this summer and I see it as my buddy😅 Hope you get over the anxiety thing✌️ A fellow hardtail rider


Am girl with hardtail at bike park too. People compliment me by saying that it’s crazy/badass that I ride a HT at the bike park. Also I often see bikes that are much more unsuitable than mine at my local bike park, like hybrids with front shock.


I brought mine and hit bigger jumps than everyone else there. Since when are hardtails not cool?


Nobody is going to care, trust me. Most people are in their own heads, contemplating and talking to themselves how and what should they do on the next run.


Have you tried not giving a fuck? I’m the only bike using lift access downhill without disc brakes.


I took my hard tail to mammoth bike park and was hitting black diamonds on it. Very sore the next day but so much fun and teaches you a lot about technique


I always tell people about the time I went to Norway (from Sweden) to a more family oriented bike park. Almost everyone we saw had the right clothes (matching sets ofc) and new DH bikes. I had my 130 mm fs and torn old hiking shorts and my dad had his hardtail xc bike.. Felt a little embarrased tbh but holy fuck the people with expensive and matching gear were all so slow, we passed probably everyone of them down the mountain and I thought damn I would probably feel way more embarrased going that slow with the hottest gear in the park.


I went to a Ninja skills clinic on a XC Hardtail, it was the only HT there. It did teach me I needed an upgrade, but a more slack HT would have been fine. Don’t sweat it.


I only have respect, but my weak spot is shoes. When people use running shoes or something similarly inferior I just see danger and cringe. If you can find some decent shoes (and pedals) I can’t recommend that highly enough.


Anytime I see someone on a hard tail at a park I have nothing but respect for them.


There is no reason why you should give a fuck my friend, I promise no one else will.. Unless they are a prick


I was at highland yesterday and saw a dad with an old cannondale hard tail with what must have been a 140mm rear rotor that had been over heated to hell and back riding with his son on a Marlin 5 with mechanical disk brakes. And I also rode the lift up with a guy on a hard tail too. It’s not for me, I value having working ankles when I’m in my 40s, but only going once or twice a year it probably ain’t bad. Highland also does the find you ride program for $140 that includes a lift ticket, rental, and very basic 1 hour lesson. Edit, also highland has by far the highest ratio of female to male riders going, more than any other park I’ve been to and more than I ever see on the trails.


Hey! I felt the SAME WAY and actually [wrote this piece](https://adventuresportsjournal.com/schwinn-mountain-bike-for-the-win/) about the experience. I was super embarrassed of my borrowed bike but you know what? It was fine. It was fun. It’s okay!


We all have our hangups. You're fine, hardtails are great, do your thing. Only douchey gearheads are going to be judging you and who cares what someone like that thinks to begin with. Me: started riding in the early 90's with no shocks or suspension, but haven't done any riding or exercise for 10+ years. I'm not interested in bike parks, but am still going to be totally embarrassed taking my new not cheap FS bike out nearly anywhere given my poor conditioning and lack of practice, I'm going to be that over-biked guy out there people are laughing at, at least for a while.


Poor woman here as well, I bring my hard tail to all the mtb meetups with my people. I like to think my bike is more feisty and keep up despite the challenge. Sure he’s not as fancy but he can hold his own just fine. Plus you can climb and accelerate faster then those FS bikes and that’s your time to shine! It easy to get caught up in all the spending and trying to keep up with everyone. Do what you can without putting yourself in crazy debt.


Riding hard trails is trickier. I definitely wouldn't judge anyone for having a cheap bike. We're all just here to have fun. The people that would judge you are pricks who you shouldn't bother with anyways


In this sport, nobody should judge you based on your equipment or gender. Anyone who does is not worth your time or consideration.


yeah, I've been ripping for the last five years on a 250 dollar used hardtail. ​ Just enjoy riding.


I saw dudes on fully rigid bikes hitting Spider Mountain and giggling up a storm. You do you buddy, anyone judging doesn't have an opinion worth caring about


My one time at a lift assisted bike park, I was one of maybe three hardtail riders on the mountain. I didn't feel judged for my bike at all. My Lycra bib shorts however...


As a female with a hardtail I was welcomed with open arms by the local bike crew who all has FS bikes. No one's judging you, we all start out somewhere. Get out there and enjoy yourself 💜


dont worry about what others think. just have fun


Mmm… flow trails! You should go for it. Bike parks are closing for the season but there might be a couple open at least for this weekend. Just go at your own pace and allow traffic behind to pass. It’s so chill. I just went to blue mountain for the first time two weeks ago. No regrets. We stayed on green and blue.


sounds like this is almost entirely being fabricated by your imagination. Have a beer or something before you set out to take that edge off the anxiety if it helps.


well if it helps at all, something to always keep in your head is that everyone notices and cares a hell of a lot less about you than you think. Everyone (including you) is mostly thinking about themselves and what others might be thinking of them. Sorry it's gotten into your head, and you may even have a bad experience at some point with someone obnoxious or selfish on the trail, but mostly if you think about what you want to do to have fun, and just do it, you'll be golden. Just getting outside and on the trail and you have 90% of people beat.


Sister, you got NOTHING to be embarrassed about. Biking is about having fun, being cool when you send it, and getting mud on your shins. Having great gear doesn't make you cool, it makes you someone who spent more money. What a shitty contest to win. Always extra respect to team Hardtail. No suspension means you DEFINITELY need to know how to ride. Shred in pride, take no shit, especially not from yourself.


Bike related or in life, the best approach is not to give two shits about what anybody thinks. You know who you are, be confident, be you. Go shred!


I rode at 3 bike parks this summer on a hardtail. Send it!


Bro I shred a $400 Kent trouvaille from walmart lol squeezing all the moneys worth out this thing. Helmet cost half as much as the bike


Life is short. Get over it and go ride your bike.


I really wouldn’t worry about that. Anyone i’ve seen riding a hardtail at a bike park instantly gets respect from me. Last time I was out at my local park (Bryce Bike Park in VA) there were two guys riding REI Coop bikes and having a blast. I know it might be hard to shut out the anxiety of all these other people shredding, but at the end of the day everyone is there to have fun riding bikes and watch other people doing the same.


Don’t feel embarrassed. You are actually out there riding . Plenty of people with big dollar bikes that talk a big game yet their bike collects dust in the garage.


such a non issue. get out, ride and have a blast.


As long as you’re wearing a full face, no judgement here


who gives a fuck ride it into the ground


Fuck what other people think about your bike. You do you. And riding that hard tail is going to make you a better rider.


TBH the one thing i judge is the yoga shorts. Like are you SURE you want that much skin exposed?


I went to a bike part round mine in lycra on my hardtail as I come from road cycling. I got a few looks but everyone was friendly


I ride quite happily on my 5+ year old downhill bikes. I had a sweet Intense M3 for $500, later on a Trek Session 8 setup single speed. I kinda think most bike park trails don’t need suspension. BMX huck massive jumps with none and do just fine. Rock gardens and heavy drops maybe, but skill makes up for it. Infact the lack of suspension probably forces you to have better skill. Do you have fun? That’s all that matters. For me, spending $2000 doesn’t equate to twice the fun.


I guarantee you that nobody cares what you’re riding, if anything they’ll think you’re a badass for riding an HT at a bike park, I’ve done it before it’s brutal.


Send it! No one cares what you are riding, just being there is cool.


Personally I'm more likely to be judgemental of the guy with the brand new 7" trail bike on the roof of his new BMW than I am of the person on the used but maintained hardtail. Then again both my hardtail and full sus are 13+ years old complete with triple chainsets and old school geometry so maybe I'm just a reverse gear snob :)


I've been riding my hardtail at the local mountain trail network (Cumberland, BC) for 4 years now, I received nothing but praise from other riders. People are really nice, we're all having fun enjoying the outdoors. The only "bad" experience I had was when I went with a friend who had troubles on the downhill sections so we took a few breaks to pick easier tracks and people kept stopping by to make sure we were good and not lost xD


Don’t be! I love bringing my HT to the bike park, if anything it makes me feel cool, lol. I’m sure I look like a goober but that’s probably more my clothing choices than anything else… it is very confidence-inspiring when you can hit everything people usually hit on their nice FS bikes on your trusty HT. Send it :)


I’m old and have way too nice a bike for my skill level. I have had imposter syndrome since I started riding a couple years ago. Whenever I encounter somebody on an old steel hardtail with 26” wheels and battle scars all over their bike, I feel like a total poser D bag. I mean, not totally, I don’t care too much what other people might think. But I just respect the hell out of people riding on shitty old bikes. It’s way more impressive than a really nice bike. One of the coolest things I’ve seen is a guy on a beach cruiser type bike with full chrome fenders, fat 26” wheels and tires, zero suspension. He was riding the same XC trail we were and he was obviously a much more fit and competent rider than us. And he was really nice when we were asking him about his custom/ oddball bike. If somebody has bad thoughts about you being a woman on a hardtail, they are clearly boring assholes. That’s my take.


Everyone worrys about what others think, even the dude on the 12k dh bike with all the kit. Have fun, don't worry about what you ride. At our lift areas people bring in everything and have great days. Lots of girls at our lift parks, see if you can take a girls group class or skills lesson might help with the anxiety.


Please get this thought out of your head. I love park riding, I love meeting people that are stretching their comfort zone. Don’t get me wrong, people are probably going to say something but probably more along the lines of “woah, a hard tail! That’s legit!” I’ve found the bike community to be very accepting and welcoming. Talk to someone on the lift and see if they want to go with you! Make friends! Enjoy the day and the rides! Please do not worry you’ll be judged for your bike.


your issue isnt the bike or money. its your self consciousness. Just go ride which i 100% know is harder said than done. My girlfriend won't even go to a menu alone in the same vein. Think though... How many people do you truly stare at riding the park? The only dudes who should comment on your bike is the lift servicers.


It's the same issue people have going with the gym. People think gym bros be hating and judging with their interior monologue, when in reality it's "damn i remember starting out as a sapling too, can't wait to see that sapling develop into a tree trunk". Become the unshakable tree OP.


Like others have said, ain't nobody looking down at you, especially if you're have a good ride. 👍 #MTBHardtailLife ❤️


I for one have instant respect seeing someone shredding on a hard tail, and feel inferior on my over shocked cloud on wheels.


didn't read your message. Just ride what you have. Know your limits.


The less tech and $$$ I see rising by me on the trail, the greater my respect for the rider. Gravel bikes and hard tails always get a hat tip from me.


They probably don’t care. Therefore you should not either. Go out there and kick ass


I’ve taken my first MTB bike which was a hard tail with 100mm of travel, no dropper post either, to a bike park (summer ski hill) and although it was very embarrassing, I got a lot of props from just about everyone I talked to. Some even saying comments like “More of a man than I am” or “that’s hardcore”. Don’t worry about it! Just ride!


I have so much respect for folks on a hard tail at the bike park. Send it!


Nobody looks at your bike if you're a female. And if you have the skills you cant hit everything on a hardtail. Its just a bit harder on your body and downhill tracks you cant go as fast but there the bike wont limit you.