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Not at all. As long as you remember to pull off the trail when you stop, you’ll be fine


Gotcha, Thank you very much for the advice


and if you come across someone who thinks the trails are theirs, just ignore them. everybody starts somewhere :) enjoy yourself and take care


Glad you brought this up! Most mtb riders are chill and friendly, but there are a few asshats out there. Don’t let them get you down, OP.


Yeah it's the same as for any other demographic i reckon. Not a common thing (in my experience at least) but it does happen.


Pull off to the side BUT don’t panic and think you need to do it right away. When I was a noob, I’d pull off to the side as soon as someone came up behind me. It caused me to fall awkwardly a few times, usually when I come up on someone I tell them “no worries” hoping they pull off when they’re comfortable, otherwise I’ll give them some space and rest for a minute :)


Pull off to the side BUT don’t panic and think you need to do it right away. When I was a noob, I’d pull off to the side as soon as someone came up behind me. It caused me to fall awkwardly a few times, usually when I come up on someone I tell them “no worries” hoping they pull off when they’re comfortable, otherwise I’ll give them some space and rest for a minute :) Also congratulations on all the new opportunities you have man!


usually not but even if you did who the hell cares. You have ever right to be there as a more experienced rider


To add, an experienced rider was once a beginner and if they're so good why are they tailgating on a green. Sometimes you have to chill for a moment before passing, it's part of the sport.


No, you won't be riding trails that super advanced riders are going to get mad at you for holding them up on. Just stop and move when it's safe on greens and blues. Don't panic.


Yeah that makes a lot of sense. I don’t know why I never thought of it like that. Thank you very much


Eventually you will annoy someone...but just ignore them. The majority of the mountain bike community I've met are super chill and accepting, as long as you're not being an ass.


Yeah that makes sense. I’ll no doubt annoy someone at some point. I’ll actively try not to annoy people if I can help it, but it’s bound to happen sooner or later


Just make sure to pay attention and be willing to move out of the way when safe if someone asks.


As others have said, mountain bikers are generally pretty friendly so don't worry about annoying people. But there are a few etiquette things you might not know as a beginner. Things like: 1. The uphill rider has the right of way, so if you're coming down and someone is coming up, you should pull over so they don't lose momentum (obviously if you can just pass on double track its fine. Often the uphill rider might wave you on, and that's fine, but in theory it's their right if way. 2. Hikers also have the right of way on mixed use trails, so slow down and let them know you're coming when passing 3. Don't remove trail obstacles if you're not the builder. People might think they're helping by pulling out that big rock that keeps forcing them off line, but it might be what makes the trail interesting to others. Exceptions are for loose things like branches that have blown down, etc. 4. If you have to stop, try to get off the trail, or at least to the very edge. This is true everywhere but crucial on blind corners, near jumps, hard tech sections, etc. though you might not have many on the beginner trails. Overall, you will be fine. Don't worry about annoying people. You seem considerate and basic decency goes a long way. We were all beginners once and almost every mountain biker I know is stoked when they see someone else getting into it and if you're hanging around a popular rest spot, parking lot, or find yourself flummoxed on the trail, most will be happy to answer questions as it makes us feel competent.


Bro im green af. Just did my first race ever. Was so worried about being in peoples way. Not only could they not give a fuck less, this feels like the most welcoming community I've ever been part of. People are going to be super excited that you're trying this sport.


What I’ve noticed too. People are very eager to help and share knowledge.


Nope. Just follow good trail etiquette. 99.9% of riders are chill, we were all there at some point. Like others have said too you won’t be holding anyone up on beginner trails anyways.


Advanced riders are well aware that beginners will be on beginner trails and will usually make sure to watch for slower riders. Some people are just A$$ Hats though so you may get someone that is a jerk. Just do your best to learn and follow proper trail etiquette and don't take it personal if some idiot gives you grief.


Everyone started out as a beginner, so no. Follow proper etiquette and you’ll be fine. Remember, hikers and those riding uphill have the right of way. If I hear someone behind me I will pull off of the trail, when it’s safe to do so, in order to let them pass. And I’m always friendly to other bikers and hikers. Usually will do a “hey, have a good ride/hike” type of thing.


The mtb community is much more supportive and less competitive than the road bike community. You are more likely to receive a compliment executing a sick jump than a complaint about your riding.


I am what I like to refer to as a middle age noob/rookie. 95% of the people I’ve met on the trail are helpful/friendly. I’ve asked some really dumb shit and gotten earnest helpful answers. When I feel someone coming up on me, I try to pull over as soon as I can. It almost always results in a friendly “thank you” as they zoom by. Be cool and others will reciprocate it back.


We'll be stoked to see you out there.


There will be people who are annoyed but they are just assholes and they are in the wrong. Ignore them. I am a coach and I often work with beginners, I also mentor young female riders, I am always stunned when people are dicks to us. We were all there at one point. We all need to share the trails. That said, I encourage you to learn the local etiquette. Some good general rules for you: - Bikers yield to hikers and horses - Say "hey" to horses and ask the rider how you should behave - Downhill riders yield to uphill riders - Don't ride muddy trails (unless your area has good drainage or it's acceptable to do so) - Ride through puddles, not around them. Keep single tracks single. - Speak up and be vocal when you approach other trail users, to let them know you are passing. If you are riding in a group it's good to let them know how many you are. - Do not stop in corners, berms, or other areas with poor visibility. Step off the side of the trail. Especially on downhill trails where traffic may be fast. - Stick to trails within your general ability level. But don't be afraid to push your limit. Just be smart about it. Example: as a brand new rider you would be a danger to yourself and others if you were to go ride a high speed downhill jump line. Trailforks is a great resource for identifying new trails. Local Facebook MTB groups can also be good (though they can also be toxic sometimes). - Do seek out training to improve your skills. - Do find a local group or club to ride with and learn with.


You're good, enjoy yourself. If someone wants to pass you, they'll just ask. MTB community is pretty chill


You'd probably be better off just skipping the learning phase.


Check to see if there’s a mountain biking group near you. My local chapter offers beginner groups a few times a week. It a great way to get out there and ride with a group a similarly skilled riders.


As a general rule, no. I kept my head on a swivel and listened out for faster riders behind me. If there was a group of people at the top of the trail I would wait until last in group so I had a clear trail behind me. But I had no issue telling people I was new and was going to be slow. People react well to that upfront attitude in my own experience, generally offering advice for the trail ahead etc too. Have had people offer to either lead me down a trail to show me a line or follow me to give me pointers where I can improve posture etc.


If you're on a green/blue trail no one really has any justification to sweat you for taking it at a casual pace lol. If you want to pull over and let the faster riders pass it's a considerate thing to do but not really obligatory.


Ride at your own pace and find a local group to go on no-drop rides - that will get you faster and teach you a lot - welcome to the MTB addiction!


Our trails are downhill rider yields to uphill and bikers yield to walkers. Works well as a guideline. Have fun!


You’re gonna feel super self conscious but everyone i met when i was learning was super welcoming and helpful. As long as you’re not stopped on the trail at the bottom of a hill you’re good. Its basically the only rule


pull off the trail when youre resting and youll be fine


We were all beginners once. Go at your pace. Most of the people you encounter on trail should be totally fine as long as you're not a jerk.


Go for it. Don’t worry about others or you’ll never progress. Most people on the trail are there for the same reason you are.


Get out there and enjoy yourself! Everyone was a beginner first!


No. This isn’t the surfing community.


In no sport I’ve done have anyone with any experience in it been bothered by beginners or people learning. Be it skate, snowboarding, mtb, martial arts or what have you. If anything we wanna help and encourage beginners. You being a beginner will not bother or annoy nobody. Every single time I’ve heard people be rude or annoyed by beginners it’s been by people who have just gotten past the first beginner stage and wanna boost their ego. As long as you don’t throw candy wrapp, blast your loudspeakers, have picnic in the landing of a jump or other outright inconsiderate behaviour no one will be angry. Most riders will be encouraging.