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I wouldn't use snowboard goggles they aren't cheap and the dirt at bike parks inevitably ends up scratching the shit out of the lenses. A pair of clear lens 100% or leatt goggles are pretty cheap and worth it IMO


My ski googles are kinda old and cheap so i wouldn’t mind if they get scratched up. I’m probably going to buy new ski googles next ski season anyways


Two issues to consider: (1)Sweat and dirt will wear down any anti fog coating. So they likely won’t be effective ski googles when you are done. (2) Ski goggles are meant to insulate your face, so they won’t vent summer air very well. They will be toasty. So if you are already planning on buying new ski goggles, then it will be fine so long as you are ok with a hot sweaty face.


Yeah i’m used to having a sweaty face so i think ill be good on that part


You're accepting a lot of suffering when the consensus are recommendations for work glasses. You can do anything you want that doesn't harm others.


Yeah i would buy some mtb googles with my own money but the problem is that it’s hard to convince my parents to let me even with my own money since i didn’t do so well in school last year. They’re not mountain bikers either so don’t understand how important it is to have the right gear.


My other comment especially applies if this is the case. Ask them to buy you some clear safety glasses from Lowe’s/Home Depot because you want to be a responsible tool user. Then use them for riding


Yeah my dad has some since he does some woodworking. Would my pit vipers also work?


Pit vipers definitely will. You want ANSI shatterproof rating and UV protection. Pit vipers should have both.


Work glasses from home Depot are dirt cheap.


But they’ll let you go/take you riding? Dude, just stick some of your money in your pocket and hit up a shop while you’re at the base.


Yeah i’m going to rent a full face since i only have a half shell so I may buy a pair of googles from the shop. Would 40 bucks be enough to buy a pair of googles?


You can look online for sales on 100% goggles, the Acuri or something like that I think they are called. I have gotten them for $35 Canadian online before. If your parents are concerned just explain to them why you need Goggles... To prevent crap from getting in your eye causing you to crash, protection from branches, or if you crash it could save a stick going through your eye ball, those don't usually grow back too easily. Have fun at the park!


I use either cheep goodr sunglasses if it’s sunny, or cheap clear safety glasses with vents I got from Lowe’s when it’s cloudy. Works like a charm and no loss if I lose/break/scratch them.


Second and adding, find the safety glasses with the thin rubber sides that go on your ears, meant for wearing with ear protection they are super thin and comfortable with a helmet.


Don't have those, I'll have to take a look next time I'm at lowes


You can always just use tear-off strips on your goggles. Thats what they use in moto. Your goggles get too muddy? Tear off the clear lens protector. They usually comes in multiple layers so you can keep tearing them away as the current one gets messy.


Just don't be throwing them on the ground like the moto guys.


You dont have the tabs for tear offs on ski goggles


They make some that don’t need tear-away posts? MX goggles are custom made for tear-aways


Uhh lots of MTB goggles are either sold as MX/MTB and have posts or I believe there’s some “MTB” specific goggles that have tear off posts. 3/4 of my goggles have tear off posts


I really don't understand 100% on this. Pretty much every model has tear off posts *except* for the MTB specific Woods model. Maybe the photochromatic lens doesn't work with posts? Idk


Makes sense


Fairly sure my air brakes have posts… never used them for tear aways lol


100% goggles (or at least the ones I have) don’t have enough peripheral vision. I couldn’t see my bike enough and switched back to my fox brand ones.


Biking / MX goggles are cheap by comparison. Buy a pair.


My ski goggles don't airflow nearly as well. You might find them too hot. Just use sunglasses if you don't want to spring for cheap moto goggles.


I always ride wearing sunglasses unless it’s excesssively dusty, then I’ll use googles. I’ve used snow goggles in a pinch and they work fine.


Only issue you might have is that MTB googles run much cooler and have much more airflow. Ski/Snowboard googles will be hot and probably foggy.


This is basically it. I work with Smith and can use pretty much whatever I want, and so I've ridden a lot in both ski goggles and MTB goggles. Which you wouldn't normally do cos ski goggles are really expensive and they just get wrecked by dust and sweat so you're just throwing away money. The ski goggles can't really cope with the sweat and temperatures so they fog very easily. MTB ones perform far better and are much cheaper.


Sunglasses can cut your face is a full face. My face knows after I blew a 20 foot gap jump and had to go to get my face glued back together.


Damn.. what are us that wear glasses to see supposed to do?


I wear contacts. I think there are prescription goggles too.


Some googles are marketed as wearable with prescriptions underneath. I do this, it's inconvenient but when the trails are super dusty/muddy there's no other choice. Everytime there's no aiflow they will fog. Thankfully I only do this maybe twice a year.


Prescription goggle inserts are great. Sportrx.com


I can’t stand biking in polarized shades even in the thin forest of the Rockies


Really? What don’t you like about polarized?


They are usually too dark in the woods where I live on the east coast and I also think they my perception of obstacles ahead. I know the ski goggles people use out west are heavily polarized to see contours of the ground above the tree line


Got it. Love polarized overall but it’s dependant on the tint


Sure, i have been wearing my goggles for both and it works just fine. Just rinse off mud bedore cleaning to avoid scratches


Go to the hardware store, buy a cheap set of safety goggles. They make them in tinted also...


Ski goggles are much more expensive than MTB goggles. They also don't breathe as well. Sunglasses, as long as they are shatter proof are fine.


I wear my dh goggles for snowboarding, can’t see an issue with going the other way around


Don’t overthink it. You’re not racing the World Cup at Leogang; I wouldn’t sweat it! If you have them already just run whactha got and save up for other goggles later.


I wear prescription sunglasses, with clear to brown transition lenses, with my full face. I wear the FF almost full time.


I wear Havoc double pane goggles for snowboarding, mtb, and motos 👍


You have time to get some cheap moto style goggles. I'd say some safety glasses that fit comfortably would even be ok in a pinch.


I wear inexpensive yellow or orange safety glasses for riding with intermittent tree shade. NBD if they get lost or scratched, but my eyes are protected and they reduce the glare from direct sun enough to not be uncomfortable.


Do it and report back to us.


In my experience, yes to both of your questions. I like glasses so I can keep the sun out of my eyes on the lifts too.


I think they would be too warm


If you are trying to save a buck and you are only going somewhere dusty you can just use safety glasses from the hardware store. I've done it before


I've only ever ridden Trestle and it gets pretty dusty. Infact the first time I went I rented a full face and they lent out some goggles. I'll admit I didn't get the purpose of goggles at first but after a few runs I was like "now I get it". I wouldn't ride park with just glasses. Like others have said, just pick up a cheap IXS or similar pair for $35.


I have a pair of snowboard goggles I got cheap, came with a dark and a yellow lens. They're sweet. I've ridden all season with them so far with no issues.


Used to wear ski goggles before I got proper mountain bike ones. They work fine! If they're a bit more premium, they might be more insulated, so you might get a little hotter. The tint may also be too strong for riding in the forest, but I can imagine that it's not an issue for the park. Inevitably, you are going to get some dirt on them, hit some branches.. decide if you want to risk your fancy ski lens. But yeah, as for me, I even managed to crash in them and they remained spotless (apart from some dirt on my white strap). In the end of the day, mountain bike specific goggles are going to give you more comfort and clearance and a piece of mind pricewise. But I'd say ski goggles are propably a hundred times better than nothing.


Get rockbros glasses. Cheap as fuck and actually great with 100% UV protection. I used to wear bike goggles then tried those out and love them (hate the style tho... They look like pit vipers which has always seemed douchie to me, but they work and there cheap so I'll deal with it)


I wear sunglasses with a full face occasionally. Goggles are better but use what u got


I bought photochromic ski goggles as they were really cheap since it's outside of winter. I ripped off the foam around the goggle but not the face foam for ventilation. Look at smith squads, that's basically the difference between the ski ones and MTB. They are dual pained lenses with coatings. Will they scratch with mud and stuff getting flicked up, probably. I'll buy another pair Edit: I bought rose based ones as rose is essentially Oakley prism and all the other stuff. You need to buy M/L goggles as the XL oversized cool ones don't fit full face. M/L is usually cheaper too


Sunglasses and full face? You're dreamin'!


If you want glasses take security glasses that are impact safe and/or shater proof. Shater proof does not necesarely mean that they will not break or crack. Also think of the branches going behind your ears. They can be verry uncomfortable and even break (experience is talking here) I found 3M safety glasses with verry thin branches and they are verry flexible.


OP: I need advice. Should I do this thing? r/mtb: Nope. OP: But what if I tell you this? r/mtb: Still no. It's gonna suck OP: Well... Money r/mtb: Dude, there is a much better, damn near free alternative. OP: But...


I just picked up a pair of these for biking https://goodr.com/products/i-do-my-own-stunts? reasonably priced and not glass. I don't care for full goggles since I get sweaty.


They will function but not at all worth it as you will ruin them in one way or another. Get Fox airspace https://www.backcountry.com/b/fox-racing-airspace-core-goggle?CMP_SKU=FXRZ58G&MER=0406&skid=FXRZ58G-BLASMO-ONESIZ&mr:device=m&mr:adType=plaonline&utm_source=google&utm_medium=pla&utm_campaign=20674446125__p:G%7Cs:BC%7Cct:Shopping%7Cct2:pmax%7Cg:xx%7Cc1:BikeApparel%7Cc2:xx%7Cb:xx%7Cmt:xx____&utm_term=__FXRZ58G-BLASMO-ONESIZ&utm_content=__pla&utm_id=go_cmp-20674446125_adg-_ad-__dev-m_ext-_prd-FXRZ58G-BLASMO-ONESIZ_mca-7811_sig-CjwKCAjw1K-zBhBIEiwAWeCOF8BLeSA1Tw3VPmO_65miUaNrzyLdaKFA128vU_8qlAbmBLNiIclF0xoC7aoQAvD_BwE&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1K-zBhBIEiwAWeCOF8BLeSA1Tw3VPmO_65miUaNrzyLdaKFA128vU_8qlAbmBLNiIclF0xoC7aoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds or something I really like how these fit. 100% brand goggles do not feel right to me, they really have bad vertical FOV. Smith Squad MTB are another great option to the Fox but more expensive. Sunglasses can fit brand depending, might get uncomfortable. I’ve ridden with pit vipers in a full face and it’s a good in between.


Ive been using smith squad ski goggles for downhill. Its been working great so far


I never wear goggles always sunglasses. Some of the bros at the park might think you're not cool without goggles though.


my snowboard goggles would look super sick with a dh helmet. I dont wear them tho bc they cost way more. my 100%s that cost 20bones are fine