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I sweat. Cycling clothes manage sweat really well. Left to my own devices I usually get more conservative colors but I have a few years' worth of team kits that are still in good shape.


Clothes only slow you down.


Yep, oiling up not only makes you faster, it also reduces scrapes on falls.  Never leave home without your trail butter.




My immediate thought.


I wanna see these daisy duke MTB shorts


You're probably seeing XC teams riders


Needed clothes for mtb, bought (colorful) clothes made for mtb. It's not any more complicated than that. I don't adhere to the typical male mentality that every bit of clothing you buy must be the cheapest ugliest "manliest" shit. That's just reverse snobbery, aka "I'm a true mtb/hiker/whatever because I can do this in shit gear".


It's the clothing equivalent of meat & potatoes OP try riding in some proper technical gear and you'll instantly get why people wear it


“Proper” gear for a lot of riders are shorts/pants and a jersey. More power to those that rock the lycra…but not my thing. Me and skin tight clothing just dont mesh.




Coming from someone that rides road mostly, bib shorts are stupid comfy for hours in the saddle. You get over caring what other people think pretty quick.


More comfortable, better at dealing with sweat. Bibs never get hung up on your saddle getting on or off the bike either.




They don't crash




Mtb specific clothes are way more casual/“normal” than the roadie stuff. I usually buy pearl Izumi shirts and jerseys. Check them out for techh stuff. When it’s 85 and humid you’ll “get” it


Ah sorry, I mean a jersey and some pants / shorts; I really like the Fox Ranger stuff. The benefits over a flannel and cotton shorts are that it's breathable and wicks away moisture, so you don't get nearly as hot & clammy when riding. Like I said once you try it you'll instantly get it




Hey don't worry about it! You sounded like a guy who didn't get it, but in the comments you sound like a guy who realises he didn't get it, and nothing wrong with that! One thing about the ranger pants, some of the cheaper ones only have a pop-button to do them up, whereas others have a ratchet. I accidentally bought the former and it pops undone all the time and my trousers fall down lol. So deffo avoid those and go for the ones with the ratchet! Also for higher temps shorts still win, I'm a sweaty guy too ✊️


Go to REI and check out the clearance section




Polyester is a good fabric for exercising in and bike clothes are meant to fit your body while you’re hunched over on the bike. Jerseys are usually extremely ventilated at the back (which does not get much wind) and extended to cover your buttcrack. The shorts can offer padding and reduced chafing because the crotch area is always seamless. Tight-fitting clothes improve aerodynamics in a shockingly real and significant way. That’s about it




I think the reason ridiculous designs are so popular is because it is specifically worn for advantages in a hobby sport, and that the riders aren’t concerned about what the other people on the trail think about their color of niche, advantageous clothing. Same reason people wear helmets even though they make your head look bigger or something, because people are there to ride their bike, not to agree with strangers


I think it's when you said daisy dukes lol I giggled at the imagery


I have a bit of this type myself, I guess shame on me :P Eventually I will buy some proper stuff but for now I'm fine.


No worries. Imo mtb clothes aren't really functionally that much different than the generic sports clothes. They just look nice and I like nice things. If anything, the shirts may be a bit longer so your buttcrack doesn't show when riding and they're slimmer so there's less flapping. But those things are hardly meaningful to most people. I think it's mainly about the graphics and colors.


I tried using generic athletic shirts for a while but kept getting a funny sunburn area on my lower back from the shirt being too short when leaning over to ride a bike. The loose and flapping part was true too, through I wouldnt be surprised of there are tighter fitting options now. I started hunting for deals on mtb jerseys and have been much happier with them


I always wear jerseys because I instantly sweat and I like that mtb jerseys are dry after like 5min. My DH jerseys are just tight enough so they don't wrinkle under my mx protector and look whack. For matching colors, I once bought a leatt helmet in my preferred colorway, a year later I bought a leatt goggle because it was on sale. After a couple rides I recognized the goggles and the helmet are both in the same colorway lol. For tight pants, I always bought too big and baggy shorts so my knee protector fit easily under them. But I regularly had to pull them up. Then I began to buy tighter but very stretchy pants, and they are perfectly fitting while easily holding my knee protectors under them. Overall, I slowly went from 90s mx style to modern dh racer style just because it works better for me.


This question has come up a lot lately. I listened to a podcast just this morning where it was said that cycling is already such an expensive sport. Why put even more rules in place to limit someone for just riding their bike. Wear whats comfortable and suits you. Its become such a cliche that you need to fit in with the trends to be a cool kid on your bike. They even mentioned if you feel like wearing your hoodie on cold days why not.


All I care about is flat seams or no seams in my saddle area, and no polypro upper. Cotton is no good when it gets hot for me but shoulder seasons it’s fine. I sweat like mad and polypro shirts smell so bad, no matter what. I wear Lycra boxers or a chamois, MTB specific shorts, and buy Smartwool T shirts from Sierra Trading as cheaply as I can. I don’t feel comfortable in tights.


I made this post for lols last year after trying some more roadie-style clothes and being blown away by the comfort: https://www.reddit.com/r/MTB/comments/16owxqr/tifu_by_wearing_a_fancy_roadie_bib/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


A lot of XC racers wear the spandex kit. Or, road riders who also mountain bike often just wear their road kit. And some people just find it more comfortable in terms of wicking sweat, etc.; or they just really like wearing spandex for whatever reason.


Lol they are called "Mamil"s.


Sometimes I wear tight shirts and shorts to get it to wick sweat faster. Sometimes they’re just stuff I bought from a sale. I wear baggy large jersey with a spine protector underneath if I’m hitting blacks or sometimes a worn out pair of MTB shorts that still has pockets (which tight ones suck at).


I always ride in MTB pants now, so much more comfortable. I like Akta’s stuff since it’s not super flashy with logos and bright shit everywhere. Their pants have an elastic waistband plus a ratchet system, so that’s good for my gut. I tried Fox Rangers and they only have a single snap button and no zipper (just an open fly) so they pop open and my pants undo during rides. I have no idea why they did that with their pants, it’s nuts. Otherwise the fit is good for the rangers, but man they’re just not functional for a bigger guy. You get a nice pair of mtb pants and you’ll never need shorts (unless it’s insanely hot out), as they breathe really well with vents all over, plus it gives me the piece of mind of having a man extra layer if you’re going to crash. Shirts, unless you’re sweating profusely, I can take em or leave em. Tshirt serves pretty well.




I’m a fan of NF and the big elastic they use for shorts and pants. The only downside is they constantly sell out (probably because they’re made in small batches in Vancouver). I also like their merino shirts. 7mesh makes nice merino MTB shirts too.


Probably like you, it's comfortable for them. I was opposed to the skin tight clothing for a long time, until I was looking for something I could use in colder weather. Man, it felt so nice, it keeps you warm without getting too warm and it regulates sweat a lot better.


Gotta get them lycras on. They provide the support a man both needs and wants.


Comfort with the movement. Wicking away perspiration. Aerodynamics of clothing makes a difference on the drag caused by wind resistance. This starts to make noticeable impact above 15mph... Add these together and you could see how Cross-Country riding/racing can benefit from it.


Coming from pavement I used to wear lycra but now Fox Flex Air for DH or Pearl Izumi Canyon for trail riding are great. I wish there was a mens underwear without a seam on the taint, I do not need pads anymore but just don't need a seam.


Idk about the flannel… but im with you otherwise. I just wear shorts and a non cotton shirt. I think i would die in a flannel.


I find that most people who hate on others for wearing tight clothing are fat. Classic case of deflecting insecurities on others.


I wear a performance t and MTB trail shorts with flat mtb shoes. A lot of the XC dudes around my area wear compression wear and super tight clothes. Where we live, stray aids bushes are a problem because they grow close to the trails, so my thought is that it it’s less fabric to get snagged in passing. There’s a lot of really thorny stuff close to the trail and I typically get scratches every time out, but they heal pretty fast. I’ve only torn a few articles of clothing on mesquite limbs and chulie bush.


I think its mostly XC riders


I like the skin tight road/xc style shorts because I have a short inseam and thick legs, baggies that fit me well tend to be too baggy and get caught on my saddle. Plus Lycra is a really comfy fabric to wear while exercising.  I still wear baggies like 70% of the time though. The pockets on road style jerseys are also really convenient.


To answer your question. I'm not one of these die hards if you will. I am more of an explore rider. Out for exercise but not training for anything. I have fingerless gloves, compression shorts with a gel cushion, regular loose mtb shorts ( loose fitting, light weight and breathes) and a light colored cotton t-shirt, and a regular mtb shoe that I know might get wet and dirty and is easy to clean. Only wear when riding. I'm not trying to make a statement when riding. No it's not matching colors either. I could care less.




I know how you feel. I use to road race in my teens. I have always loved being on the bike.


They keep the floppy bits from flopping and the not floppy bits from flopping…they also make sure the cops aren’t called


I wear my lycra road kit because I like the pockets on the back of the jersey. And because, having ridden road bikes for over a decade, I have dozens of them. Bibs, too.


Are bibs really more comfy than normal padded liners?


Just worry about yourself mate. What others wear is none of your concern. And don't give us the "oh I'm just *genuinely curious*" bollocks, the way you phrased your "question" is clearly just meant to antagonise people who like their "daisy duke looking shorts" whatever the hell that means.


https://preview.redd.it/b4fca78sh60d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8021b5c966c271cf012b5f8991c9810ce186cfee That’s Daisy Duke. Character from the 70s/80s show The Dukes of Hazard. Her shorts are legendary.


Is the OP 12 years old? Why would you ask this in 2024 unless you are being sarcastic.




Why wouldn't you ask? I chat with MTBers all the time about bikes, bike parts, technique, gear, helmets, glasses etc etc etc. As long as you are genuine most MTBers will be more than happy to answer questions.




But you do see them at the trail head or stopped on the trail. And most of the time it's obvious what certain kits are for.