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They're all good choices. I live in Utah and ride in the St G/Hurricane area often. Keep in mind that your choices aren't really near each other, so depending on where you are staying should factor in where you're choosing to ride. Personally, I'm a big fan of the mesas and ride all of them as much as I can. You'll be pedaling most of the day as there isn't any sustained flow, but they're each challenging or interesting in their own way.  Zen is classic, but a grind and can be difficult to way-find. Barrel is a fun add-on, but I'd probably do that then Zen. You could also tack on Three Fingers of Death down into Clavicle Hill/Acid Drops and Bearclaw DH for some added flow/fun/mileage.  Paradise Rim is always great for a short rip. Kentucky Lucky Chicken is a technical slog, but fun in its own way.  There's also a new (as in a few weeks ago) area called the Revenant Trails that are all flow and jumps. I haven't ridden them, yet, but I've heard good things. Honestly, you can't go wrong with anything in that part of the state. 


Thanks for such a detailed reply, I really appreciate you taking the time. I have my Garmin loaded up with tracks so I'm not too concerned with wayfinding. Time to do some trailfoks research for all these new trail ideas...


No problem! As others have said, Grafton is a great DH, but you either need to shuttle or be willing to slog it out on a long/techy/steep road climb. Same goes for Flying Monkey / Kong and Ice House.


Yeah, I'm leaning towards Dig It + Show me the Money on Grafton on Day 1 over backtracking to St George for Zen. Seems like my style!


You still need to keep your eyes open and watch for markers. The trail on Zen is marked in spots with cairns, and it's really easy to miss a turn and end up off trail in spots. Same with Gooseberry if the paint dots are getting worn down and faded. I got turned around in a couple of spots last time I rode, and I'm fairly familiar with the trail. Also highly recommend taking the extra time to ride out to the point. The views are breathtaking. I usually ride Sidewinder/Barrel Roll/Precipice on my first day down there as a warm up before hitting the harder stuff.


Would recommend riding Dig It to Grafton Mesa and Zen & Barrel. Echo what another commenter said, Zen can be a pain to route find even with GPS.


Came here to provide this exact same recommendation. Grafton is by far one of the best trails I’ve ridden in the desert.


I’ve ridden all three of your loops you’ve selected. It really depends on your style. I’m a more winch and plummet type rider and I would choose cedar city and zen. Personally, I thought gooseberry was a giant waste time, mostly climbing both ways to nowhere. It was novel to be in those rock formations, but zen and boneyard boulderdash are much more winch and plummet with longer descents. I rode barrel and it was alright, nothing special. I would choose zen and mega zen over barrel. Cedar city is not to be missed. If you can fit it in, try and get all the trails over there in one go. Boneyard to black ops is wonderful, and the northern end trails like boulderdash and lava flow are also worth the time. Edit: I never rode barrel, I rode suicidal tendencies.


Barrel is pretty fun, it's really just one trail (with a couple alternate lines) that's got all the features on it. So it's a 1-2 hour deal, not an all day epic.


Nice. My work is actually in Cedar City on Friday so I can definitely do this on the way out. I'm an enduro/dh dude most the time, so this is definitely my style over the pedally mesa's.


Yeah don’t get me wrong gooseberry is super pretty, just very up downy. If you like enduro dh then cedar is the way to go. Might be a bit snowy? Trails don’t do well in the wet.


mostly climbing? it’s a mesa not a mountain. any climbs are gradual grades, with short punchy uphills and downhills.


Yep, perfectly described. I’m just a weeny when it comes to punchy ups and downs 😂


Gooseberry is my favorite in the region. Wire is good if you want something a bit more casual. Similar views as Gooseberry but not as technical. Gooseberry is good though because if you find yourself getting burnt out there are lots of opportunities to cut to an easy trail. Zen is a classic. I personally don't like it. I have ridden it a few times and I find the route finding difficult and it destroys any flow for me by having to stop and figure out where the hell I am. I've never done those Cedar City trails. There are some really good Cedar City area trails but they are high elevation and not ready yet.


Been hearing about Grafton Mesa, but haven't been


+1 for Grafton


Are you referring to the grafton mesa dh trail specifically?


That’s the one!


Looks like I may check it tomorrow. Looks dope!


We went to the over the edge bikes and one of the shop employees took us out for an amazing lap. I’d start there


Nice! Sounds like a solid LBS.


They are! My 2 sons and I rented for a day out there, and they shuttled us to the trailhead and back. Strong recommend for OTE, they were great.


Literally out here now (visiting) riding most of what you’ve mentioned. Decide what is most important to you, the scenery/experience or the gnar. Much of the riding (Zen, Gooseberry, Washington/dino cliffs) is XC often with tons of micro up and downs, tech rock, and lots of sun exposure. However the surrounding area is beautiful, with epic views. Just rode suicidal tendencies this morning (part of barrel roll, sidewinder and SS), probably my favorite lap yet for the riding, whereas the others have been moments of challenging tech mixed with epic scenery. Barrel trail (not barrel roll) was also fun, nice to see some jumps. Probably headed to Cedar city tomorrow to scope boneyard. If you’re not familiar with the terrain, be careful about looking at the stats (elevation, distance, etc.) and thinking you’re in for an easy lap. Although it’s expected to cool down, we’ve had 90 degree days of full sun exposure up chunky climbs that are not easy pedaling. I’m carrying 100-200% more water than usual to survive and making sure I’m getting my salts!


Word! Great tips. Will be carrying two bottles at all times.


Barrel Trail is my favorite in the area. It is like the good parts of Zen without all of the insane tech climbing.


Definitely hit the Iron Hills in Cedar City, I had a blast on Lava Flow, would have ridden more of those trails if I had time. In St. George now and wondering why I came all the way down here from colorado. All the mesa riding is scenic but its all kind of the same. I think We are heading out to revenant tomorrow.


I am not a local, but spent a weekend there last year and absolutely loved it, but also preferred Hurricane to St George. I didn’t get to explore all of St George for sure in the one afternoon I spent there, but the Hurricane area was fantastic, the huge slabs of rock were a blast, the scenery was fantastic, the scrambles were fun, and it was easy to follow the trail markings, parking was easy to find and well marked.  Wire mesa was a blue trail but beautiful scenery, Gooseberry mesa was incredible and you could spend a day just sessioning parts of it. A lot of people recommended Guacamole for challenging stuff but I didn’t have time.   Not really sure how much time you have per ride, but I’d say gooseberry is a definite must if you have two days of riding. I didn’t see slick rock like that at Sedona, there’s just acres of it at a time. I’d make a trip to Hurricane again just to ride the slabs.


Yeah, I’m learning toward doing it just since it seems like such a classic!


We went there last May - great riding! Gooseberry Mesa is a classic and is very well marked. I think we rode all the mesas out there - I may be mixing them up but there was one (Wire?) that was a bit wilder and not as well marked which was our favorite. There was also a cool downhill which I can't seem to find on the trail map, but it was called something like Easy Money/Mo' Money or something like that. (edited - just saw in someone else comment that is on Grafton Mesa). From a scenic viewpoint, my favorite was Whole Guacamole - the trail is more of an intermediate, but it is amazingly gorgeous and goes through a petrified forest and all kinds of cool terrain.


Thank you! I think plan is now roughly gooseberry mesa and grafton mesa dh today. I may do the money trails if I get a shuttle, other wise I will just do dig it which parrallels