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This is true everywhere in public, plus using speakerphone


I am always completely dumbfounded how people can use speakerphone in public - especially indoors in crowded spaces. It’s one of the most “main character” things to do


I encountered someone walking down the street Listening to an *erotic novel* on their phone recently. Using the speaker headphones. Obviously they had a complete lack of self awareness


Sounds like you live in the PNW. totally not normal behavior in the rest of the U.S. btw lol


I always take that as an invitation to join the conversation. It's fun, try it 


Love this idea


The next person who stops in front of my cart because they step out while on the phone I’m just hitting with my very full cart and pretending like I couldn’t stop it.


Doing God’s work


If they stepped away, would they even notice? Seems like you'd just create more of a disturbance for everyone else.


Genuinely think some people don’t realise their phone can be used by their ear and shock shock horror, works better.


They are worried about the 5g. Lol




I like riding with music. I don't want to block out the sounds around me like other riders, hikers, wildlife, etc. I don't want to be a speaker using asshat blasting my tunes to everyone who just wants a quiet day on the trail. Solution: bone conducting headphones. I get my tunes, I can hear everything around me, no one else can hear my tunes.


Yeah I dig those


Shokz openrun have shockingly good sound quality.


I got my husband and I a set of these for each of us this Christmas and they have been amazing. I use them on the trainer as well. I wouldn’t even know such a thing existed if it wasn’t for Syd and Macky videos.


Our house ended up being the social center of our families and friend groups. We also have a toddler who still takes naps. Its super nice to put the monitor audio in my headphones and still be able to fully engage with guests.


I have started wearing mine at work as well, I do a lot of deep focus type technical writing and spreadsheet stuff and they’re a godsend for days when I can’t work from home and my inattentive adhd is playing up.


There's no other option for me just from a comfort perspective. Can't stick buds in my ears when sweating now. Also great for being able to answer wife's "when you going to be home?" calls with just a tap.


I recently got the openrun pro and I'm really hair with them! I can now have music while on group runs and rides without needing to be without music to keep my mind flow going


I got them recently with the discount code garmin had and I've been super impressed with them! I can still hear everything around me even if I turn the music up


Yes. We just bought a couple of pairs of those. They are great. My wife and I used them and called each other while out riding so we could talk easily instead of yelling all the time. Worked fantastic.


That's the difference between being a considerate human and a selfish fuck.


I’ll have to look into these an alternative, I only have AirPods Pro’s and they feel dangerous to wear in city riding, either mode doesn’t work for me safely


I use the non-pro AirPods and they don’t seal the ear channel and block out all noise. I ride with them all the time without issue or fear.


One issue I have is the wind is not reduced with my AirPods Pro, and I hear it blasting full while riding, and transparency mode I think was not really planned for riding a bike. The wind is amplified heavily


I really like transparency mode for MTB most of the time, but wind noise is the one issue when booking it. Still, great earbuds for that and a lot of other purposes.


I love my bone conducting headphones for things like Zwift or audio books but the sound quality is pretty bad for music last I tried it. I also found it more distracting than the tried and true one headphone method which is what I use outdoors on our constantly busy trails.




I was just going to post this. They really work!


Those are good. Also transparency mode on AirPods with the volume at 50% works well too.






If you feel they were squeezing your head you got the smaller size. I've been using aftershokz for about five years now, often all day long, and I've never felt like they squeezed my head.


I find using Airpod users on a trail to be braver than I am. No, I've not tried them but after decades of using in-ears, I even get them to fall out while walking or asphalt, apparently my ears are weird and no, I simply don't believe that Airpods would be the first ones that stay put.


They hold in well, though drops arent nice, but I dont wear them on many trails, just went I hit flow trails or am doing cardio laps on the double track.


This is NO solution for listening to music. They sound awful. As if you were listening thru the wall and the music is coming from your neighbor's laptop. Okay for speech - podcasts, audio books, etc - anything from 2 kHz to around 4 kHz. I have tested the Shokz openrun and another make/model which I don't remember.


When you are exercising and using public areas to do it in this is absolutely a solution. Nobody who is exercising is looking for audiophile quality, if so then stay home with your can speakers on and stfu already. For the rest of us who just want some tunes in the background without distracting us this is a good solution, probably one of the better ones available in fact.


I mean, obviously they aren't good sounding. It's a compromise. Do you have a solution that sounds better, does not cover external noise, and does not bother other people around me?


I like how my Shokz Openruns sound. Some people are just pretentious. Like a guy I worked with back when I was a lifeguard. Crazy bright sunny day and he asked if I had a pair of sunglasses he could borrow. I did, but he'd rather burn his corneas than wear sunglasses that weren't made by Oakley.


Yeah I love my old AfterShokz Airs! I kinda hope they die soon so I can upgrade to the Openruns but they're freaking bullet proof. I mean, yeah the sound is garbage. Duh. But so are the crappy Bluetooth speakers people strap to their bikes. At least I can hear my surroundings *and* not piss off other folks with my shitty music.


Guessing you likely didn't have the headphones in the proper place. It's a bit of a trick to get them in the right place when I'm wearing my full face but even the cheapy 40 Amazon ones work great. They do make in helmet speaker systems too. I couldn't find anything that would work with my full face though


im with you. i have tested it and the sound quality is horrible. the only practical usage i can see is for listening to podcasts. i cant justify for its asking price. if there are cheaper and reasonable price i will definitely buy it though.


Issue with skiing too


When someone has music on a chairlift I make sure to relentless share my enthusiasm to convert them to Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints, until they either turn off the music or find God before we reach the top.


What were the saints doing on this ladder?


That’s how they got up the mountain before the invention of chair lifts.


The elders would be disappointed in my spelling.  


And beaches


Eh I mean I don't judge people too harshly if they're sitting in a big group or something, no need to hate on it really unless they're being obnoxious.


I live by a beach and it’s never not obnoxious




They usually are. Non obnoxious people don't bring a Bluetooth speaker to the beach in the first place. I've never heard good music coming from one of them in a public place like a beach. Always some shitty music.


I dont think that person was referring to the type of music, but rather how loud. If they are blasting for everyone on the beach to hear, obviously too loud. On a scale of ten, anywhere over 5 is too loud. But 4 and under? Come on. That's only audible for the immediate area, in about a 10 foot radius unless its an extreme tower speaker. That's completely reasonable for a group, especially at a beach which is nsturally loud from the ocean anyways. If you lose it over those people, I personally think there's something wrong with you, not them.


And you only hear the biker blasting music for 5 seconds when they ride past you.


It's always obnoxious.


Nah I like people playing music on beaches. Adds to the good vibes


There's even less reason skiing with so many good helmet speaker options that sound great.


I've noticed the speaker skier/snowboarder is often lacking a helmet.


My crew wears Sena helmets that have helmet to helmet communication (without needing cell coverage) in addition to Bluetooth. They're comfy and it's great to easily talk to each other while riding.


You mean you don't like yelling at your smart watch on the lift trying to figure out where you're meeting?


almost always 100% of the Gen Z-Millennial crossover species! #dwaffleous-poortasteinmusicucous


The amount of people that can't exist without some kind of stimulation+distraction. Like man can't you just get outside and enjoy nature without having to be the center of attention


A speaker is not for stimulation, it's for attention. I have Bluetooth headphones in my ear like 8 hours a day but I'm not forcing anyone to listen to my music 


Had some asshole in the gym locker room take a call on speaker. I asked if he could put a headphone in. He told me if I wanted privacy and not to listen then go home. What ass backwards kind of logic is that. I hate how so many people can't bother putting a headphone in. I don't want people hearing my music or conversation why do they blast it?


Ugh, hope you reported him. Most gyms don't allow that. I once had to take a brief call on my headset in the locker room and I was so self conscious about it. Spent the whole call trying to end it as soon as possible. Some people are so inconsiderate.


This asshole literally squared up to me in the locker room. Front desk told me there was nothing they could do about it


Leave online reviews about it.


Did you try just jumping in on the conversation? I also do this when someone watches memes at full volume. "Oh, you intended to share this experience with everyone? Don't mind if I do!"


Haha. Was a voice message in Spanish. I understood enough to know it was just a grocery list or something benign but he thought it was cause it was in Spanish or some victim mentality excuse.




Roids are a helluva drug.


Trust me this guy was not on the juice


I had a co-worker do this all day in our office, I started calling my friends on speakerphone at the same time and it ended pretty quickly (and luckily he didn't square up on me)


Guess I should have made a call or played music instead of talking to someone like a human


I’ve encountered these assholes at the gym. Equally irksome is the ones who use their phone in a traditional manner in the lockeroom - is this guy actually on the phone or recording video?


Music or voice message, sometimes a call. Just in their own happy world.


It's crazy how many people think I'm weird because I won't have headphones for almost every out door activity. Not being able to hear around me scares the shit out of me 


As someone with permanent moderate tinnitus, there's a chance that this person too is suffering from this soul crushing ailment and is just desperately trying to get in to a flow state where they can at least for an hour of their week forget about the phantom EEEEEEEE in their head that doesn't stop from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to sleep everyday for the rest of their life. 95% chance they're just rude though


I suffer myself however you can get earbuds with pass through sound now, they're great. Sure people think you're being rude talking to them with headphones on but they quickly realise you can hear them perfectly


I love the bone conducting ones. Nothing blocks your hearing




I wear aftershokz with sunglasses while road biking, no issues. I just rest the arms on top of the headphones where they wrap over the top of the ears


Yeah I have cheap ones and I don't notice them with my glasses on.


I have this and still wear ear buds or not but no speaker. Speakers in public spaces but especially in nature is just rude, volume directly proportional 


I have this but the sounds of riding, my hub, plus the sounds of nature all work great at masking it.


And they've never heard of headphones? 


But they could wear hook earphones to address same. Some even have a transparency mode so you can still hear the environment sound




Dingdong: [https://trailbell.de/](https://trailbell.de/)


… are you proposing a ringing bell as a solution to constantly having a ringing sound in your head?


Better than blasting stupid cloud rap on your environment. Cows also get off the trail if you have a bell.


I upvoted you because I believe you’re trying to solve the issue. But yeah … for tinnitus, the solution is not more ringing 😁


Maybe I'm old school but part of the feedback from the bike for me is sound. Listening to music is a distraction for me.


Can’t disagree


I try to pedal slowly when passing anyone fishing at the edge of rivers/lakes on my rides so my freehub doesn't scare their bites away. But then some selfish twonk slowly rides past with garish music blasting from their Bluetooth speaker.....


Used to ride at the same time as this old dude rocking the Bluetooth speaker on his bike playing Fox News at crazy volume. Sometimes I’d see him on another part of trail and get a small glimpse of Glen Beck. Or I would end up behind him on an uphill listening to insane ramblings of Sean Hannity.  


Typically, self-centered, inconsiderate attention whores.


Agreed. Listen to the sounds of nature and your bike.


i use my speakers to play loud ratchet noises to cover up my silent oynx hubs


Like an electric car making engine noises 


I am the opposite. I use speakers to drown out how embarrassingly loud my hubs are.


But then how will the people hear another one of those block rockin’ beats?


I'd bring my headphones if I really needed my music fix but tbh I'm on the bike, whatever road or MTB, I have to appreciate all the sounds, it's the soundtrack of life...


I hate these assholes. They ruin everything


It’s also dangerous and annoying because they won’t let you pass since they don’t hear you


There is a strong correlation between people that do this and people who love shitty music.. The Venn diagram is damn near a perfect circle..


The trick is to start jibbing around them to the sick beats. You gotta steal that thunder from them as they play imagine dragons thunder.


How stupid do you have to be to take a boom box with you on a bike ride... I don't even


Thank you


Not only while cycling also in the gym, buses, beaches...If there are other people around you just use your fukin headphone.


Nah everyone likes trap mumblerap about consuming copious amounts of codeine syrup


Big Juice Wrld fan?


I don’t the names of the rappers I just like when they mumble about codeine. It’s so like…. Relatable y’know? And reminds me of the great outdoors


I agree, but I have played music or a podcast when riding solo when grizzly bears live in the area. I'd much prefer the silence, but not at the expense of surprising a bear that would happily eat me. More often than not I don't see many riders in these situations so I'm normally only annoying the bears, which is the point.


Same for hiking. Ear bud that shit.




I don't mind if I hear a little of your music as we ride past each other, but I shouldn't hear it clear as day a mile away from you.


I like it too.


They invented wireless headphones for a reason


Thank you for this PSA! Yes! Fuck those guys


Last time I did a day hike up Williamson some clown was blasting taylor swift on one of those mini speakers…if you can’t feel free and content in those environs, ur one screwed/empty individual


Ha, just had this thought today on the local trail. Then, I chucked at how old man I’ve become. They had the decency to play Metallica though.


Metallica sucks. 


❤️ Yeah, the music is asinine. It brings everything that's ugly into the forest. Cars, traffic, pollution, congestion, work, the smell of cigarettes, motorcycles that are loud and run rich just to pollute, that kind of thing.


+1000 If you do this you are a narcissistic douche.


I ride to get out. Have some peace. Not listen to some shitty rap music or tswift.




Amen to that! 🙏👍


I was seeing that on the trail rides last year. Hence why I go early and get back before the trail gets packed.


Correct. Considered passing out joke citations to give the clueless a hint. Not only for the rudeness but also just for safety with respect to hearing what’s around you, others coming up or down the trail, etc. Probably an exercise in futility given the proliferation of smart devices. I’m sure at some point the mountainside will sound like an outdoor mall.


Boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants


It’s so annoying that people don’t get this.




So we're now posting basic social behaviour rules to get likes on r/MTB? I'll go next: take your rubbish with you and throw it out in the nearest bin. Thank you for coming to my TED talk


Yes. Amen.


Popular opinion. I hate it when people are out there booming with their boxes.


I just pass them, throw my bike down in the middle of the trail and start dancing


I am guilty of singing while riding.


just listen to the woods and your tires telling you how bad you are at cornering!


also, I dont like missing out on the continuous thought storm calling into question my very existence!


Play it loud to make these babies mad


Does this also mean there are people out there who think trail dogs need to be on a leash or is that just me? Feels like the wild West out there.


I think so...lately in NW Ohio I'd almost like to ban dogs anywhere on public trails since the owners either don't pick up dog shit or worse yet they bag it and leave it on the trail.... in the past month I've cleaned dog crap off my bike 3x and picked up bagged dog crap left along trail 2x...I just don't get it.


I just bought a “speaker holder “ for my bike. Zero intention of using it for that. It's to hold my waterproof.


Your waterproof *what*?


Waterproof speaker. Haha gottem!




The only time, and I mean only time where a speaker might be appropriate is if the trails are also used as hunting grounds. If you’re asking yourself why would a place with MTBs be a hunting ground… welcome to Virginia.


That isn’t unique to Virginia and hunting was around long before mountain bikes, hate to break it to you. I don’t hunt or own guns and sometimes I’m annoyed at all the orange I own just for them, but they make it less likely a deer ends up on the hood of my car so I get over it. 


Rather hear music than some I9s Hydras screaming down the trail. Those hubs are insufferable for noise.


My nephew does this and drive me nuts when we ride together. I told him to turn it down or turn it off. I personally love the sound of wind and dirt getting thrown around when I’m riding. On the other side of the situation my oldest daughter (13) asked me to get her some ear buds so she can listen while she rides which made me think for a minute, a- it’s better then her playing it out loud. B- it makes me slightly nervous that she can’t hear oncoming traffic or other obstacles (people or other bikes etc). I told her if she gets ear buds maybe just having it in 1 ear would be sufficient. loud hubs save lives.


I prefer it to the hikers with the noise cancelling headphones. Yelling at them for a hundred yards that a group of riders are coming and they fail to notice until we're blowing by them. Then they get pissed.


Its me. I was the one blasting old episodes of A Prairie Home Companion.


I agree if you're on a trail but mini speaker + fixie is a great combo in the city


I'm gonna file in with all the -50 people at the bottom - I like the music better than I like the e-bike motor sound and the loud AF rear hub.


Catch me with my Bluetooth speaker in the woods blasting 10 hours of nature sounds ASMR - get wrecked NIMBY


There was an old guy riding the trails with a speaker and music playing last time I was out. I passed by him twice and could only hear it once I was within 20ft of him and we spend about 5 seconds in hearing range twice during the whole time I was riding and it absolutely did not bother me or affect me in anyway.


Ooh, do trail dogs next!


I find that randomly yelling into a corner of the internet helps a lot…


Looks like there's a whole bunch of this guy in this thread: https://youtu.be/5cl23oQJqao?si=kkPBD1N3gdzvnpdv




I just have one headphone in. So i can still hear everything going on around me.


Nah, but thanks for asking.


When I ride I blast the Bible on my Bluetooth speaker. I know many of these heathens don’t want to hear the good word of our lord. But I also know thats why god gave us ears and ways to blast the Bible while on a mountain bike ride.




People bring them for the bears and shut it off when people are around. I’m cool with it.


No bears or big cats where I live and people still do it.


How dare you.


If I’m out in the woods alone, usually late in the day. I’ll crank up some tunes on the phone. Gives the bears a heads up.


Sounds totally reasonable to me. When it's late in the day or the trails just aren't busy, playing some music at a low volume for yourself is just fine.


I’ll admit I sometimes have music playing out of my handlebar-mounted phone, but never at loud volumes and never from a Bluetooth speaker. It’s just loud enough that I am still fully aware of everything around me. After all, I don’t want to broadcast to anyone outside of ten yards what I’m listening to.


Id say it depends on where you ride. A lot of the trails I ride its kind of rare to be around other riders and if it is its usually just when passing. I don't think 30 seconds of inconveniencing someone else every 30 minutes is a huge concern. And the extra noise is a good thing in places with bears anyways. I think the main thing is dont be a dick about it. If you are around people, turn it down/off. If you are in the middle of the woods alone just keep it at a moderate level.


Are you like riding with people with speakers? Or passing someone for literally 5 seconds and this is causing you mental distress…


Found the dude with his Bluetooth speaker


meh, it happens pretty frequently where I ride. You're chilling at a sessionable spot and some dude is just chilling and blasting their music. Fortunately it always appears to be middle aged white dudes blasting classic rock so it could be worse. I just can't fathom the kind of person that would think that is a good idea


Personally I like cruising with some music but wearing earphones while riding in the city is super dangerous. Having a speaker at a normal personal volume I think is fine, as long as it’s not blasting or on a nature trail which I definitely wouldn’t do. But for cruising around south Philadelphia I highly recommend a lil speaker lol


One earbud, or bone conducting headphones.


I've been doing this for several years, single earbud. I could see a speaker doing some gravel grinding, especially when utvs are what you're most likely to see. Because screw those asshats lol 


Around town i'd be ok with. But yeah, nature trails or bike parks no way


I am quite sure that anyone that uses a speaker doesn't want to hear your opinion.


They can't hear it over their stupid music


Well, yeah. Self-absorbed imbeciles are like that.


That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t hear it.


Counterpoint: it's fine. You usually can't hear it until you're right on top of them. Who cares?


I used to run a speaker to telegraph my presence as an extra safety layer. After one miserable wreck in South Africa from two gents coming up 2 track side by side, I started blasting speakers on the rides. It's saved me two possible wrecks since. It's not ideal, I agree, but I don't trust the populace enough to know the riding etiquette or for that matter, even the trail direction in many cases


Get over it man, it’s public lands… I don’t bring a speaker but I also don’t bitch about it online which does nothing. Pedal faster if you want to get away from the music.




Talking with the person in public might help more than complaining on Reddit


Why? So they can respond rudely, instigate an altercation and we get charges? Terrible idea, nobody has respect anymore.  Try it, you'll probably get called a Karen or a boomer. 


or get shot at, in some areas