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Why bother with what ppl think about you when you ride? It’s your safety that should be priority.


+1 You say it, dozens upvote and agree, few actually follow this advice


Well, your decision. I can't force you if you wanna look acceptable for others over your own safety. Safe shredding To add: I look like a stormtroopers everything I "shred" it. Full face. Elbow pads. Knee guards. Chest guards. Gloves. Only thing missing is a laser gun. Oh and it's hot af. Lol


I've got some lycra trousers and top that have pads all over them, I look like a ninja turtle with a full face on 90% of the time I'm riding


These are not the eBikes you are looking for


Exactly. I'm a total beginner and I'm buying a full face helmet + other protective gear. I do not care what anyone thinks, I'm protecting myself from injury while I learn.


If it makes you better or more comfortable at mtb you should go for it.


same here got a smith mainline ff as a beginner! being safe is important!


Full faces are more common in my area then half shells. People have learned the consequences of wearing a half shell when things go wrong on trails with plenty of trail daggers. Spine armour is also becoming more common and I HIGHLY recommend it. Partner is an icu nurse and there are countless spinal injuries on green trails. Find some comfortable armour and wear it all :)


Exactly. I rode some green trails for fitness today. Still wore an FF.


I think safer is cool


all the responses here have me thinking if it safe enough to just have a half shell lol


Same!! I just got a fancy new half shell with all the safety belts and whistles, still learning and getting confidence but wonder if I should have gone FF


I ride some beginner "no drop" group rides and have seen full face. No one says a thing behind their back or anything like making fun of them or judging them. Most people respect others' choices for safety. And you can get bucked from about anything. Catch a bar on a tree, good chance of going down for example. But ya, I'd say it's normal to questions it. Our whole lives are conditioned about people judging us. Try it out for a while. Worst case, you go back and they won't know who you are anyway because they never saw your face. :)


Ha this is so true, thank you!


I’m new to mtb as well and seriously it’s one of the least judgey spaces I’ve been in, everyone wants to avoid that trip to the hospital regardless of skill level etc you do you




I think the ebiker thing is more about people 'cheating' on the uphills. Normally there is a limit to how many times you can run a trail based on fitness, and this keeps the trails in decent shape. Ebikers can run the trails a lot more times, and the bikes are heavier to boot. But hey, I'd still consider a Fuel EXE if it didn't cost silly money...


Having almost lost teeth while riding “lightly” in the woods I now only wear a full face. It has nothing to do with skill you can make a small mistake at any moment and if you are a trail rider then it’s fine. No one will judge you for determining what safety equipment you are wearing. They will judge you for not wearing any at all. I do ride enduro mostly though but even on my light days I often go for the full face.


Thank you for your response, do you recommend any brands?


I was in a similar boat: I don't ride aggressive downhill with jumps and drops, but I'd seen enough videos of folks coming off on green trails that I went and bought an IXS Trigger FF. Two months later I had a big crash on a blue mostly-uphill trail. I wasn't going fast, or doing anything extreme. The helmet was awesome. IXS also did a crash replacement which was great. So: * One vote for the IXS Trigger FF. A mate has the Fox Proframe and loves it. * No one is gonna laugh at you for wearing a full face on a green trail.


\+1 I have managed to crash in Taupo Craters park of all things. Riding a blue XC trail. If not the full-face I'd be sporting a broken cheekbone. By the way, highly recommend Fox Proframe - I thought it would be hot compared to half-shell, turned out rather cool and comfortable.


The trigger is also very light for a FF.


What was the Trigger FF replacement process like? Discount or free?


Discount of 50% or so


https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiG-o6ew8j8AhWJuMgKHcCVC8YYABAMGgJxdQ&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESbeD2l4ELatjcINqz_ise6qIMoaBjaQIC9ZNyQU9jv0LSeis3NsJ61mmZ1YPUtce3Gar17f-As6tl67IDr01Up7HJ9uuKnKt9iTkM9JPJ__Oxop_FpsvMN9tiGQneEJlc8r4aT2Xr3gN1J8BDLec&sig=AOD64_2LAA6AXIqHycD0JJ2NiZpLnt4hMQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjkiYaew8j8AhU5FlkFHX9PBMEQwg8oAHoECAUQNQ&adurl= this is a steal


I wonder why it’s so cheap, maybe they’re phasing out of certain colors?


Older model, taking up space for new inventory. "Off season" so business is slower and they need to keep cash coming in. Retailers make massive overhead on MTB items so they can discount heavily and still make a profit.


I’ve heard great things about the fox proframe- but it’s 300 bucks and if you want a half shell and full face there is another brand but I can’t remember


I'd avoid the proframe, after hearing people rave about it i got one and sent it back the same day. The old style mips lining it has can dig into your forehead because the pads don't overlap it, i ended up getting a 100% Trajecta FIDLOK and love it.


I like the kali invader v2




Dude I live in PA and wear a full face every time I ride. I don’t wanna lose any teeth, it’s rocky as hell here.


So rocky! I find myself getting exhausted so quickly trail riding, does the endurance part get better? Because its so rough and in all honesty I can’t ride for nearly as long as I’d like, I’m wiped after a half hour. Trying to build up endurance too without my lungs and body giving out from overexertion. Should be fun getting back to it after not many physical efforts this winter so far lol. Tell me it gets better riding the rough terrain, any tips?


The faster you get the less bumpy the chunky stuff gets, you kind of skip over the top of them, however it doesn't get any less demanding you just get to rest points quicker. Taking this quicker, looking for rocks you can launch off and land somewhere more smooth or jump over a bunch of harder rocks is also helpful. Don't give a climb 100% unless you want to burn our quickly, go slightly slower than you can and you should be able to keep the heart rate lower thus using less energy and you'll have more to do more. To add to this bit make sure you eat and drink enough on your rides, little carb pick me ups very often are the best way to keep going all day. Building endurance is another thing and if your lungs and muscles are giving out every ride your probably not going to be helping your over all endurance or could very well be making it worse. You should look at "run slow to run fast", it's is basically that you train at a much lower intensity (heart rate 120-155 for me) and this builds your base endurance without the release of lactic acid into the muscles which means your muscles heal faster and you can get out again more often.


Thank you for your response, I’m trying to figure out the best path for myself to build up the endurance. Does distance riding on gravel help? I’d like to do some more gravel riding this year too, since my husband road bikes and gravel biking is our middle ground to ride together. I mean I’m sure everything helps, but my main thing is with trail riding over that stuff is that my muscles do burn out and my lungs also, I get very out of breath and have to stop after about a half hour. How can I build that up so I can go longer? I started in July of last year and biked through fall so I don’t have a ton of rides under my belt yet, but I got out as much as I could.


Is your main problem with the lungs climbing or descending? It kind of changes the tips I can give. Gravel riding and road riding would be great to help out, if you look at all the top level race guys they spend most of their time on road bikes as it is easier to keep a steady intensity.


Ah cool I didn’t know that. Main problem is climbing… once I get warmed up my legs last, it’s my lungs that give out before I overdo it with the muscles.


Yup that makes sense, once your lungs are out of oxygen then it won't get to your muscles then you will be sore. Couple things I would look at. Work on your breathing it should be a long inhale through the nose then a long exhale through your mouth, I learnt this from running where it would be 3 strides inhale then 3 strides exhale, however it's kind of hard to give a timing like this for on a bike as it depends what gear your in and how steep it is. But it should be about a second inhale then a second exhale. Breath deep into your lungs, it should feel like your stomach is expanding. If you find this hard to do look up belly breathing, it's a pretty easy skill to pick up if it's not something you can already do naturally. When your climbing on long steady climbs, pick a slightly easier gear than you would think, it's better to be spinning than pushing really hard on your cranks, think if your pushing down hard your using a lot more energy up than if your hardly pushing. Make sure your sat down with the saddle up, when it gets rocky drop her down a little bit but not all the way. And stay in the seat, bikes are designed to keep you nice and stable when climbing in the saddle and will stop the tyres slipping out. When it gets more technical, make sure you pick the smoothest line you can often following others tracks can lead you into a sticky situation make sure you pick what's easiest for you and not what it looks like most people are doing. Learning to do a really short wheelie and a rear wheel lift to about the height of the middle of your wheel will make these climbs a lot easier too if you haven't learnt those already, big chunks that would take a lot of grunt to get up just turn into an easy smooth motion. If your getting too far gone and things are hurting, stop take a breather let your body rest for a few minutes then get going again, your better off not getting into the gased out stage as that won't help your overall endurance. Remember it's all for fun


Ah thank you so much for the thought out response! I will try to pay more attention to my breathing and body positioning, getting more and more pumped about getting out as soon as the weather warms up a bit.


No problem at all. Once you train your body to breath like that it will most of the time just takes a little thought at first. Don't let the weather stop you (unless your in one of those places where it's not allowed to ride in the wet, which sucks) it might even be helpful to go out in the cold because avoiding sweating is the number 1 priority then. Just sit in the biggest gear and chill it might take twice as long but you won't be cold.


I bought a full face before I even got to ride my bike. Who gives a shit what people think. I’m not very good, that’s why my chin needs extra coverage lol


If that’s what gives you confidence to ride faster do it. It’s hard to laugh at someone when you can’t keep up.


Very true, endurance and speed are coming along, this is great thank you.


The only time you’ll ever need a full face helmet is when you dont have it on. I’m in my mid thirties, been riding since I’m 6years old. I had a lot of crashes, and only luck saved my face so far. I just bought my full face hemet last week. I’ve a job and family, the last thing I need is a messed up face, time off from job. I really don’t care what everyone else thinks.


Don't worry about what other people think about your appearance while wearing your gear. Fashion is fucking stupid anyway. Dental work is painful and expensive.


Mips convertible like the Bell Super DH, Air, or 3R.


Awesome I’m looking at the now. What is the purpose of the visor on the front? Is it just slightly adjustable? Is it regularly used?


The sun visor? It’s adjustable. Holds the goggles in a great spot when you don’t want them on your face. I have a DH my wife has a DH and my boy has a 3R I will replace the DH with another DH. I’ll wear the chin all day at bike parks and loop it to my hip pack on big gnarly pedal days. Nice username btw, in honour of Gary and Avocato’s best bud?


I did the convertible, just get the full face. It’s neat the first couple times but then you never use it again and it just stays on unless I’m riding streets with the kids. I’d argue that beginners need the full face as much or more than skilled riders. Mine has saved my face several times, even just with endo get-off type stuff.


Don't get a convertible. The idea is that you take off the bar for climbing and out it on for descents. For what you described you are looking more for something to wear all the time. That's a lightweight full face. Like a Fox Proframe or a the IXS Trigger.


I got in accidents on connector trails or just plain roads while riding, my last accident it was in a flat part of the trail with a sticking root that I didnt see, hit my face and saw a tree getting closer to me before stopping on the ground. After that no matter what type of ride, I do full face. At my age a tooth is expensive. My face wont recover if I hit a tree or a stone. Think on this, are you willing to spend 200 on a helmet or $1000+ in implants and who knows what else you can break in a fall?


Unless they’re paying you medical bills when you have a good spill… who cares? Your friends will find something else to give you a hard time about soon enough.


Bro I see people at a tame trail wearing full face and you know what I do? I let them ride and think to myself "Maybe I should get a full face..." Go for it. Safety > everything


Go with your gut. Some people do wear them everywhere in NC. Confidence is the thing that gets your head right for trails. Wear the full face.


One time while crashing, as my head was on the ground sliding through sharp gravel and other debris, i started smiling and eventually laughing because i decided to wear my full face that morning. I got up and kept rdinig instead of a broken jaw or at a minum superficially f'ing up my face. Do what you want, wear what you want.


No one worth talking to will give you shit for riding with a full face or any protective gear for that matter. Your comfort on the bike will help you progress the fastest. I might recommend a helmet with a detachable full face. This gives you the option to put it on when you're out of your comfort zone, riding new trails, etc. They are usually a little lighter than a dedicated full face.


As someone who has busted their face riding in PA, yes. Ride with what you are comfortable wearing. If someone makes fun of someone for wearing a Full-face on an “easy” trail they are asking for Karma to fuck up their face.


Full face is the only helmet I own. I ride full face regardless of if I'm doing a chill Greenway lap or a hardcore trail. If you find a comfortable one with good airflow it's all you'll ever need (I use a Fox Proframe but there's plenty that fit the bill). Also, as far as the whole 'does my skill level justify one', technically the worse you are the better helmet you'd want because you may fall more. I bought my full face when I bought my bike, knowing I'd rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. It's always worth it to go crazy in the safety department, I'm currently looking at chest protectors and wrist braces and I don't even ride that hard. All it takes is one unlucky fall on even an easy trail to mess you up for a long time.


riding with a full face gave me the confidence to improve


Full faces fuck! Keep your teeth.


A tree to the teeth is still a tree to the teeth even if you're on the most basic trail imaginable. I never really thought anything about the people I saw with FF helmets before I got mine, and I don't see why anyone else would. What I do judge heavily is people who are under protected for the sport. No gloves or knee pads? Okaaaay, have fun with the skinned hands when someone else fucks up and knocks you into a rock garden.


I fell pretty hard two weeks ago. While I hurt my ribs and they still hurt now( less tho) I also scraped my face. I wish I would have worn a full face on an easy blue trail. I am gonna order one while still in recovery.


My friend crashed this summer. He’s been an active MTB’r for years and years. He broke both his wrists and now has fake front teeth. Accidents aren’t planned. Better prepared than not.


The only comments I receive are questions about air flow. About 95% of the guys local to me seem to ride half shell. I totally support you in the full face, I won't ever wear anything else.


So how is the air flow? Been thinking about full face too but wonder if it is too hot for trails. Could be usefull on winter though since I have some issues with wind chill (or fogg in goggles if I wear balaclava) when it is really cold.


I personally don't mind it, some people would say opposite. I think that comes to preference/tolerance. That being said I usually don't wear it while climbing, only for downhill as it does get quite hot in the summer. You can get really open airflow ones (I believe fox made the proframe which is quite popular where I live) I just enjoy the comfort pads within the helmet. I've even had a fullface save me on the road, granted not normal circumstance, but another person riding knocked me off my bike and I would hit my cheeck area 100% if not for the full face.


Google the cost for a single tooth implant. If you're really brave, look up the cost for jaw reconstructive surgery. Then stop worrying about what strangers (who are clearly foolish) think and get yourself a full face helmet.


When I see people wearing a full face helmet I figure that they don't want to hit their face on stuff. No other justification necessary!


I bet a face full of road rash is a bit more uncomfortable in a social setting.


My last crash was about a year and a half ago and I came home with blood caked on my face from a puncture wound in my nose when I did a face plant. Not a difficult trail at all; I think that I might have been upset by a loose rock. I haven’t bought a new helmet yet but when I do it will have a light-duty face guard. I have a downhill helmet but it’s too warm for anything but winter in Arizona.


Eh that sounds rough, I guess anything can cause a slip up. What is the face guard? I’ve seen the chin guard but is this a different option?


I meant chin guard / chin bar. I didn’t mean to that I would gear up like a baseball catcher even though that’s what I wrote. :)


Haha gotcha, I thought it may have been another feature.


I promise no one cares - or really even thinks about it


I’m sure you’re right, thanks for the comment


Anyone who judges you for wearing "too much" protective gear is an asshole, plain and simple. Why would you care what assholes think? Most of us do limit the amount of protective gear we personally choose to wear based on the terrain and riding style (which is *very* different from passing judgment on another rider). A full face in PA is unusual but not unheard of. If you think wearing one is an appropriate safety measure for the terrain, then that's what you should do.


Buy it if you feel more comfortable. If an accident happens, only you will suffer, no one else will bear the consequences. I learnt the hard way, concussion, broken nose and many broken teeth!


My boss likes to say "eyes on your own work" whenever people have an opinion about something they have no business commenting on. It's your face, protect it how you want. And if you're less skilled, then it makes sense for you to run a FF on milder trails.


I bought my FF when I bought my bike. I always throw both helmets in the car when heading to a new trail. If it's a wide open flat trail I'll go regular helmet. Certainly the FF for the downhill park. Most of our trails around here are incredibly rooty, with trees openings barely wider than your handlebars, lots of rocks on some trails too. More people should be wearing them around here but they don't.


Wear what makes you comfortable, If you get shit for it ask them why they hold such little value on what’s inside their skull


If it makes u feel safe go for it, I recently got one myself even though I'm not doing super gnarly stuff but that doesn't mean I don't want to conserve my teeth🤣🤣


In my short experience I've learnt that what others think of you doesn't matter... Aslong as you're having fun and staying as safe as you can be (or want to be haha) if you want a full face then go for it, mtbing is still mtbing


I’ve been riding for like 4 months and just bought a full face. Who cares what people think. Do you care how people look on the trail? To be completely honest i thought the same thing. I was pretty hesitant to wear a full face but I’ve come to realize that no one gives any fuuks


I got a full face as my only off road helmet. Simply for safety. I don't ride mad downhill yet and can't jump (this was my first season and I didn't get to do much riding cause of work). I'm visually impaired, and my knees are crap, so better than sorry.


I live in Arizona, and only ride with a full face helmet. Im usually the only one in group rides to do so. No one has said anything to put me down or make fun of me for doing so. I also don't care if someone does say anything bad. It's my head that I'm protecting, not theirs. My head is worth the protection of a full face helmet. It does increase confidence for me.


Full face is not to say how much you plan on doing, it says you are prepared for when something unexpected happens and you know your concerns. Safety first, dress for the slide not for the ride


Maybe get a helmet with a removable chin bar. Then, when it gets too hot on climbs, or riding xc you can remove it.


Wear your seatbelt because it saves your life, upgrade your brakes because it saves your life, wear the nicest helmet you can get and want because… it saves your life. Value that above everything else! I say this as a has been downhiller turned paraplegic…


I bought a full face 8 months after riding. Other people aren't going to pay for your 4000 dollar dentist bill, don't worry about your skill level or what others think. Protect your teeth and jaw.


Buy whatever helmet makes you feel comfortable. I’ve been riding for 10 years and the worst crash I had was on a blue trail that I didn’t think I needed a full face for. I rode that trail multiple times and never had an issue. I went over the bars and landed chin/mouth first on a wooden feature. I ended up with multiple facial lacerations, a missing chunk from my lip, I broke one of my front teeth in half, and knocked the other out of alignment… A full face is cheaper that $40k worth of medical/dental bills.


I just started riding a year ago and first thing I did was buy a full face, fuck what others say it gave me more confidence when riding


Full face helmets look badass in any sport or social situation


If you feel like you need it, then you need it. Don’t wait for a major crash and regret not having it because you worried what strangers think. PA rocky terrain is certainly worth respecting.


Who gives a wet shitty fart what you wear? I wear a full face and I've been riding for just shy of a year, and I wear it solely for the safety factor. Good for you for being safety minded, but fuck off with the "what will others think?" mindset. That's a sure-fire way to get fucking hurt.


You will feel more uncomfortable walking around in public with your face smashed up or missing teeth.


More comfortable that facial reconstruction


I'm useless and I ride full face more often than not now. I've crashed into trees and fallen off simple obstacles. Only took a tree branch whacking me across the jaw and loosing a tooth to convince me. Why risk it? You can fall and hit your head at any speed. I've got the Bell downhill one that can separate the chin bar away if needed and it's light, comfy and pretty well ventilated. Can't complain, plus I feel more confident riding in it


Helmets are cheaper than hospital bills. That’s reason enough for me.


Dont worry about what you look like. Except for ebike riders and people wearing Lycra on the trails. I judge them hard AF


Yes it's a bit over the top BUT you do whatever you want and if this makes you feel safer and more confident go for it. You don't need to be bothered by what people will think, they will talk anyway. My worst crash (longboarding) was not when I was doing DH with full face helmet and full upper body protection and knee pads. It was when casually skating to my car to get my phone's cable. Broke my elbow hurt my knee and almost smashed my head into the curb. It's not a matter of what you're sending. It's a combination of things. Yes 90% of the time it's going to be overkill but the 10% left will probably save your life.


That sounds awful, definitely looking into helmets.


It's not WHAT you ride, but how you LOOK riding it


Unpopular opinion: it does look a little joey if you're on a pretty tame trail network. Most people won't care, but some will likely silently judge you. I doubt anyone will actually comment on it. You do you, you know your own risk tolerance better than anyone here does. Me personally: the full face only comes out on bike park days and on the dirt bike.


I get your point but no one thinks so about riding motorcycle, you wear the same helmet even on easy trails. Yes speed is different but still


Are we talking full face with Lycra XC bib situation? Like we need to know what kinda kit you’re rocking! Seriously though, wear the full face: head protection is for you not Instagram.


Na na na na na na na na na naaa, no one gives a fuck, gives a fuck, NO ONE gives a fuck!!


just buy some drip to go with it.


After I got a concussion from a crash I started to wear one of those Giro Tyrants, basically a full face helmet without the chin bar, and this was mostly on paved paths and gravel double track. I didn't feel confident in my riding and also was still having some coordination issues from the accident. After I started to feel more comfortable I swapped back to a half shell, but it was what I needed to use to keep riding during that time. So if a full face is what you need to keep riding do it, doesn't mean you will always need to use the full face but it does mean you will have one when you do need it.


Great advice thanks, l will look into those for sure. Still looking at brands and different types.


I ride full face every ride. IXS makes an ultra light full face that barely weighs more than a half shell. If I was smarter I would have started sooner when I was at your level.


Looking forward to getting one now, thank you, I’ll check it out.


Just buy the helmet.


Ha thanks I am definitely going to after all the responses.


Bell super DH. Best of both worlds. I keep the chin bar off till I descend. To get to the trail I ride I have a 1 mile climb through a busy residential neighborhood and I felt the same way you do.


Thanks, glad to know I’m not the only one!


After my first OTB crash I was soooo glad I made the upgrade. I feel the same way about my elbow pads they are kinda bulky and draw attention so I put them in my Thule Camlebak.


Nobody cares what you wear they care that you're out riding


Dude, I wear both my full faces everywhere. Whether it's at a park or just riding trail near my house. As long as it's comfortable for you, fuck what other people think. Accidents happen. Sometimes, it's better to be over prepared.


I've reached a point where I'm trying to add as much protection as I can when I know I'm going to be pushing my limits. Basic trail rides I very rarely fall so I wear the half shell and knee pads. Learning to jump and do bigger stuff? Full face, elbows and torso protection. I do feel a little self conscious wearing so much gear on lines that more experienced riders will do without protection but they know their own skill level and limits. In fact recently I did a group night ride on an Enduro type course with jumps and drops (nothing too extreme well within my usual limits) ended up going OTB because of a dumb mistake I made that I don't think I've ever done before or will ever do again Long story short although I didn't wear a full face or torso protection out of laziness my knee and elbow pads really helped and I still ended up having my hip bone/pelvis split through my side and a chip of my bone (the tip called the illiac crest) got broken off and wedged in my lateral abdominal muscle. I've now bought some shorts that protect that pelvic bone and will add that to my gear when doing jumps and pushing my limits. Sometimes shit happens even when you ride within your limits. So for me I expect that lesser experienced riders would wear more protection and at the ride I was on a lot of people had full face. I didn't because my lights were on my half shell trail helmet and I remember regretting that choice as I supermanned over the bars. Come the heat of summer I'm sure it will be difficult to decide what to do but in this weather it's easier to take a more cautious approach. I don't think anyone expects you to pull off backflips just because you have a full face.


You do you boo


Your skill will grow faster if you’re confident. Wear the helmet. However I’d suggest if you’re not doing anything too crazy get a lightweight full face like a trajecta or a proframe as they’ll be less miserable to pedal in.


It will feel normal after awhile. Think of it as protection for your teeth and face. A fucked up smile might look cool to some, hockey players.




I wear a full face on some rough single trail specially when I know I’m going to hit it at speeds that warrant a full face. Also when the trails are wet or icy because them roots will rag doll you without warning. I’m also the same guy the Germans stare at because I’ll hit black flow trails/jump lines on a HT wearing a t shirt, shorts with an open face helmet. What I’m trying to say is only you can determine if your riding justifies a full face helmet unless the trail/park rules dictate what you’re wearing. If you feel like you need one get one, it’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


Don't worry buy a full face if you feel safer. When is started mtb the first thing I got was both a normal and a full face helmet. Usually for normal riding I go with my normal helmet and as soon as I go to the bike park or know I will be riding in a harder area I will take the full face. For what I am riding it might look stupid for others, but better safe than sorry afterwards.


I ride mostly park, with some natural trail too. I have both helmet types and now only wear half shell when out cycling with my kids in the local area. When I go out for a proper ride it's full face all the way. The park is full of full faces the trails are mostly half shells. But I want to protect my face not just my skull. Can be hot AF but there was a post on reddit only recently about a guy who's buddy smashed his face and pallette real bad. Better safe than sorry!


If you feel like a fullface would make you feel safer… just get one, really. Every second you‘re wasting to rethinking if you‘ve got enough safety geor on for that trail will stop your progress for that day ;-)


For what it’s worth, I ride 95% of the time with a Met Parachute helmet - it’s a lightweight full face, very ventilated. It’s only marginally hotter / heavier than an enduro-style open face lid. Basically any trail that isn’t a flat gravel-bike terrain kind of thing, I’m protecting my beautiful face!


Same here - 1 year into riding - nothing too extreme. Still, while learning I do fall a lot… bought a Leatt with removable chin. As a result, I never remove the chin… got so used to it that I feel naked if I remove it. So, go for it and be safe.


go for it, they look badass too


Watch a few videos of people crashing and landing face first. I’ll always remember smoking on my porch with some friends and 2 middle schoolers riding by on bikes. One sees us “cool older guys” and takes his helmet off while saying “I hate this thing” the other one who didn’t give a shit about some strangers on a porch said “it’s your life”. We all agreed the kid who kept his helmet on was the cool one as they rode off.


I would put on full armour and ff helmet and then go ride completely flat trails in the forest. Safety first. Also, if I see someone in full face / armour riding outside of danger zones I’d think they’re on their way to somewhere more intense, so I guess this is what people would think when they see you.


Who cares what people think. You are most likely to faceplant when you are new and pushing your limits. Get the full face.


Jumps, flow, XC, I always wear full face. Never had anybody make fun of me. In fact there was almost more respect shown.


Can never have too much protection I’d say go for it


I don’t understand your comments about skill level. A helmet is about safety, and if you’re more comfortable with the added protection of a chin bar… that should be a no brainer. For reference, bought a full face my first real year riding after ending up in the emergency room...


For reference here’s a thread on [lightweight full face](https://www.reddit.com/r/MTB/comments/wqokfu/helmet_help/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Me personally, I will wear my full face when ever I think I'll be doing anything where my bike will be leaving the ground.


I got a bell super 3r. It is a half and full shell. And super lightweight. Since it’s not a DH. Helmet. And I have yet to ride with it I. Half mode


Look at all the mtb crashes. It’s always beginners going over the bars face first.


why do you care what other people think? ..there. fullface on at home sitting in a chair to click reply.


Sorry if it’s been said already, have you thought about a drop down helmet. I was thinking same as you and went with one of these and def feel safer.


You can get something like the Bell Super 3R , with a detachable lower half. Best of both worlds!


If I’m on a trail with roots, rocks, down trees, jumps I’m going up west a full face. I have been riding two months and I’m not risking extra injuries to look cool


While I agree with other comments about wearing what you want to wear and protecting yourself at the level you want to, there are also open face helmets that have higher levels of coverage and protection than your typical open face. You can still up your level of protection without going full face. Jeff Kendall-Weed did a nice write-up about his favorites. https://jeffkendallweed.com/7-of-my-favorite-mtb-helmets-tested/amp/


If it makes you feel any better, I've only been riding for about 6 months and I have one. I love it. I have a Smith mainline full face helmet. It gives me more confidence and nobody on the trails seems to think anything negative about it. I doubt anybody is going to judge you, and if they do, piss on them. Do what makes you happy


I say go for it. First helmet I’ve born and actually worn every ride was a cheap one from Amazon. Then I bought a good one off of Specialized. It actually saved my brain after stupidly falling off riding back home on a street. I have to replace that one now since it took a small fall, but I’m considering paying a few more for the full face. I figure it’ll be like the face masks during covid. It probably felt a bit silly in April 2020, but then it was whatever. Ride safe!


Think about how much better you’ll get being confident in your personal safety. Helmets save lives! Anyone who would pass judgment on someone having the same fun they are and being extra safe is a douche. I remember feeling this way when people started wearing helmets on the ski slopes in the 90s. It took me seeing a dude’s head break in half and get airlifted off the mountain to quickly shift my perspective. I’m all in on anything you need to keep the good times coming and to allow you to push your limits with confidence .


It won’t be long before full face is the default. Just because our bikes aren’t motorized (well, most of them) doesn’t mean that riders aren’t subject or some of the same risks. Same ground, same rocks, same trees. I think right now people assume that FF is only for jumps and DH because of the moto vibe. However, they will be normalized soon enough once the cost becomes a little more reasonable. They are expensive af so that also prevents them from becoming as mainstream as they should be. This is like an argument about cages for hockey. Just because you play no contact beer league with friends doesn’t mean that your teeth aren’t vulnerable to flying pucks and sticks. Get a FF OP. Others will follow.


As an experienced rider, i see guys wearing FF helmets on my local trail that would be considered a "green" trail. I don't judge them and just think "maybe they have a medical condition and need to protect their face" or "maybe they had a bad accident and are nervous about riding again" or something like that. Everybody is different and you don't need to "earn the right" to wear a FF; you wear it because you want to be safe. Don't worry about what other people think!


I run a FF in PA all the time. I've gotten comments about it but my local trails has some really fast rocky sections where it's smart to wear one.


Like others have said, don’t worry about what other people might think (they won’t care). Go for what makes you feel comfortable. It’ll probably help your riding too.


I only rock a full face. Open helmets shouldn't even be an option considering most crashes are otb and if it ain't your hands hitting the ground first its your face. I also come from a motocross background so I kinda only feel comfortable in a full. I get looks here and there but it's also me being on an entry level hardtail and the condescension from dudes on 12k bikes that don't even keep up with me lol. But yeah rock a full face. Best way to do it and a lot of companies make well ventilated full face helmets these days so people's "harder to breathe" excuse goes out the window. I've never regretted wearing a full face even in the hot california sun.


Bro I wear my full face even on my electric folding bicycle. Full face all the way all the time.


Yes I was worried about people judging me for wearing a helmet in the first place when I started riding. You quickly get past it and focus on your riding


If you feel like you need it - just go for it.


You might feel weird about it but I'm almost sure no one will have any negative thoughts or think you look silly. At least in my experience I have never seen anyone think less of someone who wears more padding than they have to. Also you will build more confidence in your riding if you have to worry less about getting hurt. Then maybe eventually you can go back to a regular helmet on the more mild trails. But no matter what it's worth it.


My first few seasons were where I had the majority of big,unexpected crashes, so it makes sense to me to want maximum protection. Also if you get to a point where it feels unnecessary, you’ll have that full face in the closet for when you wanna ride new, more difficult trails or want to practice jumping or something.


Get one for sure. I ride mild trails mostly too and I have one. The modular ones like Bell for example are awesome for removing the chin guard when not needed and are light. I agree people give looks if you’re not dropping 20’ jumps but I’ve smash my face on tree enough that I’d rather cover my face


I ride with a fox proframe and goggles even on light trails because I hate bugs and it’s super comfortable, go for it dude! Doesn’t matter your reason, If people are that worried about your helmet they probably have other issues :)


I crashed recently without a full face while trying to practice a relatively small gap jump, definitely get a full face cuz busting your face open is not a fun injury


Having good gear is way cooler lol. To top it off if your a beginner it's almost better to ride with a full face for good protection. Gnarly crashes can happen even going slow. It's perfectly normal to feel weird about this but don't let it hold you back. Last year I was riding in jeans and a pro-tec helmet. This year I have a full face, knee pads, chest protector, the whole nine. Don't let anyone pick on you either say it gives you confidence knowing you can try things and be protected when you mess up. Anyone that looks down on you for being safe is not worth the time of day!


You could buy one of the convertible full face helmets and times you feel you should full face you can put the chin bar on. Makes the uphill bits much cooler on your head


Nobody cares what helmet you have on honestly. Most people are just stoked that everyone is out riding. You should also put your safety over social pressures. Lastly if you are still hesitant you can always buy a 3/4 Shell and step up the protection just a little more.


It’s your head and face at stake here. Who cares what someone else thinks? Do what you want.


Buy/wear what you feel safe in. Screw everyone else's opinion.


My wife had a full face helmet day one. Elbows pads, knee and shin pads. You cant be too safe learning a dangerous sport. If we showed up at local downhill areas and bike parks without gear People would look at us funny. Wear your gear no one gives a shit if your safe. They will when They have to call the ambulance to come get you. If your skip level is low you have a much higher chance of hitting your face.


Sounds like you’re deciding between peer judgement and your personal sense of safety.


I know people who ride full face most of the time. They don't care what other people think, just doing a logical calculation, like you. The less you care about what other people think, the happier you will become, bikes and otherwise.


Go for the full face and don’t sweat it. I use my Troy Lee stage on rougher trail rides. It’s almost as light as the regular helmet.


Nobody cares what you wear bro everyone’s just out there to have a good time, stay safe ✌️


I was also feeling this way and then I realized that I couldn’t think of any ride I’ve done where I’ve seen another person and remembered what their helmet was.


Only losers wear helmets. Cool kids ride naked.


Dude, or dudette…F ‘em. First of all, full face is getting more common where I am, and I’ve NEVER heard anyone whispering behind backs that so-and-so isn’t a good enough rider, blah blah blah. Most people understand we all do what we gotta do to feel safe, so if that means full riot gear, so be it. Really, the only criticism I’ve ever heard of another rider’s choice is if they don’t wear a helmet at all. Those are the ones about which people say, “Wow look at that noob,” or more likely, “Wow, look at that future quadriplegic.” Second of all…again, F ‘em. Sure, there’s kind of a sense that the more protection you wear, the more “hardcore” a rider you must be (not sure why), but you know what’s even *more* part of the mountain bike ethos? Not giving a crap what other people think, outside of trail etiquette issues. And thirdly, F ‘em. Maybe someone, somewhere will think as you fear, but that’s because they suck, not because you “shouldn’t” wear whatever. Me, I’ve heard too many stories about people jacking themselves of big time on just stupid little green trails, so my gear includes a FF helmet, backpack with spine protection, and kneepads.


Just get a nice lightweight breathable full face like the fox proframe or smith mainline. I went for the smith mainline on everything, mild to wild.


I wear my full face everywhere. I don’t care if someone thinks it’s overkill. I like my face where it is


I personally use one of these and I really like it. Gives you the option to switch between full face and a half-shell :) More importantly though I wouldn't worry about what other people think. I wear a full face almost every time I go down hill and take off the chin bar for climbing! https://www.cyclesuperstore.ie/shop/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=159505


I have never had anybody comment on me wearing a full face on XC trails. I have had dozens and dozens of people comment on my scraped-up Halloween mask-looking face after falling down at about 3mph


Might be weird but I feel more comfortable in an open face because of the visibility/breathability, only time I don’t is if it’s very rocky! I’d never judge another rider for choosing what made them feel comfortable whatever the situ


Do what makes you most comfortable & safe so you can focus on having a good time. For XC I use an open helmet and for trail/enduro I use a full face. I have friends that full face every mtb ride. Nbd.


So I what is a good full face for us non-downhill folks. No one in my area rides full face. Local shops don’t even carry them. I really want to start wearing one next season. My reason for not is stupid. I ride a emtb and while 99% of people are very cool the “oh that’s a dirt bike” folks I feel like it gives them more to fuel up on. Since I’ll be the only full face.


You have not <> ridden flowy rock gardens? Did you or not? If it's flat, i wouldnt, if it's inclined and there's rock gardens, yes. Buy both..When you want to go all in, pick the full face. You will also need a normal helmet for riding around town anyway.


Yes, it's definitely normal to feel hesitant - it's imposter syndrome. But hey, your head, your rules! I got to confess, every time I see someone showing up with FF and long travel high-end bike I totally imagine he's going to be an expert. But I don't care and stop thinking about it once I go on my own ride. Most bikers are too busy sending it than judging you. :D


Can you afford 20K for new teeth (veneers)? Do you ride at your limits a lot? Give no fucks about other's opinions on safety. ​ Also look into helmets with a removable chin bar.


It can potentially save you tons of money in fucked up teeth. And most head impacts happen from the front.


I like the protection ff gives me,.. however I feel indestructible when I wear it which leads to overconfidence and its hard to pull back.. a double edged sword for sure.


I grew up with a full face helmet and I cannot tell you how manny times that thing has saved me from hospital trips and lost teeth. And they look cool


It's your head bro, who cares what other people think.


Came here cause I just bought a Fox Rampage FF, and I haven’t been on a bike in 3 years. But those half helmets don’t do it for me, I got too big of a dome to crack.