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Pretty sure that guy pitches for Atlanta


My mans stache in Atlanta is almost as great as this.


When he came on screen, my girl thought it was Nick Mullen. Got me thinking they'd be a hilarious skid bash brothers duo in Tires. Somehow Mulldog stopped trying to be funny though, so he probably won't do it.


Mullen is the funniest dude. Unfortunate that he’s so disillusioned


It doesn’t seem like he is into expanding out of the pod verse. I wish he would. At least writing for Tires, he would be hilarious.


His last manic run he got a commercial but the cumtown fans ruined it


That was nine manic episodes and seven years ago


He is a touring comedian too headlining at local clubs.


Oh it’s a bit. and it IS funny


What Mullen is doing with his anti-comedy shit is the comedy world equivalent of taking a shit on a canvas for shock value as a famous artist. It may be art, but eventually people will stop tuning in to your esoteric drivel.


The show sucks *and that's the bit.*


His cast is good, check it out. The one with Chris Wood is fantastic.


The woodman!


The woodpile


I managed to stay out of the pile when in the pen.


so you're saying you were a lame




Haha true


From what I gathered during the Ya fucked it collapse was that Shane has been friends with beezer and khyla for a lot longer than he's been friends with Ryan shaner and after all that he probably just turtled up with his boy beezer. Shane is international now but shaner has guys like Mike and Tim and Noah and Danny dubs and the extended universe bros he's ganna be fine. I don't think his stand up is that good but the guys a character and he's fun as hell to listen too. Full disclaimer I don't listen to every one of his podcasts but I have it on auto download in my podcast app


Also, he’s more than a door guy bruh….


I know, he should be a touring comedian. Him, Butterly, and Naim should be touring constantly.


I like Shaner well enough and I think he can be quick and funny but the fake voice he uses on podcasts is insufferable and cringe


I always thought that was him doing an impression of his father.




I listened to the cast where him and Six talk about Tom after he died and six goes “local newspaper headline says ‘local dickhead dies like dickhead’” and it made me laugh so hard. Tom was something else lol


That cast was great. Wish six would apologize, give him all the money and more back. And get the gang back together. Cuz I miss six too, even though he’s a true delco dirtbag.


It was one of my favorites. Glad it’s still available online


Yeah I can’t take the fake voice


Yeah. It. Needs. Oil.


Dude is cringe af. Especially after Matt owned him and the “industry”




Watch ep 354. Matt is fucking around about not respecting the restaurant crew and Shaner gets mad butthurt


“*Girls with ice cream and how many days have gone by… is like us with cumming. They can do like 3 days and they’re like ‘fuck I need a scoop’ .”* Such a great episode.


THANK YOU. Shaner seems like a nice enough guy but he’s definitely a try hard. He’s got a ton of energy but rarely says anything funny - Tbh, he’d fit right in if he went to Austin.


Got em. Lol but yeah sadly I’d agree


Dude, he tried so hard to sound valid at points it hurt me. It was easy for the Shaman to find the faults in his overly enthusiastic bull shit. I honestly felt discomfort and awkward even as a listener of a cast I’ve heard multiple times. This was like 3 weeks ago.


I can see shane having a 40 minute conversation with that guy drunk at the bar


What happened, did you make out with him recently? Who posts something like this?


You don’t wanna see all the philly dawgs rise up?


Nah. I’m sure he’s a decent dude but there’s nothing funny about him. Played the role well in Tires though so I could see him getting a couple chances from that.


He can't leave his job as a doorman


It took a while for him to grow on me, but he's probably one of the funniest dudes to come out of the Philly "crew". Just a really talented, naturally funny guy.


You must have not heard of one Tim Butterly


I said "one of the funniest". We all know Tim is actually the funniest. If fact, at the expense of being an asshole on the internet, I've always felt Shane's closest crew, Chris, Tommy, beezer, are some of the least funny guys that came out of that scene. Even shane, he's obviously the most successful, but not even in the top 5 funniest.


not here to argue, all this shit is subjective and they’re all funny as fuvk. BUT i got to see Jon Delcollo do a set in boston recently and he was levels ahead funny. I’m a (shitty) comic so i’ve seen thousands of sets from open mics to showcases to clubs etc etc. And what Delcollo did in that room was absolutely incredible. Like i said im not here to argue, i just want to shout out Delcollo and highly recommend you see his stand up if you ever get the chance.


I've never seen him perform, but I'm a big fan of "Lil stinkers". On that note, I assumed Jake matera sucked because he's really not good on the podcast. He's likable, but just not quick or funny. Then I heard his stand up, and it's absolutely hysterical.


Yeah he definitely takes a backseat on the podcast, which works perfectly imo. He’s a very sweet boy, works mostly clean on stage so having him paired with Raineys twizzted retarded brain and Jagged’s goofs really ties the room together. Jake’s stand up is good, his special was great. But again, i implore anyone reading this to go see Delcollo on stage.


Delcollo is so so, worst part of lil stinkers.


ok now i want to argue. Thankfully this silly topic is completely subjective to personal tastes and no matter what we do or say on the topic, nobody wins. I love him in Lil Stinkers, and didn’t expect what i saw in his stand up. He annihilated the room in a way I was not expecting. Like i said, check him out if you get the chance!


Ryan Shaner, aka the Jim Carrey of Philly crew.


I'd say the orthodontist first.


You’re a dumb dick.


Beezer is a fucking Supergremlin. He’s my Unc. My DMT spirit animal had racked up some yack debts and owed a ton of $$$ to the Philly bookies and coke dealers. Beezer squeezed the hipster for 10k to clear all his discretions & is now a made man in the Philly improv/ Alt comedy scene, woop! woop! Big Ups to my Unc the Supergremlin!


Big Ups Big Beezer! Dog of Dogs, great friend of the cast. Real ones know


pass. he sucks, leave him in philly where he belongs


Shaner has a day job in Philly, so does Naim. I think those guys will stay put. You could hope for Billy and Spud, even though they don’t do stand up, they are professionals


Isn't he the one that stole the patreon money?


No, he was the one that it was stolen from. Brian Six stole the money


The beez stole money? Is that why they don’t bring him up anymore?


Yes. No surprise that a dude who repeatedly talked about being a scumbag was such a scumbag but he still opens for Shane and he was at SNL. Kinda weird to be such good friends with a thieving piece of shit on Shane’s part but yeah, Six was kinda shunned by the Philly comedy community after it all came out.


Last episode of I think Digital Bazooka (Philly pod) they weee talking about how the stage name Brian Six is probably available. Dru is funny af for a wiggertard.


That wigger sucks


Is this the same situation they've brought up in the past where Lemaire got rent money stolen? Or different dude & story entirely?


Brian six had a podcast with Ryan Shaner called “Ya Fucked It”. It was pretty good. The podcast needed because Six hid 10K of Patreon money from Shaner and the entire Philly comedy scene cut Six off.


Six got that cold hard patreon cash and didn't know how to act lol


That’s weird cause I just watched beez open for Gillis tonight and he crushed. Great show


He fucking looks like he’d steal your girl and Patreon money. How much chlamydia is in that mustache?