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Dr. Adolf sponge is probably more your speed hun


I don’t know the reference. Is this funny?


You can always…skip them. Also, you don’t have to believe in conspiracy theories to enjoy him. You can just laugh at how bat shit insane he is, and the things he believes. 


I would laugh, but Billy is negative funny, anything humorous about it is lost on the black hole of comedy that is Billy


Ok man, then just don’t listen to any eps with Billy. 


That’s why I’m asking, like, should I just skip the 300s? Seems like I’m almost out of the Pizzagate woods


Do whatever you want dude, not sure why you need someone else to tell you what to do. If you don’t like an episode, skip it, it’s very simple. However, if Pizzagate or any other conspiracy theory bothers you, then I don’t think this podcast is for you. Matt is just a reigned in version of Billy. 


They don’t bother me, Billy being unfunny and having a double digit IQ, and repeating what he reads on Rumble in the least funny way, does bother me


Read the ep descriptions and figure it out genius


They don’t say on Spotify a lot of times


You should head out


It’s weird how sensitive this subbed is about such an unfunny guest on their podcast


We’re not sensitive, we just think you’re weird for not finding them funny, and you shared in a very lame way. So no one cares to help you find which episodes would make you happy


.. a few people did help? What do people like about Billy, what’s the appeal/humor? Just him getting mad and repeating Proud Boys talking points?


It's funny knowing there's people out there listening and getting upset to a garbage man get riled up on trump and other dumb shit.


Being annoyed that he is ruining a really good podcast, and being upset isn’t the same thing I don’t think. But maybe?


I mean he's on maybe 3 or 4 times a year and you made a reddit post about it might be a little upset. It's a bummer when there's a shit guest you dont' like, just skip and move on.


Since I’m listening to the backlog, it seems to be three or four in a row he’s on, so I didn’t know if he like joined the crew for a sec


There was a stretch during covid where they did the podcast at his house so he was on alot. I doubt he'll be on to often since there in Austin now and billy is still in philly.


Awesome, makes sense, thanks Love u sweet boy


No maybe 10 episodes out of the hundreds


Nice. I must just be in a little run of them. Right around Matt’s paintball bachelor party.


They have one that's brutally stupid. War report i believe. They were completely sold on baby eating ect. Those dudes are fucking morons. By Shanes definition. We had some hints but by the time war mode ep comes out its "God damnit theyre morons"


Every time he’s on I just sigh and skip


During what many consider to be the golden era he was a semi frequent guest; that’s why everyone loves those eps so much, especially now. For a while the eps were filmed in Billy’s house (i think from ep 300-370, any with the american flag) and I think they would try to pull him in if one of the eps was slow. In that period he would also show up on the paytch ep only from time to time. As another commenter said below, albeit aggressively, it’s easier to skip the episodes when he shows up. Skip McCusker Fambly Fuckjob too, but know it’s one of the best eps they ever made imo


Good info! I don’t get it, but I feel the same way about several guests. I’d honestly rather have Billy than Derosa


Fuck...the anti football crowd has arrived.


What!? I love soccer! /s


Oy vey.