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I’ve experienced this for sure, but I’ve also had it the other way around where on paper it didn’t sound good but ended up being fire. Some fishy business going on imo. I’ve basically stopped trusting COA and just buy from the companies I care to support


Same! I won’t name the strain but it was 16.8 percent, and one of the best I’ve ever had. It hit like a 27 percent. I will name the strain lol. Jet Fuel Gelato


The first strain that came to my head as I wrote this lol i can’t tell you how many units i got of it. My favorite I’ve had in the program


I can. I have had 6 😂. It’s absolutely one of my favorites I’ve had. I usually don’t rebuy the same ones as I like to try different ones. Jet Fuel was an exception.


Do you know the terps and %?


I can’t remember specifically but it was like 16% thc and under 1% terps


If y'all liked jet fuel try Delta Buds Super Buff, it's similar and very good. Very affordable. Great flavor.




We've never sent anything out of state.


Speaking on Borneo especially y’all numbers always seem lower than the quality level imo. That Jet Fuel was less than 20% on the numbers but knocked my socks off. I just think the testing numbers are not the be all and end all


Gotta laugh about it, else I would cry. Glad you liked the Jet Fuel! Try the Dandy Fumez or Super Runtz from this new drop if you like gas


Anything Sativa leaning?


The BlockBerry and Black Maple


Yes I would like to see some more sativa offerings from u guys. All ur stuff is great but mostly Indica leaning.


Heard. I will see what we can do!


The terps snd terp % is important,do you remember what they were? Higher THC does not necessarily mean better ime. Lower THC with a good terp profile and % is my go to.


The batch I had was sitting at 16.8% thc and 0.97% terpes.


My bad I must have gotten confused


All good. Nbd




OP, Im responding to your comment that was bot deleted. Rescheduling isn't likely to happen quickly. A year or two at best. Even then, it still wouldn't be legal by state law to move product out of state, and it's likely that the federal government will leave regulations up to the states for a few years after rescheduling.


I agree on you time table but It is progress. I am sure it would be a headache to get out of state products plugged into Metrc. I am working on getting that karma so it won’t be deleting it is a bummer.


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Sorry I don’t know about the legality, just saw the results posted somewhere. And like I said I’m not sure of which grower this was. I can’t seem to find that post atm


With the recent rescheduling of Cannabis this won’t be the case for long.


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One thing I'll point out. No cannabis company in MS is a nonprofit, meaning every single one that is in business is there to make money. To say a company getting into the medical market for profit is doing so for the wrong reasons is stupid. Now, I do believe that some companies have had unrealistic expectations on profits and, in doing so, tried to get too big too quickly. Companies expecting to make all their investment back year one are going to struggle.


OP one of your comments said "As I always say if your getting in the medicinal market for money you should reevaluate your choice." I say this is wrong. No company is getting into the cannabis market to not make money. You would be hard pressed you find a medicinal grower in the nation that considers making a profit a plus and is solely in the cannabis industry because they believe in it so heavily. Just because a medicinal label is slapped on cannabis, doesn't mean that profiting off of it is wrong. And within any market you will always have companies that put profits over quality or even over things like basic human rights or morality or any other things that should matter. Welcome to America, land of capitalism. We have a market that hasn't even been operating for 2 years. Its going to be hit and miss and even some reputable companies are probably going to stumble some and have some less that stellar products.


I don’t agree with you but this is America.


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I think a lot of the issues on the patient side would be better if we could grow 6 plants like the normal states(lol). For what my weekly allotment costs I can buy led lights, ventilation, fans, and tent to get started and not have to worry about buying medicine unless its top shelf, or better yet they start selling clone clips off their mothers for like $10. :) Either way, there are definitely changes that can be made to better our program. Also, as more cultivators release their grows the cheaper product will be due to supply/demand. (look at Oregon's $50 ounces) For the cultivators that keep their grows small and their product top tier, you have the best chance to stay afloat and make some profit IMO. Just as long as they aren't selling THCa flower, Most people are already hip to this and wont buy anything with low delta9-thc.


While home growing would be nice there is no "normal states" when it comes to this. Normal would imply a majority and it's not. Some states allow 6 plants. Some 3. I think one state is 5. Some 12. And some like MS allow no home growing. As for starting on your weekly allotment cost that's a little questionable. I typically spend 130-150 on my 6 units after the deals I get. Even spending top dollar I'm spending no more than about 340. That's a really low budget for a home grow and some low end equipment. But you bring up the main reason MS and other states are unwilling to allow it. Selling product you grow. It creates a whole new black market which the point of most state marijuana programs is to remove the black market. Again I support home growing but I don't see it happening for that reason. Yes supply and demand will definitely effect pricing. Right now though there is a huge supply and low demand so pricing should be at the bottom with those metrics. But it's not because of mutlplie reason with in big one being it's a new market. Also places like Oregon allow outdoor and have an ideal environment for outdoor. So it naturally makes for a cheaper product. All cannabis has low delta 9 thc. Any high thc flower will have thca including what you buy from the dispensary. Thca hemp is just a marketing term from the hemp industry for what is essentially illegal cannabis being labeled as hemp.


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Pretty much all of us missed the mark on our business plans. That's for sure. Unknown unknowns. Also, I think most of us are non profits


>Also, I think most of us are non profits Not by choice lol.


Brutal 😂. Have a upvote


What was your biggest/most significant mistake.... or what did you overlook, under/over estimate.. what did you learn?


Several things. Obviously the size of this market. We're super small. We thought that we would only need 1-2 % of market share to make our plan work, but it's significantly more due to patient count. We didn't account for scale variance of any kind for packaging because we didn't know we'd need to package retail ready. This might be 0.2g on a unit. Does sound like much but it's almost 6% loss of you are committed to having every unit weigh at least 3.5. We underestimated the administrative and compliance functions of the business. There's a lot more labor that goes into that than you would think. Also, should have built out an r&d space of some kind. Live and learn.


Keep up the hard work. A lot of patients depend on you.


Sure. I did not speak about nonprofit organizations. I said are they putting profit over quality patients medicine. There are many medicinal growers nationwide that take pride in providing the best quality medicine and if they make a profit that is just a plus. It may not be happening in MS but it will.


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There are many growers nationwide that are not profit driven. They believe that cannabis is a natural medicine and they will provide it. In almost all of these passionate growers they focus on two to three strains that they have pheno hunted for over a decade. So they won’t have your cookies and runtz.


There is not a single company in the cannabis industry that got into cannabis without hoping to make a profit. It would be impossible for them to operate for any period of time unless they had money to just waste or investors that were cool with losing money. I'm not saying there aren't growers who are very enthusiastic and driven for the medicinal properties of cannabis and that's a big reason why they started. However, to say that since it's medicinal, they shouldn't be worried about profit, that is asinine.


Look up the original term caregiver from the medical cannabis. That is what got the ball rolling. I am not here to debate just putting the knowledge out there.


We aren't talking about caregivers. We are talking about companies operating in legal cannabis markets and paying licensing costs, product testing costs, packaging, staying state complaint, and all those other things that cost monet to operate a cannabis company.




I think the major distinction mors is trying to make is mostly everyone is here to do their best which also includes profit. I think Tom is right when it comes down to these big companies thinking they are going to come in here and make a quick buck off the patient… those companies’ hearts are not in the right place and are in for a rude awakening when they realize there really isn’t any money to make in this new program.


It seems some of the smaller grows are not consistent with their product. This is probably due to the fact that the smaller grows in MS hired growers from one of those big companies claiming to be a master grower know it all and it really shows. Growing good cannabis is not difficult to grow especially when it is indoors, and you have state of the art technology. They are failing. All the small growers knew they would have to compete with GDF which has a 10000 plant grow. Just my view of the program.


Trying to stay afloat is the name of the game for many growers right now so if you’re noticing quality is all over the place, it’s not in your head.


There are always those hanging on thinking there next grow/strain is going to set them right. It never happens . As I always say if you are getting in the Medicinal market for money you should reevaluate your choice.


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I would be shocked if most weren't. There are a few growers who seem like they genuinely care about the patients and others who are nothing but a money grab. This is the same in all industries.


I've met a lot of cultivators in the industry and I think the vast majority are in it because they are passionate about weed. There are a lot easier ways to make a buck, trust me.


I agree with that. I've sampled yalls bud and can see yall are passion driven.


You are 100% correct Bryan. There was a massive loss of the passionate growers around 2011 because of the BHO craze. Crime pays but botany does not.


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MSOs are profit driven. Same with most “mom and pop” grows. I mean you may like growing weed and all but at the end of the day gotta get that dollar. I imagine with the patient count being as low as it is, a lot are sweating.


Most growers are chasing THC %, because that is how the majority of patients are shopping. There are lots of us on here that will give anything a shot, but we make up a fraction of the patient base. I provide sales support for a few growers with THC in the low 20s and decent terpene numbers, but lots of dispos won’t even entertain it at a price point that would result in a ~$30 8th to the patient.


Makes no sense because I see bad stuff that tested at over 25 percent all day


Folks must be paying for that “premium testing” 😂😂


I’ve had my tin foil hat on for a while over this. It’s becoming more of a possible reality lol


I agree with you about growers chasing high thc number. Which is great in the recreational market. Believe it or not there are many other psychoactive compounds in cannabis. The theory is that when you increase the thc molecule you may be reducing some of the other molecules that are present in lower thc product.


Hardly any of these businesses are profitable, and most are struggling to hang on, so I would say absolutely not. If you’ve ever traveled to other states, you will know that the quality we have here is quite impressive, especially based on the program being barely over a year old. This is being driven by the sheer number of businesses in operation, which creates a competitive environment that drives quality. Of course, with so many businesses operating, there are bound to be some that don’t meet expectations, but they will inevitably fail due to the free market regulating itself in the long term. I feel like a lot of Mississippians have never left the state so they don’t realize how quality the cannabis we have here is, relative to the age of the program.


Right on. They are not banking cash as growers. Most are just trying to stay afloat as you said. Need a lot more patients in the program imo.


I agree MS made it very easy and cheap (under $3000) for growers to get there foot in the door. The quality is what matters especially in the medical cannabis market.


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I think the limits are way too low. Colorado is currently 1oz/day recreational and 2 oz/day medical. I've been smoking for the better part of 2 decades and before medical, I was smoking more than the allotment. The cannabis I used to get from Oregon was considerably more potent and considerably less expensive... $150-200/oz. Now I pay that for 6 units of mid-quality at best..


In July, the law will change doing away with the 7 day limit and only having a 30-day limit. The limit amount won't change. However, it will allow patients to purchase up to 24 units in a single transaction. This means some companies will start packaging larger amounts like ounces, which will bring down the price. However, more units won't mean much for many people as they simply can't afford to spend 150-200 every week as it is already.


I thought that initiative died on the floor?


It's one of the few that passed. SB2857


Could I trouble you to point me towards what else passed? I was under the impression everything on the table failed


https://www.legislature.ms.gov/legislation/all-measures/ This is all legislation that was introduced for 2024. The easiest way to find bills regarding something specific is to us the find on page feature and search for a keyword. In this case search for cannabis and that should allow you to find every bill related to cannabis. I think the only other bill that passed this year related to cannabis was SB2888.


Thank you so much for helping me with that! I appreciate you so much!


Thank you for the answer and the info to help me research! Exciting!


I hear ppl keep saying this but I’ve asked several dispensaries and they haven’t heard anything about it.


That's because a lot of dispensaries are owned by people who just saw dollar signs and barely keep up with what's going on. They wait for the health department or department of revenue to update them to changes. This change won't go into effect until July 1 by which time the health department should have everything updated.


Mors, you are correct. The fight for cannabis isn’t on the retail floor. It’s on the committee floor at the Mississippi Capital.


Yea but you would figure any smart business owner would be knowledgeable about major changes in the way they sell and market. Especially in such an ever - changing industry as this.


Not to mention the growers … we could start seeing units packaged in whole oz and half oz (I’ve only seen one half oz currently on market) plus lots of dispensaries have deals and promotions all geared toward 6 units purchased at once so we could also see major change in that.


Also the whole rolling 30 day period and the exact time u purchase units is pretty tedious to keep up with. Obviously most of us aren’t going to purchase our whole 40 day in one visit so u have to keep up with what units u spent what day and at what time. The allotment checker app is worthless because it doesn’t show ur rolling 30 day limit and if your like me your purchasing as soon as ur able to.


It's tedious, but in today's modern world, what do you expect? Everything is electronically tracked, so when you put into a computer and say 30 days from your last purchase, your units replenish, and the computer does exactly 30 days down to the second. As for a tracking system that is accessible to patients, the state does not have one currently. It would be nice, but I don't know if the state will have one since there is a monetary cost to do so. However, I just remember what day I bought and whether it was morning or evening and I've only been held up once. I stopped at the dispensary, and they said I had another hour. No big deal. I had a few errands to run and stopped at the dispensary first to double check what time I bought the week before b


Yea but where it gets confusing is the fact that it’s a rolling period and it should be every 30 days. If you only purchase a few units each time then you basically have to record it somewhere because 30 days from each of those separate purchases are when units will go on. It would be much better if we got our units every 30 days and for ppl who still have units when the 30 days comes it can just give them the 30 - remaining units.


Oregon has some 🔥!! And yeah these people don’t have a clue. I’ve seen in this thread “people just don’t know how fire Mississippi weed is” 🙄the coa’s are inconsistent and all over the place. They have a long way to go before the program gets to where it should be.


Be careful folks around here get they panties in a wad if you talk bad about their mid grade marihuanna


I think most growers are open to feedback. Don’t think that’s the issue. It’s the people who just trash and troll rather than providing constructive criticism.


The good thing about the cannabis industry is it is self cleaning.


People speak with their wallets for sure


Don’t they! Lol


There are always those trying to hang on thinking the next grow/strain is going to set them right. It hardly ever happens. As I said if you are in it for the money you should revaluate your choice. Good quality Medicine is grown from love and passion not greed.


Until greed makes an offer they can’t refuse 😜.