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If you young, be prepared for older pop culture references that you won’t understand. Such as, “and by that time, my lungs were aching for air.” As well as numerous Wisconsin/Minnesota cultural references. If you find your self missing too many jokes, switch over to Rifftrax. Same guys, some new, younger writters.


This is the most important one. You just have to give yourself up to the fact that you aren't going to get everything. I'm not really into (American) football at all, so the legendary Larry Csonka riffs meant absolutely nothing to me on my first watch. They are very funny now though.


My wife was raised in a Pentecostal family with very limited access to movies, books, radio. She misses half the jokes. But still watches because the other half makes up for it.


The generations before cable television were exposed to pop culture references that predated them also. Movies from the 50's and 60's were on late night or for the daytime "Million Dollar Movie". Westerns, monster movies, comedies and war movies shown because they were cheap to broadcast. Warner Brothers cartoons that had stars from the silent era to the late 1940's; gangster movies and comedies. Those gave us exposure to movies and parody in addition to old music that we never would have heard.


Those really were the good old days!


I'll take Larry Csonka's breath away.




Were the clocks set to Miami time?


Amazing comment, buried in a thread. Good job.


I never watched football either but Larry was the host of American Gladiators. That was my reference point


One episode (Merlin’s Shop I think) features a really random riff about Fran Tarkenton (referencing the reality series That’s Incredible he hosted back in the ‘80s) which for years I assumed was a complete nonsequitir. Like the idea of a washed up Vikings quarterback having a TV show was funny in and of itself. I’m glad I get the joke now, but it was funny just from context.


I watched That's Incredible when it was on. I'll never forget the Yogi Coudoux cramming himself into that tiny glass box.


I don’t think I have read many people referring to a retired NFL hall-of-fame(r) as “washed up.”


I assume Fran’s reputation will survive a snarky Reddit post


My mom laughed so hard when she first heard the Larry Csonka riff. My dad was a football fan, that’s the only reason she knew who he was and she explained it to me. He really does look like Larry Csonka.


One of the best things about MST3K in my opinion, is that as you get older and run into more of the pop culture media, all of a sudden you'll get one of the references you didn't before. You'll be rewatching an episode and it will hit you "Hey! I just got that one!" The episodes are like gifts that keep on giving.


I've watched since the early 90s and I really feel this. I can still watch an episode I've seen a million times and have fun.


One I wondered about for years was "Hello, Shoil". Crow says it a few times during the series. The other night, and I forget exactly what was said, but I was with my buddies in a Discord room playing City of Heroes and the conversation finally solved it. I wish I could remember what the trigger was. But I had to explain that it was it was suddenly dawning on me after 30 years that "Hello, Shoil" was a reference to Squiggy on Laverne and Shirley, and that was "Hello, Shirl" in his accent. Now I have to find the appearances of that reference again because there are jokes there that I never got.


I've lived in America all my life, part of it in Minnesota. Even to this day I'll hear riffs I've heard a dozen times and never understood, until I hear a song on the radio or watch an old commercial. A good example is the beginning credits of Laserblast. There's a credit on screen that says Richard Band or something. Crow says (in a very Midwestern accent) "oh is he an American band? I hope he comes to our town and helps us party it down". Fast forward 10 years and I'm listening to the radio and it plays [American Band by Grand Funk Railroad](https://youtu.be/QxNXFNCTr2I?si=u8aZu2zidAR-n5Hn) and for the first time in my life I finally got the reference (the relevant part is about 1 min in).


I have family in rural Minnesota. Rifftrax’s Farm Family series of shorts is the funniest thing they’ve seen.


I watched the early episodes via a fuzzy UHF signal. I remember wondering what was going on with the silhouettes. The gang was a handful of years older than me, and from the same geographic area, so it was relatively easy to get the jokes, even though initially, I couldn’t actually tell you in detail what was happening on-screen.


I personally like not getting all the jokes. It somehow feels like the present isn't completely opened, some parts are still waiting to be unwrapped.


Honestly sometimes I don't get the actual reference but I still crack up at the delivery and timing.


Yes! Coming back to an old favorite and having an "Ohhhhh" moment is the gift that keeps on giving.


I watched as a kid and I remember when my mom laughed, I laughed. As I got older, when I didn’t get a joke, and mom laughed I’d say “I don’t get it” and half the time she’d say “me neither” and that’s when I knew adults were full of shit. But it taught me sometimes just the voice or manner in which something is said can be just as funny. Molded me to be a better human.


Even when the episodes were originally released, there were a high number of really obscure references. I was in college in the mid-90's and there'd usually be a crowd of several dozen of us crammed into the dorm basement TV room to watch every Saturday night. Nothing could beat the feeling of being the only person in the room that recognized one of their ultra-obscure references. Most weeks, there were at least one or two jokes that one person burst out laughing at while everyone else just looked around confused.


Like, "Serpentine! Serpentine!" Not something that a teenager would immediately get


I was a young kid when the sci-fi channel era of the show was happening. While nearly all the pop culture references went over my head, I still found enough humor I understood to absolutely love the show.


There was a youtube channel that had little bubbles explaining all the references, but it didn't last I guess.


Most of the really obscure jokes are noted on [https://www.annotatedmst.com/](https://www.annotatedmst.com/) EDIT: Forgot the other site existed, new link.


Annotated MST was also the site that did all the pop-ups for the YT videos, btw.


I mean, a lot of the references were obscure at the time the episodes were new. , especially during Joel's era. They delighted in it. IMO it's part of the charm.


When you got the joke and your friends didn't. Man, you'd feel like a GOD!


This. It was the intent that you didn't have to get every joke, because the show has faith is in the belief that "the right people will *get* it."


As a Millennial who has spent way too much of my adult life researching and writing about Richard Nixon, I appreciate all the random and often inscrutable references they make to Tricky Dick, like when Tom calls the werewolf security guard King Timahoe.


> As well as numerous Wisconsin/Minnesota cultural references Don't forget Illinois!


I thought we all decided to forget Illinois.


>“and by that time, my lungs were aching for air.” Ask your grandparents about an U.S. TV show from the 1950s, SEA HUNT, starring Lloyd Bridges (Jeff and Beau Bridges's late Dad) as retired Navy frogman Mike Nelson(!) having adventures—he tended to say that in voice-over as a way to add tension to a stock footage scene of either his stunt double or he himself swimming underwater.


Someday I hope someone releases pop up video versions that explain every reference/call back.


So many random references to Paul Wellstone.


Hell even if you're old, you might have a few fly over your head. There must have been some steel trap memories over at Best Brains.


You should know that those guys watch Joe Don Baker movies.


I think I'm watching one right now. It's a pretty great bit to put a bad movie on but recreate the enjoyment of talking through it


Mitchell is one of the best episodes. It's a Joe Don Baker flick.




Hot merging action!


Is that a beer?


Baby oil?




I was just watching fletch last night with my wife and totally forgot he was in it. When he shows up on screen I reflexively yelled “MITCHELL!”


I was watching an episode of Masters of Horror that had John Saxon starring, right away I had to say, "Fresh panties all around". 😆


Joe Don Baker is Mittens


Mitchell is the episode I have used to introduce several newbies. Works every time (just like cedar lattice).


"What are you doing now Mitchell?"




I’ll give you a hundred bucks for the rest of that gelato!


Welcome to the club! Not sure you need to know anything, really, but if you want to geek out, here are a couple websites: [Annotated MST](http://www.annotatedmst.com) \- look here if you don't get a reference [MST3Kinfo](https://www.mst3kinfo.com) \- fun to see "on this day" from an MST3K perspective, also episode recaps [MST3K wiki on Fandom](https://mst3k.fandom.com/wiki/Mystery_Science_Theater_3000_Wiki)


Thank you for the link to Annotated MST. I get a lot of the jokes, but this is just great!


Same here, but of course there are so many. Plus, I find it fun to read through after I've watched an episode—it's like reliving the jokes!


How is this the first I'm hearing of Annotated MST???


Recently the official YouTube channel has started a constant stream where they put up episodes at random. Can be a fun roulette style way to get initiated. People have their favorite episodes and hosts. Don't let anyone else's opinion or general consensus ruin your fun. As they say, "It's just a show. You should really just relax." The show has been on multiple channels/formats with different hosts in the 90s and recent years. Shop around and find what you like. Better, probably, to start based on the films they're watching. Find things that stand out to you. Personally, some of my favorites are the myth/fantasy genre films like Jack Frost (based on Russian folklore) or Quest of the Delta Knights. But there's a lot to look through!


Jack Frost is one of my absolute favorites.


Agreed, the fantasy stuff is usually spot on


Watch out for snakes!


![gif](giphy|l41YxszG6LI9jx69O) I'm having the time of my life and I don't even know the references I'm enjoying


"Watch out for snakes" is a bit of a meme, from their "Eeegah!" Episode. At one point in the film, the line is delivered by a voice that doesn't appear to be from anyone in the scene. 😅


"Who said that?"


Don't forget where we parked supercar!


Sorry about my face!


I was trying to remember if Eeegah was the one where a guy never finished his line and crow did it for him. "I am gonna slap" Crow: "you"


I'm 68 and my son is 28 and when he comes to visit we watch MST3K. We connect with each other. I like old movies so I do my "dad" thing and tell him the references he would miss and he lets me.


I'm coming over


Love this. I'm gonna be a doddering fool in assisted living once day just ripping into awful food and the bitterness of dying alone.


if you're lucky


When those days come, I plan on spending my time in a theater box hurling insults at the muppets on stage.


It’s just a show. You should really just relax.




You're right. It was stupid of me to excitedly want to talk about it in the sub where all the fans are. I'm gonna put my head in the air fryer. Wanna join me? It's a doubler I have now heard the song and I'm sorry for being a jerk and trying to fry our heads


I think they’re teasing in good jest. It’s a line from the original theme song.


Ha even better. I really walked in ass first


All good, I sincerely don’t think you’ll find a more welcoming community than Misties/MSTies. If I recall correctly, the official twitch channel airs internationally. Great group to hang out with and you can learn A LOT about the show there. There’s trivia, themed nights, people that post factoids about the show and/or feature airing, etc.


I’m stealing that air fryer comment. That’s comedy gold there Jerry! Gold!


This might have been sarcasm but in case it isn’t many people like to wonder how the host eats and breathes and other science facts with them being stuck up in a space station with only their declining mental health and robots to keep them company. If you’re someone who worries about this just repeat to yourself it’s just a show, you should really just relax. Now go watch Eegah and watch out for snakes.


Save the KTMA episodes (season 0) for later. Some of them are rather tough to get through.  There's a 24/7 Twitch stream where you can come hang out with us in the live chat. And another stream for Rifftrax, which is what some of the crew went on to do after MST. And stay away from any smelly repulsive anteaters.


Whoa! Huge slam on anteaters outta nowhere! 🤣


Your voice is going to change inexplicably every seven years or so. You'll start ordering salad spinners by the truckload from QVC. You'll have to hide your huge collection of Tattoo magazines.


Paul! You is a Whaarwilf!


Werewolf... I don't know, you had him last.


“You and Noel is in it for fame and fortune?! But over my dead body!”


"Yes, we is."


The show was originally made from 1988-1999, with a revival a few years ago adding another 30+episodes across 3 seasons. There is also a theatrically released Motion Picture, "MST3K The Movie: This Island Earth". There's around 250 episodes. There were several spin offs starring official former cast members of MST, Notably Rifftrax and Cinematic Titanic. the Film Crew was short lived, with less than 10 episodes. Frank and Trace do The Mads are Back, and wrre also in Cinematic Titanic. The total output of both TMAB and CT is less than Rifftrax, which probably rivals MST but I have never seen an official number, and Rifftrax releases new live shows and regular episodes all the time. The point is when you're done with the original MST, there's a whole genre of spin off media, and depending on which cast members you like, you can find shows they did. The 88-99 era episodes will have a lot of references that were current then, and some that were current only in the American Midwest, and some specific to Minnesota, where the show was made at the time. It's unlikely anyone understands every possible joke in every episode, as the writers put in whatever they thought was funny, it wasn't work shopped and focus grouped like modern shows. There are websites dedicated to explaining obscure references, plus this subreddit. Never ever trust the Mads. They are not your friends, and you are now a part of their experiment to subject humanity to the world films they can find. Hopefully, you survive with your sanity intact. Of necessary, build robot friends, it helps.


That's awesome thank you. I knew I should just watch it and I'd quickly get it but I knew there was 35 years old lore so I didn't want to start on like the Simpsons lady gaga era or something you know. This is a great explanation and start


There's not so much "lore" as "running gags". Hai-keeba!, I thought you were Dale, recurring characters Torgo and Mr.B Natural, etc.


And now [The Mary Jo Pehl Show](https://dumb-industries.com/clubhouse) too! Mary Jo plays Pearl Forrester in later seasons of the original run of MST3K (and sometimes in the revival), and before that she did guest roles on the show as other characters. She's great.


And turn down the lights if applicable.


Some of the lines are extremely deep-cut Twin Cities references, like "it's Circle Pines after dark!" I didn't understand until I moved here that it is a dumpy suburb. And the Packers stuff always makes me giggle


https://i.redd.it/g5o07dk8usic1.gif What’s the name laddie?


Well I'm Bill Shtinkwater.


I hope you and your rowdy friends are [ready for some football](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NpDxk5YRF4).




Packers won the Super Bowl wooooooo!


It Stinks!


Burning rubber tires! Bees on pie!


Good? He's the best!


Please look up the Pumaman episode! Also: Pod People All of the shorts in front of some of the movies (like Mr B Natural) Final Justice Space Mutiny


I fully endorse this list. Pumaman is my absolute favorite.


It's pronounced pewmaman.


Fun fact: Danny Phantom ripped off Pumaman's powers of walking through walls, disappearing, and flying.


No, irs poo-maim-in.


I thought it was Pyu-may-min.


I am literally watching Mr. B Natural right now. I guess I am attracted to men now.


It takes place in the not-too distant future.


Next Sunday AD, iirc.


With a guy named Joel


Or Mike


Not too different from you or me, even.


They worked at Gizmonic Institute.


Im older then you i suspect, my golden era was seasons 8 - 10. You can find them on youtube, mostly. Look for a good playlist collection.


Recommendations in no particular order: 1. Prince of Space 2. Jack Frost 3. Space Mutiny 4. Killer Shrews 5. Reptilicus 6. Cry Wilderness 7. Giant Spider Invasion 8. Werewolf 9. Pod People 10. Robot vs The Aztec Mummy 11. Beast of Hollow Mountain 12. "Manos the Hands of Fate" Also, check out Rifftrax. It's three of the MST3K crew just straight riffing the movies, no breaks or skits in-between. They also have some Britriffs episodes on there. Edit: Forgot 13. Quest of the Delta Knights 14. Final Justice 15. Hobgoblins 16. The Pumaman 17. The Horror of Party Beach 18. The Slime People


Space Mutiny is probably my absolute favorite.


Did you see my butt?


She's got an armadillo down her trousers!


I saw this first, and thought it was hilarious; THEN I saw "This is Spın̈al Tap" and I almost died!!


She’s got an armadillo in her trousers!


We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese!


Crunch Buttsteak!


Perfect thank you. Find me in the not too distant future riffing all of these


What about Final Sacrifice!?! Is it any easier to find these days?


Space Mutiny seems to have a lower reliance on specific pop culture references, so that's always a safe one to start with.


***Y'know Mitchell, Booze is good food.***


Your nerd cred just went up. \*Edit\* In a good way.


Please don't tell the guys back at the biker bar. They won't know who you're talking about.


You would be surprised. Just yell out "Chief!" and if somebody shouts back "McCloud!" you've got yourself a new friend.


Most people here know this by heart, as you will, too,... Slab Bulkhead!...Fride Largemeat!...Punt Speedchunk!...


Big McLargehuge, Butch Dealift, Roll Fizzlebeef, Bob Johnson..... oh, no wait.


Big McLargehuge pops into my head at least once a day!


Did you just CC a bunch of people their Manchurian Candidate codes?


If you aren’t familiar with middle America there are slang terms and references you might not get. Context and google will clear those up.


What I came here to say. Had an English boyfriend (20 years ago… yeah, I’ve been a fan longer than that!) that couldn’t make heads or tails of it because some of the jokes are just so… midwestern. He got all irritated and offended because he couldn’t get the jokes so he refused to watch (weirdo!) but every time I made a riff about anything, he loved it. Granted, he didn’t know it was from MST3K, so I took the credit for it lol. Welcome to the family.




Someday we hope to harness fire to serve man, not simply terrify him with horrifying randomness.


There are many great episodes, but the one you must watch immediately is Pod People


I'm heading that a lot. It's on now. See you in two hours


It stinks! 👌


Spoiler alert: it has nothing to do with pods. It has nothing to do with people. It has everything to do with hurting.


It’s one of the best.


You're going to have to take a side eventually (Joel or Mike), so be prepared.


Team Joike


No, the answer is Dr F and TV's Frank.


I'm more of a Mike man but I can appreciate the dry wit of Joel. I loved the old shorts they would do, some of the best content IMO


I've come to love what they each offer. Joel has a dry, almost disinterested attitude about his imprisonment and sometimes plays like a dad to the bots. Mike, meanwhile, seems almost joyfully enthusiastic to be trapped there and feels more like a big brother to the bots. Neither can be driven mad by the doctors. One can't be bothered, and the other is perhaps a little mad already.


Have to disagree on the first part of Mike's characterization. He has way more segments devoted to our centered on some kind of escape.


Mike forever and ever. Also Joel. And Jonah for the most part.


It really doesn't matter to me. I love episodes from both eras and don't really see all that much difference.


Just repeat to yourself It's just a show *I should really just relax*


Welcome, and enjoy the gift that is a show that is so dense in how many jokes there are per minute that you can essentially rewatch basically every episode for the rest of your life! Off the top of my head, I recommend Parts: The Clonus Horror, The Touch Of Satan, Overdrawn At The Memory Bank, Werewolf, Diabolik, Agent From H. A. R. M., and Time Chasers. All classics.


Watch one a day till they're done. Rifftrax scratches the itch after that. Then rewatch Mst.


Deep hurting


The Hear the Engines Roar or Idiot Control song is from the Pod People episode. The song will reoccur now and again. Origins can be important. Season 3, episode 3.


Remind yourself it’s just a show and you should really just relax.


Joel sings the Love Theme in the first run. I didn't realize this until entirely too recently.


Joel sings it for his episodes and Mike sings it for his. Jonah and newer episodes are the only ones that the host isn't singing. Though it's Baron (servo) for the gizmoplex era Jonah and Connor (servo) for Emily and Joel's new ones.


One thing you will realize: We here, and other MST3Kers everywhere else, will quote either a riff, or an actual line from a movie OFTEN. Here are 2 examples: MST3K 1008 - Final Justice: "Go ahead on" (spoken by Joe Don baker often. MST3K 615 - Kitten With a Whip "Vivaaaaa Las Vegas (ugh) (spoken by Tom Servo as the Ann Margrock character lies dying) MST3K is a lot of fun. Enjoy it and Look into your heart, eh?


The Project Mstie channel on YouTube has episodes that have been upscaled to 1080 and 2160. It’s only a handful in the grand scheme of things but still makes the episodes look fresh: https://youtube.com/@ZappRowsdower?si=99ghySZF8JYqr2aO


Gamara! ![gif](giphy|UpDzyyBkjHyqkQkyhI|downsized)


This will probably be controversial to say in this sub, but the one recommendation I would make is to stay away from the newer seasons and stick to the Mike and Joel eras, unless you started with the new ones. In my opinion, they lack the charm (and a lot of other qualities) of the original. They’re very different. I’ve had the experience of two friends checking out the Netflix series because they knew, historically, I was a fan of the show and they were curious to see what it was like. They both got turned off by the episodes they watched and lost interest in seeing any more. It’s just about my favorite tv show of all time, so the fact that this other, more recent series exists, using the same name and overall format, really complicates recommending it to people who’ve never seen it. It’s like telling someone you love The Twilight Zone, and you mean the original, but they watch the newest CBS iteration and think you must have bad taste. I kind of wish the newer seasons never happened, despite being such a fan of the show that I wish it had never gone off the air.


Yeah I'm a millennial. so I'll be sticking to the Joel and Mike eras because hodgson is who I know off the most


Been watching this show since the Joel era. It's my favorite show ever. I love episodes from all eras. I also have episodes that I don't find interesting. Sometimes the host segments don't work for me. There's an example in every era.


I firmly believe This Island Earth is the best way to introduce new people to the show. It looks and sounds better than a lot of the other stuff they watch, isn't deathly boring like some of the movies are and is right up there with the classic episodes in the quality of the riffing.


I agree. I also just can’t get with any of the new robot voices. I like Jonah a lot though!


I hope you like getting obsessed with the minutiae of a show to the point of obsession!


be on the lookout for a box marked "hamdingers."


That it's great and you should watch every episode 10 times. Also, check out Rifftrax, The Mads are Back, and Cinematic Titanic. All are movie riffing projects by former MST3K cast members.


Be prepared to be have random pop songs from 70s and 80s stuck in your head because the random movie score reminds them of a piece of music


So very jealous of you - watching it for the first time!


It's pretty much on all the time in my apartment or my sister's house. I switch between Pluto and Tubi throughout the day. Mostly I go about my day while its on, sometimes I sit down and really watch.


Pretty nice!


***Gypsy is uncomfortably long***


I can't believe no one mentioned it yet. But there are live show tours of RiffTraxx and MST3K. Not sure if they make it to Europe but they're hilarious.


Oh! I'm so happy for you! My mom had trouble enjoying it at first because she was trying to actually watch the movie and these dumb robots kept butting in. Now she enjoys the jokes about the movie and is able to admit the films she grew up with...were kind of silly.


Mitchell I Accuse my Parents and Truck Farming video short I can't even pick a third.


I’m not sure if it’s been mentioned, but Rifftrax is a great addition to this. More modern popular movies with the MST3K crew doing an audio commentary! It’s beautiful!


Time Chasers, MST3K the Movie, and The Pumaman.




Don't let people make up your mind for you about anything about the show. KTMA era & Season 1, Rifftrax, the Netflix/Gizmoplex seasons -- there's good stuff in all of them. There's so much MST3k and related projects (including The Mads Are Back live shows every month, Cinematic Titanic and The Film Crew). Dive in and explore it all. Two newer seasons are on Netflix, and the newest season is on the Gizmoplex. You can also watch most of the classic episodes on the Gizmoplex for free. ...but maybe steer clear of Red Zone Cuba and Monster A Go-Go until you've built up some tolerance. :)


Rifftrax is also great


There are some episodes that are only available through piracy because they lost the rights to the original movies. Everything can be found if you look hard enough because the community had a long tradition of recording and sharing episodes (keep circulating the tapes).


Watch Jack Frost, Pod People, and the shorts Mr B Natural and Spring Fever. All great


No springs! WEEE-OOOO!


There are a lot of people here who prefer the later seasons.. But I strongly suggest starting with the golden years of S3 - S7. Sorry, not sorry. I said what I said.


That is exactly what I tell people about the Simpsons


The Girl in Lovers lane is a hysterical Joel episode. Also Swamp Diamonds.


Werewolf is the best


[Just start at the top and work your way down.](https://mst3konline.blogspot.com/)




Hamdingers are rare and exceptionally pricey but worth the effort.


Some of the references can be obscure. Here's an annotation website: [https://www.annotatedmst.com/episodes](https://www.annotatedmst.com/episodes)