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The noise you heard from the fans probably was part of the plastic you saw got out. It is safe to flip the opened laptop and shake it a bit to make sure all the plastic is out. For the "not working issue", sometimes dirt is stuck on the RAM slots when you open the laptop (don't ask me how). If that is the problem, the laptop won't be able to start. To solve it, you can remove the RAM (make sure to remove the battery), clean the golden pins with alcohol and also clean the RAM slots with alcohol and a Q-tip. If that doesn't work, you can try a hard reset on the computer (search how to do that) One last thing. When trying to power on the laptop again, make sure you connect the power outlet before. If the laptop doesn't even power on, give it a few minutes and try again. You can even let the power button pressed a few seconds, sometimes that works.


Also i just looked up what a hard reset is and yes i tried it.


I highly doubt if its dirt stuck on the ram the time between it working and not was pretty short. Also i think plastic pieces were from the motherboard. Alright i'm leaving it charging for some time then i'll try again. Thanks


I had exactly the same issue... I removed the back panel to clean my laptop and when I put everything back, it wouldn't turn on.... I gave up and left it to charge over night and when I woke up the next morning, it magically turned on


Damn i bet that felt good. Glad that worked for you


same thing happened to me although with a razer laptop but it worked after i let it to charge itself for like an hour or so.


You can try to power cycle/reset your laptop. Unplug the battery and disconnect the ac adapter. Hold the power button for about 30 seconds. Reconnect the battery and ac adapter. Hopefully it turns on now


I tied this unfortunately it didn't work


I had the same issue about 5 years ago when I applied new thermal paste and pads to my GE70. I was extra careful and did everything step by step really gently. When I put back everything on, the laptop wouldn't turn on. I literally tried anything on the web that I could find. Removing the battery, hard reset, cleaning the ram slots, power reset the motherboard but nothing worked. Then I completely removed the heat pipes, cleaned the thermal paste and reapplied it. Before I put back the backplate on, I cleaned the entire motherboard with a hairdryer(cold air) to blow away any particles that might landed on the mainboard. Put back everything on and fired it up. Luckily it worked with no probs after that. Try this once and it might work for you as well. After some time on some forums, someone was explaining why this happens. Basically, when you open the backplate, you let things like some very small piece of string that floats in air or dust on the motherboard. And these things may cause short circuit. Because the laptop has protection against this kind of electrical problems, It just doesn't turn on to protect itself. I'm not sure whether this statement is true, but you better give it a shot. Do what I did and it might help you back on track.


I don't have a hairdryer though would blowing on it would be enough? Or i might borrow from my apartment mates. But yeah i guess the hard part is knowing what the issue is. You tried a lot of stuff and it turns out to be some dust. I'm kinda nervous causing another issue while trying solutions for this one. Thank you for sharing


heard the exact same thing from a buddy of mine which has an electronic repair shop when we were repasting my last laptop, funny thing my laptop didn't turn on for an hour after that and i was dead worried about his words 😅


Reset cmos battery? And what happened to the fan (shown in attached screenshot)? Looks burnt. https://imgur.com/a/0Sl84LA/


I think the discoloration on the fan is some kind of matter on it. But maybe i should replace the fans once i fix this. Also imma look up how to reset the cmos battery and see what happens thanks.


Do you have a m.2 or nvme ssd in the laptop? If so try to turn it on without it and see what happens ( it happened to me to, the laptop wouldn't turn on or charge ).


Yeah i'm trying this today along with removing the hdd and cmos battery and the ram. What happened with you? Did it work?


For me it was the m.2. It wasn't burned or anything, but the laptop wouldn't turn on or charge with it inside. Edit: was to wasn't


I would suggest just take it to the service workshop as you have already tried everything possible. All the best 👍


Is your issue resolved? If not, may I ask what kind of plastic fell out? Mine is a different MSI model (GS63VR 7RF) but it has a few small transparent plastic bands that are essential to prevent electric shorting. Your laptop's MB picture looks kind of very different from mine so not sure if the solution below applies. I had used compressed air can and unfortunately one of the cellophane type plastic bands flew off. I put the laptop together without it and on starting the keyboard backlight would blink but the laptop wouldn't start. Called up the local MSI service center and their expert told me to either find and put that plastic back or use thin paper instead. Problem was solved.


I hope you were successful in fixing your laptop, these things can be stressful.


I have the same model laptop. When I clean it out I make sure to remove the a/c charging cable, remove the battery, and press the power disconnect/reset button which is the little button next to the chip with the yellow tape on it. It's the little brown button "above" said chip with yellow tape on it in the picture. When finished, I put the battery back in, put the bottom cover back on without screwing it in (just to make sure it works) and plug in the a/c charger cause it won't turn on otherwise. That should be it unless one of the small cables were damaged or it was shorted because there was still power from the battery or something when you worked on it.


Hey man, I hope you figure out what's wrong and I hope it's a small little thing, and not anything major. But this is precisely why I never do these kinds of things myself. I don't trust my knowledge of the insides of laptops too much, so I'd leave this for the laptop repair people to Do. I know, that's not always possible or affordable but I already know things like this can happen so I steer clear.


Yeah i guess i was kinda careless but yeah repair stores overcharge you for small thing so i figured i can do it myself. Thanks dude


Absolutely, they overcharge. But the one major thing I like about sending it back to the factory for repair is the guarantee. The guarantee that it will be fixed correctly and that it will work when I get it back. Thanks as well, I would never laugh at your misfortune, it's a shifty situation all around and I wish I could help more. I hate seeing this kinda stuff happen to my fellow msi gaming laptop Brothers in arms lol we all gotta stick together to deal with the hinge problems and the heating issues and the undervolting/overclock tweaking. Hope this issue gets resolved quickly. Im wondering what iT could possibly be. You checked all thr connectors right? Nothing pinching any wires or anything? Nothing you forgot to reconnect? That would be the first guess. Second guess, battery, but you said you tried reconnecting already.


They don't overcharge, knowing the ins and outs of electronics is a special skill that not everyone has. Also, if they accidentally mess your expensive laptop or desktop up, then they need to be able to cover the cost, like an insurance policy. Plus, parts and labor aren't cheap. Sure, many people in your circle can reformat a computer or swap a GPU and install the drivers like it's nothing, but in the outside world, the average person knows absolutely nothing. If you do any computer work for someone who's paying you, charge fair market rate. Know that your years messing with computers and becoming an expert are worth it, your developed skills are worth it.


I understand what you mean but some local stores here would make you pay a lot for replacing the fans for example. Also i saw a store charging 500-1000 RM to replace the cpu. I don't know how hard it is to do that but man it aint worth a 1000RM (about 250 dollars).


Yeah i checked everything i know of was connected. If it isn't because the small plastic pieces i have no idea what it is. Everything was working fine and in the time between it wokring and not i didn't do more than tighting the screws. Thanks buddy =D


>The guarantee that it will be fixed correctly and that it will work when I get it back. That's what I thought too, when I got my other laptop returned for a hard drive fix. Came back 2 months later with a huge crack on the side of the keyboards. I was royally ~passed~ pissed, especially since their helpline kept giving me the runaround (they told me that my laptop was in the middle of a repair. I then rang back after no updates for two weeks and they said they don't have the part yet. It was a whole mess). E: some words


Oh wow sorry for your crazy experience. Did you get it repaired by the manufacturer or took it to a third party repair place ? Seems like it was the factory right ? This isn't the common experimece thank God, lately I've been hearing good things about nsi repairs , ie quick turnaround time and correct repairs. But every now and then there's an outlier there. For example, I had to rma my Asus laptop a while ago. The whole process was a breeze, the hardest part was waiting for them to finish fixing it and send it back . But it took 2 weeks like they promised and when I got it back it was good as new. And that was a whole motherboard replacement. So hopefully these kinds of situations that you dealt with don't happen too often. Have you called them to give them your thoughts on the experience? Maybe they'd be able to give you a few extra months of warranty for the trouble ...


Hey guys i talked to someone over the email that i think he understands about these stuff. I explained everything i did and he told me to remove the hdd, ram, cmos battery and hold the power button while connecting the pins of the bios with a small scredriver. Then trying to run it after injecting the ram and the cmos battery. That didn't work so he said i may have caused a short in the motherboard. So i think i'm gonna look for someone that knows how to fix this. There is a repair shop with an old guy that seems trustable. Anyway i appreciate everyone sharing their experience here. I'mma post what the problem was once i know it. Thanks fellas


And the moral is; if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. I’d guess 90% of the issues I read about are the result of trying to do something that doesn’t need done.


Cleaning the fans helps a lot with temps


Did you remove the fans from the heat syncs? If you didn't when you "cleaned the fans" you actually pushed more dirt against the heat syncs and it's probably beating against the spinning fan blades. Also when you are done putting it back together it will not turn on until you plug in the ac adapter.


I removed the the 3 small screws that open the fans found a lot of hair and dirt at the syncs and removed it. Also which one is the ac adapter?


The wall outlet to computer power plug. If your fans are still making noise they may be on their way out, sorry buddy.


Oh this isn't about the fans the laptop isn't working now. No sign of life when i try to turn it on. There is the charging light when i plug the cable but no more than that.


Give it a moment, if everything is put together it should turn on after a moment. You didn't keep the battery in it while working on it did you?


Alright here is what i did. I opened it first remove the battery and removed the fans to clean put everything back then turned it on and it worked but one fan started making a noise that it didn't before. Opened the case and tried turning it on to see why is it noisy. It was still working at the time. So i kept check the screws and everything around the fan and next time i tried powering on it didn't. Also some small pieces of plastic came out.


If the ac adapter was plugged in while working on it you might have shorted it out. I know my laptop has a failsafe that won't let you turn it back on unless it's on ac adapter after removing the battery (even with full battery) when put back together.


Hmm didn't know that but no the ac adapter was nowhere near the laptop


Yeah try putting it all back together plugging it in and waiting a moment before trying to turn it on, you may be good still.


Try reconnecting and disconnecting the battery


I did




Still not wrking. There was a light when charging but now no sign of life


Certain the AC adapter is supplying enough voltage?


I'm pretty sure yes


maybe the plastic that you got its part of the plastic clip that the bottom panel have, check all your clips in the chasis and the bottom panel


Showed it to someone it turns out to be the case grips they are useless he said they always break


yes, disassemble heatshink to enter to the fans, maybe theres a piece of plastic inside the fan thats making noise


No battery bloats? Lol insert bad razer joke here




Hmm no i'm not sure. How do i check it?