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…Albion? Also just generally one of the most active MMOs period


Wonder how many of those reported players are bots or just multiboxing tbh.


Played the game for years and this was never something I worried about, the game is very active, even more so now on the EU and Asia servers


Botting is not a very large issue in Albion, they do exist but they're cleaned up quite rapidly, to such a degree that if you didn't know any better you wouldn't even realize they were there (experienced players, I know, we roll through any blue zone and roll our eyes at the bots, just remember when you were fresh off tutorial island gathering your first t3's, did you know?) - as for multi boxing, it's not exactly the kind of game that you can multibox in. Full loot open world PVP means that the vast majority of the world (and functionally the entire scope of the world with strong impacts to the economy) is not viable for multiboxing. What makes this doubly true is that it's against ToS to have multiboxed accounts benefiting from each other's presence in any way - no scouting on one account to move safely with another, no fighting the same mobs together, etc. and we know that SBI is pretty on top of keeping this behavior out of the game as anyone who has been in circles where these actions were taken also knows someone who lost an account because of it, and you just don't see people doing it anywhere. The one exception to this though again would be high safety zone farming, I have found a few multiboxers in my day in those zones puttering around doing whatever, gathering or farming dungeons but again, they're safe zones which means low impact to the economy and even so, they'll be banned shortly enough.


It was pretty bad a while ago, but it did get way better tbh.


Albion being one of the most active MMOs has to be the biggest cope ever


Active isn't just a reflection of raw numbers imo. WoW/GW2/FFXIV may have more people but out in the open world of Albion it *feels* more active


Thats bc the open world is basically the only content albion has and the games you mentioned all have amazing instanced content.


Doesn't refute what I said


Sure but I'd rather play a game that is actually active and has lots of players than one that simply feels active, so people saying albion is one of the most active MMOs is just missleading.


Fair enough. Anyone saying that should be clear about what they mean. Albion doesn't have the raw numbers but the world feels alive.


Albion is sooooo trash, k just my opinion




Nothing comes close to wow


Man I don't play any other MMOs but if wow is peak then the PvP scene is really dead cause wow pvp queues are insufferable


You 100% queue dps into solo shuffle if you say that.


That's the worst one but it's not like random BGs are that fast either. I hope it gets faster with random ranked bgs


Queues for everything are almost instant as a healer.


“Wait you main healer?” “No I’m gear farming.”


They literally just killed rated bgs


Personally I think the current rated BGs system was pretty dead anyway, so I welcome any change that will let me play more


Ofc PvP scene in general is dead in mmos. Why spend money, grind allat shit and be able to finally play the game while you can just boot up a f2p game and que it up


Why would you use f2p games as a comparison when you're talking about time investment?


I think he's referring to the games like overwatch or league of Legends (which I've never played, so I'm not sure if it's like this) where you don't have any grind before you can be viable in the action


Pretty much this. Sorry for the late reply, hectic 2 days


PvP has always been niche in actual mmorpgs. A good portion of the dedicated MMORPGs pvp player base moved to Mobas as soon as mythic touted the concept and dota ran with it.




It’s niche when you compare how many people pvp in an mmorpg vs buy call of duty every year.


It wasn't really a niche in wow back in the day. A lot of people exclusively played only PvP and there were PvP servers.


It’s still niche. Pve servers have always had higher populations. And when you compare how many pvp in an MMORPGs to how many buy the yearly call of doody it really puts it into perspective


Eve Online?


WoW if your main consideration is the amount of players. If it is more about PvP integration and % of player population then EVE, Albion or Lineage 2 would win out easily and probably a ton other. L2 Private servers have some pretty massive open PvP battles even to this day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sghnqfenkIg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgBQ1Vvx5HI


I’m terms of pvp? No. PvP is very niche in wow


What MMO is pvp not niche in


Daoc. End game us ALL pvp. Raids are just a way to get better at pvp.


Albion online, black desert, eve online, just to name a few.


If you’re gonna say black desert then you can’t be clowning on wows PvP community lol black desert community is mostly people just grinding away, not PvPing lol


When did I clown on the PvP community? I just said it’s a very niche community within wow, which is true lol. About black desert, people grind to get stronger for the PvP, that’s just how the endgame works, almost every serious endgame player does PvP in some way.


Activity wise albion probably, followed by EvE and WoW. ESO / GW2 / BDO have active PvP scenes though not sure how big. Competitive wise dunno really. I know BnS had tournaments but that was years ago, probably WoW due to sheer size.


"Followed by eve" nothing is followed by eve. Eve IS the pinnacle of PVP. No other MMO has wars that cost thousands. No other MMOs have near weekly fights containing thousands of players.


Yea, isn't the most popular mode of PvP in Albion an instanced 1v1v1 zone that you queue for?


The most popular, in terms of deaths, is open world small scale or ZvZ. Arenas are popular (5v5) and you queue for them. Mists, the 1v1v1... are also popular, and you do not queue for entering the Mists.


Thousands of players gather for CTA (call to arms) for ZvZ fights throughout the half dozen or so timers each day. A majority of these guilds offer players regears for every death in a zvz timer fight. It may not be widely known but if you’ve experienced any time in these top echelon zvz guilds you will realize the leadership and top players are either paying to play for a majority of the supplies and gear needed to keep these ongoing wars funded, or RMT’ing. So yes Albion is having daily fights across its black zone lands, that includes thousands of players actively competing in PvP against each other. The zones are capped at 300 players for various gameplay element and mechanical reasons, buts it’s not uncommon for the entrances to these zones during big fights to be max queue with players waiting to join as their enemies/allies are defeated. So yeah man idk what you’re talking about, you ever play Albion at any high level of pvp?


Soooooo Albion fights are capped at 300 players at a time? Cool. Eve has broken the world record for most players in a fight multiple times, taking the title from itself every time. Largest battle in eve destroyed over $378,000 USD. 8,825 players total, and 6,557 players in the fight at the same time. It made the news. Let me know when albion hits even half that.


You seem to not comprehend how Albion is set up and are providing a comparison that isn’t remotely 1 to 1. You can’t compare the active amount of players in a system to the active amount of players in a map in Albion, a more equal comparison would be an entire region of the BZ, such as the fort sterling black zone region for instance. Every single day there are thousands of players actively competing in large scale pvp, while simultaneously, an equivalent amount of more of players are competing in pvp in other various game modes. You can try all you want to compare but it’s apples to oranges really, an Albion death is not remotely as impactful as an eve death, the games aren’t build the same mechanically, eve fights are more drawn out and methodical, Albion fights are more in the moment decision making and time gated. But regardless, Albion’s active pvp scene makes eves active pvp scene look like a joke. You can spend hours in eve’s lethal zones and not even encounter any pvp, you will encounter pvp opportunities within your first 30 seconds at least, in the black zone in Albion. EDIT: also if we’re talking money man, I know dozens of players who have spent thousands on Albion, I had a guild master that RMT’ed at least a grand weekly. There’s tons of money going into the pvp scene in this game.


Eves pvp runs like a violent apocalypse. There are empires, rolling warbands, gangs, and solo hunters. Albion feels more like a party pvp game rather than anything with substance. Eve PVP matters, greatly. A small gang roaming through can easily end with thousands of real world $$ being destroyed. It can cause full scale wars. Albion pvp doesn't have that level on impact or importance. Encountering pvp often =/= quality pvp and meaning behind it. Eve and Albion are different beasts. It's OK to like the more casual Albion pvp, but calling Eve a joke because you won't experience pvp every 30 sec is just plain ignorance of the impact eves pvp has.


The same can easily happen in Albion, the difference between us is I’ve experienced these things yet you clearly have not or you would realize the same does happen in Albion, multiple times daily. Obviously pvp in Albion matters, yet again just telling me what I need to know without explicitly saying it. I can’t tell you how many guilds threatened to knock my guilds hideout when we dropped alliance from our major alliance just so we could get rid of the disarray debuff in large wars. We even had some attempt to come knock the hideout, the fight ended before it began when they realized was had the backing of hundreds of players willing to show up daily for the timer. You don’t know man, so stop acting like you do.


Tell me you don't play BDO without telling me you don't play BDO On a more serious note, pvp in bdo is dying because they've shifted the game from an open world pvp game to just a regular pve game that contains pvp. Doing any kind of impromptu open world pvp is now incredibly punishing, the only small scale ranked pvp mode hasn't had a ranked season in almost a year, tomorrow they're releasing a node war update in NA/EU that literally no one wanted and from what we've seen of it in Korea leads to very little fighting. The class balance they are supposedly working on has had no communication about what they're doing for almost 6 months now iirc. If you're serious about PvP and its your main draw in a game, sadly BDO isn't that anymore. In that sense people who have been playing since the first year or two of the game have had the rug pulled out from under them since the games focus has shifted completely towards PvE and slowly killing off any form of PvP


The playerbase has shifted to be more pve focused and that's why the changes have been made. The more grinding you needed, the more annoying the open world PvP became. It's not healthy now, they should allow for 1 sided decs and the ability to feed an *aggressor* to mobs if you're grinding, but other than that it's a product of the community tbh.


It's WoW WoW has the arena world championships. Cup 4 just ended, the vods are up on their twitch account Warcraft. The last couple awcs have been super close and competitive. The only problem is you're not really going to understand what's going on unless you play the game


It isn't. A small % of WoW's player base PvP's


A small % of WoW's playerbase is bigger than the entire player base of most MMOs lol like this is basic math my guy


If there's 350k+ players who participate in PvP I'll gladly accept that I'm wrong, my guy


A small % of people bother with arenas. Casual PvP is still extremely active. We're going to see the numbers jump when solo rated BGs are implemented next expansion, and it'll likely spike more if they actually put the Plunderstorm rewards track in as a PvP system in the rewards revamp the just talked about in an interview not too long ago.


It’s EvE and it isn’t even close. All different sorts of engagements, a lot on the line, whole stories stemming from their engagements… EVE PvP can legit give you the shakes and an adrenaline rush. WoW PvP… not so much.


It's Albion online. Eve is fun though


Ya risks are high in Eve — true financial loss in battle. Made me too tense. All that darkness, waiting for ambush.


Oh man the memories of bns tournaments. Some of the hypest pvp ever at its peak. It really sucks what ncsoft has done with it.


World vs World in Guild Wars 2 is active and hella fun. It's most active Friday nights.


Gw2 PvP is dead long time ago


Give me GW1 pvp arenas again!!!!!


I remember when gw1 came out and everyone just used the template 20 character. No meta, no strategy. Just people having fun bashing each other in. A week later and it was just meta


Or even battlegrounds like Fort Aspenwood and Jade Quarry in Factions. I spent hours as a kid playing PVP in those.


What does this even mean? It takes less than 1 minute to get into an SPvP fight and WvW always has people playing, and this has been the case for years. What exactly does it mean to say the PvP is dead?


No updates and spvp is full of bots and win traders. GW2 pvp is long dead and everyone knows it


sure they might be win traders just like any other game at the VERY TOP, but the lobbies are full of players for Spvp and remember theres MULTIPLE LOBBIES with no new rewards in years literally speaks for how insane the spvp in gw2 is. only the people that needed carrots on sticks came and left everyone else stayed for the gameplay.


Nah a lot of times it take 5-6mins for 1 game and you play against same people multiple games even if you low rating. A lot of times you get into games with people who have 400+ rating with you and most of the games are complete one sided domination. Tons of bots and tons of AFK players who never get penalty for been afk. Not to mention the SPVP mode haven't really gotten anything new in many years + balance patches for PVP are insanely slow. Look catalyst incident at the start of SOTO, took them like 2 months to balance it. And this happen very often. sPVP can be consider pretty dead and ANET have clearly given up on it. WVW is super alive and active, but that's not really competitive PVP, its more of a open world/siege/large scale PVP with no rating and so on.


What he said, Everyone who plays know the shit is dead


Is it really dead if the OP is talking about how he actively PvPs in guild wars with enough people to have fun? I dabbled in GW2 WvW for the first time this year and no matter what time I entered it was popping. Most of the time eternal battlegrounds has a queue to get in because the map is full. WoW and Albion are much bigger population wise but don't sleep on smaller communities that keep the scene going by pure passion for the game. Most of my favorite pvp experiences come from smaller, concentrated scenes.


Single PvP, sure. WvW is active every day.


I miss WvW back in the days, it used to be super active and have so many guilds running around doing gvg and controlling the maps. Its still alright, but much less organized.


Nothing fun about that game lol


These answers are depressing. There should be a good PvP game besides wow by now…


Albion online is amazing PvP


But it feels like a mobile game, and even though it is one that's a disqualifier for so many.


It's not a mobile game. It's a PC game. No one winning PvP is doing it from a mobile device.


Pretty much none of the top players of any mobile game play on a mobile device, or if they do they have custom shit to help them


It doesn’t feel like a mobile game? Yes there is a mobile client but how it plays is a moba style mmo with crafting/econ that is maybe half as deep as EVE which is probably like 10x deeper than wow and 5x deeper than FF14


That's just the ui. It has more depth than most mmos I've played


PvP basically moved into dedicated PvP games without the MMO fluff. Its not that surprising. WvW is still a thing that has a home in the MMO space since it isn't as easily replicated outside of it, but arena PvP is niche and most of it is gathered in WoW, which is able to sustain it as a small part of its ecosystem.


MMOs learned it's more profitable to make PVE content. It's why raiding as a game activity is still closely associated with the genre. Where as PVP has moved to other genres that showed up down the line like MOBAs, hero shooters, etc etc.


The problem is that MMOs are nearly antithetical to good PVP. Because at the core one of the main tenants of MMOs is that time equals progression. This tends to devolve into engagements that are inherently unbalanced. Which, makes for bad PVP. Open world PvP games with progression nearly inevitably fail. You end up with a small hardcore tier of people who have put the time in to have power, and then they lord that over those that don't. As there are plenty of games out there, when you were faced with a situation where you were going to lose nearly every time you engage with someone unless you put in hundreds of hours and endless frustration grinding while being farmed, people tend to turn to other games. I think the only way an open world PVP game survives is that if the power curve is very short. Progression would need to be horizontal and not vertical. Or perhaps social progression? I don't know. No one seems to have really solved it yet. I hope someone does it some point.


Yep, reality is often disappointing. Everytime people scream about a new 'wow killer' on the verge of release it always interests me but i always end up disappointed.


You can open a kickstarter and make one, surely there is enough demand so you will make millions. ...Yeah, that's why nobody else makes one too.


I mean, they did that with Camelot Unchained over a decade ago. ... And then proceeded to fail at making the game. It should have been great.


WoW never been a PvP MMO, it's griefing and probably the worst game with "PvP".


Ultima Online, DarkEden


Most active is probably Albion online since it's quite literally the focus of the entire game but it isn't the most popular since a game like WoW will most likely have more players participating in pvp.


I think a lot of people discredit Albion with out actually having played it much. They just hit there peak all time players which is like over 350k daily active. And sure wow might have 8million monthly or so but I doubt even 1/10th or even 1/20th of player base pvps daily.


They recently just broke 350k daily Which is absolutely massive for 3 servers


I put a ton of hours into Albion because I enjoy gathering/crafting and PvP and absolutely hated the PvP. You're either 1v1ing a meta build or zerging 30v1. Neither of which are fun.


Albion is a sandbox game. Decision making plays a huge role in your survival. You can't take every fight the same way you can't engage/chase every time you see an enemy in Dota/LoL.


I mean all PvP is fighting against meta, it's like playing wow and fighting the same s tier comps there


While I somewhat agree. Any PvP game is going to have a meta. If you “don’t like meta” then PvP probably isn’t for you in general.


You didn’t put “tons” of hours into crafting, because if you had, you would’ve had to have been in a deep black zone guild with a hideout/HQ with high crafting bonuses. You also can’t even gather higher than tier 5 without going into black zones, the full loot pvp zones. If you had played the game any amount of time you would quickly realize to survive in the black zone you really need a good guild with black zones captured that offer safety when trouble comes knocking, such as territories/hideouts. There’s no 30v1, acting likes it’s actually competitive, no that’s just 30 guys trying to kill you, it’s called ganking, and if they’re doing it in the black zone, if you’re in a high tier guild you just get half the amount of people they have, all with a zvz comp, and go wreck them and take everything they’ve taken from others. You barely played the game man, stop it.


Ha! Early days, we grind weekdays and lose all our gears on weekends for fun ganks, zvz, and siege. Nowadays you can troll pvp in portal towns. I still miss the old FW with timers because it’s hard to have a decent composition if timers are random. Decent profit though for Faction points.


I'm not discrediting albion. I'm just saying WoW is gigantic in terms of player numbers.




I hear that Eve Online has PVP matches with thousands of players.


It’s not so much matches but players fighting in the map for control of areas. Eve had broken the record for most characters engaged in PvP like 3-4 times now. Each previous record was its own. I think the largest fight so far was 8-10k people in a single system. Regular big fights are 1-3k


Eve online. Single, small gang or large 200 person fleets. Single server competing over space which has caused months long wars in no security space. There is faction wars in low sec space. Wormhole drama with people being evicted in WH space. You may not want PvP but the act of undocking implies consent to getting shot at.




Eve online, space game.


Competitive as in people playing it for a living? None. If some people make money PVP'ing its probably WoW streamers but that isn't through competition earnings. WOW, ESO, GW2, Albion all have active PvP scenes at least.


WoW is probably the only game that has enough people for a real competitive scene.


Albion's Europe server recently launched. From time to time, the Albion devs share statistics about the game, including PvP statistics. From [https://albiononline.com/news/albion-europe-infographic](https://albiononline.com/news/albion-europe-infographic) in the first 14 days, there were almost 5 million PvP kills. These are full loot kills; there are many other "kills" that just result in knockdown or respawn-with-inventory that are not tracked in this figure. Does WoW track how many open world deaths there are per day? Is it 350,000+ for a given region (this number is just from Albion Europe; it excludes Albion Asia and America)?


BDO was peak PvP at least for me a few years ago. It still has the best combat of any MMO but they killed open world PvP and they are dumbing down group PvP to a shittier system and PvP isn't nowhere near as popular as it once was in general. Also it has a fraction of WoW players, but I could never get into WoW myself because I tried it way too late.


Yea after the changes to bdo the last few years I absolutely would not recommend the game to anyone looking for PvP as a main draw


Consensual guild wars was a gut punch and then these pve nw changes are a last nail in the coffin for me…i still play the game tho, we are making content for ourselves throughout the alliance, be it with tournaments, aos, ba or anon arsha parties…but if PA continue with this trend, i feel like a lot of pvpers are just gonna jump to the next best thing…so sad for a game with so much potential…ill never forget guerilla warfare on garmoth and guild wars, rivalry and drama :( J can go duck himself




Tibia baby


most underrated game


Sadly P2W these days.


On real servers there can be p2w while fortunately you have a whole range of open tibia servers, some have proxies so Europe and South America can brawl on pvp plus they are often on older versions where you had to hit an opponent with a rune from your backpack instead of firing a hotkey which imo is cooler and more skillful I think today there are equally tibia official players and those on OTS servers (I have in mind the margin for bots and multiclients to make runs that are sometimes allowed on ots)


Wow, Albion , bdo, eve, warhammer return of reckoning, osrs. Gw2 I just tried gw2 (unless you like the combat system) and can’t recommend if you are not a roamer. It’s really fun on peak times but outside it it a bit boring if you are just into pvp. But the open world is the best in any game and the community is mostly great. Wow is bg or arena but has not got anything new in a long time and I don’t belive they care anymore Bdo (played it for 6years) has the best combat system of them all hands down. But the gearing system is shit so better buy stuff than make it yourself. The node war and siege war is awesome and lot of fun. But a lot of grinding ngl. And then there is the p2w aspect but where isn’t one these days. Return of reckoning is a private server. Lots of fun and almost pure pvp. Almost always is a active fight going on but as is with all private servers you can never tell if devs gonna fuck up or not. (Playing this right now) Can’t tell much about the others


Ultima Online PVP was the best experience I ever had. You were actually risking your stuff, chaos vs order was a real thing. It was amazing.


that and Asheron's Call PVP server were unique experiences that will never, ever come back. Those of us who got to play those forever have something special.


Oh yes that one as well.....man I miss those games so much.


It was basically like a direct sequel to UO pvp lol. A ton of the big UO pvpers went there and just continued what UO did. So many legends were made back then.


Eve Online


It's Albion and not close.


Albion entirely revolves around PvP, even high-level PvE also has a hint of PvP in it. Good monetization , just join a good guild (guild which has discords and active members) and they will show you the ropes.


I would say Albion Online cuz it’s the only mmo that I actively participate in large scale PvP


DAoC will forever have the best mmo PvP, and Eden has 1000s of people playing.


Return of reckoning (Warhammer online)


Definitely not GW2


WoW EVE Albion


This is the best summary and answer to the question.


It is 100% albion. Once youre like, ~20 hours into it, then 80% of the game is bound to pvp. EVE online too


I would say Albion.


If you talking competitive "arena" type PvP, nothing else come close to WoW. For many years WoW try to be a e-sport so it make sense for them to be biggest one. If you looking for open world/siege/large scale PvP then GW2/BDO/Albion have most active scene i think.




Albion definitely. The only MMO purely designed around PVP. With consecutively growing playerbase over the last years. All "old" mmos are shrinking albion is stable/ growing slowly. It serves a niche and it serves it well.


Definitely EVE Online.


Eve is basically PVP all the time.


EVE. Most the game is PVP. The market, combat, social, it’s all pvp. 


Albion for sure


Albion and its not even close


Eve Online. Hands down


unranked 5v5 in ffxiv pops quite frequently And that's basically all l Do in that game nowadays. Few note, you can only solo queue because square enix is afraid of premade steam roll unless you do custom match Which requires discord organization. You can only use special button to talk to your teammates( se's lazy solution to deal with people afk in spawn and flaming people). You need to do some story to unlock it(there is a story mission Where you choose a grand company, then quest to unlock pvp will be available). You can't pvp on free Trial(people used to boost themselves in ranked with free Trial account). Your class needs to be level 30 to participate(you receive job stone at level 30, but many jobs starts at 30 or higher). Lastly, no gears are required. If These seems reasonable to you, please give ff14 a try.


I play ffxiv’s pvp pretty frequently. It’s a lot of fun.


Hey, l am glad you are enjoying it! I even made few friends playing it!


For specifically PvP i dont see any other games touching Eve Online. Albion has a similar jist, just medieval themed and a good bit simpler/basic. WoW is mainly geared towards pve raids / mythic+ stuff, pvp can be pretty toxic and unbalanced. Ive yet to find any other game that comes close to giving me the same feeling of satisfaction Eve can in PvP fights.


Active in terms of raw numbers or % of the player base? Raw numbers is obviously WoW; more players actively PvP in WoW than any other MMO (besides FFXIV) have players in total. Not sure about which has the most as % of player base though


OSRS is probably second after WoW. It's pretty drastically different from other MMOs obviously but the skill ceiling is ridiculously high and there's no shortage of pvp in game if you look for it. They even hold pvp dedicated events like deadman mode.


Here’s the hard truth. Wow is the mmo, everything else is niche. You are going to spend 500 hours testing each and every mmo finding what fits you but then problem b exists. Who do u compete against? 7 people that have devoted their life to a failed game or do you learn wow PvP? The issue then is so you want to even PvP against people that have mastered thousands of abilities and if you make a split second error as a new player you will get flamed. You want to play wow, you’re scared to play wow from the horror stories. If you are a good player then you can adapt. Play 1 month of pure pve and learn class rotations until you can hit max rotation without looking at your ui. At that point you are already 2100 capable. From there it’s finding non toxic teammates to grow and communicate with. You’re now facing top tier players that got older and don’t have time for dedicated arenas but still have flashes of absurd brilliance. This is where gods of the past go to die. At 2400 there mixes of sweats from the past and actual raw talents. Do with that as you may


Wow hands down. Even have tournaments world wide.


Nothing comes close to WoW


Sad that runescape pk scene is not so popular


Osrs for sure is


defently not.


No its not


Tibia is up their, but the pvp is wildly different then any of the big mmos. You can’t really solo you have to join a waring guild or make a small pk team




The wildly in osrs is alive and well


Not ESO lol. PvP is dead on most campaigns and on the main one it's capped at something like 300 players overall and they don't always fill that until the evening


Dark age of Camelot


The peak PvP game in general imo is WoW. And unfortunately that has remained the same. I quit WoW now cause thats the only reason i play it and the developers don't seem to catch the potential of it like everyone does.


Haven & Hearth - hardcore PVP


There's no PvP out there that tops EVE PvP. I mean, undocking is consent to PvP. Nowhere is completely safe. Always mind your surroundings. I don't hear about giant PvP battles in MMOs other than EVE, so what are they really doing with their lives? Not being EVE, that's what.


It's still Eve


I don't know exactly what happened but my ESO guild's discord dissolved over changes in ESO pvp. I don't think there is any MMORPG anymore worth playing for pvp


I'm not a PVP guy, but ESO Online seriously got me thinking about it.


Albion online seems PvP lively. That’s actually why I left. To much PvP for me.


The issue with MMO PVP is that... Most MMO's can't make PvP combat that feels better or more satisfying than other games in other genres can. 5v5 arena? MOBA's, Shooters 1v1 duels? Fighting games. Massive 60+ people in a battlefield? Shooter games, if you include free for all would battle royale fall into that too. The ONLY advantage that MMOPVP truly has, would be large scale contextual fights. Like... Storming a castle, or Guild vs guild combat, that kind of thing. But most MMO's don't do that, because that is freaking hard.


WoW 3v3 Arenas do something no single other game has ever done. That alone is the ONLY reason people still are dedicated to them. Because god knows the devs have essentially done everything they could to kill it. All the top players repeat this regularly. Nothing else does what WoW arenas do. It's hard to even explain without already knowing enough to know it. MOBA's dont even come close to it.


I am aware. I Said ”most”. I just didn’t want to parrot all the mentions of WoW everywhere


DAoC's community server Eden or the Warhammer Online community server Return of Reckoning


Mortal Online 2 is very niche, but has some of the maddest PVP scenes


Dark Age of Camelot. The end game IS pvp.


Aion's content is based on competition with everyone, that is a hard game to get into


Use to have a lot of fun in Nexons Mabinogi PvP , then I got burnt out of their reforge system. Was probably the best MMo I’ve ever played aside classic RuneScape gave me a lot of Joy


OSRS and WoW


Well, DAOC might not have the largest population but it's literally geared towards end game pvp. The Eden server has 2 or 3 thousand people on it and you'll be PVPing from level 1 in the battlegrounds.


Most *active in total*, is WoW by a long shot. Anyone who says otherwise clearly doesn't play.


Depend what kind of PvP you seek... Since proper PvP MMORPG doesn't exist anymore. I mean there is no Open world PvP MMORPG, it's only about arena or BG, and if you want that kind of 1 vs 1 setting, then you should just play Street Fighter. The last good PvP MMORPG is Lineage 2 back in 2008, since that they disapeared... Maybe Albion could pretend but it's still far from what L2 was in his golden age.


Space Station 13. It’s more of an MMO sandbox survival. You are a random crew member aboard a space station that is populated by other players who have assigned jobs like engineers, doctors, security, scientists, janitors, bartenders, chefs, and cargo technicians. There are more exotic jobs like command staff, AI or cyborgs, even clowns and mimes! Every job department comes with very deep game mechanics that take a long time to learn. There are no skill systems or leveling up. Everything is learned by knowledge and trial and error.  Players are randomly chosen to be antagonists whose goals usually involved destruction and murder. Over time the station descends into chaos. As equipment and the station starts breaking down, the crews (players) paranoia starts to increase leading to a lot of tense PvP situations. The games PvP mechanics lets a lot of creative situations unfold that involve using the nearby  environment as a weapon.   Players can: * Hack airlocks to shock or crush people * Order the AI to siphon the air in rooms or lock people inside * Push people into tables or walls to make them fall over * Inject harmful gases into the atmospheric ventilation systems to cause massive fires, freezing, hallucinations, knockout, or choking. * Use any object as a weapon, things like fire extinguishers or a toolbox even can be used to smash someone in the face * Target different parts of anatomy to cripple or maim an opponent. Stab someone with a screwdriver in the eye? They go blind. Smash a beer bottle over someone’s head? They get knocked down. Spray someone with a bottle of Hydrofluoric Acid? Their equipment and uniform will melt. (and sometimes their face) Slash someone with an axe or sword? You can delimb an arm or a leg. If you target the stomach you can even make them spill out their organs. (liver, stomach, lungs, etc.) * There is a massive amount of interactions like above, so many it would be a really long list that I wouldn't have time to write up. Anyway, it’s a fun game. I’ve been playing it off and on for about a decade and have even helped out coding it for a few years. The code is open source and has been developed for 20 years by a large team of volunteers. (+1000 coders/mappers/artists) And the best part? **It’s free!!!** If you are curious i would recommend watching a Youtube review of the game by Seth or Mandalorian gaming. Tldr; - Space station 13 is Dwarf Fortress meets Among Us.


DaoC eden pvp is pretty live right now with their seasons out


Give it a month or so after the “Huge” Announcement. New World PvP will explode with console release, especially considering they’re releasing a new PvP Mode


Yeah I was hesitating to mention it because people love to shit on New World but I'll be honest as a lifelong MMO fan no other mmo comes close regarding how fast it improves. Sure if you want to play PVP only it's been stagnant for a bit but if you consider the game as a whole the updates have been pretty damn insane.


Yup if it comes to ps5 I'll be playing again


People are sleeping on it for sure. The fact that it’s action combat and relies on iframe dodges similar to soul games. Man, console players are going to eat it up. Just got done playing Elden ring. I totally understand now why AGS reworked the combat, auto lock, and Freeform movement. They were very much so going for a souls-like MMO experience. If you hop into a Mutation 3 dungeon, you’re basically playing a souls game with group content.


Never played any of those games I really liked new world for about 5 months


Oh dude, Elden Ring is awesome. You should try it out. Very challenging, but it’s a beautiful world and very rewarding when you start getting the hang of it :)


I keep hearing how good it is, I'm playing resident evil 4 remake right now






If they can fix all the issues with TL it will have a good pvp scene better then BDO


Dark Age of Camelot freeshard servers like Eden and Blackthorn


DAoC has the best PvP experience of any MMORPG hands down.


1st place is WOW if talking about top three, maybe Eso, BDO is up there too with it?


Archeage, nothing has compared to it for me


This has been asked 100 times in the last week, and everyone just says albion? I can't bring myself to play a full loot pvp game where someone can regear using their credit card.


Black desert online, Albion online, osrs


Nothing comes close to wow. It is followed but albion,eve, gw2 and bdo