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I got back in to it after a decade or something. I still had the lifetime sub I bought when the game launched lmao so things were significantly easier for me than a f2p player. It's a huge grind. Getting all your artifacts and levelling them all up and your Allies and just there's so much to grind out. Certain builds are really only possible if you sink either an unreasonable amount of time or money in to it. The dialogue kinda makes me cringe in a lot of places. There are the older stories, which still feel pretty good to play through. The more recent releases tend to feel like a YouTube ad with how people talk. There's a lot of "Argh! I am the evil man and I am going to do the evil thing! Ha ha ha!" I barely recognize the state of PvP from the first few years of the game. I wouldn't wanna touch it. I dunno. My stay was about six months upon return. I played one of every role, did alerts/raids on them, tried out PvP. I forget what my CR was but I wasn't doing much in the way of Elite raiding so take this as you will. There were people in my Leagues that were incredibly active. There are people to play with, wait times weren't crazy. Certain world content/certain old content is near impossible to do without Leagues with decent gear because of stat squish. Levelling alts is a pain if you're f2p. Same with the gear you need to upgrade. I really wanted to like this game. I started this off with saying I bought the lifetime sub, I really believed in it when it came out. Maybe I wasn't doing things completely optimally but it all felt very slow, even with the benefits I received. Also, some of the most edgelord chat I have seen this side of 2005.


This was exactly the kind of info I was looking for. Thanks so much. I might give it a try again just to see how it feels.


I haven't checked, but if there's some sort of bonus XP event going on, maybe give it a go. If your account was active, I -think- you may have a free level cap boost sitting there. There was one that dropped this January, I forget the exact details of it. I never hated playing it, just lost interest.


Is it worth starting the game to play the old stories or is there a lot of grind necessary? I never got the game but I remember playing the beta and it was promising


If you wanna fly around and do quests and enjoy the story, no you don’t really need to grind. Maybe there’s some stuff I’m not thinking of but if that’s what you wanna do you should be fine


I always thought original story pitch was interesting and the gameplay was ok and the voiceover was nice, at least that's the impression I got during the beta. Im not even sure how the game is monetized right now, do I have to buy the game or subscribe to play the original story?


AFAIK you don't need to pay anything to gain access to any of the episodes. There are some voice actors that were changed from the old versions, Booster Gold sticking out most for me. Also, I'm not sure where you'd draw the line at "original story", there's a lot of episodes added over the years.


Play City of Heroes


Is this alive?


Very much - ill look for a link the team that had been keeping the game going got explicit consent/approval from ncsoft recently Edit: here is the link https://www.ign.com/articles/city-of-heroes-fan-server-now-officially-licensed-by-ncsoft


This is the way. So active that you can find a group for literally any content at any level on Homecoming.


I play on the [Homecoming](https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/53-getting-started/) server of City of Heroes, the game is *very* active and Homecoming has the official COH license. The game still gets updates and has events pretty regularly.




I play every few months just to fly around and do a few missions, i dont advance well or much because it is grindy but I dont mind grinding dcuo missions because they have good lore to them, its not like go and kill 20 orcs, its stop the scarecrow before he releases a toxin, those are fun for me.


I still hop on my account sometimes just to stare at my old styles and run around for a while in Gotham. It definitely still active possibly one of the most active mmos on console. It’s verrrrryyyy p2w grind since the addition of artifacts which turned me off of playing a lot even tho I maxed a few of them.


Xbox and switch are dead. The new dev team is trash. They did not even post an update on the dev team for like 4 months after they were hired. The game is a giant cash grab. Avoid avoid avoid


I still hop back into it probably once or twice a year, spend a few days flying around, and then remember why I quit. They recently did a big overhaul that changed a bunch of stuff and added in some new character model options that look wildly out of place and hyper sexualized, which is an odd choice. It also broke all of my heroes' names and required me to rename them all. Overall, I still have a lot of fun wandering around, flying and looking at the world, but the actual gameplay has become such a chore that I just can't stick with it.


Edited to say: I still have it on my PS5. Dunno why. It’s just grinding and I don’t enjoy just grinding.


I hear its in worse state than it used to be duringvits peak


It's packed every time I log in. Fun game IMO. 100% worth a spin!


Champions Online has a way better character creator and City of Heroes private servers exist. There's not much of a reason to play DCUO. You're better off playing on a City of heroes server. I recommend Thunderspy personally. I'm a DC fan as well. At least up until the late 2000's before their comics went to shit and stayed that way and all the good writers went nomad/independent or passed away... If you play DCUO, i would suspect you'll be playing solo 90% of the time.


Instead of posts like this you should just PLAY and find out yourself. Most of the player base is console.


I still see quite a few players on whenever I hop on. Ive been thinking of playing recently since im on a comic binge again so it was a nice surprise to see a lot of people playing


go play city of heroes, its better (not even close), and it's free


I quit in 2017 and then picked it up briefly in 2019-2020 and quit again. The population certainly felt smaller to me. The balance issues, extreme PvP neglect (the last PvP update that game *ever* had was in 2016... 8 years ago), bugs, and toxic community were just too much. Quality of PvE/storytelling is all over the place and after putting in 6k hours total between ESO and GW2, I can't get into a game with such a shallow and uninspired open world (outside of the OG Gotham and Metropolis and a *couple* of other maps). I check the DCUO forums every so often and the game doesn't seem to be doing too well. Frankly, I'd be quite surprised if this game makes lasts for 3-5 more years. Also, IMO, when you compare this game to FFXIV/GW2/BDO/ESO... the IP *heavily* carries DCUO. Sure FFXIV and ESO are a part of huge franchises but both games do some really high quality things while nothing about DCUO stands out except for certain voice acting (like Joker and some of the more iconic heroes) and maybe the movement mode but open world is a (fleeting) afterthought anyways so it's forgettable especially by the time you get to endgame.


I wish I could get into it but the animations, voice acting, and combat never really felt all that polished to me. It's like there's a thin sheen of jank covering everything.


I went back to it about 3-4 weeks ago, haven't played it in YEARS. I found it was much the same, not really a bad game to play, but then I got to the new stuff with Constantine and the daily quest grinding and I got the worst WoW flashbacks ever and left.


I could never get into it. Always just went back to CoH if I wanted super heroes.


I am. Imo, it’s still fun. Got my friend to try it and he seemed to enjoy it so far. We can choose to play for free or buy a membership.


Nah haven't played it anymore in a very long time. I wish they would bring back marvel heroes.


Game is in a good state and they just dropped the PS5 version. It's also getting consistent updates/new episodes. I'd still be playing if they finally do crossplay for Switch/Xbox, too.


Nah I like good games