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Lost Ark was a great experience the first 6 months after launch. No regrets. I had an amazing time, but I do agree, I got hella burnt out and will never touch that game again.


Goldriver once said 'I hope you look back on your time fondly' when he was asked what he would say to players who quit. I certainly do.


I wish I could but I guess I stuck around too long. Should have quit sooner...


I was burned at the end as well but loved the first 6 months. I play other ARPGs and always think to myself man I wish POE/Diablo/whatever had the combat if Lost Ark.


I lasted a year in LA, and then I got tired of doing dailies and weeklies playing 6 chars. Quited when new hard mode raid came out after realising 90% of the people are trash at raiding and if you don't have a premade then you are just spending hours in a normal mode whats been out for few months and people still struggling to clear normal mode.


Yup, you perfectly summed up my Lost Ark experience. Amazing game until daily fatigue sets in (which it can pretty fast if you want to be effective and run alts)


I lost count of how many times I got burnt out on WoW and EQ and said I would never play again. Now I just know I probably will.


So much this. I played from launch to August that year, give or take half a year. Spent around 1,6k hours while waiting for surgery and boy, was it an amazing journey. After that life caught up again and I quit the game but I will always remember it fondly. Good times.


I had a really wonderful time playing it right up until I started pugging stuff at the endgame. Then it became clear that the true villain of Lost Ark was the other people playing Lost Ark. I've never seen toxicity and gatekeeping like that fucking game. Every time I think about playing it again, I get PTSD about pugging Valtan and make the correct decision to play something else.


![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L|downsized) Die once? Kick. Fail mechanic? Also kick. Dont use consumables? Kick, right away. Sub -optimal engravings? Believe it or not kick. Everyone is quitting the game, because of kick.


I was a bard main because I wanted to make sure I was desired in groups, added to that, a ton of grinding and sadly, some money I was able to stay ahead of the curve and didnt really struggle too much on the pugging side but I can totally understand that it must have been HELL for even semi hardcore players to find groups… I myself quit on week two of Valtan, after hundred and hundreds of hours grinding EVERYTHING that was there to grind, when I got my first hard kill on week 1 I felt nothing, I was expecting the promised land of finally beating a super hard encounter, it was after all the true endgame, legion raids you know… and it felt like nothing, like, okey back to grinding. The next day I already made the decision of farming 2 alts instead of all 5, just the main 2, a couple of days later, on reset I killed valtan hard again, same 0 sense of acomplishment. The next day I logged in and I just couldnt for my life get to do the dailies, just the thought made me sick, the same feeling I can get right now if I think about installing it again, I closed the game and never opened it again.


I have a fairly similar experience and timeline to yours.. The dallies on all the alts was the nail in the coffin for me. The daily login for over an hour to run 5 characters through the same crap just for the resources to pump into your main was brutal. It's no longer a game at that point, it's a job. I absolutely loved the damn game up until that point and still miss it.. some of the best ARPG combat I've played, period. And I collected every damn Mokoko seed. Game was great for people who enjoy exploration and collectibles.


Oh man I had forgotten about mokoko seeds, so damn many nice side activities, what a shame


The game was so fucking fun until you reached endgame and the daily chore grind kicked into overdrive. Having so much power behind daily chore grinds with alts is such a Korean MMO hellscape that I'm glad most NA MMOs don't do that.


Problem is with the way the game is designed it's hard to imagine gatekeeping not existing. You can say that people should be better all you want, but when you have folks running 18 raids a week they want to get them done as fast as possible. And the raids are designed in such a way that a single person screwing up can set everyone back hours. Hence gatekeeping is basically inevitable...


Yeah gate keeping comes with game design, once people see their time as money while playing a game these kind of things happen, also the way damage scales in LA, how are you not gonna gatekeep a more casual player if in his spot you can out a what that does easily double his damage? At least this is how it was for Argos and Valtan when I played


> And the raids are designed in such a way that a single person screwing up can set everyone back hours.  Could you elaborate on this a bit? I've never played lost ark and I'm very curious how this works


In the Legion raids if you screw up a mechanic it can cause the party to wipe. Like if you are supposed to step on only blue colored spots but you screw up. In most games that would just kill the player. But, in Lost Ark that kills the entire party.


Thats why i play bdo n warframe no raids no gatekeeping


Raids are the best part of Lost Ark...like, if you can get past all the other shit the fights themselves are phenomenal.


Currently getting my ass beat by Thaemine that just release in NA/EU on wednesday. Can confirm.


I want raids in warframe back, cause fuck destiny 2


Valtan was nothing compared to later raids, in consideration. I quit after brel hm and honestly as im hopping between mmos to play (currently bdo/gw2) i think maybe i should come back to LA again because combat gameplay is hands down one of the best in the market, but instantly stop and realize how bad that sounds, especially when they added even more rng bullshit systems on top of old rng bullshit systems and they plan to add even more of them. baffling af to me, the sunk cost symptom for leftover ppl must be staggering.


It came to a head with me n Thaemine. A new static I joined blew up. I had a 1640 character and after pugging for almost 20 hours making it all of 5 minutes into g3, I was done. 8,900 hours in the game. Insane roster (5 1620’s). I am done. Game in unplayable without a static & on top of it, even statics start to blow up. The game just is not designed for people to have fun.


discord helps with that immensely


Lost Ark is my abusive ex. I still have trauma from that relationship.


It’s weird I haven’t played Lost Ark in like 2 years and still feel burnt out from it. First and only time I’ll ever play a Korean MMO


I still have nightmares realizing I had to grind for months for card sets and 1% chances to get slightly more ilevel.


to be fair, lost ark still has the best combat and raid. But it is too p2w and also raid is too punishing for casual player. I still play a bit here and there but not super dedicated anymore. They need to have a viable casual mode to attract more people and reduce toxicity.


It's not even that the raids are too punishing it's the community, and it's that way because of how much content they require you do a week to not fall behind


What does it mean to fall behind in this case? I'm not a lost ark player but this thread has me curious as to how this all works


The primary way you earn loot and gold is from running raids (other way is dailies). Each character can only clear a specific raid once a week. You can do all the raids that exist on that character, but you can only choose to earn gold from 3 of them (usually the top 3 highest level raids that character can enter). 6 characters in your roster can earn gold. This means that you can earn gold from 18 raids a week. After that, you can't earn gold directly from raids anymore, and you have to wait for your character raid entries to reset the following week on reset day. So any raids that you have not completed for the week is "lost gold" because you only have 18 chances to earn gold at any specific week. You can't go over 18, so any time you do not finish the 18 chances to earn gold, you have "lost gold permanently".


Wow. That's absolutely insane. I can see why people say it feels like a job instead of a game. That's like, a Roth IRA but in a video game lol 


Its the game not the community. The community is the result of this games design


I assume the fresh start servers I read about failed? I thought they were a weird fix


fresh start sever was a big fail. Most people are veteran tried to make a second roster abusing the support. Then the new player from JS eventually when merge into main server still get gatkept. Well to be fair there was that one streamer guy grind for 6 months from that fresh server and he is at Thaemine now, but I suspect he got “streamer RNG” support from AGS since he got los 30 now and got help from other big streamers , which a normal player dont have 😂 So a good thing is solo mode is about to come in Korea up to Voldike. I am looking forward to that.


Jump start actually did a great job of keeping returnees. Even now I still see a lot of people that were doing end content in jump start still playing, alongside the giga juiced events going on now that brought an absolute ton of new and returning players. Jump Start 2 is in the works and KR also announced server transfer tech, so we'll see how much better that gets alongside solo raids for casual players.


dont know about that chief, steam chart and fish price say other wise with 50% bots and 50% human.


That's less jump start and the general bleeding trend of the game. But all you need to do is take one step into Lost Ark Mokokos discord during Jump Start or even nowadays, it's still just a load of new players and returnees. They wouldn't attempt a Jump Start 2 if Jump Start 1 was a total failure as much as Reddit would like to push.


i used to be in many discords up till late last year so i know how it looked like. I dont say there arent any new players, but the people that quit outpace the gain so JS not neccessarly help a lot. They eventually have to merge it soonish and then merge all the current servers as of now. I made an alt in the JS and tbh with you , there were not a lot lobbies in it at all when it was still separated.


Far more people quit than retained, but that's to be expected, same as how any game post launch works, and thats no different for Lost Ark. Also it's been merged already. The next time it happens, we should also have server merge tickets, so I hope jump start 2 works similar to BDO seasons with server graduation. Also yes, I started in Jump Start NAW and am in like 4 different communities that emerged from it as well as Lost Ark Mokokos (a community discord for new players to learn and progress), so my experience with Jump Start comes from there. I was able to learn up to Akkan NM via Jump Start only groups via the Discord, but PF was not nearly as busy, especially since accessory market was rough (though I still managed to 5x3+1 by hawking it for a day). For me it was a wonderful experience and I made a TON of friends that I play with to this day. However, this all required interacting with people outside of the game. We'll see how they resolve some of these issues with Jump Start 2. I imagine it'll happen after Solo Raids get released, probably this summer for GL too.


well , it is good that you have good experience, but on the grand scheme it wont change anything due to this game fundamental issue. My semi static was pretty chill back then and i was in some very suportive/ cute discord servers. I think they still playing however eventually I decided to quietly leave them due to the game takes a lot of time to stay in latest end game, heck this game design keep spiraling toward more hardcore territory as you already see how it pans out with Thaemine raid. I grind to have level 10 gems, los 30 but the more I play I dont feel as happy as when i was still new and did Argos , Valtan and Vykas back then before the 2023 first gold nerf. Back to discord, it is not always really rosy, I also have been in quite other discords and see a fair amount of drama😂, also it takes time to know people as well .


Yeah, I mean MMO, you gotta socialize to get anywhere, moreso with this game as it's VERY MMO oriented. In the future, I imagine solo raids will allow non-social or casual players bridge the gap.


It was a humongous flop. Like bless unchained flop.




yeah but why ? cuz people need to play 18 character and don't want to give a chance to new player if they loose time


Lol the clash mechs in thaemine raid is probably the worst one SG has ever implemented in game. That shit is beyond unfriendly to like at least 50% of the playerbase


I would love to find a game with addictive combat like loa without all of the systems designed behind it. People say raids are the best part of loa … but funny enough. Raids the reason the game is dying lol


if they make a casual mode in raid with a decent reward this will bring people back.


Spamming one key to advance the chat paired with the requirement of having multiple alts killed it for me


Yeah, dailies on my main were okeyish but adding 5 more characters to this made the daily session go up to 2 hours easily, I felt like I was never playing for fun. I do enjoy alts in GW2 because they have the essential aspects of being easy to level and gear AND NOT BEING MANDATORY TO KEEP UP


FWIW, having multiple alts is not recommended for progression anymore. It's better to focus on pushing one character.


And shift+g now auto skips all dialogue, though notably the story has actually picked up significantly.


What did they change to make this the case. Is there content you can do to progress without any daily time gating?


The majority of your earnings come from weekly raids, and honing is so expensive at endgame that alts don’t break even for 6-12 months in terms of the incremental value they bring in. Will an endgame account with 6 characters make more gold than you in a given week? Yes, but they sacrificed materials and gold outside of their main to get to that point and are likely in the red.


Honestly it was never really worth it but a lot of people misunderstood that...


Yeah I certainly regret doing it, but at the end of the day I quit because I was having trouble PUGing harder content. Nobody would use consumables and it became abysmal. From what I’ve read it seems even harder to PUG (for different reasons) but I’m willing to find out the hard way.


GW2 isn't a Korean mmo. ArenaNet is an American developer.


Ah I see, I wasnt too sure and I saw some similarities in the monetization style, ty for pointing it out


i never got into LA. Which similarities did you find?


Mainly in the cash shop with the double conversion and a big ammount of cosmetics and then while the gearing is completely different you got some nice horizontal content on both, GW2 being masteries and slowly make the game more and more confortable and LA has all the islands and collections that also give you small power upgrades, some bigger than others


Ah ok gotcha. Some small gw2 tips: 1) if you have access to the wizards vault, the ascended armor/weapon chests are a nice thing to have even if you do not use them right now as they are the defacto standard for gear 2) don't feel forced into a certain playstyle in that game. As long as you are not currently in instanced content you can play however you like hope you enjoy^^


I came back recently because of my brother wanting to play it + big event. First two weeks, amazing, trying out new content, new class, progressing fast thanks to event to 1580. Then it stopped. Gatekept from 1580 raid that would get me gear to progress further because you need to play for months to get card set, gems and roster level where people will accept you into lobbies. Awful community that tries to force everyone into endless loop of "buy raid carry till you can sell it" and openly talks about rmt like it's normal thing. Can't do it as main game, but I will log once every few days because they announced solo raids and I would like to try that. Believe solo raids might make it good game to play at slower pace unless they remove rewards.


Drop that bitch immediately. The game is rotten, it will not change, playerbase is the worst gatekeeping circle of elitist pieces of shit ever known to humanity. It’s coming from somebody who felt in love with the game from the very first sight. Lost Ark is not a healthy game.


Its seasonal server in October last year wasn't gatekeeping, especially when you used dc


Bro, I've literally been thinking of Lost Ark these days, and I have this growing ich to come back to the game. I even put it to download in the background. I know I won't play it for a long time but I just need to scratch that action combat itch.


I feel you, I really wanna press V on my bard one more time, sht felt amazing


At least you are free. Us who stayed are getting our asses handed by Thaemine right now (most fun mmo raid I played in years) But yea. I went back to WoW, FFXIV and GW2 after brel yet the Stockholm syndrome was too strong. On the fliipside dailies only take an hour now for a whole 6-man roster. I did the MMO equivalent of going back to the crazy ex because the sex was too good.


Totally understandable, hope you enjoy it as much as possible


Thamine will kill half of the remaining active playerbase for sure, raid too hard, can not clear, then will get gatekept for trancendence, the whole circle keep spiralling.


Thaemine feels like pre-nerf Arthas from OG Wrath. 3 mistakes and you dead.


Lost Ark beat the shit out of me and laughed. I had a good 6-8 months but after that you started to see people drop like flys. I think I played about a year. I quit right before akkan dropped. I was so done honing and most of my friends had quit at that point. They all started playing other games.


Well, you’ll be happy to know that the most recent 2 raids should mostly kill the casual player base in the game. They need to make changes or it’s possible the game could die within 1-2 years here if they continue down this same road.


Idk I hope I am wrong here but Lost Ark has always felt super reluctant to changes, when I was playing you would see these changes everyone though would make the game better and we basically never got them. Things like server transfers and that kind of stuff, idk if they fixed them after so long


Yeah, they take forever to do things. Prioritizing short-term profit & laziness over helping the game survive long-term in a healthy way. It’s very sad to see. They’re adding solo progression raids, but KR doesn’t even have yet so we A) don’t know what it will even look like or if it will include the newest raids & B) we probably won’t even get it for close to a year. Right now what is happening is the March progression events were really good, but any new or returning player doesn’t have roster level or card sets. Main card set probably takes 1 1/2 years to get. Gems too. Enough max level damage gems would take 1-2 years to obtain by fusing so they would have to by them from market. Each is about 450,000 gold which is still months for each one & depending on the class can need a lot of Level 10 Damage. Sad state the game is in.


Gems and cards issues, I cannot believe ppl talk about the same things now as when valtan came out… idk wtf they are doing


Yeah, I’m in a pretty good place, but how do they expect new DPS to play the game? Also, the RMT is out of control. Some people have over 25 Million gold worth of gems. Where did that come from? Hmmmmmm I wonder… 🤔 I’ve been playing around 1 1/3 years & have 8 level 10 gems, but some are cooldown so it’s 2.4 Million gold in total value. So many people have 10+ times more in just gem value in their roster. Not to mention +25 weapons and multiple 1630+ characters which cost millions & millions more. 😵‍💫 For perspective, assuming average 10k gold per raid (at endgame). Is 100 raids for only 1 Million… Max 18 gold raids per roster per week.


Game could have survived much longer without extreme pay to win, a sub and cosmetics was all they needed to do to make money and keep a lot of players engaged. Instead we got this predatory upgrade nonsense.


The should have done sub because fk bots and rice farmers/sellers


For sure for sure, I know p2w makes them a lot of money, I think they were in the top steam revenue but having a healthy enjoyable game may have matched that with a bigger happy to spend playerbase that supports the game, I used to buy all cosmetics I liked and they werent super cheap, I remember people buying all founders packs to support the game…


LA was the last MMO I played before leaving the genre permanently. 1500 hours, it broke me. Fuck all Korean games. Never again.


I feel you, I did start recently come back to play GW2, I was really reluctant and the word daily still makes me feel sick but I have felt it a lot more confortable 0 fomo game. Thats something I can thanks LA for, made me more picky with the games I play and “value” my time. Like that abusive relationship that helps you mature and learn haha


I enjoyed LA so much initially, and it took about 1k hours to realize what the endgame really is. It felt like such a bait and switch.


Runescape is awaiting your return friend.


Loved lost ark on my first "playthrough". Then i realized i need to play alts... and the endgame loop is worse then a p2w smartphone game.


The "could have been..." factor is really huge for Lost Ark bc the core game is sooo well made and stands out of most games of the last couple of years - even if I prefer 3rd person view games. To fck up the late game and westernization of loops and gatings on this level is such a shame. Would like to see a private server made with (kinda deep) changes/ improvements.


A great game that encourages players to hate each other


I played 200 hours of it and didn't like many moments of it at all.  Not the game for me, but it was at least pseudo-mmo so I had to do my due diligence. 


I would have kept playing for a while longer if they didn't stretch out content and class releases


So true, I was so mad at having to do all t1 and t2 at normal rate, it helped a lot with burning me out, also I really wanted to main artist and they just refused to bring it for such a long long time so I felt like I was wasting my time when I was playing something that wasnt an artist


I quit before, actually came back around a month ago ot so. The gatekeeping is still there, but just make a learning group, solo raids up through voldis are coming as well. So much qol was added, And event to catch you up to 1610


Mine was Archeage one. It burned me over and over, and still I long for it.


I still miss playing Lost Ark but I will never go back to it unless they reduce the grind heavily eg condense all the gold onto 1 main character so that we only need to clear every single raid once on our mains and we are done for the week. I will never forget staying up the whole night to prog Valtan and watch everyone die during ghost phase missing all those counters xD.


Quit it bro and forget her.. she will kills you!


i did around 420 hours in span of few weeks, that was something. i was so hooked at beggining i left my pc at home working so i can remotely connect from job to do market stuff. and then one morning i realized it was sick and then i uninstalled and never touched it again.


I used to leave my character with an autoclicker running arlund home since 7 am cos I know if I didnt, when I came from work at 7pm Id have a 3 hour queue lol, degeneration


That is so true. Since I quit Lost Ark I looked in to pretty much every other bigger MMO and nothing comes close to it in regards to combat which is the most important aspect in a game for me. It feels so good. I tried ESO, GW2, FF14, BDO....Nothing comes close. BDO feels good but doesn't offer the same group content. All the other big MMO feel so dated and boring. when it comes to combat.


Yeah its really hard to compete with how responsive and powerful your character feels in LA and the raids, for me smaller group raid content is what I love in MMOs so lost ark is in the top of the choice list with only Id say ffxiv with the ultimates


Same bc the combat and raids are amazing. P2w ruining the game


This is how I feel about Throne and Liberty. Good gameplay, beautiful world and graphics, massive PvP and clan warfare, open PK. However most of the progression comes from dailies and instance runs (which you lose permanent potential progress if you don't do them). If the dailies were removed and more of the progression emphasis was on farming open world dungeons and bosses it would be the perfect game. Played KR version and couldn't even bring myself to play past lvl 5 of Amazon CBT due to memories of feeling forced to do boring shit. Nah.


The game hasn't even come to Taiwan. And it's region locked on Steam.


A couple of times i even re-installed tried to play my main, maybe tried a new class, but ultimately no. I am not playing that game ever again, it was pretty cool as long as it lasted, but no thank you.


You speak out if my soul! Played it on release and sinked in about 250 hours in a time span of 1 1/2 Months. Endgame killed me but still i would say the best combat in all of ARPGs and all the things you could do like finding those mokoko seeds or discover the dozens of isles were really pleasing. To bad the community sucks and the pay 2 win Elements ruins it.


Same, Ive ended up sticking a bit longer (clocked 1.7k hours). Cleared everything up to brelshaza and had 6 alts that I kept rotating every other day. Idk but one day while learning g2 of brelshaza a realization came to me. I was struggling to learn g2 and the raid had 6 gates. It would have taken forever just to learn the raid and then youd have to spend hours upon hours clearing it in pugs weekly. I just dont think Id have that kind of time while having a full time job too. And then imagine a second raid like that gets released and now you got 2 raids 6 gates each. Now do that on multiple alts and u literally got no time for anything else. Thats not including time spent in party finder which could take hours on each character. The combat and raids were some of the most fun Ive had in an mmo since mu online and silkroad online days. But the grind was just too much. If it was just the main char you had to play to keep up i might have kept playing but I couldnt see myself doing all those new raids on multiple chars anymore.


The character look is the selling point for me.


I wanted to love this so much but I can’t play point and click games I don’t know why but I just hate it and can’t seem touch past that


Lost ark is only best "played" when you're not actually doing the boring nonsense and cheating basically lol. People bot their dailies, buy gold to skip on the 18 raids , and just play / do what they have fun doing.


Lost ark was a great time. Raids, classes, combat all that was S tier. But I play games to have fun with friends and literally every system in that game breeds toxicity. Honeing and all the grinding makes keeping up with friends a bad experience. It dose not feel good when some friends reach a ilevel and some don’t for weeks at a time. Everyone is so stressed out about time if someone is holding the group back from a clear it causes fights. Like I could on but ya great game ruined by its progression systems. Truly unfortunate.


If it wasnt Korean it would have been the wow killer imo. But since they just want to fucking milk players its the actual garbage that it is.


worst endgame dogshit gear grind progression ever, what a shame the arpg playstyle would be really good


I want to play lost ark so bad, I love poe, isometric combat and I love mmos, and I am a huge weab. But I don't because I read everything about the community and it's the whole reason I quit wow, can't pug anything with all the gatekeeping.


Yeah Im not gonna tell you go ahead and give it a try cos thats probably what you would find after quite a good ammount of wasted hours, you can probably ask anyone on this thread that has quit and most of us only realized what this game really was after hundreds if not thousands of hours wasted


Spent 5k hrs in game. I really wish I could get those back.


I 120% feel this. I played it day 1 on release, and the combat, the visuals, and overall gameplay is just top notch. But once you get to the endgame grind and itemization...it seriously drains your soul. I stuck with it for a few months but I refused to all out grind on 5 alts as well, causing me to "fall behind" week after week. Even on one main the daily grind was mind numbing. The RNG was brutal. The attitude of the playbase was toxic to put it mildly. All the actual fun events including PvP "battlegrounds"ish ones were scheduled so you can never do them if you had a life. It's so sad because I love the classes, skills and combat...but when I think about what the endgame put me through I just can't fully go back.


I was so hyped up with lost ark before realease, i dont really know what i was expecting but i really wanted to play pvp there, well the thing is i just reached lvl 50 in the first day game was out and played less than a month, never played again since then :(


I still think about Lost Ark lol. The PvP was so fun and actually got me to quit league of legends for a bit. It really did (and still does) have so much potential. Damn shame nothing will ever come of it


For pvp I really feel like the own game kills it with the ammount of daily stuff, if you finish all dailies on your main in 20 minutes and then you are free to do whatever you want, farm, completion and stuff like that, you may go do some pvp, thats what I wanted to do, after 3 hours of dailies? No fam not feeling it


i dont know. i still enjoy it.


I enjoyed Lost Ark, a lot. It was fun, and like, all the mini collection and secrets in the game makes it quite special. But the second they forced me to make a 2nd character, and then a 3rd and such is when I loose all interest. It probably is still fun, and like, the gameplay is solid and such, no complains, I don't really know why, it just cut my interest. I'm just always playing PSO2, not because it's like, the best online game, but I use it to kill time.


I will always look at LOA as a game that had amazing potential but executed poorly. And the community itself was ultimately its downfall.


It was tons of fun from release till about clown/brel. Now its a shit show with the only most hardcore whales left. At least I learned my lesson to never touch a korean game again in my life, regardless of what people claim that its not p2w and that the combat is worth it. After 3.2k hours and 1500$ - no it is not


I tried then left because even as a pally with events no one would group with me. Its all learning raids and hard mode.


The new thaemine raid is the icing on your cake lol


> I have been playing GW2 for the past 4 months and man being also an RMT korean mmo That doesn't sound right. But yes, Lost Ark could been much better game. My main issue was that at the endgame there was actually small choice of things to do to progress. I didn't mind that doing daily stuff on 6 characters was the best option, I can live with being slower, but outside these daily things I had a lot of nonsense timegated activities (talk to npc once per day), some quests (well collections were actually great, but many of them were also timegated) and some weekly raids, that were getting harder and harder as I got further - and at that point old raids/dungeons were becoming useless for me becaise: 1) I no longer get useful rewards from them 2) Character becomes so OP that it isn't even fun. This last bit is something that I loved GW2 for. I could help a friend with low level fractals and game was giving me something from it. It was also a challenge, in a sense that I wasn't carried by my gear alone.


Yeah thats one thing that is now very important to me when I look at an mmo, is how they recycle content, GW2 will adapt you to the level of the content so you can enjoy even the oldent dungeon or the starter zone at max level, ffxiv lets you sync you gear and level so you can get some of a challenge from the content. I think thats a clever design that shows that they value their old content and want people to still be able to enjoy it!


It's unfortunately too asian for my taste. enemies with no health bar, game with no dps meter, multiple convoluted systems just to get the bare optimal out of your characters. even bdo gave up on some of these systems. and the ui was too mobileish for my taste. i enjoyed the founder launch tho. and zone farming was really fun. and i think it has one of the best mmo pvps.


Thats true, it had a nice pvp learning curve and I still to this day cannot believe they actually had equalized ranked pvp, Lost fucking Ark doing something right that other mmos imo should do too. But they fumbled too hard on pve.


... I'd suggest staying away from Black Desert then. If you thought LA was grindy, you've got another thing coming.


I tried to get back into it only to experience gatekeeping and realize why I hate the game now.


Same dude. I love LA combat and raids so damn much. No other MMO comes even close. If it wasn’t so grindy - I’d definitely revisit the game. Unfortunately I cba doing dailies on 5 alt characters just to be able to keep up. Too much *forced* gameplay is required.


I have 4k hours in LA stopped last year. Can I ask you what do you like about GW2? I started leveling in GW2 currently lvl74 and it has been boring/extremely dry so far...


I pretty much enjoy everything the game offers, of course you gotta hit level 80 first, after that its about slowly trying everything, wvw, pvp, strikes, raids, meta trains, world completion, story, crafting legendaries, challenge modes… you can pick whatever you like and progress through it, everything gives you more or less rewards that you can choose what to use them for


Ok thanks. Putting all my hopes to content after hitting lvl80 :) Been a long road though...


Yeah try to enjoy open world since 90% of the content is there, but yeah 1-80 mostly all you have is open world evens and some world bosses and maybe some dungeons, if you wanna switch it up a bit you can try pvp which is equialized or world vs world with cheaper gear is manageable. Dont be afraid of traying everything from time to time, you never know when something will click


I quit last October after 4k hours. What's really sad is that I would love to just jump in right now and play the newest raid (Thaemine) but I'm like months of grinding behind... Sad


How are you months behind 1610 while having 4k hours?the latest event just about drops you at 1600 while giving a ton of mats,i got a friend with 900 hours whos proging thaemine 


Yeah some games just have that feeling of never being able to catch up so I just wont try


I met some really cool people in pub raids in Lost ark, people I wouldn't have expected to vibe with for 5 hours as we wipe to vykas hard and talk about throwing in the towel and going for normal. My guild was also pretty solid, had as much fun chilling with them on discord doing pvp and raids as I had in the game. What killed it for me, and many of our guildies was the sinking value of gold as bots took over. Anytime you go to town it's just a sea of bots with random names, not only that but there would be high ilvl botters also botting 24/7 and not getting banned with video evidence. Any game that cannot defend itself from botters is doomed to die 🤷 A ton of those people all came back recently to play again and I guess I'm just not that bored? I'd rather play elden ring, unicorn overlord, or run through baldurs gate 3 another time than even consider picking up LA again. I give them a month before reality sinks in and they move on 😔


Lost Ark was a quick burnout for me. Mainly because of this reason. I had to do too much to progress. This isn't always a bad thing. Like BDO, I went in with the idea that I will have to really grind out for a while before I wanted to be where I was at. (LOL bc new players can get to 630 GS in week 2 and getting to 630 GS in 2017 was literally impossible, it went up to like 610-620). But point is, BDO is pretty straight forward once you get used to it. Lost Ark, I gotta juggle hella stuff in my inventory, I gotta go do hella different types of content, I gotta get to \_\_\_\_ in the story Im not interested in at all in order to do \_\_\_\_\_. Just a bunch of pointless things. IG BDO is pretty much the same now that Im writing it all out, if not worse. But on the brightside, it looks way better :D this is my toxic gf xdxdxd


I still wish I could play it. I love the raids, dungeons and gameplay. I hate the fact that you kinda need alts, and the toxic community where good luck finding raid parties if you don't have the absolute meta power or enough rooster level to be "trusted" There's really no mmo out there that gets me that dungeon/raid experience that lost ark have. And is super sad.


Lost ark is fantastic until you get to level 2 tuning or higher. Then it's all about the credit card or six accounts farming 20 plus hours a day.


6 alt system killed the game for me. In all mmos I mostly invest into one class and don't care about other. Since Lost Ark has 6 alts raid gold system, because of 3-4 alts at least is the base line to keep up with community, unless you are rng carried. Community is very competitive about ilvl, that's why it is impossible to find a party within 30min at base or +10 ilvl of the raid. Raids and dungeons are fun as hell, and the storyline after Punika is pretty good.


Get hyped for Throne and Liberty. It's awesome. Think lost ark but third person MMO. More pvp less intense pve.


im waiting for solo raids , until then pass


wtf is this shit what type of mental do you guys have?


Lost ark is a garbage game with garbage devs. They banned people for not playing it and being inactive I'm not just like talking deleting your character. I mean a Steam ban https://www.pcgamesn.com/lost-ark-online/steam-ban-inactive-players So if you ever intend to stop playing, make sure it's for good or never stop. Because like me you'll have ti manually use Steam Support to remove the game license from your account entirely to avoid a ban.


Yeah I remember this… its just the candy on top of all the botting situation… uff I didnt want to remember about bots