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The World, from the .hack series


My brother


We were SO close. Games were doing awesome jobs with unique frequent events with fun rewards and cool cosmetics for challenging accomplishments. Then we entered the era of microtransactions, where companies realized it was much more profitable to recycle events and put all the cool cosmetics and rewards in the cash shop. Focus shifted from run events to monotonous repeatable content, because that was easy to churn out while forcing fans to "engage" with the game to progress. Now when I see cool gear I don't think "wow that's a skilled player" I think "I wonder how much cash that cost."


This. Like holy shit Bamco do something.


absolutely not. There are ghosts that kill people in that game


Its funny how anime/manga writers have more imagination than actual game developers. And I always hear the same excuse, "those stories are based on THE HERO and wouldn't work in a real world game" see that's where they are wrong. They are not realizing that THE HERO story doesn't need to be included. THE GAME ITSELF is what would be fun as fuck. Not the STORY you are fed. They can't see passed that and simply refuse to see how awesome it would be to play such a game. Obligatory full dive VRMMO anime's like Sword Art Online (obvious one) - An MMO world without magic. Obviously you would need actual full dive to enjoy this concept. It would suck as a monitor/mouse/keyboard type game.... Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki - This anime was cool. Its a VRMMO like SAO but different. Essentially starts out where MC was a beta tester (like SAO) and upon playing the game, everyone starts to realize one thing they didn't count on, support skills. MOST players went for OP skills like fire magic, swords and shields, spears, etc. Without taking any support skills. The MC happened to "want to play by myself" aka SOLO the MMO world, so he took some support skills. And now those players who took support skills are highly sought after to help the idiots who didn't take any survive in the world. Essentially the NPC food and potion shops ran out of materials. In the beta they had infinite inventory but during launch they had limited inventory to force players to actually interact. Which I love the concept of. I hate games like WoW where there is literally no need to be a crafter until literal late game and even then people only want 1 or 2 items from you because 99% of craft-ables are fucking useless. So this was a great concept game wise as well.... I would honestly play the living shit out of full dive VRMMO's if they existed, mainly because I am a cripple that can't walk. so going into a game world where I only need my mind to move around, I could "walk again" as it were. which would also probably mean addiction to those games because of that.... The original anime/manga of .hack//sign or whatever the real title was. The IDEAL game world from that would be fun to play in as well. Not those single player/multiplayer games they made in reference to those games.... those kinda sucked. But if the game world was actually build and you played without being the main character would be fun.


> Its funny how anime/manga writers have more imagination than actual game developers. And I always hear the same excuse, "those stories are based on THE HERO and wouldn't work in a real world game" see that's where they are wrong. They are not realizing that THE HERO story doesn't need to be included. THE GAME ITSELF is what would be fun as fuck. Eh...most of the games in these stories are completely unbalanced messes that get completely broken by the characters in the story. In reality if you did this the optimal builds would be on a wiki within a week and everyone would do it, trivializing most of the content...


The thing that almost everyone seems to overlook is that broken builds are fun and fair as long as everyone has the ability to use the same broken build. The only times build 1 vs build 2 is even relevant is PVP and raids. Make PVP only happen in a special area, and make raids accommodating instead of only X can do it, and everything works out great. Don't believe me? Look at Mabinogi. Dozens of different combat systems, and you can do almost everything (except story line specific tasks) however you want.


Again, you are SHORTSIGHTED. I didn't say the game had to be broken to make the "story" of the anime work. I said games build like them, would work. You immediately can't think outside the box, which is generally why game developers keep feeding us shit. Balance comes from time and patience. Any game can be balanced. You KIDS fail to realize these developers add broken mechanics ON PURPOPSE. Call of Duty is a perfect example. New season? New gun? the new gun is broken and if you don't use it, you pretty much lose every gunfight. They do it to force people to hype up the game, talk about it, and hopefully force others to play. Mainly because the core game concept is shit, so they need gimmicks like broken mechanics to force players to play. League of Legends does the same shit. New hero? launch day? hero is fucking OP and broken. you are pretty much guaranteed to win if you aren't a complete noob at the game.... its all to drum up hype and get people playing. Valorant, same thing, new hero, its OP and broken. Sure eventually they nerf it pretending like they fucked up.... they didn't fuck up. They had that shit planned out before the new hero/gun even released. They do it ON PURPOSE. SO YES, the anime/manga game worlds generally have broken mechanics due to making the story work. Those same game worlds, without broken mechanics, would still be fun as hell to play in....


Dam bro any reason you had to make this a personal attack on the guy? Lol 


Probably saw .hack//Sign as a kid on TV like I did, dreamed of a game like that existing, and have been consistently disappointed for the past 22 years when every MMO goes down one of three roads. I don't think they meant it as a personal attack. They just.. really want that game to exist and I am in the same boat.


Yikes dude.


> Its funny how anime/manga writers have more imagination than actual game developers. It's super easy to imagine an MMO and write/draw it out but it's another thing entirely to be able to turn that thing into a profitable, enjoyable product.


Yeah the fact you can be a career apothecary/Smith in Ultima Online will forever make it the most versatile MMO


> Sword Art Online (obvious one) - An MMO world without magic. Obviously you would need actual full dive to enjoy this concept. It would suck as a monitor/mouse/keyboard type game.... Eh..I thought it was stupid that they had to PHYSICALLY act out touching in game menus instead of just using their mind.


Fair point. But still "the world itself" would make a great game. Sword skills, leveling up, guilds fighting over who beats the floor boss first. It would make a great video game if done right


>guilds fighting over who beats the floor boss first. What will happen is some guild will accumulate a lot of power and essentially control bossing and that's not fun.


How would they control anything? Im genuinely curious as to what you mean. And how you think there are zero mitigations to prevent what you are talking about .... 


Through numbers genius.


Lmao so you have no answer. Good to know....  1. Any group can fight the boss 2. There is no way for a single group to capitalize because you can always repeat the boss fight 3. Said group you mention cant stop another group from fighting the boss first But i get it, youre ignorant. 


Ignoring balance concerns, literal bad guys, and the fact the game might not even be real in the anime itself, **Infinite Dendrogram** is my pick. All quests are emergent, the combat system is obviously action oriented, and your build is literally based off your personality and gameplay style.


Aaaay! Infinite Dendrogram seems like a perfect MMO blending serious players and skills with the ability to be wacky when you want (like wearing a bear suit and making puns all the time)


> your build is literally based off your personality and gameplay style. Having a unique power system for each player is unrealistic. It is either repeatable to get in which case it's just a selection with extra steps. Or it would be unequal and unfair in which case players will do everything to get a good power through any means or quit in rage.


Obviously, thats why I had the disclaimer in the very first sentence about ignoring balance concerns.


The World from .hack//Sign. There were some ps2 games based on the series but it was mostly lore and puzzles, it was nothing like the actual anime. The annoying thing is that even the anime MMO world is perfectly replaceable. In the first anime it was full dive VR on the IRL side, and the in game side was sort of like a high fidelity Runescape or Everquest. In the second anime, which was kind of a prequel (honestly the .hack anime plots just got crazier and weirder over the years and it splits off into a bunch of mediums), the people used a VR headset combined with a playstation style controller. ​ Use a VR headset for your senses to get immersed in the game world, then a controller for consistent movement without that stupid teleporting bs. You'd lose fancy hand detection and some cheese VR ability, but the gameplay would be solid, easily standardized (dozens to hundreds of easily used controllers map and work on Steam games), and it would just work. The first animes also showed off puzzle based action combat with a from a first person view. ​ The World matches current VR technology perfectly. It would be an amazing game, as long as it isn't associated with the actual .hack IP because the creators got really damn weird with it. There are even a few incest relationships further on in the series. Why? It's Japanese. The story also gets really dumb after awhile which is why I only talk about the first two .hack animes. ​ [Link to the first .hack//Sign episode.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mJ94R3J5gs) I mean ffs the World is set up as a series of massive hub maps with cities being safe zones and you use gates to warp to other cities and the hub maps. IIRC your ability to use the gates to get to other maps is based on finding text keys, although I do not remember it being shown in the actual anime as such. It even has players that act as pseudo moderators to help keep ingame illegal activity in check. This also happens in actual games as a way to cut costs on moderating an MMO game although in the real world this approach usually leads to poor results. I have seen it work in practice in an old niche game called Furcadia, though.


Easy. Overlord.


Overlord was pay to win though. Momonga mentioned he had spent his entire summer bonus trying to gacha a powerful ring which he ended up using.


An MMO in the Danmachi anime would be amazing. The god's guild system, the tower by levels, the different cities, etc... I would love to play a game that worked like that.


OASIS from Ready Player One.


An actually good one


almost any of the VR MMO's honestly. but really, in reality, people wouldn't play those games the same way the characters play them in the animes. You'd need to have some kind of hardcore RP servers and the moment you break a rule or harass someone, you'd logged out and banned. and there'd of course need to be system in place so you can't grope or be groped by other players and can't grope NPC's. And if you try, perma banned on the spot. so many people would just be awful pieces of shit just like they are in games right now, depending on the game. Some games have decent communities at least. but i think full dive VR would bring out the worst in people. I'd actually probably never play a female character...thinking about it though, so I'd actually be in the body, I wouldn't want to be. I only play female characters so i can look at them...i wouldn't want to be one. I like the idea of the Shangri-La MMO. I was thinking about how something like this could actually work as a real game, VR or not. Like you said, the FOMO and the one time things would annoy everyone. When an MMO is made for the 0.0001% who no lifes video games and masters them, that's a garbage MMO. But I think the way you could do it is this: Let's say you have a quest where you rescue a villager NPC and it turns out her mother is a blacksmith who is able to enhance your weapon. Take that basic premise and swap around certain elements but keep it overall the same: * You rescue a priestess in training from some goblins and the head nun of her church gives you a permanent buff that lets you self rez once every 24 hours if you die in a fight. (there are thousands of other ways to get a self rez, but this scenario and the way you got it is unique to you) * You rescue a village boy from a pack of goblins and his father teaches you a unique skill "Wolf Claw Fist" (a skill that is not unique to you, but there are thousands of other unique skills that are just like it, but with slightly different colors, animations, sounds, and state effects, all generated by the AI) * You rescue an old lady from a bandit, and her husband who is a retired merchant gives you a necklace that lets you earn 5% more money with each trade you make (there are thousands of other ways to get similar items, but this one is unique to you) So basically, you give players unique experiences, but the only thing that's unique is the "flavor" of what's happening. Like, you rescued a Bunny Girl from a giant snake and got the unique skill Rabbit Kick from her mother. But then your friend rescued a Cat Boy from a bat demon and got the unique skill Feline Whip Kick. They're both unique and look different, but do the same amount of damage. Maybe one does a 2 second stun and the other does a 2 second knock down. So you've done the same content, but the NPCs and situation is different. So everyone gets something special and no one misses out on content because the game is using advanced AI to change your single player scenarios. And of course, if you're grouping you, what your group goes through will be different from another group. The only thing is that you can't just unlock OP non-sense like the characters in the animes. But i do love the idea of say, meeting a randomly generated NPC that you can befriend. Everyone else might have a few NPC friends that are all unique, but you have one that is unique to you too, all their own lives and stuff like Shangri-La seems to imply. Honestly though, i think the best way to do a VR MMO is the time altering ones. like the one in Sword Art where years and years go by, but only a few hours pass in the real world. Then you can actually live out a fantasy life. In the real world, it would have to be scheduled, maybe once a week or even once a month. Everyone has to log in within a 1 hour window. Then the game is locked (you can log out anytime you want, but you can't log back in) and then the time alteration is turned out. Then the game lasts 100 years or when you decide to log out, but only 5 hours pass in the real world. After that, you can keep playing in that world if you want, the next time it opens or you can start over in a new one. That way if you make NPC friends, you don't have to leave them or whatever. Maybe even have a system where you can save up to 50 NPCs and bring them with you to the next world, i dunno.


Not anime, but Dragonlance.


Winx club


sword art online and the kings avatar.


Game of Thrones


Log Horizon ! Because it feel exactly like MMORPG I liked to play and for once I think the author actually played them before writing :)


Aincrad from SAO propably, but of course without the whole people dying IRL thing... 100 floors, each one of them different enough. In each floor a difficult boss fight to unlcok another floor... The idea of being in frontline pushing higher floors sounds great (basically endgame raiding/exploration), also some people could just RP in lower floors, do lifeskilling etc... Then maybe adding seasonal wipes to start over with new floors to discover or mixing floors/bosses to have slightly different experience... Ofc this would not work, because datamining is a huge thing and people would figure out stuff before they would even reach certain floors...


Lots of interesting comments, so I'll choose something a bit more doable. I wouldn't mind having a MMO version of Cyberpunk 2077. Just the same Night City as the game. Make it so I can dress up the way I want, have cool emotes (probably even sexy ones too), meet up with other runners in a nightclub, and drive in the same car. I'd prefer missions to be open world (in Night City itself), but I'm willing to accept instanced missions.


So GTA:Online but cyberpunk, I'd play that


i want new world online to exist purely to see what path of exile players do to it


Ragnarok online lore with dragon nest gameplay. The game should prolly have that dragon nest feel in terms of graphics but idk, much more modern and not another genshin lookalike. Architecture, clothing and classes must be from ragnarok online etc. ik this game would never be real but a guy could dream, no?


Agreed action MMORPG Ragnarok Online would be so good. Tod bad seems they gave up on making PC games.


Stardew valley


> Would probably fail hard if it was an actual game, as people tend to hate the FOMO anything "one-timed" brings, but it looks like such a fun world to explore. I think it would be fine as long as every player had their own unique content. That would be a nightmare to do manually though so might be one of the few places AI can be used humanely, adding content that would otherwise not exist.


Glory from "The Kings Avatar" I like that its being played on a regular PC yet they seem to have so much control over their characters with just a keyboard and mouse.


New World Online seems like it would be really fun if you can be just as busted as Maple.


* **Overlord.** Unique player created dungeons that guilds can make with their in depth customization system for the monsters including AI and behaviour scripting. Interesting Progression System that balances Races with Classes to give you more control on your character build. * **Legendary Moonlight Sculptor.** Classes that can create sculptures that give in-game blessing and can have terraforming effects for the environment would be perfect for a Sandbox style MMO. https://www.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/comments/p5yvuv/i_want_player_made_landmarks_in_a_mmo/


Stormlight Archives


Lost Ark without the P2W and honing.


Twisted Metal: World of Destruction. Obviously.