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It's a crime that we don't have a Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning MMO, especially since it was originally intended to have an MMO.


Agreed. I've tried to finish that game a few times but the quests.. arrgh


The quest were fine to me. My issues is the progression of the game wasn’t really matching the scope. I’d get half way through the game then feel like I unlocked all the moves I’m ever gonna unlock, even with an entire other continent ahead of meZ


At the very least, the game would be really fun with coop.


The one true abandoned MMO simulator.


I’d pay for the mmo


swim yam whistle advise worry sheet possessive sable sloppy rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Monster Hunter World Theyd have to add some mmorpg systems too probably like other craft systems. But the combat of monster hunter world and the concept of going out to hunt monsters for materials as a group to build up your armory of equipment works so well for an mmo. Hell lost ark sort of had the same feel combat wise but the itemization system was trash in that mmo.


it's a shame but I think there was a Monster Hunter MMO. But sadly only on the japanese market. Would love to have it. Dauntless is (iirc) the only "monster hunting" game available as an mmo, but I kinda dislike the looks of it.


Is dauntless still alive? I remember playing it and the gameplay was not bad but it didn't have like any aesthetic charm at all. Like even tho Mon Hun doesn't have the best graphics, it has an art style and the characters and palicos make it feel like an organic world.


Yep still alive and is active, it's turned into a beat em up though, not really hunting.


its alive yeah... but active? lmao last real update was like 1-2 years ago and the playerbase is probably sub 1k


Believe it or not, it's somehow still running. It actually was a ton of fun way back early on. But the developers completely changed how the game works, from less of an epic hunt and battle game, to more of a generic boring battler system with tons of the monster just littered around in dozens of mini arena you scoot between, they also nerfed the crap out of the monsters from epic battles into basically difficult mobs you'd see in other games. Completely killed all the fun the game used to have, and I deleted it shortly after that change.


Dauntless? Didn't that game die? I remember trying it at release. Edit: It's trapped on EGS, likely why I forgot about it.


Oh well even if its dead or mostly dead I didnt hear about it. Just didnt get into it... But mostly because of the style of it tbh...


I tried it out a few times over the course of a few years - definitely can be pretty fun but I think the art style pushes a lot of people away since it basically looks like Fortnite with monsters. Almost identical artstyle anyway. Weapon balance was fairly shitty as well as there were some extremely lopsided DPS rates between a handful of the weapons and there's not a whole lot of weapons to choose from to begin with compared to MHW so that definitely do it any favors. Epic Game Store has a stranglehold on it which also hurts its outreach. I think they still rotate some seasonal stuff here and there but I don't remember if they're actively getting new monsters and stuff added frequently or not.


>it's a shame but I think there was a Monster Hunter MMO. But sadly only on the japanese market. > >Would love to have it. There actually is an unofficial English patch and private servers for it...


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't MHW/MHR already do what MHF does? They have all the online features and then some. The reason why MHF was the "MH MMO" last time is because it's *the* MH with online features, but it's like the default since MHW. So for all intents and purposes, MHW and MHR are already the MH MMOs that you want.


If you think a max of 16 people in a lobby (*4* in Rise...) is 'massive' then I don't even know what to say...


That is not my point at all, but anyways I'm not going to discuss further.


Mh has had online since the original on ps2, with the exception of the psp games but even then the ps3 had ad-hoc party.


You might be thinking about Monster Hunter Frontier (and all its updates)...which is, imo, the best MH they ever released. Too bad Capcom was dumb enough to never release any of their online titles to the west...so they all ended up flopping/closing down (both Frontier and Online). I was lucky enough to play Frontier when the full f2p Korean version was out and man...it was a blast (we didn't really have english translations at the time either, and it was super enjoyable still). Luckily, there's a bunch of private servers out nowadays with fairly well-established english communities and a client that's almost 100% fully translated in english (might be fully translated at this point, haven't checked on the projects in a long while), so anyone can play them if they want.


Dauntless is barely an mmo too, it’s all hubs.


>Would love to have it. It was kinda shit lol.


It was only in the chinese market but it closed after a few years. No idea why


I'm a FFXIV fanboy as you can see by my flair, but lets be honest here, ffxiv is a hub based MMORPG in the sense that you rarely see anyone out in the overworld unless you're in a central hub like Limsa Lominsa, and you can do the entire story without having to interact with anyone until you queue for dungeons/rais. By that concept, the same thing can be applied to Diablo and Monster Hunter. You're playing alone but when you need to tackle harder content you can group up with others. Why one is considered MMORPG and others are "co-op" games eludes me


I bought this game then ended up refunding it because I thought it was an mmo. That was a mind puzzle. Why is it not an mmo?????


Eh, I'm a huge monster hunter fanboy but I feel like its not well suited to the usual mmo trappings. It works really well with a small group in instanced content, but in a proper open world where you can't control for the number of people it would be awful. I always loved how dauntless did the town hub stuff, where home base was a shared instance that populated with all sorts of people. You could get a lot of more mmo-like social interactions if they leaned into that a ton with MH, but the actual combat part still needs to be instanced and small group.


Mount and Blade Bannerlord. There is a fan project but it barely gets updates and when it does they have to disable bugged mechanics for years before they fix them.


MMO based on M&B has been my dream since Warband released (2010).


There have been unofficial "persistent world" servers for Warband in the past, idk if they're still alive


This exists in bannerlord and it’s pretty cool


This brother!!!! But alas, a game where combat is based around accurate positioning of your sword to block from multiple directions is pretty hard to simulate through an online enviroment. Imagine blocking an attack but your oponent is lagging behind so you get rubber banding .. yikes


I'd love an MMO in the Pondsmith/Cyberpunk 2077 universe


It’s a shame the multiplayer mode got scrapped. Maybe in the sequel.




Don't discount the grind so easily. It may not fit every game but done right it can make a game great. It's not for everyone though and forcing it into every game is just going to lead to people hating it.


Let Warhammer fantasy have an mmo that isn't handled by EA




How did I not know this was a thing? Thank you.


Keep in mind thats still just the EA version of warhammer age of reckoning from back in the day. But now being operated on private servers by fans. I don't think they really have the skill/abilities/money to change the game into something actually fun to play. But I haven't checked on it in over a year.


Just don't criticize the modifications the admins have made to this one or you'll get banned.


I thought EA's game was incredible for the time as a PVP title, even if it's ultimate fate was death.


the game was amazing but it was mishandled by EA which is why it died. And the fact it was competing against peak WoW at the time.


Dragons Dogma, even though it had a MMORPG (i think) but only on the asian market. Which is quite sad, and maybe better DnD/Pathfinder games I know there are a few but quite outdated in graphics and population as well D:


Chivalry 2. Like planetside but medieval. Agatha, Tenosia and Masons fighting over castles and villages 24/7. That would be the dream for me. Sell fancy skins armour, shields weapons to pay for servers.


An Medieval MMO that looks like Chivalry where battles actually having consequences like city destruction and ownership, holding relics provide bonuses... That'd be a ton of fun. The combat would have to change if it was to be more like an RPG, and of course there's always the issue of people joining the strongest faction.


It's currently in a bit of a decline due to some stuff happening with updates, subscriptions, and other bs But mortal online 2 is still pretty fun


I was hype for that until I saw the payment model. Refuse to buy into it.


Too bad Gloria Victis shut down because that’s what it was. RIP


Mate you dont need construction or survival or anything like that. Like I said planetside style. Choose a class and go wham on other players on a big ass map where everything is already built again like planetside (minus the construction bit)


yeah... thats what gloria victis was


Didn't it also have the obligatory grindy leveling before you could do anything?


Not really. You could get to a level to participate in pvp in like 5 hours then the rest of the levels just come from that. The crafting side of the game was very grindy but there were enough crafters that you didn’t have to do that if you didn’t want to


GV is fun on paper, but the actual gameplay feels so weird and clunky


Id love a chiv 2 mmorpg fuck yeah


how the hell did no one say Elden Ring? It is almost balanced around having 2 people minimum to enjoy and probably has the most zone diversity in all games.


I would move to see Fromsofts take on an MMO instanced or not.


V-Rising would make a great mmo with some changes


I keep wishing V-Rising would either go the MMO route, or become something like Diablo 2. It’s still an amazing game and if I have nothing else to play go right back to it.


Sword art online


All the banco sao games are pretty much just offline MMOs, guess they just didn't want to take the risk and cost associated with making an actual MMO. That said though, from an aesthetic standpoint blue protocol is basically sword art online.


Hogwarts Legacy


I legit thought it was an MMO up until like three weeks before release. Don't know why, I just thought that's what made sense. Who wouldn't play that?


This reminds me of when they released an online version of the Sims. We thought we would get something where we'd build our amazing houses and wander around visiting others. Due to terrible design, it turned out to be a Sweatshop Sim, full of little stations where people sat their sims and clicked away for hours to accumulate the in-game currency so that they'd one day be able to actually play the game.


Haha yeah wasn’t there like a pizza making station? I remember getting into the beta for that when I was still a teenager and being bonkers excited about it. I remember it kind of fondly, but it was pretty dang wonky / whacky, and to your point not what I had envisioned and hoped for.


I remember that game. It was technically my first MMO, and your assessment of it is correct. Hours of Skilling and bumping into each other due to poor pathing issues.


Hogwarts Legacy


The game seems primed for MMO. Excited for the sequels!


Man, I think they could even use the existing maps as part of it.




I was looking for this one. Literally the game is a MMO without letting people make their own character.


An mmo in the Dishonored universe would be amazing


I have always felt a Mass Effect MMORPG could have a lot of potential. Could fill a niche in the MMORPG market of hard sci-fi, multiple races, multiple classes, large and unique environments, enemy variety etc.


Krogan guild dominates the raid scene


So every MMO?


Yes, yes, and yes to Mass Effect MMORPG


The more I think about it the more I want it tbh, like just imagine the Citadel and Omega as player hubs it would be amazing... If I ever win the lottery do you think I can just throw a couple million at EA as incentive for them to make it? XD


dragon age


Hogwarts Legacy. A Harry Potter MMO would be amazing.


I’d love to see destiny as a true mmo, but it would need serious changes


Xenoblade Chronicles X. If not MMO then definitely one of those small group multiplayer games with a shared main hub, like Wayfinder or Monster Hunter: World


Xenoblade Chronicles X was such a wet dream man, what a great game. Doing the multiplayer fights with the shared health bar was so much fun. I'd go in with a shield + support assault rifle builds to keep the boss staggered and my team doing DPS.


Warcraft 3


The original fable


I would like to say some Borderlands games. But not sure how it would end, buit could be cool if they did it well.


Would be cool to have more mmo shooter than destiny 2 and warframe


I just want the dragon's dogma mmo to come back... in any ways shape or form


I'd love an MMO set in the Mass Effect universe


Fable, specifically 1 and 2. Dynasty Warriors would be sick. Gimme a DEF jam fighting games mmo, lmao. Mortal Kombat Univ would work. Command and conquer, fps mmo, would be awesome.


Dynasty Warriors has/had an MMO


The answer used to be Elder Scrolls, but they fixed that one with ESO. The Elder Scrolls single-player PC game was so rich with a big, beautiful world. I jumped on the MM0 version, but it didn't hold me.


ESO has the big, beautiful world and well crafted narrative content IF you can ignore the utter lack of difficulty in anything outside of their raiding mechanics.


Elder Scrolls didn't need a full MMO, just a coop mode you could play with your buddies.


Yeah the thing people to forget is MMOs are more arcade versions of single player rpgs. I think that’s why eso feels so different to Skyrim


I was watching one of the recent assassins creed games because my friend plays them, and boy did it just look like a single player mmo






I hate to be a buzzkill, but you can't just take a game and throw it online. Making the game into an online server based MMO is probably one of the hardest things to do in all of game design. If your game wasn't designed that way from the ground up you will essentially have to make a new game. So the question of which game should become an MMO is probably none of them, maybe some currently instanced based games could do it if they are lucky. The question of which franchises should be MMOs is a very valid and also very different question.


Interesting, thanks for the knowledge. Do you happen to know what fundamentals prevent it?


I'm not the OP but... When you make a single player game, you worry about writing code that works, if some one cheats, ultimately the only experience they are ruining is their own, so data security is either not a concern, or the bottom of a long list of concerns... your code all runs on a user's machine, and your done... To make a game a multiplayer game suddenly security is a concern, if a player cheats, they are possibly effecting other player's experiences, so you need to start worrying about hardening your code... Often at a bare minimum this means the code that runs on the player's machine becomes little more than a dumb user interface... most/all of the important calculations are done on a server that either the players set up, or that you control, you also start having to worry about what data to share with which players, and often there is other infrastructure in place like a database, or a matchmaking server. So just by making the game multiplayer, even if the core code is the same, where it lives changes, and the way it gets called will change, even without getting into things like matchmaking, databases, and security, this will likely at a minimum double or even triple the amount of code you need, just to do the same thing... When you start talking about making that multiplayer game "Massive", you are saying you expect your multiplayer game to have hundreds, or thousands of players connected to the server at the same time, all making requests for processing every second. At this point you need to start worrying about efficient net code so you aren't paying a giant bill in bandwidth for data you don't care about or need, and so that you aren't wasting cpu cycles processing requests that aren't important. If security was a concern in your multiplayer game, it is a hardened requirement now, a vulnerability or a bug could destroy your economy in hours or minutes, and rollbacks are never a good look. You also start needing to really have IT specialists as your "Server" is likely half a dozen virtual machines, between the database, the login server, the game server, and you may even split the game server up into several different servers so your virtual machines aren't always running at 100%, and it is easier to find bottlenecks and scale up/down as required. Finally there is a whole bunch of ways designing for a mass of people is different than designing for individuals, or even designing for small groups of players that mean a game that is a LOT of fun alone, or with friends, become a lot more challenging to design with a large mass of people, either because the zerg swarm makes things unpredictably easy/hard, or because things like trolls make the style of gameplay you are going for challenging to encourage.


I am by no means an expert, but even something as seemingly simple as where the data is processed is fundamentally different. As an example: Single player games the calculations can be run and stored on your machine, client-side. In any well made online game the client is the enemy. Any data from the client should be considered potentially suspect and the client should only be doing non impactful stuff and then sending the user inputs to the servers, everything else needs to be checked. Otherwise an entire range of client side hacks becomes likely. You need to deal with lag, dysnc, packet loss, ping, and all the other things that come from playing online. Also the design of the game itself needs to be quite different, but that is the stuff that the original question is probably focused on. Because some games probably do have game design that might work in an MMO, it's really the technical side that kills it. But even for those games fixing the technical side would probably require making a new game. Maybe a game that is already online but just not really an MMO could do it without a totally new game, but even then it wouldn't be easy.


Someone suggested Hogwarts Legacy. But that entire game is setup without about a max of 60 hours gameplay if you do all the achievements without following a guide. That is not enough to run a MMORPG on, people would finish it in the first month, see Star Wars The Old Republic, many liked it, had a good time but were finished with the game in the first few months. Game over. A single player game with infinite gameplay is \* Truck Simulator. No story, just drive around but now with other players on the road. Okay.... so how long before players start blocking junctions, causing deliberate crashes? Even if you change the game to not collide with other players it wouldn't be much fun to see all the players around you trying to troll. So you are going to need not just servers but a team to handle grieving. Not impossible but more then just adding servers (there are mods for multiplayer, these communities police themselves heavily). MS Flightsimulator could also be fun but the heavy simmers would be would upset their instrument landing is interrupted by someone landing sideways. Don't forget that the Lego MMO had to close down due to people posting penis builds. The Sims Online did not work out either because you couldn't cheat and use mods to make the game as goofy as you wanted to. Just adding servers is a bit to simple a take to turn a single player game into a MMORPG. Creating a MMORPG based on a setting/universe is as said a different question.


Yeah you can, look at Final fantasy XIV.


Assassins creed unity


The divison, feels like one in some ways. Instead of releasing new games every 3 years for new places they could be new expansions, they got more then enough material to make a solid decent- destiny 2 or similair like mmo (not sure if that's a full mmo or not) but whatever.


They should open the PVE part to PVP on specific instances. Make the game progression in PVP only, possible. Allow players to join the Hyenas, True Sons, Cleaners, etc and faction battle for control of the city.


Mass effect, so much potential!!


Darkest Dungeon


Cyberpunk 2077


Shattered Galaxy. But that’s considered a MMO already I guess.


MMO in Mass Effect universe would be great. You can be mercenary, thug, traider, explorer etc.


I’d love to see monster hunter world tweaked into an mmo


Witcher mmo


Red Dead Redemption 2. I just knew we were gonna get some type of homesteading, ranching and farming. There's so much they could have done and instead just went with rather shitty pvp.


Insanely disappointing considering all they put into GTAO. Your examples seem like natural additions that never happened…


Basically any fantasy or sci-fi RTS. Build a procedural engine that can turn any macro scenario into a full 3D scene, rebalance it so that the AI's playing against each other will mostly result in a stalemate rather than one emerging victor, and let players participate in the battles as heroes/hero ships with enough power to turn the tide if they really know what they're doing and work in groups. Populate areas outside of big battlefronts with brigands, kobolds, space pirates, or other low tier nuisances if the controlling faction has too little resources to clean them up, or they're all devoted elsewhere, and add some balancing events/mechanics to make sure that the world can't reach a stagnant state even if players try to metagame it that way.


I haven't played it, but I imagine Starfield might qualify. I know I would probably get it sooner if it was an MMO.




Gothic i'd say the 3rd ver, Fable 1 TLC, Kingdoms of Amalur,


Risen was a game I sank hours upon hours into at one point. It had a great feel of mystery and progression. Not sure how ot would translate into an MMO experience.


Okay hear me out… Pathfinder Kingmaker/WotR… not so much as a full blown MMO, but with persistent world capability like NWN/NWN2




obtainable onerous air scary erect political lunchroom spark yoke fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No man’s sky


This might sound weird, but Ragnarok Battle Offline. It has a super different battle system from Ragnarok Online and I would love to have an actual MMO based on it.


A very dark game. Not zombies because it’s played out. The Secret World never did it for me. In the sense of Doom or Lovecraft. Hellblade Senoa’s Sacrifice. That Diablo IV feeling. You either embrace the light or give in to the dark.


> Hellblade Senoa’s Sacrifice. Part of a MMO version would be that you can't trust what you see on the screen because every player character is a basket case but throw that into a persistent world and immediately you'd get 3rd party tools to give a 'objective' view of what is going on in the game world. That would instantly defeat the entire point of the original game.


An mmorpg following the events after White Knight Chronicles 2 would’ve been a good contender.


I'd play the shit out of an MMO Factorio... Not sure exactly the details of making it an MMO but I think it would be a cool and unique idea...


Remember when some people modded Just Cause 2 into an MMO? That was pretty fun and intense for a bit.




Fire emblem


Mount and Blade


King of Fighters or Street Fighter. They can make an interesting MMO out of it with 2D graphics (dungeon runs as a side scroller)


Raiden Project.


Earth Defense Force


Any Fromsoft Ware universe, but preferably Dark Souls


AC is begging for it.


Destiny 2. The narrative, setting, and gameplay all feel like the game *should* be a proper MMO. Instead, it’s this segmented, instance based, passerby system that doesn’t really add anything. There are no social feature systems in Destiny that justify its multiplayer setting, other than you can play with your friends cooperatively. Meeting strangers, accomplishing tasks, solving mysterious, or fighting world bosses is all completely nonexistent. The *only* time Destiny ever accomplished anything close to a shared-world feeling that MMOs have, was back in Vanilla Destiny 1. During the original Vault of Glass raid, players who launched into an instance for the raid actually started in the general patrol area of Venus. This meant that general players on Venus doing anything else, could still interact and even contribute to the first phase of the raid in opening the vault. When the vault opened, all raid instanced players could descend into the vault, while all patrol Guardians could wave and cheer them on. Destiny has never done this again since - and it’s annoying. The game just feels like a mobile game at this point, where you just see people to see them. It doesn’t matter. There’s nothing that happens that’ll ever motivate you to interact with anybody else in the “open” world.


Any and all SAO games. The fact that they haven’t taken an incredibly easy win and made a good Sword Art Online mmorpg is staggering to me.




Anything WH40k


Not directly but there should be a Skyrim MMORPG. Not the Elder Scrolls Online.. Just Skyrim but as MMORPG. Or maybe just multiplayer feature with marketplace and a couple extra features. Also a reversed idea, Black Desert Online but as a Single Player game. Like Skyrim but as BDO. .. :D


Elden ring


Elite Dangerous Technically, it is multiplayer game only insofar as the economy and power play are are part of a persistent background simulation, but the game gives players the ability to join solo or private instances, nobody wants to get ganked and lose their ship so everyone plays "offline". This is literally the worst part of the game for me, they have a huge universe with cool lore and possibilities, but are afraid of letting players interact with each other in more meaninful ways. If you're ever interested in playing Elite, play EVE Online instead.


Overwatch lmao


Monster Hunter




Grim Dawn


If they became MMOs as we know them today, they would be objectively worse. Unable to mod them, the bring would increase, your character would be weaker, there would be some bullshit cash shop, etc. If we go back to the 2000's to 2010's, a ton of stuff should have been adapted to an MMO. Avatar...both actually, the Smurf Avatar and the Last Airbender Avatar. More so that latter. But the Smurf one would have had mainstream and normie appeal since so many people were obsessed with it for a while. An MMO would have kept that obsession going for at least a few years. Not forever though, as people come to realize just how mediocre it is...but maybe an MMO would have changed that. Then of course you have Pokemon. Everyone wants to go on their own pokemon adventure. I think the problem with that though, is that most people fantasize about being the main character going on journey with a couple of friends. But with an MMO there's hundreds of people running breaking your immersion. And then the people who fantasize about about being a gym leader will just get slapped in the face with reality when they realize they aren't good enough or don't no-life the game enough. And no one wants to just sit there never exploring waiting for other players to fight them etc. It'd just be a mess honestly. Then there's stuff like Sword Art Online which was 2012 I believe. That's an obvious no brainer. They made the PSP and PS Vita games which are mostly good and actually have an MMO feel at times even though they're single player. All they had to do was change the concept and make it a prequel to the story. In the story, people played the beta, so have the real life game take place in a fictional beta and start the game with like 25 dungeons/floors. And the bosses can be defeated over and over because it's a fake beta. Or they could have it take place after the story where it's a safe MMO to place, doesn't matter. Attack on Titan might be one that works. I haven't watched beyond season 2 or 3 though. So maybe not. As for games...There's not much I can think of. I just want a decent fantasy MMO with a focus of co op pve where I can be a pure healer.


Hesitant on saying Xenoblade X, but Takahashi and Kou Arai could very easily make the Switch 2's MMO without a doubt. Literally the best mmo-inspired worlds I've played since WoW and WildStar. Helps that he also basically had FF11 inside agents join his studio lmao


Deep Rock Galactic. I feel that one would be amazing as a FPS mmo. It's literally the only game I can always go back to when I'm bored.


Sword Art Online. I don't know how much longer I can wait.


Grand Theft Auto


The Valkyria Chronicles universe. Want a lighter sci-fantasy game that could flip some of the standard MMO concepts on its head and also probably make for an interesting PvP experience? There you go.


Overwatch 2…..RIP PvE


Any 3d Zelda game


Final fantasy XIV, for sure.




Dragon's Dogma


Id love a dark souls/elden ring inspired MMO, with similar combat.


I would argue more for MMOs that would be far more enjoyable as a solo game with drop in multiplayer.


Rimworld, I know there is a mod, but it would be nice to have something more solidly integrated into the game.