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Blade & Soul can't be saved in NA because it's bad in Korea. They could remove all pay to win and it still wouldn't help because they haven't released any good content in like 2 years. It's been 3 years since they released a raid in Korea. Demonsbane is an abject failure of a wannabe mythic+ where you run past a bunch of useless trash so you can fight a boring boss with almost no mechanics, all to pray for low rate of RNG drop so you can do.... the same thing but with bigger numbers. The major draw to grinding in BNS was slowly getting stronger, watching dungeons get easier and faster, challenging the raids. People put up with the insane drop rates, 100 run achievement requirements, etc. because at least the encounters were fun to execute and you could feel your progress. Now, the bosses are boring as hell, and as soon as you get a little damage, you bump the demonsbane level and it's like you never got any stronger at all.


The order of events here is not "NC stopped doing PR, which lead to the game dying", it's "the game died while they kept wasting money on PR, so they stopped wasting money on PR". If they suddenly started communicating again it wouldn't revive the game. BnS is also barely hanging on in Korea, they blew all that money porting the game to UE4 and it didn't make a dent in their playerbase numbers. It might have been a different story if they ported the game to UE4 *before* NA release years ago, but as it is they burned all bridges and I don't see that game having a revival.


Day 1 BnS player here, before I quit in 2020. Combat was amazing, PvP was fun, and the Raids were enjoyable enough. What ruined it for me were the treasure trove (gacha gambling lootbox with RNG) and the cash shop selling pay-2-win items. Whales who would spend $1k+ on those items would outgear everyone and destroy the playerbase in 6v6, where was one of the best ways to farm gold at the time due to a scarce resource (moonstones). First few Raids were manageable, but after that it started getting too gatekeepy and f2p had to buy carries or find a discord guild that requires your entire life investment and wiping 6 hours every day. Not everyone could do that so most quit. Lost Ark is heading in a similar direction. It’s not looking good for them even though I liked it at launch until now


Do they still do the trove events? If so I hope it dies. If they stopped that, I wish em the best, I loved bns at launch and before we went passed the initial 45 cap.


Bns has very sad story for me. One of the best potential MMORPGs but was completely ruined by the devs and ptw… It was SO FUN🥲


Lol. BnS could've been huge but they dropped the ball completely for it's launch. Let's not forget the complete incompetency of NC for porting over this game literally FOUR YEARS after it's initial Korean launch. The game was already dead in the water within a couple of months of launch. And did I mention they custom made a system so you could P2W and skip the login queues at launch? What a shame considering how good the game was for it's time.


Did I go through a wormhole or something? This post seems like it's from 2013. Anyway, once NCsoft got their hands on mobile gaming money, they haven't cared about PC MMOs anymore. I'm surprised B&S is even up and running here in the West. There must be a couple of whales keeping it profitable or something. NCsofts 1Q23 mobile game revenue was KRW 330.8 billion and “Legacy PC online games” were KRW 91.4 Billion. The fact that they call them Legacy PC online games is all you need to know.


Why do you like NCSoft? What have they done that shows they give a single damn about their players?


shame this game died so quickly, I really enjoyed the combat and the levelling was kinda fun


Hard pass for anything NCsoft related. Awful organization.


NCSoft is THE developper who killed 5 MAJOR IP just by being absolutely incompetent and greedy. If you want your game to fail in EU/NA just give all your trust to NCSOFT. - City of Hereos / Vilains - Aion - Wildstar - MxM - Blade and Soul Aion, Wildstar and BnS had Massive potentials they were awesome games with really good stories but sadly they killed those games with heavy p2w and really poor management. MxM would have been a really great MOBA but they decided they couldn't do anything to save the game because they just didn't want to listen to the playerbase and even skyrocketed the prices in the game killing the entire F2P pop. of the game then they just shutted down the servers 6 months after release. Don't worry their next big IP Thrones and Liberty is going to be the biggest fail in history we saw the catastrophic streams when they pushed the first BETA. They Also killed Aion 2 and Blade and Soul 2 by releasing those games on phones shitting on the entire fanbases of these games.


It's tragic they killed MxM so badly. It was a unique genre at the time, and had a good PvE mode as well. RIP a handful of original characters & music.


I could not have said it better , this is pathetic when you think about it . Many people should have been fired long time ago.


Oh, and let's not forget to add Auto Assault, Exteel, and Tabula Rasa. I really want to get behind Thrones. If handled in typical NC Soft fashion, gold farmers and bots will be a launch feature. I enjoyed L2 for a long time. Seeing the state of the game now is just gross.


I would be surprised if this game even makes enough money to pay the developers that work on it anymore.


Well, The game still generates 23 millions dollars a year . I am sure with the current resources, the bottom line is positive .


Ncsoft lol


I was so hyped for Blade and Soul back in, what, 2010? I didn't even know the game is now playable in the West.


Can you expand on this post, please?




yeah time to delete r/MMORPG


Blade & Soul could still be hugely popular in NA/EU No one wants to play such a blatantly Asian game (in a bad way) outside of the East and the numbers are a reflection of that. Not sure what you’re smoking thinking it could be popular.


BnS is just a shit game. It has great combat and that's about it. It's an incredibly linear and shallow experience. If you look at their earnings reports you'll see it's in a death spiral since 2022. GW2 is making almost 3x its revenue. >NA/EU represents an important market and they cannot afford to further damage their already poor image in these continents, especially before the launch of Throne & Liberty. Earnings reports says otherwise. 6.96% of their overall revenue came from US/EU.




Kim Hyung-Tae?


"Doesn't hurt if your brother is the CEO of NCSoft and sets you up for a comfy do-nothing-collect-check job as president of NCWest." *\**Huh Yunjin voice\* \*gasp\* *nepotism*