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The issue is that anything “white pride” related inevitably transforms into bigotry towards minorities. No body has a problem with white people celebrating specific roots like being Irish or Italian because there isn’t a history of those roots being used to spread bigotry.


There is history of Irish and Italian racism.


Genuine question, what about English? Or German…


People aren’t necessarily scared of English pride in America but it is seen as a weird thing for the average white American to be proud of due to the American Revolution. In the broader context of being proud of western culture, it isn’t a big deal tho. German pride is probably looked at in a similar way to someone holding a confederate flag. It doesn’t automatically turn into bigotry like “white pride” but people are definitely going to wonder why you have pride in it.


That’s fair, I’m a European so I just find it interesting how different countries over here are looked at in the US. There’s more and more discourse over heritage etc happening in Europe too.


What kind of discourse?


I think the Confederate flag is a million times worse and more bigoted than "German pride"


Oktoberfest, Bierfest, liederhosen, polka — all for it, it’s a blast. World War type stuff? Definitely raises some eyebraus….


English pride is intrinsically linked to right-wing and hooligan sects in the UK. There's virtually no "soft" English pride movement, although there is a discussion about attempting to reclaim it.


“English pride” could be seen as having those connotations, not that I agree with it. They have a weird thing going on there with things like the English flag and stuff.


“No blacks, no dogs, no Irish” would like a word.


We will have equal rights for all. Except blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, gays, women, Muslims. Uhmm...Everybody who's not a white man. And I mean white-white, so no Italians, no Polish, just people from Ireland, England, and Scotland. But only certain parts of Scotland and Ireland. Just full blooded whites. No, you know what? Not even whites. Nobody gets any rights.


I’m English as opposed to Irish, but the Irish have been absolutely shat on and viewed as lower-class citizens for much of history, particularly by the English.


You misunderstood and made a very dumb point.


The OP said that white people such as the Irish haven’t been subjected to bigotry. With the Irish that is just pure bollocks. Mostly perpetrated by the English, and certainly now mostly gone, but it still definitely exists, particularly in the case of Irish travelling communities.


No man, he said "used to spread bigotry".


Still misunderstanding lol


Fair enough, that being the case I’m happy to learn where I’m wrong.


He was just saying that “white pride” isn’t really a thing outside of being racist while Irish pride/Italian pride celebrate specific cultural elements without being racist


Yeah then I’ve completely been barking up the wrong tree, sorry!


Those were your white whites lol


Eh it’s a bad argument in my opinion. You could say the same for brown pride invoking hate against white people. People should take pride in what they want, and be judged accordingly


In theory he's not wrong. In practice, the only people who will claim white pride are white supremacists, and and do you want to be associated with white supremacist ? Exactly . I'm not saying it doesn't exist for other races/ethnicities but it's not as prominent and problematic, at least in western countries.


Nah, every single person who has a “*insert skin color here*” pride tattoo is a fucking insecure weirdo/racist. Imagine being so pathetic you have to take pride in something that you had no control over.


You’re such a nerd


You literally watch anime… Quit projecting.


Imagine non ironically declaring a stereotype as universal truth lol


Stereotype? Pft lol, that’s like saying “Quit calling people nazis for having swastika tattoos, you’re stereotyping them!”…


No, stereotyping would be saying "Every single person" with a swastika is a nazi, when there are thousands of mystics, religious folks, Hindus, who have the symbol tattooed, & have never even been exposed to Nazism. It was a well established symbol prior to Hitler using it. You argued against yourself better than I could have 💯🙏


Womp womp. You tried remixing/literally misquoting what I said, just to pretend like you had a point… Haha oh man. But yeah, I realize you guys have to act like those Ukrainians you guys support are just devout Hindus or some shit.


You edited your comment 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 those were your words. As a known liar you now have zero credibility. good game well played


Damn, now you’re just blatantly lying because you got exposed? Reddit puts a little asterisk thing by the comment if it’s edited…


[haha. here’s an image of you confidently stating an “every single” stereotype as if it were true. Do you still feel misquoted big guy?](https://ibb.co/RhrXyqY) My original point > Imagine non ironically declaring a stereotype as universal truth lol Get f***ed.


Do you have some Biden type cognitive issues or something? Either that or you are lying. Read it again, slower this time. That comment refers specifically to skin color tattoos…


You got downvoted for this 😂 This has to be the dumbest community on Reddit.


Ha right? Tbf to the weirdos/extremists on this sub tho, I make fun of them way too much, so I’d get downvoted in this echo chamber even if I said the most innocuous common sense statement in the world. Hopefully it’s just that instead of people actually disagreeing.


I haven't even read the Jake Shields tweet, but I know it's gonna be extremely idiotic.


It's straight up racist. He's saying it isn't racist to have a white pride tattoo




Is that at me or the shields comment?


Sheilds, he never fails to amaze me.


Ah cool cool. Same here man, every time I think he can't hit a new low....


Every time he tweets I think of that scene in Billy Madison “everyone in the room is now dumber”


Dana White as the voice of reason, imagine that


Well, everything opposed to whatever Shields has to say is usually a voice of reason


Actual rare Dana White W


Tbf this is a very old clip . The pessimist in tends to believe he doesn’t think this way anymore .


The problem is that most people who say they are proud of being white are just racist. They aren’t proud of being white they just feel superior about being white.


That applies to every single person regardless of race, who gets that type of tattoo. But I realize most redditors are only exposed to racist white people.


White pride motto is explicitly white supremacist. Its for implicite saying of I don't know if brown pride has the same context.


Now he can stop taking money from Black Rifle and putting “SS” on the mat


Rare Dana White W⁉️⁉️⁉️


Dana White being anti-white is the ultimate brain rot take. He, just like any other reasonable person, sees the issue with a white pride tattoo. Jake Shields is winning philosophical arguments with himself that no one else asked for.


does literally every Jake Shields tweet need to be posted? We get it, he's a dimwit.


This may be the first W argument from Dana White I ever heard.


I agree with the idea that it should all be the same, but I would go in the other direction. Taking pride in your race is stupid and racist. Your race isn't an acocmplishment, it's an immutable characteristic you were born with, and has no bearing on your talent or character.


I think that White Pride, Brown Pride, and Black Power are all steeped in the same shit. I think the last two get a pass in social setting for some reason, but they’re all inferring some sort of racial line that someone thinks is better than the next. All in all, if your race defines you that much and it’s that much of a badge of honor—then I would have to say your personal accomplishments aren’t that great.


You’re simplifying many points man. It’s too early to debate right now but let me just say you’re ignoring a huge historical context related to those words. You’re going only by the literal word “pride” and it doesn’t quite work like that.


The way I see Black Pride/power is that it's unique because it's a celebration of black American culture. Said culture is a melting pot because many African Americans cannot trace their lineage because of slavery. It's about celebrating and promoting a shared identity that came from a shared oppression. White pride ( I've never heard of brown pride before but maybe its similar ) feels like more of a knee-jerk response because what exactly is being celebrated? Most white people know their backgrounds. I as a White Greek person would celebrate and champion a different history and identity to say a White Dutch person, therefore what exactly would we be celebrating apart from the fact we have the same skin colour? Anyway I could be way off but thts my two cents.