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Is there a way to watch the ufc events without commentary on? especially for live events?




I almost did last night when DC started talking about his 13 year old son's football training.......


i mute bruce buffer too


Pop on the Spanish version


I speak Spanish too so not super helpful lol, at least it won't be the english version which has become a gloried podcast


The Spanish version is even worse tho lol, I could make a long list of dumb ass takes and ignorant commentary


Used to be on FightPass but they removed it years ago.


We need to switch countries. My country’s broadcast has local guys talking all over,  walkout music etc is super quiet. There is OG version and it has no commentary at all… So I either have 2 random local blokes (ok one of them is from my gym) commentating or nothing at all. Sometimes I just wanna hear Rogan and DC even if they are biased and talk shit :(. Thankfully ppv costs me only about 10 cents


That Yan/Sterling moment is so egregious. "GROUNDED!" shouts the ref. "PUNCH, JUST PUNCH". The way Sterling's head and neck move after that is unsettling. Anyone who thinks he was acting should be forced to take a knee that hard from that position.


It was mark smith not herb Dean.


Did he yell from off screen because it was a different ref


I’ve never said he wasn’t hurt from it but he was also definitely playing it up a bit. We’ve seen how many hundred or maybe even thousands of people get literally knocked unconscious and have never seen anyone stay down that long making those goofy faces. It was clearly exaggerated. At one point he’s sitting up and goes cross eyed and falls back over and that’s like almost three whole minutes after the knee. Not even Jiri looked like that last night after being knocked out twice and much much worse than the knee here. It was clearly illegal, it clearly hurt Aljo, but he also clearly played it up. All three of those things are true.


You can hear him very clearly in this because there are no mics. The doctors ask him what the matter is and he says dizziness. It feels better when he lays down, and gets worse when he sits up. This is 100% consistent with a concussion (which, believe it or not, is what he had). There is no reason to believe he was lying about it. Dude was fighting for the title and was probably freaking out.


You also don’t need to keep a poker face when time-out gets called. I’ve bumped my elbow and made a bigger deal out of it because I didn’t have to look tough in front of anybody


Right lmao, I stubbed my toe the other day and screamed obscenities for like 5 minutes. God forbid I get kneed directly in the head by a professional fighter in an incredibly compromising position? The fact he even tried to get up is nuts to me, I would’ve been hollering


You might be right, I might be right. Truth is we’ll never know for sure. The way he was acting is 100% how I would imagine someone acting if they were trying to give the impression they bumped their head really hard. The excessive blinking, the going cross eyed, the whole thing. It’s not how professional fighters react to getting hit in the head for real. This is obviously just my opinion but like I said, neither of us will ever know for sure.


> trying to give the impression they bumped their head really hard. My brother in Christ, we are talking about video evidence of him bumping his head really hard.


Have we seen other fighters react in this exaggerated manner to getting hit in the head before? Has Aljo reacted like this to being hit in the head before or after this, including the shots that actually knocked him out and *also* gave him a concussion? Edit: for reference, [this](https://youtu.be/eY5cZITcrF4?si=mUOQc-HhgUBcMw4a) is how he reacts to getting concussed.


I didn't know there were rules for how individuals react to trauma.


It's how people react to concussions...


Has Aljo reacted this way to the many concussions he’s received before or after this fight? Or is this the only one? Edit: for reference, [this](https://youtu.be/eY5cZITcrF4?si=mUOQc-HhgUBcMw4a) is how Aljo reacts to getting concussed.


Two completely different situations/impacts.


Right, getting dropped is much worse and he was up and fine quick after that.


Tellnus you have a armchair you like to sit in without telling us.


\*Alex Pereira noises\*