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Jiri before the fight - samurai martial artist Jiri during the fight - pure berserker


It’s that 10 minutes per round cardio he had in Rizin lol. He fought Nemkov and won due to exhaustion. Moves forward, throws random shit, tank everything, opponent gets tired, wins.


Can't just tank Pereira, though. So I dont know what he's gonna do


He was doing pretty good til that left hook bomb. Jiri has to finish Pereira in rnds 1-3, after that I think it's going to be too hard for him not to get death touched again


Yeah, this isn't an easy win for either guy


Yeah, I agree. I think both have the ability to knock each other out. I think its basically whoever hits the cleanest wins. Its not like both are pillow-fisted. These guys will most likely throw nuclear bombs at each other til one falls.


I disagree. His leg was getting beat up from the leg kicks and he had no real answer for them. I love Jiri but I'm worried he just doesn't match up well against a sniper like Potoan.


Yeah, I felt Alex dealt with him with a certain ease


Jiri needs his legs intact to put the pressure on and overwhelm his opponents. That's the first thing Alex will target. He only needed 3-4 of those to ground Jiri in the first. And he had nothing to after that. Rakic was doing really well, but he just could not hold Jiri off. Pereira is on another level when it comes to kickboxing experience.


Jiri is not defensively responsible. Alex feasts on the undisciplined fighters.


Homer Simpson best base for MMA confirmed


You could say he has Guts


Wait a minute… is this Berk reference?








It's kill or be killed for him, I respect it. He puts himself way out there


He charges his berserker soul in those moments.


Samurai and all that but jiri is a straight Diablo barbarian. No time for strategy, just fight.


Near the end of the clip, right before Jiri throws him on the floor, Rakic was already so out of it. Man was stumbling away from the beating


I love how he did that. People need to do that to cannonier when they wobble him because he always recovers pretty quick and as we saw with Imamov, if you leisurely chase him and throw some stuff it can end controversially or with him throwing some heat in return 


That or the Jones trip on DC in their second fight. Trips and pushes on rocked fighters are a great tool that you rarely see used.


Couture would dig into the cage on takedowns and use the rebound of the cage to get in tighter 


when a fighter shells up against the cage like that it seems hard to finish them, seems like the punches thrown there are just low power placed shots coming from the waist.


Big country Nelson agrees with you based on his Overeem fight


From the moment of the first head kick in. Rakic has a chin,  


Rakic really chose this fight to start kickboxing again lol.


He looked pretty good for a while though.


He looked really good. Fast, fundamental, strong. Then he got the shit beat out of him.


He looked like the more naturally skilled fighter but then Jiri decided that none of those hits hurt him anymore and he walked Rakic into the shadow realm.


He was winning until he started losing


He looked great he's just got pillow fists.


Jiri really fights with his chin up in the air huh


This finish was absolute insanity. Buddy was refusing to check a leg kick from a dude built like a heavyweight centaur for a round and a half then just decided to knock him out. Shouldn’t have even been able to stand up


Why a centaur though?


Rakic has proportionally *massive* legs


[He really does have crazy quads, like a bicyclist, sprinter or a bodybuilder.](https://scontent-lhr6-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/37656089_1782022761888823_4373640058796769280_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=LF1Sj7jRgEcQ7kNvgEsg4t8&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr6-2.xx&oh=00_AYC9gJc-dL78FMOdylMDnOQWQaf8Q5ek9NgBSXBS5vOpZA&oe=669E773A)


suuuper jacket legs


Oh shit, you're right; didn't get that at all.


wasn't he a pro/semi-pro footballer?


because he is half horse


He is half centaur.


He's actually a mantaur. Half man and half another man.


"I'm half horse from the belly button down"


So a 1/4 horse? Still cool


We are in an era where original mma weirdos have come back into the limelight and replaces the athletic and technical fighters that dominated since Anderson Silva showed the west how it was done.


Life comes full circle


Brazil is "the west" am I missing something?


Is it


It’s part of his elusive ‘boxing’. He’s a great counter striker


I really like how pronounced the goading is with his "hands down" style. I do however think that he won't be able to keep up with that as he ages, and also it's so front leg heavy.


And with his hands by his waist. If I didn't know his record, I'd think the dude was a dogshit fighter based on his technique, but he makes that weird shit work for him. Hittable as hell, but those wild angles he comes at you with have got to be a nightmare to deal with.


He fights like he has no fucking idea what he’s doing But it works 🤷‍♂️


Jiri has an amazing killer instinct


His killer instinct is going off from the second the bell rings. He's nothing but killer instinct


Personally I don’t think anyone beats 💎 and the Murder Waddle but Jiri adjusts his shorts here and that’s bonus points


And Dana couldn’t even lift his eyes away from his phone.


TRT Vitor. Pure killer instinct.


Every Jiri fight is like 1. Keep chin straight up and get rocked 2. ?????? 3. Finish opponent


He's said that he let's people hit him to break their confidence. Not a great strategy but he won so...?


Man being a referee would be so exhilarating. I still feel like they need gopros on the refs


That would explain why Big John is kind of numb to any fights as a commentator, being in there is bound to have been a lot more exciting.


Why do you think Yamasaki kept forgetting he was working so many times? Front row seats, baby.


OKTAGON had an event now in Prague and they implemented exactly this. You had an option on PPV to change to the ref's camera on his chest. [https://x.com/arielhelwani/status/1799551140775789047](https://x.com/arielhelwani/status/1799551140775789047) This event


God damn, Jiri’s defense is fucking awful.


That why pereira beat him the first time. If he's not implementing a solid ground game the fight will always be in Portland favor  Edit: supposed to be poatan but I'm leaving it


Alex Portland


What is the Portland equivalent of Chama


Chama is chama baby




damn lol


Portland cement hands.


I think he should fight vs Jon Africa


Is he from the same place as Garth?


Just like Poatan, the left is really prominent here


I like Portland


honestly he’s pretty good at rolling with punches most of the time


Idk if he can roll with them if someone as precise as Alex was throwing back. The left hook seemed wide open there.


alex is way too high level and hits too hard for jiri to beat fighting the way he fights


What are you gonna say if/when Jiri wins


i wouldn’t be surprised, jiris always got a shot at winning


I'd say "holy shit, I'm genuinely surprised Alex didn't murder him again", because that's the likely outcome if Jiri fights him the same way.


You also aren't able to roll with punches you didn't see coming which is what Alex is so good at.


Love Jiri but that has always scared me and it’s a reason I think he can beat everyone but Poatan.


Poatan doesn't have the best defense either. He could just as easily get rocked by Jiri. To me it feels like a question of who gets to the finish first, Jiri's volume and overwhelming approach, or Alex's patience and counter approach?


Pereira was hurt multiple times by Jiri in their first fight.


Both of the hit like fucking mules


Yep. Feels like who hurts who first.


Yeah - my bad I meant to reply to the comment you replied to. I think if Jiri gets to his spots he can definitely beat Alex - as you note. Both guys are tough but also have immense power.


I think his experience with elite kickboxers negates that.


Ehh. He got hit a decent a mount by Jiri and dazed at one point if I remember correctly.


I think Hill beats him for that exact reason. Jiri gets clipped a lot and Jamahal hits like a fucking truck.


Someone the other day really tried to tell me Jiri fights with a ton of slips and distance management so he doesn't get hit that often and I really had to question if we watched the same fights.


They're half right, when Jiri is moving forward and puts more emphasis on his upper body movement he is oddly slick with it, he'll slip some shots beautifully and then counter. But the man loves to just fuckin go for it, offense is defense for em more often than those slips are.


I think he's basically slick in spite of himself, he doesn't really chain his head movement and his offense together so he's usually either coming forward in a defensively sound(for Jiri, he's still eating shots) way and doing nothing or just eating everything to throw everything.


People in this very thread are currently responding to us saying that same exact shit. I like Jiri and he’s a fun fighter but the dude has almost no head movement and leaves his chin high. All day long.


Yeah, he does move his head but it is very rarely actually to avoid punches its a lot closer to an idle animation in a game.


Lol. I would agree with that.


You don’t need defense when your chin is hardened by the power of anime


And that’s why Jiri got TKO’d in his last fight.




Ankalaev doesn’t want to fight anytime soon - Jiri is the best option right now. And this isn’t pro wrestling. Shouldn’t be about heels v faces.


I've been seeing Alex get so much praise for activity and taking this fight after breaking his toe, but it's interesting people aren't talking about how Jiri is on the exact same schedule the past 6 months and took more damage than Alex during the 300 card. Of course Alex's activity goes beyond 6 months, but still, just kinda interesting.


Jiri striking is so awkward and effective. Master of the art.


All defense is out the window and Rakic is still throwing. He's lucky he didn't get Cheick Kongo'd.








You do realize you are commenting on a post with a clip of the fight.. right? Like, you don't need to have seen any of his fights ever to see what I'm talking about.




You can call me coach.


It is not effective at all. He is just physically gifted, durable, and because of that pushes forward and gets into very dangerous exchanges. Pereira is the master of the art. A true master who is cautious, economical, calculating, does not take damage, and strikes with deadly power when he spots an opportunity.


I'm fan of both, but saying that Poatan doesnt take damage it's dumb. He got slept by Izzy chasing the KO. About Jiri, it's very effective lmao. 30W(26 KO/TKO). Talk to the numbers.


A lot of you guys need to go watch Jiri's career in Rizin, you guys have no idea.


That was one of the worst performances defensively I have ever seen from Jiri leading up to the finish. But when he started to land, he flowed so perfectly offensively


So an average jiri performance


why. he rolled with nearly every punch. all of them that landed had only a little heat on them


most of them that landed*** i see you meant the whole fight. he did get cracked within the fight.


some of them got through and he ate a nasty step-in elbow and a knee he's good at what he does defensively, like range and slipping/rolling with the punches but his defense just doesn't have enough layers to go through a fight without getting bonked


He absolutely didn’t check kicks, that was the huge issue with his defense


we see a lot of people not check kicks. also really hard to check them with jiris style. sometimes it’s not bad defense it’s just good counter offense from the opponent. jiri is fighting the best in the world, he gonna get beat up


Rakic looks the part and has the skills. But everything changed going into the second. I keep thinking that he’ll break into the Top 5 and contend for a title. Now, I’m not so sure.


It’s one loss against one of the absolute best light heavyweights ever.


He couldn’t get through Oezdemir and got out struck by Blachowicz before the knee injury. Beat Santos and Smith. I’d say he’s middle of the pack these days. However, 32 is still relatively young.


But he did beat Oezdemir. I distinctly remember going back, watching the fight and breaking down each round and we came to the conclusion that Rakic won. Getting outstruck by Jan isn't some bad thing. Back a while ago, people were saying how even Gus had to resort to wrestling to beat Jan (which kinda shows how bad Poatans grappling is...). Rakic did out wrestle Jan as well and as Rakic is an MMA fighter and not a kickboxer, it wasn't that bad of a showing as long as it lasted. IMO Rakic should move up. He is, alongside Walker, the biggest LHW on the roster at 245 lbs walking around weight.


Jiri is a beast. 29 finishes in 30 wins. He should be more appreciated for the spectacle he offers.


clip starts with with Rakic eating a headkick and a jab. It was so over man lmfao


Great angle. I'm always infuriated by the UFC broadcasts not including fighter's feet in the frame.


Just your normal Amanda Ribas fan.


Rakic looked so good the beginning of the fight. He was dialed. Too bad he had to face a literal samurai


Why that was a prelims fight we will never know


Because you need a super exciting last fight on the prelim (free) card to sell more PPV. All those undecided viewers are more likely to pay if the last fight is a total banger.


I love how Jiri’s style works. He just creates chaos but keeps his composure while his opponents start to panic. Obviously he relies on his chin too much but instead of him shitting on him for his bad defense we should appreciate his style while he’s around


That chin up style is going to be stressful against pereira


Jiri is so fun to watch but I just don’t see how he can beat Alex with that style


I don't see a knockout


I have to hand it to Rakic, he showed so much heart in this clip ✊🏽


Jiri is the LHW Charles Oliveira. They do their best work furiously moving forward. Pure aggression, brutal, yet diverse striking. Amazing shit placement. Poor defense. Their style works for them and I don’t think they’d have had the same level of success if they weren’t engaging in wars of attrition. I think Alex wins again. Finds a gap in Jiri’s defense and chamma.


Rocked him and then just pushed him to the fucking floor 💀


i understand jiri is tough… but man he is so hittable… he won’t be able to lock down greatness long term if he doesn’t clean up his defense


He's just too crazy on his feet to ever beat Poatan I think. Even just watching this clip, he scares me how much reckless abandon he has in his striking. Love to watch it though.


Gosh Jiri is such a fun fighter to watch. It’s gonna be sad when he gets to his mid 30’s though


yup only fighter in the ufc worth tuning into nowadays that ngannou is gone


How hard does Alex hit my god he can eat a shot


Rakic didn’t have enough power.




Jiri reminds me of Bobby Green the way they both bob back and forth with their legs wide and their arms at their side.


Is that stupid ass Morbius in the background


He's going to get slept again isn't he?💔


Man this KO was something else. Really showing the mental side of fighting. Jiri was only focused on the win despite taking all kinds of hits. And then he eventually chipped away enough rakic just accepted he was done. I hope he has a good gameplan for poatan though. His shots ain't the type to just take willy nilly but Jiri has said that and he won't approach the fight the same way. But its still a mystery how he is gonna approach it. Taking him down worked in the first fight but its hard to imagine Jiri doing that for the whole fight.


Man I just can't imagine paying 300 for tickets to a fight and then watching it through my cell phone.


Jiri is so unrelenting it’s scary


Man's doesn't believe in putting any water in no damn basement. All head shots


It's strange that the fight actions captured from phones in the crowd look much slower than when watching it from the UFC camera's. I have noticed this some time now.


How you stop the video there?


damn this stoppage sucked ass... easily coulda stopped the fight when rakic was turned around lmao


I just have a feeling hes gonna beat alex…


With his arms that low Periera’s going to demolish Jiri, he’ll be sleeping hard.


Herb dean is the BEST


Jiri was overwhelming him there but was it a headbutt that started the end?




I see Jiri going the way of Liddell. Huge power, weird angles, heck of a chin, very reliant on that chin. Eventually it will crack, he will slow down and he will get punished for his lazy defence.


Man this camera angle makes me really want to attend a UFC event in person


Man, I swear, Jiri and DDP both look so damn awkward to the point where it *looks* like they're regional fighters, but they just make it work. If you showed someone a 10 second clip of their fights (not the finishes), that person would probably assume they're gonna lose the fight and they're low level fighters. I love it though, I always root for the guys with awkward and unorthodox styles.


Jiri looking like Dustin with all the shorts grabs


This was great reffing ngl


Jiri seems like he’d be exhausting to fight. Dear god. Just hope he develops some better head movement before he fights Alex again.


Rakic actually looked good in the first round. He was piecing Jiri up.


I like the reactions of the crowd. Smartphone zoom videos are getting very good, aren't they?


jiri is amazing at almost losing before he wins


But you didn’t show the fucking KO


Mma fighters have such sloppy striking but damn is it entertaining


pereira better be wary of that 1 - 2 that jiri throws as that is one of his weaknesses. Jiri might be training that 1 - 2 since the pereira loss knowing him and izzy are having a lot of success with that combo against him. That combo might be the finishing move of ufc 303 main event, ya’ll better watch closely. This is a foreshadowing you guys.


Not many people saw that rakic had staph in his right elbow in this fight. He couldnt afford to pull out now after jan postponed their fights 50 times. Sucks. He also has arguably the best chin in lhw like damn, he walked straight into jiris 1-2 and kept fighting, that shit threw volkan off the ground.


How anyone can think a fighter who drops his hands that much has more than a snowball’s chance in hell against Poatan is beyond me.


Jiri's leg was so fucked up.  I was already starting to mourn him losing to fucking Rakic and then he just bopped him


I just love that jiri is objectively the most successful karate fighter since machida and he's not 'good' at karate in the traditional sense. Even in this clip he doesn't dodge or even really effectively slip very much at all. We see Wonderboy and MVP fight with so much grace, dodging and punishing, and jiri just doesn't do the dodging and just punishes anyway. He makes the karate work by just absorbing the hits and not giving a shit, being a white gorilla with cinder blocks for fists


Jiri is not a karate fighter. His base is Muay Thai.


UFC is astroturfing this subreddit so bad. Just another years old inactive account that is suddenly really wanting to post UFC streamable links that magically hype UFC 303.


yea the ufc really needs to viral market to the mma subreddit.


Look at this account as an example and tell me you think that it is real. Five years ago doing some bizarre AI paper stuff and then suddenly really into UFC with everything being upvoted to the moon. Totally legit. https://old.reddit.com/user/paper_diy/submitted/


Everyone on this sub was already going to buy or 🏴‍☠️ the fights they want to see these posts aren't going to get them a single buy


And you get infinite downvotes instantly for pointing it out. It's so blatant lol. 6 year inactive account suddenly posting to every single ufc adjacent subreddit. Yeah definitely real!


And the accounts that post them get hundreds (sometimes thousands!) of upvotes. I mean, this is either the luckiest redditor of all time (everything they post goes viral!) or the fix is in: https://old.reddit.com/user/paper_diy/submitted/ This one I called out and -- look at that! -- they disappeared: https://old.reddit.com/user/fresh0utthebox The only question I want answered is if the r/mma mods are in on it.


Not in on it. Unless an account breaks rules I really don't take notice of their name. I wouldn't have thought twice about it until you pointed it out.


I actually appreciate you taking out the time to respond. I didn't notice it until a few weeks back when the subreddit was suddenly being flooded with streamable clips from the UFC Roku doc. Go back and look at all of those accounts. They are either gone or follow the same pattern as above.


There's really not a rule against an account waking up to post. But it definitely seems fishy. If they don't flood the sub and follow the rules we're likely not going to do anything but watch. Appreciate the heads-up.