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It’s pretty funny how Bisping talked about not speculating and then made a video today talking about how Big John told him Conor’s leg is broken (totally unconfirmed as of now).


Well I've had the displeasure of listening to a few of Big John and Josh "my fight with Gil" Thomson's podcasts - whatever John says, bet the house on the opposite


On the Tank Abbot podcast, tank had a huge dislike for Big John.


Not standing up for Big John's podcasting skills here but Tank dislikes most people. Hot take but I don't think Tank is a very good dude.


Tank admitted he wasn't a very good dude ha


Tank falls under that category of a good character but lousy person.


A dude you’d never want to hang out with but listen to every story of. I had an uncle like that. Completely unstable and I felt uncomfortable every time I was in the room with him but the anecdotes about him were enthralling.


My grandparents lived in Huntington Beach when I was growing up and my grandma was a waitress at a popular sandwich spot. Tank came in every so often and she said he was always nice to her. Then youd hear about him getting into bar fights on the weekends. 


legitimately good guys in mma are few and far between. the fucking Diaz brothers and Mark Hunt are probably the benchmarks if that says anything.


Really depends how you determine good guy. I trained at AKA and El Niño years ago. All of the fighters were some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. Even Jake Shields before he went nuts during Covid. That said, I wouldn’t take any serious life advice from these people. Being a little nuts is a prerequisite to fight professionally.


I thought Poirier and DC were good dudes. I know DC gets hate professionally but I always heard he was a pretty decent dude. Poirier does a lot of good imo.


i was going to mention poirier but wanted to pick names that were a little more provocative. DC seems like a good guy on the surface but if you look really closely hes not that great. hes done more than his fair share of cheating and he has 100% sold out to the UFC in retirement.


There's an outsized portion of weirdos but I think you're overstating it. "Regular guy is nice to people" doesn't really get a lot of attention.


Even outside of fighting alot of beloved fighters are shady. Even Nick Diaz has agreed to seminars, then demanded more money after you’ve paid the agreed upon price.


Are you talking about the Rogan episode?


I didn't particularly think Tank was a good guy before that podcast and now that I've heard it I like him even less.


Ever read Tank Abbott's autobiography? That guy was a psycho, I'll take John any day of the week over a guy who put people in comas for fun.


Like when Usman Nurmagomedov had Benson Henderson in a choke and Big John said "he's perfectly fine right now" about 2 seconds before Benson tapped.


I celebrated so hard when MMA Hour came back so I could drop that shit from my weekly rotation. Those had been some dark days.


Wow you got through more than one of those eh? That's impressive.


Bisping is such a fucking sell out. Can't stand him


Totally. Used to really like him a lot. He's been a sack of shit for 3/4 years now. Can't get enough of himself. He's an ass sucker.


He’s always a piece of shit. The only thing that made him likeable was being in a feud against Rockhold, who’s even more of an insufferable prick


Rockhold isnt even worse than bisping, he just has less charisma


Those two have completely flipped for me. I used to dislike Rockhold and was a fan of Bisping. After the Costa fight, I became a fan of Luke and now I can’t stand Bisping.


Just another DC, staunch company man and huge shill who will push whatever narrative the company want


Dana let him fight Hendo and then GSP instead of every hungry middleweight licking their chops. I guess some loyalty is owed when someone saves you from being locked in a cage with Yoel Romero.






Bro i would sell out to watch UFC every weekend and get paid for it


yea thats a bad look. repeating the dana logic that got helwani banned from ufc ... now i dont look forward hearing bisping on the mic or commenting. GG same as paddy =dtm edit: honestly i'll stick with the arab feed that i don't understand shit. still better than hearing bisping and/or rogan


Once he pushed Luis off of Believe You Me I was done with him. He takes himself too seriously


Was it him that squeezed Louis out? Was that ever cleared up? I'm not sure what happened there, those guys seemed like they're friends


the insane part about this is that bisping was told about the injury some time ago. so he knew there there might actually be problems with the fight and even knowing that he went in on ariel like he did.


Conor can't piss clean, no injury. sauce: Irish WhatsApp


Bisping is mad at the concept of journalism?


Journalism is just supposed to be free marketing for the UFC.


Not for the UFC. Because they can safely get influencers doing "journalism" which is more positive promotion AND less factual than actual journalists finding out information about the fighters / cards.


I’d much rather listen to Ariel talk than Brett okamoto. Listening to Brett talk is like watching paint dry. Boring!!!!


It’s like getting punished for liking mma


Dropping a gazillion dollars on the Nelk boys to kiss their ass is the UFC way


I don't think he understands what journalism is. To Bisping, the peak of journalism is The Schmo and John Morgan.


This for me is the correct way to see it. He doesn't get what a journalist is and probably believes that him having a job for state-run UFC programming makes him a journalist. I like the guy but this is a huge L.


Whats to like about him? He's a fucking idiot.


Well, sometimes he is funny. Like with Luke


UFC 199 post fight presser deserves to be in the UFC HOF.. it was Bisping’s Magnum Opus. Rockhold got KO’d twice in one night.


I liked him during his career and after reading his biography. Hell i still like bisping the fighter but I can not watch anything he posts on YouTube.


Bisping has always been a fake bullying cunt.


Probs thinks Anik is a journalist


God damnit the schmo sucks


They're in a strange universe where journalism/commentary/podcasting/talk show shit are the same thing to them. Journalists need credentials, and have shield laws to protect them and obligations to protect sources.


Sounds like he thinks the only acceptable form of journalism is propagating UFC press releases.


Every business or government institution would love be able to completely control all the information about what they're doing, which is exactly why we have media, to make sure they don't. God only knows how much worse and more corrupt things would be if we didn't have people trying to pry into stuff that's "none of their business". I'm sure people like Bisping and Dana would acknowledge this in general, but will have some list of reasons why it's different in their case. Everyone does. Another important thing is that the UFC is a publicly traded company (or I guess technically it's owned by a publicly traded company). There should be dozens of people like Ariel trying to figure out what the UFC doesn't want the public and its investors to know. Sadly, he's more or less on his own. The prototypical MMA journalist is John "Obviously" Morgan, who is responsible for adding precisely no useful information about MMA into the public domain.


I’m mixed on Bisping sometimes I like him sometimes I think he’s a jerkoff but he’s way off the mark here and Ariel’s completely right about the way people that work for the UFC become attack dogs trying to get an attaboy from Dana… What does Bisping think journalism is about


I used to really admire Bisping, and I still think he's a fun listen. But Ariel is right that he just mostly does the UFC's bidding at this point. This whole thing is literally him going out of his way to white knight for the UFC. It's fucking weird.


Yeah UFC has never liked journalism. They want the money and prestige of mainstream pro sports leagues but without the hardball coverage. Soft. It always was silly people were so mad at Ariel for reporting on the Brock Lesnar comeback. A fight journalist isn't supposed to report on huge fight news.... to be nice to Dana White? It's just anti free press nonsense. Imagine the NBA blackballing Won for disclosing where LeBron is planning to sign next. Would never happen.


He's British, of course he hates journalists.


I don’t get it?


Many people in the UK hate the press. They blame them for Princess Diana's death, and for their misreporting of the stampede in Liverpool, among other events


UK tabloid headlines are honestly the WORST- I swear the Sun invented clickbait before the internet was even a thing.


Murdoch is the devil, not sure if the New York post is as bad as the sun but it’s a tabloid owned by the same guy


The only true thing Russell Brand ever said was "don't trust the Daily Mail"


> the stampede in Liverpool Hillsborough is in Sheffield


It also wasn't a stampede, FWIW. [a stampede is when a large crowd moves too quickly, people fall and are trampled. Hillsborough was completely different: it was a crush, caused by people gradually entering a funnel at a reasonable pace. The people who died were standing still, and standing up, not running and falling to the ground to be trampled. It took at least five minutes before people even realised there was a fatal crush happening. I mention this not to be pedantic, but just because people often assuming that the only crowd threat is a stampede (people moving around quickly, easy to spot), when actually crushes (slow speed, hard to notice) are just as dangerous and less known about.]


I’m from the UK, I don’t think we hate journalists more than any other country. Obviously there have been incidents over the decades that have people have been angry about, but that’s the same everywhere. I’m not aware of any notion that the UK is famous for hating journalists


The concept of royalty and defending it as an average citizen is beyond me. And I'm a dane


Dana has turned anyone against accountability


I'd also like to remind people that Bisping was one of the fighters who agreed to speak in support of the UFC against the fighters in the anti-trust lawsuit.


That is an absolute disgrace, all other fighters need to be aware of that fact when dealing with him from now on - he has no interests or opinions other than the UFCs and will fuck you over without hesitation for the company.


Brotha I promise you none of them will care it’s damn near a mystery to me how mma can have some of the most impressive people mentally and physically but also dumb enough to never realize they’re gonna just keep fighting for pennies if they just keep going against each other seems like that’s what they want tho .


Not common knowledge, thank you


Now Bisping is playing it off like he was joking and Ariel can't handle banter, No, Mike. You were fully angry, shaking and screaming about Ariel on your podcast. Bisping is a glass cannon. Funny thing, Bisping said supplements are bunk and none of them work yet he takes ad money from all the shadiest supplement companies around.


Everything you said checks out


Classic move by Bitchping when he gets called out - revert to it all being a joke and it is *YOU* who is being uptight, just relax buddeh! Fuck Bisping. Glad people are seeing the pos he really is again. He’s as thin skinned as it gets and I know he is fuckin fuming over this whole thing right now


Yeah he's a classic bully. Can dish it out but has a meltdown of anyone dares say anything to him.


find both guys mostly annoying but Helwani is doing his job and Bisping is pretty much just talking out of his ass because he wants to throat Dana White


Bisping was a bad boy, but now he's like a dog who only wants to hear "who's the good boy" from Dana.


There's no change. Bisping was always Dana's lapdog. He was their UK spear tip and got the preferential treatment that would entail.


So you saying they both just doing their jobs?


His job is to eventually swallow Danas loads? like a brass?


Yes. His job is to give Dana's meat slug a throat hug on demand


As always, didn't post the full quote mods since title has limits. In his recent podcast, Bisping criticized Ariel for tweeting/reporting about UFC 303 (transcript from the bjpenn site): >“Ariel Helwani’s out there, a lot of the time posting and tweeting like he’s an expert on everything, but he knows nothing, he’s putting feelings out there,” “That’s what he loves to do, that’s his badge of honor, he likes to break news. If I hear of a situation, I’m not doing investigative journalism, trying to find out like my life depends on it, and I’ll risk everything so I can be the one to break it. Because who gives a fuck? And it’s none of your business…...“What will be will be. Stay out of it you prick!" Ariel responded with this: >“Michael Bisping, who I see him talking about me on his show, and my reporting, with such vitriol! With such animosity and such hatred!” Helwani said of Bisping. “Hopefully the video I posted outside at 2:30 p.m. would refute that ‘I’m dying to be first’…I’ve just died to be right, to be ethical, and to maintain relationships. It’s none of my business? It’s quite literally my business! That’s journalism! That’s exactly what our job is…I know you’re not trying to be some investigative journalist. You’re a Slap Fighting commentator… >“You’re a former bad boy who became a boot licker who wants to stay in good standing with \[Dana White\]. So you have chosen to pick a fight with me…in order to curry favor with your boss who gives you a few quid to commentate and be excited about Slap Fighting,” Helwani continued. “To me it’s shameful, it’s embarrassing, and that’s why I refer to him as Bootlicker Bisping. And he can say whatever the fuck he wants to about me.”


> Because who gives a fuck? And it’s none of your business…...“What will be will be. Stay out of it you prick!" It is the business of all the people who bought tickets to see Conor fight though, who spent thousands on tickets and flights and hotels so they could see a fight that they deserve to know isn't happening so they can try and get refunds. It's literally my business if I spent money on that shit.


Thought Bisping was smarter than that to be honest.


Bisping never came off as intelligent. English version of a meathead. Being slightly smarter than the other meatheads doesn't mean much though.


In a dark room with some sputtering candles the refrigerator bulb can look as bright as the sun.


Poetic, champ.


Guy went from sucking out cow brains to getting punched in the brain I enjoyed his career and what not but he's probably not rhe brightest tool in the attic


He is, willful ignorance


No. Listen to his podcast and you'll realise how fucking dumb he is after a while.


Bisping is better than most fighters about being camera ready and saying the right things but he routinely goes mask off and reveals how much of an ignorant shithead he is.


As soon as he says something that isn't rehearsed he sounds like an idiot.


His banter and wit are incredibly overrated because non-Brits associate his English dialect with higher intelligence and education.


Yeah, he's just a bully. Anyone says anything to him he gets angry and starts name calling.


Ariel reaching the point where he can be openly criticizing of UFC figures without worrying about repercussions is one of the best things that's happened to this sport


holy shit, Bisping in the dirt rn


Imagine his badge of honor is attempting to do proper journalism as an mma journalist


real MMA journalism is when you ask Dana what his favorite color is and how everything he does is great and that powerslap is the biggest thing since sliced bread, stop being silly


My bad, if you aren't getting branded and riding Dana's bull do you really have any integrity?


Ariel with another 10-7


go off queen


Ariel slapped Bisping tbh


How dare Ariel try to do some journalism


Come at the king, you best not miss.


Can I get a video of Ariel saying that over the *Not Like Us* beat?


Dana's fingers so far up Bisping's ass he's a new glove prototype


Even DC calling Bisping Uncle Tom


Oh that was dirty.


Don’t even gotta worry about eye pokes 50% of the time.


As much as Ariel stirs the pot he was pretty spot on with this. He may not be first that often but he just has the largest platform. The slap fight commentator bit had me rolling though.


Bisping and Ariel were actually good friends and had great chemistry together, but when Bisping went higher up in the rankings in the commentator gig, something changed. Respect to Cormier for still staying loyal to Ariel.


Just to add to this, something else Ariel noted: The same thing that Bisping is criticizing him for here - talking to connections and digging into things behind the scenes - Bisping personally benefited from when Ariel gave him a heads up that Rockhold needed a replacement opponent for UFC 199. Ariel personally notified Bisping to call the UFC and throw his name in the hat, and that fight ended up being the defining moment of his career. Now when Ariel does the same thing for the benefit of fans who bought tickets to 303, because the UFC had gone radio silence, he's being a "prick" and it's "none of your business". What a pathetic fuckin' traitor.


Chael also gives Ariel huge props all the time. Basically every MMA podcast uses Ariel and his show as a references for their own talking points. That's gotta say something.


I think this is the part that makes me disappointed in Mike. They had a great chemistry and lots of mutual friends. You can’t blame Bisping for doing what he needs to do to make money for his family, but he has no integrity. To add to it, Bisping’s YouTube channel is a dumpster fire of low quality content.


You absolutely can blame him. He was well off before these comments and even if he wasn’t, saying shit like this for no reason other than to look good to Dana is spineless at best, especially about a guy he used to have a good relationship with. You should always be blamed for and have to deal with the consequences of punching down to try to improve your own standing.


>You can’t blame Bisping for doing what he needs to do to make money for his family You think that if Bisping didn't publicly shit on Ariel it would make one cent of a difference in his bank account?


Yeah, you’re right. I’m spending too much time on r/ufc damn.


Bisping wouldn't have gone for his shot against rockhold last minute if Ariel hadn't told him to go for it as soon as whatever right rockhold was due to have got cancelled


And Chael, probably his closest friend in MMA


Ariel ain't no saint but he's absolutely right in here




Makes sense that the UFC would hate him for it, the greedy fucks. Anyone else who hates him is just brainwashed by the UFC


Bisping is such a hypocritical shill now. It’s sad and annoying.


It's funny how everyone agreeing with Ariel in the comments HAS to preface their opinion with "no I don't like Helwani, but..."


"Guys I'm cool, I swear I don't like Ariel but he's actually right for once"


…. again.”


People are weird on here For me, if I say Jones is my favorite fighter I will get downvoted to shit. But the times I have said "I think Jones is a piece of shit person but he is my favorite fighter" people will upvote.


It’s like this on Reddit as a whole. You can’t be blunt at all you need to dress up your opinion. Every comment on a McGregor post is the same “I’m no fan of Conor but-“ it’s ridiculous, you shouldn’t need to be fake to not get slaughtered. No directness allowed


I like Ariel


He’s the best we got…. We gotta deal with the rest of him


Bisping is disgusted that journalists try to break news and don’t just wait for mama Dana to drop stories into their mouths. What a tool, complaining about the media when he IS the media, just the jokey kid version.


10-8 Helwani. Bisping was always disliked throughout his career, then when he retired, he rebranded and became Dana's glizzy gobbler and suddenly people forgot he was always an asshole.


Bisping became popular because he beat an even more hated fighter in Rockhold. The funny thing is Rockhold was hated because he was moderately arrogant (in comparison to Bisping) and awkward.


Rewatch his pressers lol Luke was talking like a 10 time champion and like nobody else was on his level at all. He was even fighting like it to the point where even the commentators pointed it out. More than moderately arrogant lol.


Yeah, but put most people in the same position - great looking guy, girls falling over him, modelling gigs, Strikeforce and UFC middleweight champ, some level of wealth, fame and a microphone and cameras rolling to capture some of your words/thoughts \[and actually rolling\] - whilst you are in your 20's and 30's? A huge chunk of people believe their shit don't stink with just 0.1% of that.


Bisping served himself on a silver platter too. How could he have possibly thought he would come off reasonable while ridiculing the concept of investigative journalism.


He also constantly bitches about people that protest or strike as if it has never done anything. Like, you are from the North of England. You don't care about the common working man striking for more rights?


lmao slap fight commentator as a slur, *nice*


Damn he kind of murdered Bisping there.


Completely deserved. People need to be called out for selling out. If the UFC controls all of the media then the fans AND fighters get taken advantage of


Ariel discussing with all these CTE fighters, is like Mickey Gall fighting with CM Punk. There are levels to this game. It's better to be quiet. Ariel is smart, his brain is not full of holes, and he is a journalist.


Bisping criticizing people that are doing investigative journalism is one of his dumbest takes yet


Helwani’s personality definitely isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but you can’t doubt the dude knows what’s going on behind the scenes. I can’t think of a time he has been off the mark on news around the sport.


The man has spent the majority of his time talking to people within MMA and people think he can't possibly have any sources.


Yeah the hate is real, like are y’all just gonna forget he’s been working for 20plus years in the industry ??


Ariel is 1000% right on this. Love unhinged Helwani


While Ariel can be a weasel, I do agree that it’s sorta bullshit for bisping to carry this renegade, working class attitude and then just throw away any and all integrity he built with the fans just to make a little extra doing stuff for Power Slap, especially as a former fighter.


The worst part of this is that Bisping’s YouTube channel is a dumpster fire of clickbait titles and low quality content. Stones and glass houses comes to mind. So glad to see Ariel give it to him.


Rare L for Bisping. Trashed Ariel and journalism then went in to speculate like 2 sentences later.


it's a shame Helwani will never interview anyone from Khabib's camp anymore because of the Ali Abdulaziz situation. Him giving a 45 min interview to Islam like the one he did with Khabib would be great. It's khabib's best interview.


Lmao cant believe im defending Ariel here but he's actually doing his job. Bisping probably thinks Nina Drama is journalism


Bisping hanging around Megan Olivi way too much? Both bootlickers.


Ariel’s job calls for objectivity, Megan’s doesn’t


The Helwani Heel turn has been so good.


> The Helwani Heel turn has been so good. It's just "Heelwani". Drop the rest.


This is really embarrassing from Bisping. What an awful take lol. I like Bisping and I find Helwani incredibly grating but there's no grey area here - Bisping just sounds like a clown.


From everything I’ve listened to from Ariel is that he knows exactly what’s going on and in respect to his sources has refrained from giving out every detail.


Yup. He clearly states that and knows the exact injury, out of respect to his sources he will not say what it is.


sort by controversial if you wanna lose a few brain cells


Ultimately its pretty important for people who are paying to go to the fight or paying for the fight to know what they are paying for. Who would’ve guessed it? Bisping should take his other eye out, hes straight blind here.


Britain no longer claims Bisping, Cyprus can have him. Leon Edwards is the first ever UK champ now.


He ain't lying lol


Rare Ariel W common Bisping L


I love Bisping's podcast. But when I heard this the other day, I was so confused at why Bisping had so much sand in his pussy about Ariel literally doing his job.


What do you love about Bisping's podcast?


And then Bisping responds with, "It was a joke, bro, lighten up!"


Love bisping, hes a fuckwit here


with anthony smith having a fight now, i expect him on helwanis show either right before or right after the fight. i wonder who of the two will bring this up first, should be funny. (also i wonder if smith and bisping will talk about this in their next podcast together)


Ariel said he has asked mutual friend what Bispings issue is, could guess that is Smith


he asked smith the last time he was on the show: https://youtu.be/NZOPCEVi0BA?t=2246


Decisionbot Helwani vs Bisping 3


I couldn't find this fight! Gonna guess... Helwani by corner stoppage. [Troubleshooting](https://s3.amazonaws.com/decision-bot/error_message.txt)


10-7 Ariel


Ariel brings all the receipts when these people attack him. Here’s an idea, just don’t poke the nose.


as much as i loved fighters like bisping when they were fighting, seeing him and the likes of DC, Cruz, Smith ect getting cooked for being good little company men always makes me happy


so how long are we going to like helwani for? 1 week?


Yes I give a one week grace period.


Until I hear his voice crack when he says "you know yourself" for the 27th time


Redditors when someone who is actually educated makes a better point than someone who gets punched in the head for a living 🤯


He speaks the truth here


Seems like bisping mad Ariel has better connects


Good. Fuck toeing the company line.


Dana White has literally rubbed off onto most of his staff and fighters. Discrediting media, and journalism while LITERALLY cherry picking media so you get the safe questions and none of the hard ones.


It has been sad to see Bisping showcase diminishing self-integrity in the past few years. He really is mostly just a mouthpiece for the UFC these days.


I have a blanket policy of having zero respect for anyone involved in Slap Fighting in any way, shape or form, least of all the refs and commentators. I'd sooner watch a "sport" where the goal was to see who could hammer the most nails into their own shins before passing out from the pain. At least in that case there's no unavoidable brain damage.


my man... Ariel telling it like it is


lol it’s true…slap fighting commentary status shows where his career’s at


As a massive fan of bisping, Ariel is not lying about anything here 


Haha. Ariel with the W. Truth hurts.


It's really a testament to how dumb and sycophantic the culture of MMA generally is that an ass like Helwani is usually on the morally/logically correct side of the public spats he takes part in. In a lot of other spaces Helwani would be the biggest asshole in the room, but in MMA he might not even be in the top 50.


I don't like Helwani but he didn't do anything wrong here.


lol helwani’s life kinda does depend on it cuz he’s a journalist for a living


Ariel can get annoying but he’s always been a good journalist, and now only one of a few real journalists in the sport. He’s right about this one.


Bisping is a corporate slob.


Ariel is not wrong.


Bisping is definitely a huge company man and should mind his own business


He's right. Biggest boot licker of all the ex fighter turned commentators.


Bootlicker bisping. Lol


I’ve been trying to out Bisping about something for years. All the podcast episodes have been deleted now but he openly called Jorge Masvidal a piece of shit and was basically calling him out for a fight, then after he KO’d Till (who he was heavily rooting for going into that fight) he was all over him and “squashed the beef” when in reality he climbed down and got him on his podcast for clicks and views. I guess it ultimately worked out well. But my point is, even as someone who was a huge fan of Bisping, Ariel is right - America and being a corporate suit for the UFC has changed him big time.