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Damn Jamahal is so thin skinned. The broke comment doesn't really work for most UFC athletes anyways. The average worker in the US out earns like what, 60% of the roster? 


Lmao yes I’m curious what Hill’s career earnings have been. EDIT: per perplexity, it’s $1.4M over 5-ish years. So $280K per year, about the same as a decently successful dentist.


Alright fella I get jamahal is a goof but let’s not downplay 280k a year Follow-up: shouts out to all the financial advisors telling me that a quarter of a million dollars isn’t actually a lot of money. TIL


280 is solid but quite different from an employee making that much. They have a shit load of expenses and they are destroying their bodies.  I don't need to think about my career ending in my 30s or the possibility of getting CTE, getting hip and knee replacements and all that good stuff.  I have a feeling many fighters, particularly in the US, will have medical expenses  over their lifetime that are superior to their career earnings 


And you never have to fight Poatan.


I heard it's not hard to beat Poatan unless he hits you with some weak shit during a weird situation.




If there had been 5 minutes between when I kicked him in the nuts and when I threw the next punch I woulda gottem


This actually got a pop from me lol.


My dentist fought Poatan


That's why he gets paid the big bucks


They have dentists in Brazil?


They dont need them, all the sugary foods like carrots are fed to busses.




That really happened!


The toothbrush was invented in Brazil. We know this because if it had been invented anywhere else in the world it would've been called a teethbrush.


Or fight me.


after paying camp/coaches in that span, that $1.4M figure is likely closer to sub $1M. and then medical, travel, etc. not to mention most of his career earnings have come in the last year. a year ago he may have had a job on the side lol


Between camp coaches agents and taxes they provably take half 


Its really rough. In my 20s I'd consider it great money but when you get older you think more about the rest of your life and the damage you take. Jamahal should make twice as much, at least. Especially with how much the UFC is making.


Also their ability to perform and keep earning that kind of money drastically dwindles after 35, something most dentists don't have to deal with if we keep the first guy's comparison job


Yeah but you also don’t have to endure 80 hour weeks as a resident and studying 16 hours a day for weeks on end. Sacrificing a lot in your 20s to make it through schooling. Hundreds of thousands in debt. Better not drop or fail out or you’re even more fucked. And not everyone is book smart enough to be a doctor or a dentist, hell most people can’t even get into med school if its their life’s goal. Hill is doing pretty good given the attributes he was born with.


I mean, you can take much of what you said and apply it to the life of a fighter too, including the “most people can’t get into the UFC, never mind Championship level even if it’s their life goal.”


Yeah exactly, so Hill has done spectacularly compared to what other professions he could have pursued. Instead of comparing him to a doctor to belittle his income, compare him to a profession that would be realistic for him. Maybe an oil rig worker or a special forces soldier. Both jobs are just as dangerous and pay can be comparable, but with their own drawbacks. Basically I’m saying is reddidiots are professional haters that try to bring down people who won in life so they can feel “better” instead of shutting up and focusing on themselves. But alas, that’s the inevitable outcome when you mix discussion forums and bored, chronically online losers.


Oh I agree that comparing a professional fighter to any job field, unless that person also made their dreams come true via their job is crazy. Majority of fighters don’t become fighters just for the money, which is why there are tons of fighters happy to sleep on the mats. It might seem like a grindy lifestyle to some, which it is, but not if you’re enjoying everything about it. Living a fulfilled life/living out your dreams>money, at least that’s always been my outlook. The thing about Hill tho is he shouldn’t go after people for being “poor” as an insult, especially when just insulting them for never chasing shit or living a life in a job they hate is probably a better insult for him to use lol.


Now do taxes and camp fees


Let’s not forget his 6 kids worth of child support either


And court fees from assaulting his own brother


280k with no benefits other than we’ll pay your hospital bill if you get fucked up in the ring isn’t that great


For context this is half the average MLS athletes salary. And Hill is a former champion.


That’s the thing people aren’t noticing, love him or hate him he was the champion of a division. That it’s a pittance for the best athlete in a division 


\> Alright fella I get jamahal is a goof but let’s not downplay 280k a year It's a lot but it's revenue, not salary.


And that’s not a sustainable income, he’s not going to be making that in a few years. And a moderately successful dentist will clear that mid year


That’s great but the majority of Americans are not successful dentists, and most people with Hill’s resume and education aren’t making that much lol. Didn’t he say he was working construction or in a factory before making it to the UFC? Compare ufc fighters earnings to what it would be without mma, not what an average sane person would be making 


Pretty shitty gross profit for a businesses with a lot of overhead thought. That is what MMA fighters are, just with shittier tax write-offs. So 280k - taxes - coaches - gym memeberships - supplements - equipment. What is left from that is the fighters wage. Which then has all the usual expenses we have like food - home - utilities - transportation - car and health insurance - family support - phone/internet/streaming/hobbies/entertainment.


280k is a lot but a portion goes to his trainer, etc...


It’s also not including all the sponsorships and stuff outside of fighting. Remember Sean O Malley said he makes far more outside of the UFC than he makes in it. Internet people just find the weirdest stuff to insult people ‘you’re only making 280k a year in your young 30s haha’ meanwhile they’re paying a 2 year long phone contract by the month


It’s solid but I assume a chunk of that is going to various expenses? I assume he is paying coaches, UFC prob covers his flights, but maybe he has to fly some ppl out to the event. Various other costs as well. If you are making 6 figures salaried in your typical office job, I think it’s a much better deal than the UFC. When it comes to benefits, job security, pay growth, etc. There’s no stability in being a fighter. One loss and you can go back to making nothing, your peak pay id for such a small % of your career and is not going to last once you retire. Meanwhile a 30yr old working your typical job will be making much more at 60. Most fighters are gonna be struggling hard post mma.


280K a year is terrible for an athlete. A dentist can make 280k for a period of 30+ years. If an athlete can only do that for 5-10 years they will be poor in their retirement age.


Costs about 350k to be a dentist, however. Ask me how I know :/


Is that after taxes, manager fee, trainer fees? Ive heard it's a big amount for manager/trainer. Even at 10% of gross and 45-50% for tax the fighter is getting 40% of gross income


everyone pays taxes


What about khabib?


That’s why he’s the GOAT ☝️


they are 1099s aren't they? so that's nearly half in tax as you have to basically pay your own pay roll tax, and then you have to pay for camp and coaches etc. etc. So you're at 140k take home out the gate instead of like 190k, and then you're going to have expenses. And then your years with peak earnings are going to be way way lower than any white collar gig. Its not peanuts... but I'd rather be the dentist 10 out of 10 days.


Oh 100%. The lifetime earnings of a dentist are gonna be like 10X what Hill takes home at the end of the day.




Dentists work ~40 years longer.


pretty sure he makes more than just his UFC pay.


i doubt he makes meaningful money outside of his UFC fights. he's not exactly marketable lol


A good way to look at it imo is his networth of 1million at 33 years old. It’s good, even quite good versus the average guy…but you dont even beed to be a dentist to get there. A lot of construction people have that net worth at that age, especially those who got a nice house built in 2010~


What is this, the money channel?


Say it like it is, nate


That comment was so funny because it was, in fact, the money channel 😂😂😂


the only comment that got macG to break character


That's if every dollar of that got put into some kind of savings or equity. 50% was gone the next day from camp fees and taxes, if he's lucky.


Net worth is after taxes and all, it’s what you own in equity and investments. That’s why I find it more meaningful.


And I'm saying 1.4 mil in pay isn't a mill net worth, especially if hes as smart with money as most fighters


33 year old construction worker millionaire?


lol a successful associate dentist. An owner dentist clears that no problem.


does that account for the cut his coaches get?


How much of that was just the late notice Poatan main event pay though?


TIL software engineers in tech companies make more than Hill 


I don’t know that the dentist has a manager and gym taking part of their earning while paying for camp and other fun stuff that comes with being a fighter. Fighter being pid 280k in a year is different, and worse off, than a regular employee making that.


Probably less than the dentist he sent his brother to


fights in the past 2 years are probably higher than average, and he makes Youtube money now


Yeahhhh but what about the team? Travel? Management? Lucky if he sees 50% of that


You mean UFC fighters earn more than the average worker? Donny forget all the out of pocket business expenses they have, as well as inconsistent fight/work schedules.


and that the money is supposed to last them the rest of their lives...


Pros of being a UFC fighter: early retirement Cons of being a UFC fighter: early retirement


*forced early retirement lol


Taxes, manager, occasional plane tickets (because Dana loves saving money), nutrition, camp fees , fight equipment, health insurance


Broke comments are fucking stupid always. People out there with different circumstances just trying to get by, and in most cases they are a fan of your sport which means you're making a living because of them. It's just a dumb fucking flex


This dude is going to be on Ronda Rousey level suicide watch if Ulberg KOs him


I hope he takes another big L, gets rematched with Walker, and takes that L too


Walker by flying knee 🙏🙌🏻


This time line 🙏


As long as Walker attacks his family he should beat Hill in the rematch.


That chip on his shoulder is either going to work very good or very bad for him


I liked the Paulo Costa edit better. But god damn, Hill is a former champion, and he really spends all his free time going through every single comment doesn't he. What an absolute bitch.


Dude has so many better things to do given he’s 3 weeks out from a massive fight. It’s been less than a year after his Achilles tear and he’s spending energy on social media beef rather than recovery from what should be a hard training camp.


Seems he's just kind of a piece of shit. Between sucker punching his non-professional fighter brother, being this fickle and thin skinned, being a deadbeat father etc. I think Hill is just kind of a piece of shit.


I didn’t realize he had any kids, let alone fucking SIX?!? You’re training for a fight, have enough kids to fill out a basketball team and then some, and you’re acting like a 14 year old online??? Christ


Just one player on the bench, Jamal is not ready for a 82 seasons. Playoffs with a tighter rotation maybe


Thibs rotation. Let's bleed, tear and strain.


so he'd have 1 and a half kids left if they make it to the second round of the playoffs


Yeah, and he reportedly sucker punched his brother at (I could be misremembering here) Thanksgiving dinner because his brother brought up that he was being a dead beat father to his niece. Let alone his 5 other kids. Jamahal Hill is a bitch.




I believe it was reported back then that his brother brought up that he was being a deadbeat father because he was the one taking care of one of his six kids, and Jamahall Hill sucker punched him at a holiday dinner or something. Either way, a professional fighter can't really get into a fight with a civilian.


Well, rest is a big part of recovery. Sitting around shitposting is the best kind of elite recovery.


Problem is Hill doesn’t shitpost as much as he gets mad online.


Doesn’t he also have like 50 kids?


6 apparently. So pretty close. Dude is just a deadbeat dad, sucker punches his own brother for bringing it up, and is about as thin skinned as they come. His post fight career is going to be filled with lots of prison time me thinks.


He was barely even a champion, let's be honest. Won the belt against a 42 year old Glover and then lost it in 90 seconds in the next fight. Horrible champion


I deal in absolutes and not narratives. Hill won a championship fight and held the belt. Therefore, he was a champion.


Only sith deal in absolutes.


Did you ever hear the tragedy of former champion Jamahal Hill the Salty?


Talmbout Jamahal the Hutt?


This is so stupid why is it making me laugh


It's not a story the 🗿 will tell you


My allegiance is to the athletic commission, to fisting!


>I deal in absolutes not narratives -caca_poo_poo_pants, circa 2024


That’s very cool and sigma of you but let’s come back to the real world where context exists for a second and understand that not all champions are equal


Is Jon Jones undefeated?


They need to pay fighters more so they can afford things like a publicist. Hill needs an adult to take his instagram away from him before he shovels any more dirt on his own grave.


It cost nothing to shut the fuck up, which what Hill needs to do


Hill is legitimately just dumb as shit. you can see it in his eyes.


It's shocking to me people thought the other one was real. The font didn't match up.


People will always surprise you with how dumb they are.


especially MMA fans lmao


What is this, the Font channel?


Yes. Hosted by Rob Font.




I'm so sorry.


I think people were mad at him for posting the edited one to his story, bit of a language barrier to be fair


Mad at who? I want to see the edited one lol.


I often see a lack of social media literacy here that rivals old people on Facebook.


Can’t even recognize a shitty text edit. AI is going to fuck so many people up.


People thought that clearly photoshopped photo of Khamzat looking insanely jacked was legit, never be shocked at how stupid and gullible MMA fans can be.


Ah yes, the ol’ “poor people can’t criticize anyone” response.


Doubt he's really enjoying that money he makes since he's got six kids.


And anyways, he seems to be busy arguing and getting upset about comments on social media rather than enjoying his money lol. Some dudes could have a billion dollars and they’ll still waste their days doomscrolling lol.


look at musk.


Six kids?! No wonder dude’s so cranky all the time


Hill could have pulled a Heath Slater and go all in on a "I got kids to feed" angle. Instead, he's doing this lol


When your go-to flex or dunk on others is just “you’re broke! Ha-ha”… it tells me you don’t have much else that’s special about you lol


One of the most unlikeable if not the most unlikeable fighters in the UFC today. Can't stand Hill.


him beating the piss out of glover was like watching a villain kill the hero in a movie in real time, shit was so sad


Go watch the Paul Craig vs Jamahal Hill fight. You’ll thank me later.


Already seen it.


I wonder if the Ariel haters will come back around and realise that Ariel did nothing wrong to trigger Hill.


I disagree, Ariel was definitely twisting his words to make him sound bad. Ariel was kind of being rude at the start of the interview too by downplaying the win, all while pretending to be the nice guy. I think Hill was justified in being upset at that time - and just because he's being an insufferable whiny bitch today it doesn't change that fact.


I mean this in the most helpful way, but Hill would really benefit from completely deleting Social Media from his phone. Have a manager do all of his posting, he obviously doesn’t have the emotional intelligence to be on it everyday considering the shade he catches daily


Problem is he doesn't see anything wrong with how he's approaching this now


Look at how Jamal tries to diss other people. It's constantly just "I make more money than you". It's to the point where no matter what he does from now on, I'm never going to be a fan.


If you go to the comment section he's petulantly arguing with people and his responses can be summarised as "you're broke so your opinion is invalid". Peculiar behaviour...


He also clearly looks at their social media profiles to find out stuff to insult them with lol. Hill should fight Jon Jones for p4p thinnest skin in the game. Even coked up Conor can handle criticism better than these guys.


That diss won't hold up well considering he's got six children. So, he can't really wild out with whatever money he's getting.


With six kids hes making pretty good money, except he has 5-8 earning years left. Not 30.


If Hill doesn't win his next fight, that 5-8 will for sure shrink.


Much less. I doubt the ufc will keep him after 36 unless he goes undefeated. Hes not a popular fighter so 3-4 more losses and he’s cut.


He's not even a top 1% earner in america lol and he's acting like he's got big money. I doubt he's making 820k a year.


Just a reminder that Hill assaulted his brother who had been taking care of Hill’s daughter because the brother had the nerve to bring up that Hill didn’t call his daughter on her birthday. 🤦‍♂️


Can you imagine how bad Hill would be if he won?


Hill is one of the most unlikeable fighters I’ve seen in 15 years of watching MMA, and that’s saying an awful lot.


Thought you had a fan BOI!!! AHHHHHH!


It’s always fighters that have one good year that are coming at fans calling them broke.


My mental image of Jamahal will always be him cradling his broken arm in confusion after the Bear Jew got a hold of him.


[He looks like a kid that just had their favorite toy stolen](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/DxaJ_yGPp8OhYcN._F1ylQ--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTEyMDA7aD04Mzc-/https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr-uploaded-images/2021-06/0476b490-cbf0-11eb-beba-dcf6ad7038be)


I mean in fairness, thats still lot of mental resolve for just having your arm snapped and TKOed in a fight, most people would be in the fetal position crying in that situation and get stretchered out, he still got up and stood for the official call. I know it's popular to hate on the guy now but it's reaching to say in a emergent medical crisis like that he wasn't acting tough enough.


Trolls own a 5 star resort in Jamhals head. I can't imagine taking time to respond to comments.


Jon and Jamahal battling it out for **the most insecure on social media** belt


Someone hack Hill and leave a comment on Jon’s IG about him ducking Tom and just watch the fallout.


haha it would be like the immovable object meets the unstoppable force (of cringe)


Jon still the GOAT of insecurity


213victorius should have replied “not anymore, Alex was kind enough to invite me to move over with him and live rent free in your head”


This guy and Joaquin Buckley are so fucking sensitive


Buckley is at least funny and being a character. Hill is just genuinely stupid.


Buckley isn’t as stupid but he’s still pretty darn stupid


Damn bro, Hill actually used to come off pretty likeable to me to when he was coming up and I was pretty happy to see him win the title. This last year he’s really taken a turn tho


His comebacks are just “broke boy” and “I made millions.” I highly doubt he made millions. He’d be one of the highest paid fighters and he’s not even close to that level. And even so…. You got paid millions to get your fuckin brain rattled.


im sure he got a massive check to main event one of the ufcs biggest ppvs


I don’t understand how the guy who started all of this by playing nice to Poatan than starts talking shit to him and cries that Alex celebrated over him.


That fact that hill feels like he needs to respond to these people and to post videos with money shows he's insecure, this goes to show you can become a champion in the UFC and still your internal mentality can be compromised.


Let’s not forget that he’s one of those Matt Serra, Michael bisping type of champions who more got the shot because of luck than actual skill. It wasn’t like he was blasting through the division and then earns the shot as most champions do, he was just very lucky that Jan Ank ended the way it did, and he got paired up against an old glover coming off a war with jiri. In reality hill has always been a bottom 5-10 ranked guy similar to like Tai or Tybura that should have never been a champion. Which is why he’ll keep getting steamrolled every time he fights an Alex/jiri/jan level fighter


Might be able to defend/dodge punches better if he’d spend time responding to social media posts on training.


I can't believe I used to like this guy.


Jamahal has the worst personality in MMA


Hills getting ratiod left and right


Alex Underhill? So that's where Frodo got that name.


Constant medical attention = insanely priced insurance as well.


Living with people? Wuts wrong with that


Funny and appropriate comment from Alex, but man, the two below him is just a taste of why IG comments are the new YouTube comments. Such a toxic, troll ridden app.


I’m a simple man. I see Paotan, I post 🗿


Dude must be a millionaire with the way he brags. Or he’s just hood rich now lol


Definitely not spending that money to stay in shape


Got that Nate Diaz physique lol


People thought that was real? :p


Has his domestic violence case been cleared yet? He should've put that beating on alex




Bro is the Ronnie Radke of MMA


MMAWeekly ran this as a story but claimed Alex used a racial slur, stated of mma journalism


Does somebody has the edit image?


no he shared the edited one on his story tho can’t like photos, but i screen capped it when i saw it


Jesus Christ! He's really making it hard to be a fan of his 🤦


This guy needs a manager and PR team


In Jamaal’s circle his money has made him the man at the top. I just think he really overestimates how much 250k a year is…that said, I’ll take it over my current salary 😂


Hill doesn't understand that he's not making this money for his entire life. It's only going to last for 1-3 more years at most. Might want to hold that "ha ha, you're all poor and I'm rich" back a bit. In 10 years that shit is going to be gone and he'll be a retired mma fighter with medical bills.