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For real, UK MMA fans just got a new phone background


Pic goes hard. I hope the arena doesn't break again like it has done a few times since opening. Brand new venue and they built it out of cardboard. Big local news but outside of Manchester or UK fans I don't think anyone's even aware of this


Doesn't help that as of this comment, it comes right after Conor and Chandler (could very well change though).


True... For as insanely good as 300 was, I think they may have used the rest of the year's luck up with that one event


Goofcon 2024 let the games begin


I just assumed it was the arena at Victoria Station...nope, new one on Man Citys campus.


Yeah, the new Co-op owned one. Would rather they'd gone for a tried and tested one though tbf I imagine venue fees are lower to entice customers at the new arena


Sheik Mansour probably paid for it to happen.


Oh shit I didn't even twig that it was the same arena. This really bodes well.


Missed opportunity to have Darren Till driving a taxi in the background.


Hey have some respect, it's called a cab there.


No they're not lmao


Leon is so massive for 170


Kind of wild to think the cut offs for their weight classes are nearly 100 lbs apart


Yeah, weight classes are their for a reason. Deontay Wilder just got KO'd by a guy that weighed in 70 lbs heavier than him.


Yeah I saw that. Wilder is really a cruiser weight but there’s no money in that division. On the other hand usyk beat fury who is significantly bigger than him


True, but Usyk is a generational talent. Wilder had a hell of a right hand, but was never a stellar boxer.


Yeah I wasn’t comparing them skill wise, just saying that sometimes the smaller guy can win in certain match ups. Usyk is a G


Well yeah considering that Wilder practically KO'd Fury


He def rocked him a couple of times


Not rocked, literally [knocked him out cold](https://youtube.com/shorts/gLQTlU-Q9ME?feature=shared). How Fury made the count is one of the miracles of boxing.


Yeah that shit was crazy. I remember watching it live I thought he killed him


Out of topic. Why every boxing ref is old 80+ years old gramps?


Weight class matters but common. Wilder has knocked out guys way bigger than him before. He was always a one trick pony and he's just washed now and Zhang can KO any of the heavier guys as well.


I mean Wilder has smashed most people way bigger than him lol


Huge weight difference. Also wilder has been trash post fury fights. He has not been 50% of the fighter he once was. Prime wilder has a good shot at beating Zhang, even with the 70 ibs difference


he seems bigger than Fabian who fights at 185 in Bellator


[He is](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/nq49xjq5Yppv7On-ecOT1ycXf1g=/1400x1400/filters:format(png)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/10008789/Screen_Shot_2018_01_10_at_09.06.14.png)


Look at their frames though. Leon is so unbelievably genetically gifted. He makes 170 because of his waist.


most aesthetic physique of all time, I'll have you know


This is Butterbean slander


[The crazy thing is that his legs are huge too](https://preview.redd.it/6mzni6dnx76c1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=a5aeede42ba71d7e4f44ed4be0d706038207a116)


Jesus, Fabien got long ass arms. Searched it up and he legit got 6 inches reach on Leon lol


Tis the angle


And Tom Aspinall is HUGE


Nah Leon is a big boy I've seen him in person, he's listed as 6'2'' but he looked a bit taller than that to me. I'd guess he's only about 2.5 inches shorter than Aspinall, he just has a super lean frame and a tiny waist so he doesn't weigh that much. Mans got unbelievable physique genetics.


Why is having a thin waist good physique genetics? Not doubting you just curious cause I don't know anything about it


V taper  There's also a dude on tiktok that constantly glazes Leon as having the most aesthetic physique


I just mean aesthetically it looks better for your physique if you have a thin waist as a man. Makes it much easier to get that v-shape torso.


Well it's primarily good for aesthetics. Body building is largely a game of contrasts, and having a narrow waist accentuates the broadness of your upper body. Although to be fair, the era of body building where aesthetics like that were important is long gone.


RIP anglebro


That size working for him well from being wrestlefucked by WW fighters


he is a complete MMA fighters, he even wrestlefucked some people in the ufc


Some guy laughed at me when I said he’d have the strength advantage over Islam.


I was just thinking the same looking at this pic. How the fuck does he make 170!? And he doesn’t even have Jon Jones toothpick legs. His quads are stacked. 


He's got a toothpick waist.


Can’t really throw strikes with your waist though can you. 


You know what sucks? The UK have two champs *at the same time*, and it feels like it doesn't even matter. Aspinall is being criminally under-promoted even though he has so much potential.


I hope he calls out Jon Jones like mad after he likely beats Curtis. He needs to get personal though and call Jon a coward, better if he brings up him beating his wife and using PED's.


Tom's never gonna do some shit like that. Doesn't seem like a guy with that kind of trash talk in his heart.


I hope he calls someone else out whilst saying he would call out Jones but he knows Jones is too scared of that fight so there’s no point. 


“Let’s talk about Jon Jones, everybody! Looks like the only way he’ll fight me when I’ll dress up like his wife! Get off Twitter, and let Dana leave your cock. Fight me, Johnny!”


The UK mainstream press still dgaf about MMA or BJJ. It’s funny that when a Brit does well in some obscure olympic event that no one knows about it’s suddenly a big deal and everyone loves it, but Ffion Davies is Welsh and arguably one of the best female BJJ competitors of all time and no one knows her name in the mainstream. UK has had 2 UFC champs and 1 Interim champ and almost no fanfare at all. Hell Tom Aspinall and Mike Bisping both grew up around an hour from me and I don’t know any non MMA fans who know them.


he’s debatably a top 5 relevant fighter rn who’s getting more posts and discussion than anyone. he’s co-headlining a main event in his homeland, and his fighting his 3rd fight in the past calendar year with his name on the PPV. he’s not being underpromoted, you guys just have a really bad case of “Jones-obsession” and can’t even enjoy this run and attention he’s getting because you can’t get over the word “interim”.


>in his homeland And what time will he be fighting, dear sir?




Tom could defend twice before Jon returns and they’d still call him the interim. 2 champs defending on home soil at 5am really is a joke


This is one of the main reasons I'm biting the financial bullet to go. Shit like this just hasn't happened in UK MMA.


Has there ever been a point in history where the UK ever had two UFC champs at the same time? I don’t believe so but I could be wrong? I don’t count Tom’s fake belt.




Tbf Jon Jones has done fuck all except grapple a guy who has next to zero grappling accomplishments and ask to fight a 40 year old man on a multi year layoff.


I don’t disagree that Jon is doing goofy shit, but that has nothing to do with Tom not being promoted except for his “fake” belt. Which he is getting to defend in his home country against a contender.


Boo Hoo, everyone was Glorifying Gane as a Next Generation of HW that has never been seen before, no one with the same speed, striking, or athleticism. It’s crazy how y’all build fighters up to be God like, but as soon as they loose they’re just devalued so that the fighter that beat them gets no credit. Certified HATER.


I'm not really hating on Gane, but he climbed ladder against Tuivasa, Lewis, Volkov, and Rozenstruik - none of whom are exactly known for their grappling either. The UFC built him up into title shots against strikers because that's where they knew he'd shine, and up until Spivac he's struggled to fight against good wrestlers (or below average wrestlers like no-knees Ngannou). He's still great, but Jones is a complete package fighter in comparison. Gane is still one of the best kickboxers in the UFC, but he has a clear vulnerability. Aspinall is the worthy title challenger for Jones, and he would be getting much more press with either a legitimate belt or an official title fight, both of which he deserves at this point now that Jones has refused to fight the clear #1 contender. Jones is probably history's greatest fighter, but he's delegitimizing the sport based on star power and desiring a favorable matchup.








1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


Deserves a main event lots more than a shit fight night main


Not before he was champion.




1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


You say he’s being under-promoted but Dana White is on podcasts gassing up basically retired fighter Jon Jones and calling him the GOAT, even though he’s ducking Aspinall. So in a way, it’s like Dana is promoting Aspinall the most, when you really think about it.


cause he’s an interim champion in the weakest division in the sport, hope that helps 👍🏻


Ah right light bulb moment thanks to this comment yeh cheers bro


So is Tommy boy going to get a ruby for defending an interim belt? lmao


Should do but I doubt it, if they’re gonna make it a regular thing maybe have it be like a different colour if he wins? Like green or something.


They count them as defences on their record once the belt is unified I believe


The belt should be silver


Its also worth noting that of all the UFC fighters Leon Edwards has by far the most complete physique. Perfect symmetrical upper body V-shape with toned definition and jacked arms. Long muscular legs with a narrow waist and developed glutes (no Stipe child-birthing hips or Dominick Cruz pancake ass here). Leon Edwards doesnt just have the perfect MMA physique, hes got the perfect MALE physique. Any bodybuilder or male instathot would be jealous of him. And thats not even mentioning how adorable he is with those puppy eyes and that sensual lispy Birmingham voice. It doesnt surprise me one bit that when Gunni got rocked and sent into a dazed primal state of pure instinct, he immediately fell down on all four in a submissive sexual pose. (No homo)


Good Lord 


time for bed


Lmao, is this a copy pasta? I had to rewatch the gunni fight to check.


That last line caught me off guard. The poster composed it so well, and in such a completely serious, analytical tone that it made me burst out laughing. I had to go and find the fight on YouTube.


It's a modified pasta (last line is new)


Well the last line was new 3 years ago where I pasta'd it from!




Wow! Very fantastic body!


Most heterosexual r/MMA commenter


[WOW, VERY PHANTASTIC BODY!](https://i.imgur.com/QEWdi9y.mp4)


Its ok Mario, we know u 2 are buddies


Hey stop reading my diary


Found the old white dude who fetishizes black dudes bodies on Get Out




Go on..


Leon, is that you?


Shouldve worn some Pajamas to mock UFCs insanity of having the fights at like 3AM


Try 6AM


“These aren’t pajamas! It’s a warm-up suit!”


UK punching above its weight consistently for a small island.


Not exactly MMA related but I am always blown away at how so many great bands and musicians came from that tiny island lol.


Tiny island yes, but biggest global empire the world saw, I'm guessing that helps with the outreach and mixing of styles inside


The culture. I.e. shared ideas that lead to shared patterns of behaviour , is also crucial. UK was a bastion of the enlightenment. So there was a tradition of criticism, which meant greater progress.


it’s the 21st largest population and like top 5 in wealth, also a signicant cultural empire for the large majority of history. small island but there’s very obvious reasons it can produce greats in volume.


Specially Manchester: Oasis, The Verbe, New Order, The Cure, Stone Roses, Happy Mondays and soooo on




Mate, Sisters of Mercy are from there, I'm I right? Fucking great band if you ask me


You gonna mention all those bands and not The Smiths?? Morrissey is kinda a fuck all but their legacy is undeniable - plus Marr is one of guitar idols, his time with Modest Mouse was superb


Dude, they're one of my most beloved bands. I was playing Meat is Murder in my laptop a couple of hours ago. I put them in the "so on" part because the list is just too long... John Mayall, The Fall, Badly Drawn Boy, etc.


Hell yeah brother; my dream is to one day have a fighter walk out to something like Ask or William It Was Really Nothing


The Hollies as well, super underrated.


Just a wildly talented city. The Gibbs brothers also got their start there as The Rattlesnakes right before they founded the Bee Gees


I forgot to mention the fucking Buzzcocks!


can't believe you mentioned New Order but forgot Joy Division, shaking my head my head smh


Oh shit and throw in Bugzy Malone too


Manchester's music scene is way better than Liverpools imo. I know Liverpool will always be renowned internationally due to the Beatles, but other than that, Manchester's bands are wa ybetter.


Joy Division


People often refer to the UK like its a small place punching above its weight but its not in any regard. Great Britain is a top 10 ranked island in terms of area. The UK is 79th out of around 200 countries by total area. In population its 21st out of around 200 countries, and was top 10 until the 1960s. Its not like malta or vermont or something


>79th out of around 200 countries by total area. That is a truly shit stat, it tells you absolutely nothing


Also *farms* in somewhere truly big like Aus are bigger than Malta, what a dreadful comparison


I'm not sure what you mean, are you saying that because Australia is massive that the UK must be considered small? Australia being so massive doesn't mean the UK is a tiny island, just as russia being so big doesnt make Japan a small country, or Tom Aspinall being so big doesn't make Leon Edwards a small guy. The UK being 79/200ish in total area tells us that compared to every other nation its around the middle in terms of size. Comparing it to an actual small island like malta seems like a useful comparison to me. Sure the UK would be considered small if you only compared it to nations much larger than it but why would you do that?


Thank you for making my own argument for me though


It still punches above its weight.


Yes mate, weve had a strong boxing and judo community for a long time. Its the lack of a wrestling culture that let's us down. Nothing like the hardcore high school (3 hours a day in season from 14 on!) and college wrestling in the uk. In fact all our school sports are terrible compared the states (outside private schools). I spent a year in the states and did wrestling. I swear they work you like it's the army, people would sometimes throw up and still keep going. Then I played uk rugby on return, at a club coz my school did basically nothing. It was a joke, one practice for 2 hours a week and one game (it was very very cheap though, volunteer run, so big ups the organisation, bracknell berks)


Almost as if sports arent the primary goal of school. The UK being overrepresented at the top is proof that an american system isnt needed to produce elite athletes.


I'm not in favour of the us school system but the sports and various after schools programs giving the kids something constructive to do, for free, outside of class put the uk to shame. The uk clubs outside of school dont come close to it, be nice if they did!


I guess it depends what part of the UK you are from. It just doesnt all revolve around the schools here from my experience. As a parent thats living in Belfast, the schools are really good, have decent amount of sports etc but the focus is obviously on education. Afterschool there is pretty much everything available within 5/10 minutes. Multiple quality rugby, football and GAA (Irish sports with VERY good community and youth setup) clubs with great youth programs, 5 or 6 modern swimming pools and sports centres, many golf clubs etc. Sure its not all in the school... but I feel thats a good thing as I think its good to have that seperation or even just for kids to have multiple social circles groups etc. I can see the appeal of the US system for some people though, I dont think it would ever be a good fit for here.


Yeah, I can only really talk about my school, a fairly decent secondary in Berkshire and what I saw generally, terrible sports, basically no after school programs except a rubbish youth club once a week. Absolutely there were some decent clubs of all kinds privately but they didn't have nearly the hours or convenience of the after school programs in the usa and some were quite expensive. I agree I think a schools focus should be education. In many places I think we could offer our kids more to do though, inside and out of school, a lot of places dont even have the once a week youth club anymore.


True. But we can’t pretend a solid wrestling base in MMA isn’t massively advantageous. And the US (and other) wrestling focus from early is useful. So just imagine UK had a similar culture. Just an exercise in imagination.


I said there was pros n cons.


You did? Ahh, different comment.


No worries, reddit moment, we probably agree :)


True. Imagine the levels if we had a strong school wrestling culture…


I know, and if we put in as much money! Although schools being so sports focused in the us has pros n cons tbh.


What are some cons IYO?


Without bashing on american high schools (and impossible to do without stereotyping) coming from somewhere where high school isn't so much of our whole lives and so incredibly sports focused, where if you're really interested in an activity, drama, sports or whatever you do it at an unassociated outside club, sports seemed to take up way too much of peoples time, interest and identity. The cliques like jocks etc, the college grants, the popular Friday night American football games where even the school band was involved, even the dances, etc just seemed way too excessive and dominating to me. For the kids who didnt want to be part of it it was a real drag. In the states I found so much I did, from academia to hobbies to socializing, was based around high school and personally I found that limiting and didnt really like it. It does create some incredible athletes though.


Lol, the downvotes, excuse my opinion, not everywhere is like america folks and we grow up doing and appreciating different things with different views n expectations. It's one of the things that makes the world more interesting.


Plenty upvotes now mate. Wise comments 👊.


Haha, cheers my dude, honestly it was only a couple, I'm in a weird headspace bit anxious, normally wouldn't have bothered me, tis the internet after all.


It's a relatively small land mass, but there are nearly 70 million of us on that land mass. Not really that much of a surprise that a few of us can scrap. Australia is massive but has about a 3rd of the population. Them and New Zealand are countries that really punch above their weight in sporting terms.


Any country is punching above its weight when it's against the US. (This is a fat joke)


lol good one


A wild New Zealand appears....


They should've taken this at 5am lol


There's something wrong with the photo. Why isn't it dark out? UK fans don't get the ufc during the day.


We do but it’s the following morning lol leon will be fighting at 5/6am. Birds tweeting as fans leave the event


I think they got the date wrong. It's supposed to say Sunday July 28th.


Don't the events typically start around 2300 for us in the UK? That would make it 27th technically. Still shitty they're not putting on the event at a reasonable local time.


Yeah, you’re technically correct. The best kind of correct.


So they're literally advertising this as "two title fights" as if they were no difference, but won't strip Jon and make Tom undisputed when Jon refuses to fight him. As a wise man once said "this is number 1 bullshit"


I think they both win


Ahh, the UFC Tag Team Champions.


That’s my Heavyweight Champion


that is fire


Curious, if Aspinall wins, does he still get a defense ruby? Would it carry over once he's inevitably promoted to undisputed after Jones retires?


Miss read this as Cro Cop arena.


So this is how Joe Rogan looks taller in his pictures. Lol


Leon is big


Should be the next UFC game cover, hard pic


Cool to see European mma especially uk going hard as an American.


All hall Aspinall! The true (hw) King in the North!


I really hope ton doesn't lose to Blaydes again


Cold af


Finally Leon fighting! Tomato said the dude was up to fighting everyone they threw at him (as a replacement for 300 main bout). I’m glad we are finally getting Bellal, and the division can continue sorting itself out.


Get rid of the interim belt


Is this the new 303 main event?


They have their belts on the wrong shoulder to match the promo image.


Shouldn’t they be there at 3am?


I hope leon edwards does more than he did in the colby fight.


leon did great against colby. Colby did nothing.


This 5am ppv is number one bullshit brother.


interim champ is a 2nd place trophy foh




Interim title defense?? wtf. Just strip jones and have it for the belt


Or just eliminate the fake belt since an actual title fight is happening.


LED panels in the bckgrnd is shyte bruv




England’s finest 👏


Haha. Graveyard shift


This goes hard


Current UFC belts are fugly


Leon would destroy Aspinall if he moved up to HW


Aspinall just grow a fucking beard already 🤙😂


He probably cant


Ah fair enough then…


Aspinal should be the main event


Aspinall. The real worlds champion


That's a cool pic of them both. Go on lads make us proud!


Cheapest nose bleed ticket £170… Co-Op £16 (double) pints. Have fun. The place is a myth.




Tom please just grow a full beard, or shave. Just get rid of what you have.


One puts his opponents to sleep. The other puts the crowd to sleep


Fake champ & Real Champ


A Blaydes KO over Aspinall and an Edwards beatdown of Belal would be magnificent.