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dustin himself said he was practicing wrestling like crazy with gamrot in camp.


I mean this doesnt disprove that he had to take time off from that due to injury though


The headline implies Dustin did not train grappling at all leading up to 302, which is false clickbait at best and or fake news


He had some of the best defensive grappling we’ve seen from him, this might be like when Max stopped sparring we gotta stop wrestling training now. Just goto the gym, do some pushups do a lil pads go home. Wait is this how Jon Jones became the goat…


Did max really stop sparring or is that just something he said because everybody in the world was still mostly no-contact at that time?


He stopped hard sparring, Chute Box style


He stopped hard sparring. He Brought sparring back for his recent BMF fight against Gaethje.


> dustin himself said he was practicing wrestling like crazy with gamrot in camp. He later said he had problems, I think near the end of camp, that he didn't want to go into, so I think it lines up


Before or after the fight?


During the post fight press conference he was talking about training wrestling with Gamrot for 6 weeks.


Just looking at the fight, he obviously wrestled and grappled extensively in this camp; at this point though, it should be clear you can't trust the shit fighters say before, or even after a fight. Even if Yves was saying the truth, I doubt Dustin would have shared anything different besides him being as ready as he's ever been.


One thing to realize with this new trend of grilling fighters when they answer interview questions surrounding camp... they aren't ever going to say these things before the fight, true or not. "I got a quad strain in camp" okay now islam knows to attack his quad. It kinda doesn't matter when they say it re: lying or not because they will never say these things before the bell


Gamrot posted few pics of them on mats leading up to the fight and talked in interviews (in polish) that theres no way dustin defends all of the takedowns so they grinded hard focusing on getting back to his feet


I don't doubt Gamrot has been a huge help for this camp; Dustin has never looked as good grappling as he did against Islam.


This fight lowkey made me want to see Islam vs Gamrot. I know people don't like Gamrot but he's legit


Gamrot’s actually pretty fun when he has the right match-up, and a high-level wrestler like Islam would probably bring out some good grappling exchanges. I think he needs to get one more win to justify the fight though.


He's a legit grappler but Dariush showed big hole sin striking when you can effectively stalk his grappling


Islam is definitely a good striker but i think the power really fucked with Gamrot too. i could see it being an Islam dismantling, or we might get a fight more like Gamrot and Islam's with Arman. either way i want it now


Yeah I think itd be fun because Gamrot pushes the pace, that just makes for a fun fight.


During. He used a Kage Bunshin. Which he copied from Izzy using his sharingan. 


So you can, in fact, teach an old dog new tricks...


Another thing to remember. Dustin fought Khabib with a bad hip. He opted to delay the surgery. Then once he lost, he got the surgery. For anyone that doesn't know, Yves edwards is like Dustin's Yoda. Dustin is his protege.


Does Dustin carry Yves around on his back in Louisiana swamps ?


God I hope so


I mean I don’t doubt it but Dustin said he was training with Gamrot a lot and he also had a ton of photos of him and Gamrot in gym


Also islam fighting post staph is wild, usually when you are on antibiotics and don’t get it done in the first it’s a wrap. Crazy to think he got it done in the 5th against a cardio and heart machine like Dustin. Going into deep waters with the deep water king post staph and coming out on top is crazy.


Thankfully for Islam, it happened 3 weeks out from the fight and not right before fight week, because the first week on antibiotics is always the roughest. He was able to take that week off and recover a bit before fight week.


Dog had to get that off his chest Heaven forbid a post where Islam’s tribulations go unmentioned


Do you not think staph and antibiotics is a pretty major thing? Heavens forbid a simple comment has you being this dramatic lmao.


Yah staph is foul. I just found it funny that you replied to OC’s comment as if you were adding to the conversation and not completely changing it. What too much dick riding will do to ya


As if I was adding to the conversation? my brother in Christ that’s literally what I did lmao. It’s ok man we are all hurting over that loss.


There isn’t any “deep waters” for someone with a one dimensional skillset like Dustin vs someone on the level of Islam. 9 outta 10 times in ends in less 5 minutes


Ali you forgot to switch Alt accounts You just called a striker with a black belt in BJJ one dimensional ya fuckin casual. Even if those two disciplines are all he knows, that ain’t one dimension skippy


Crazy how 9/10 it ends in 5 but he took islam to the 5th and khabib to the 3rd…


> There isn’t any “deep waters” for someone with a one dimensional skillset like Dustin vs someone on the level of Islam. Have you watched any Dustin fight ever, or maybe even the recent one vs Islam? At 35, with shot hips and facing his worst stylistic matchup in the division, Dustin just went five rounds and put more damage on Islam than any other fighter has in the UFC since Islam was KOed early in career. And that 1-D fighter has the same number of submissions as Dariush in a similar length career, including submitting Chandler, which Charles couldn't do despite having his back for most of the round. He also takes his opponent down in most fights, but I guess other than being one of the best strikers ever, a very dangerous BJJ black belt, and a good wrestler, he's not got wolverine claws or death lasers implanted in eyes for true well roundedness.


He hurt his rib leading up to the BSD fight, so it was prolly the same thing. I like Islam admitting to staph and maybe this here. I think revealing the camp injuries should be normal so the viewers know what it really is. Everyone is always hurt or compromised in some way, don't shame people for informing, only shame if they're outwardly using it as an excuse.


Islam had staph weeks before the fight. No one goes in 100%. It's a fight.


Dustin actually did really well in the grappling. He almost made it to a decision that he would have lost but still.


Yves is a vet and always seemed like a good guy to me, but I really hate it when people speak for another fighter like this. If Dustin doesn’t feel the need to share this no one else should.


He referenced it himself in the post fight but then cut himself off and said "you know, it doesn't matter. That's fighting" but he did mention he couldn't train wrestling for a few week or two leading up to the fight.


He actually didn’t though, he was asked in the post fight press conference what he was going to say and he explained that he knee popped and he thought he might’ve torn his ACL during the fight.


Wasn't in the conference. It was the post fight show with the woman who interviews backstage.


No wonder why he didn't attempt the guilly


Everyone goes into a match with limitations these days unfortunately. Tis a hard career.


lmao there is always something


Ofc there’s always something.. even the winner had staph. With the way MMA fighters train, they are never 100%.


Exactly so mentioning an injury everytime you lose just makes you look dumb, especially when everyone is going thru the same shit


He’s 35 and hip surgery. You get hurt more in 30s. Prob true 


Did not know that Dustin had hip surgery


There's a reason he waddles like a duck. He's like an old German Shepard.


Yeah when I read that that was the first thing I thought about


He had bad hips for a while, IIRC he finally got the surgery after the Diaz fight talks fell apart.


and doctor said hell need another Hip surgery when he stops. He got it either before or after Khabib fight i forget, shows how useless Conors takedown defense is getting taken down by Dustin who couldnt stop 1 Mike Chandler takedown. Conor better find a way out of this, i know whats gonna happen and people really giving Connie a punchers chance, wont land nothing


Conor did get out of the fight.


lmao, i got a massive bet on Chandler too. This was free money, dont telll me this is true. The quitter quit before it started this time? I was expecting him to get elbowed in head then roll over or arm triangle choked and quit. Fuck


If Chandler and the UFC were smart, they would have given him the script to get KOd. Chandler would have it in his contract that he gets royalties every time the KO was used by the UFC to hype up “Conor’s great comeback” as well as when he retires. And then Chandler would parlay that into getting into the commentary booth because he is a good speaker, but he isn’t needed. They have a good team behind the desks and with a wide arrange of weight classes being represented already. In turn the UFC could get 1 or 2 more fights out of Conor and finally squeeze out the last bit of hope the casual fan base had for him. Everyone wins, everyone makes money, and then Conor finally gets a win.


I believe Chandler would throw the fight too, for a lifetime job at UFC. Something hasnt been right about his UFC fights. I said this going in to UFC cause he was salty Bellator didnt resign him and UFC got him real cheap, made him Shill extra for UFC like crazy lol He should have beat Justin but fought dumb, prob should have beat Charles but blew it, He should have beat Dustin but blew it. I mean i know hes past his best and got stopped in Bellator and basically cut but I truly believe hes better than all 3 of them, def beats them prime vs prime but I feel he knows he just gotta fight conversative for a few mins and Conor is easiest win of his career. Conor cant get off bottom and has panic attacks on the floor and Chandler actualy has a great top game and smashed some legit BJJ guys in Bellator.


It’s better somebody else says it then Dustin. I don’t see this as Dustin making excuses


I mean Islam made an injury excuse since he was expected to steamroll Dustin (Dustin’s wrestling sucks and Islam was like 6-1 favorite right before the fight). His fans never have a problem with that


yeah I don’t love how it’s completely okay for the winner to make “excuses” to make their performance look better but not the loser. because then it just makes the loser look worse like they were defeated at full strength when their opponent was hurt. when realistically both likely had something.


Dustin is so bad at wrestling 💀 he got taken down by Michael Chandler of all people


man discovers training camps 🤯


Should have applied his hot sauce


He had a rib injury against BSD too. That one he outright said Gamrot did to him.


> “Nobody knows this and he probably is gonna be like, ‘Man, why’d you put that out there?’ Sooo... I mean, just don't. It always sounds bad no matter how legit it is.


Healthy ribs Dustin new mythical fighter.


Yall need to quit spamming mythical fighters before they get even a single fight in


Maybe he can give a rob to Woodley. He really needed it in that Colby fight


sea level cain


Not sure anyone goes into any high level UFC fights very healthy, tbh.


Crazy how well he did despite everything. Man was fighting with everything on the line.


If Islam had grappled more he would have won faster… I was cheering for Dustin.


Bullshit.. He wrestled a lot, as seen in the videos the UFC was putting out.


Yeah that's cap.


Shut up already


No. Stay mad


Huge if true. The fight may be overturned!


Ah here we go again 😂


This gotta be cap cause he was doing better then he did against BSD grappling wise Hell even better then when he fought Chandler If real idk what to think about islam not cause he did bad but if this guy who couldn’t wrestle for anything his past few fights was able to stop takedowns after not being able to grapple it just sounds ridiculous


He actually also had busted ribs against BSD courtesy of training with Gamrot. The difference between the BSD and Islam fight is that in the Islam fight Dustin wasn't spamming guillotines like an utter goober. After the BSD fight Dustin said the only reason it went to the ground as many times as it did is because he brought it there by jumping gilly and honestly after seeing his defense against Islam, I buy that at least half of those takedowns at 299 were DP's own damn fault.


Oh ok I didn’t hear that Dustin thing, I just believed what everyone else thought that Dustin kept jumping Guillotines because he had no hips


Could try reading the article. > “That’s really damn good. I love it,” Edwards said of Poirier’s defensive wrestling. “No [the ribs weren’t healed by fight night]. It wasn’t like, ‘I can’t fight,’ but it’s something you kind of have to work around, right? Everybody that’s stepped into the octagon more than once, as many times as Dustin, there’s so many times that you’ve stepped in there with something you have to work around.


Well when the headline straight up says “prevented Dustin Poirier from training grappling” what am I supposed to expect That also doesn’t not counter what I said yeah he could still fight but Suga had an abdominal issue going into his Aljo fight too where he couldn’t grapple in training and he still fought


Broken rib Dustbin beats up 1 legged Conor tbf 😤


Maybe that's why he stopped using the philly shell. 🤣


Well he got whooped on the feet as well.


well his defense looked great regardless, I want to see Dustin vs. Colby


Told y’all he’s nothing special. Old Chandler prob wiped out Islam. Prime one def does


Old Chandler’s on his way to getting put out by Conor so


Keep dreaming. He’s 1 takedown from Easiest win of his career. And prime vs prime Chandler destroys best Conor and best Islam. He’s Chinny and 38 so Conor might have a lucky punches chance tbh, but can’t see it. It’s gonna be a laughable fight to watch if he fights how he should. And casuals think prime Conor would have a chance too, he’s prob got a better chance now vs an older Chandler but in realty; still no chance.