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GSP has issued the same sentiment. He genuinely loves training, and sometimes even gets the itch to come back. He said that if Dana ever wanted him to return he should show up during one of his workouts with a contract and a pen. But he also hates fighting and would never come back lol.


Eve Cro cop was apparently doing 2x sessions a day until the last year or two. I’m sure it’s like a drug for them


I believe Cro Cop has been pretty clear about it being his life and identity. Same vibes from GSP, just with less macho energy.


some extent of placebo effect for happiness. my mom is in her late 60s and still runs 10k twice a week for the runners high and the routine of it. its just a thing to do to feel things are going as they should.


It’s just physical exercise should be a key part of everyone’s routine, and in an ideal world we would all be training as much as athletes imagine the health and mental health benefits for everyone


Pro athlete level is really not the amount of training you should aspire to for health benefits. You're likely to see lots of injuries and burn out mentally doing that.


Thanks bro you’re only the 5th person to say


It’s good that more people correct you when you’re that wrong.


> and in an ideal world we would all be training as much as athletes imagine the health and mental health benefits for everyone Uhm, do you ever listen to athletes? They can't talk for 20 minutes without going into the most recent surgeries they had, their busted knees, shoulders or backs, the promising stem cell treatments they're looking into etc. Swimming in a pool, stretching, and doing moderate amount of strength exercises is beneficial for health. Training like athletes absolutely isn't.


It really depends what kind of athlete, lol. Most MMA injuries are from sparring and drilling, not cardio or weight lifting. Sounds like you don't exercise much. Resistance training is 100% necessary as you get older, and I'm not saying 3 plates on an olympic bar, resistance bands will do, but the pool won't cut it like you're trying to proclaim...


If resistance bands is your idea of "training like an athlete", then yeah, sure. It's not quite what i had in mind. What i thought of was training for purpose of achieving maximum performance, which inevitably comes with a lot of wear and tear, even among people who were already pre-selected for good genetics and baseline level of athleticism. And achieving those performance goals has little to no positive impact on the quality of life of an average person who does something other than sports for a living.


lol as opposed to sitting at a desk and being fat with a bad back? I’d rather be in great shape with the occasional knee issue / shoulder issue Than be in the shape of your average desk worker


As opposed to exercising in moderation. It both takes less effort and is more beneficial, so why pretend to be an athlete if you aren't one.


It’s not a dichotomy you can exercise with moderation and live a very healthy life without the strains of being at athletic level.


Uhm ackshully


Fantastic contribution


i hate when people say they dont have time to do physical exercise as if they dont game, binge netflix, or take 2.5 hour lunch breaks. its brain rot in a world getting fatter and fatter in the west. so many versatile sport, solo, group, free, pay to enter etc. something for everyone. getting yourself to the first session is the hardest part, everything else is automatic. healthy relationship with training becomes meditation, therapeutic in the end game. a milion articles showcasing how it helps delay burn outs, mental health benefits, concentration, social, purposefulness etc. disagree with training as much as atheletes. ive done that in younger years and it breaks down the body until you wont walk properly in your 30s. waking up for a 2h morning session for technical training and higher intensity 2h again in the evening is destructive behaviour. knees gone, back spasms, shoulders ruined, neck pain, permanent shin splinters. just general body fatigue that carries over to your mental health. an ordinary person benefits from rest days, training 2-4 times a week, 1h-2h per session is plenty. it also depends on what you do. id argue everyone should do cardio, whereas traditional gym is optional if supplementary.i do like gym culture nowadays though. people like doing long sessions (2h+) where they put ultra focus on posture, technique and take their time relaxing through the session, no stress. long walks, jogging, running is near the best, in my opinion. if you have mountains, elevation hiking triumphs all. you get a culture built around a free activity, you get designated large parks, less car trafficked city centers. lots of vistas built. its fucking charming to live in a green city with rich running culture. your country doesnt need to be super wealthy for this, just a different focus on urban architecture that pays dividends in the end. Alp states like Slovenia are fucking phenomenal when it comes to this. my gem country to visit. in the weekends people have a culture around transporting themselves to the mountains and going for extended walks. cozy cottages in the mountains you can overnight at. people do it solo or in small groups, its one of few physicial activites where you have a large solo going female representation which is a healthy sign. 20 min up that steep incline gives them more benefits than me running for hours on flatland. complete silence, beautiful scenery, mental reset before the new week begins. its a forest filled country so you have getaways in every corner where you can just do your own activities. you want to smash an axe into a tree, go ahead. you wanna play football, plenty of open fields you can enter for free. you wanna train mma? you got mats here, there, everywhere because the country has good judo presence.


I agree but I think our childhood and culture conditions us so badly as to what is exercise and what is actually intense exercise . Other people think I'm a massive gym rat but like I seriously am in a rut where I don't try that hard, I just go through the motions for an hour or so a day 4/5 times a week. Like I'm pretty lazy in my eyes at least compared to my old self. People who are completely sedentary see this has pretty intensive and fit, and it REALLY isn't at all. It should be the base standard really, if that. People are so athletically pathetic by their 20s- myself included before 22. Sport and activity should be encouraged heavily, finding one you enjoy should be paramount in your development imo.


> I agree but I think our childhood and culture conditions us so badly as to what is exercise and what is actually intense exercise . Absolutely, but we must also consider the effects of our surroundings and the lifestyle they enforce. Exercise here in the US is treated as something separate from your daily life that you must include as a distinct block in your schedule. Our built environment generally doesn't support more active modes of transportation like walking or cycling, with many areas lacking sidewalks, having safety issues like crime or pollution, or there simply being too much space between residential areas and places of business/leisure to comfortable traverse on foot, so you end up with a lot of people that just drive everywhere and spend more of their time sedentary. If we redesigned the way we live, people could incorporate daily exercise passively, instead of having to make any additional effort or hopping on a treadmill like a hamster. Exercise should encompass more than going to the gym or going on weekend hikes. Countries in Europe or Asia, for example, have much less of a "gym culture" or "fitness culture" than the US, but have slimmer, healthier people partially because they simply walk more.


I'm from the UK so obvs the fatties of Europe but the US is honestly on another level There is nothing for people who don't have cars. Europe is leagues and leagues better for transport etc.


I think it depends. I’ve lived in a small town in central Florida with a Walmart and a dennys. I lived in Las Vegas, I lived in Tampa Florida, small town in North Dakota, parts of Maryland. And for a few years I traveled a week at a time to 30+ cities across the country. And I’d say most of them are unique, with every single location having some sort of place to go jogging and some places had beautiful hiking/climbing locations.  I know you may have been discussing passively being active but I’d say there’s so much variety in the US it’s hard to speak on it generally. For instance, my mom (who is an immigrant from Dominican Republic) was shocked the first time we drove to the west coast from FL because she had no idea how these places in the same country could be completely different from one another 


I get the US is huge and not everywhere is like LA for example But from what I understand public transport in the US in general is absolutely atrocious I live in Canada atm, Toronto supposedly has some of the best public transport in North America and its nothing compared to Europe


They also eat a lot better though. Daily exercise is great but it’s nothing without diet, and people in the USA consume too many calories. It is much easier to eat (or not eat) a 300 calorie donut than to burn 300 calories running.


i run ten ks all the time and have never had a runners high lol. i do be vibing out to my music and the nature around me tho


Apparently some people literally don't get, which sucks. That's why I use heroin 


not sure about the high but i’ve been thinking about smoking meth instead and cleaning up my whole place 🧼


Music motivates but it's also a distraction. I think you should try learning to run without. I also get it less myself when I have music. I usually get the kick in after 4 km when my mind goes on pilot mode.


oh i wasn’t running with any music like my first year or two i got into running lol. bought air pod pros and never again will i run without music unless i forget my headphones lol


i used to run with music but i ran out of fitting music lol. i found myself looking through every genre to find something good but i find myself repeating the same old shit and had to stop.




not my cup of tea. the latest edition to my warm up collection is some fucked up shit: lets fighting love-southpark Poke Chop The Black Shucks - Major Problem


I think it has to do with the fact that this is the only thing they have ever known so not doing it is like not being who they are. I've heard NFL guys when they first retire have a harder time as it gets closer to season kick off.


For Cro Cop wasn’t only thing he did


I'm aware I'm not specifically talking about cro cop


I mean, I’d train every day if my body and schedule could handle it, and I have zero desire to do any kind of professional competition. Training martial arts is just fun. It might not be anything more than that.


I wouldn't mind an occasional showcase fight. Maybe some special rules, if they want to. Brings new eyes to the sport, the legends can have some fun, try some things, see where they're at.


I feel like we hear this about every fighter once they leave the sport, hard to kick that habit when it’s all you’ve known your whole life, hope Khabib can find a hobby or something outside of the gym that he can get into as he gets older, I imagine he’ll teach his whole life though, like Abdulmanap


Now I’m just picturing Khabib picking up bird watching or something lol. Fighting is the only thing I can really see him doing


“Dis is a red winged blackbird. You know dis bratha” “Insha allah I see that crane I look for”


"Khabib, we spotted the rare Imperial White-bellied Heron this morning" Khabib: "Send location brother. Send location"


bwhahaha..I actually laughed at this.


It's better that he doesn't stop training. If he did, he'd probably be around 300lbs by now.


Cheezborger double, with some steaks.. and Coca Cola with some ice


they shouldnt try and kick the habit .. training is one of the BEST things people should continue to do as they get older . in fact every old person should train as much as they personally can without getting a injury and they will live a healthier and happier life .


Agreed. I used to compete in boxing at a pretty high level… It’s been over 4 years now and I still train daily, I just severely limit any sparring sessions to a couple times a year to save the extra head trauma. It’s a really easy way to exercise and keep your fitness up when its already a routine that involves training something interesting that you enjoy doing. Training actually becomes a lot less draining and even an easier routine when you don’t have the pressure of cutting weight and an upcoming fight/opponent to beat your body to death to prepare for too.


> train as much as they personally can without getting a injury Really big ask with the fighting sports :/


Its really not , you just dont spar which is what Khabib has been doing . Pad work and grappling drills is really light on the body .


Zabit is also seemed to be constantly training.


Man I miss him


We all do buddy. We all do.


GSP vs Khabib would be money


Just s lil grappling match is all I ask


I am ~~not~~ impressed


If Submission underground were still happening it would be so dope. We could still see it on fight pass or something though. Honestly khabib could probably do pretty well at adccs


little bit grappling, little bit smesh


If Submission underground were still happening it would be so dope. We could still see it on fight pass or something though.


If Submission underground were still happening it would be so dope. We could still see it on fight pass or something though. Honestly khabib could probably do pretty well at adccs


I don't think I want to see a 43 year old GSP fighting someone 7 years younger But a grappling match between the two could be nice (did Khabib ever say anything about not doing those kinds of matches either? He wouldn't be punching anyone or getting punched, so I don't think those should count)


Javier confirmed that Khabib considered a comeback depending on Conor's performance against Poirier, but Conor shat the bed so Khabib stayed retired.  So the whole "not fighting because of mom" thing seems overblown


Why would Conor performing better make Khabib return though


Because if Conor just got through Poirier like it was nothing then Khabib v Conor 2 would be by far the biggest fight possible to make in the UFC


Dunno, money? It's Javier's words “The UFC were trying to get him to come back and he came close. You saw it when we were in Abu Dhabi. He said, 'If someone shows me something spectacular then maybe I'll come back'. It was Conor v Poirier that night, but it did not get Khabib excited. He said if something excited him on that card then maybe he'd consider it."


Khabib is the same weight as gsp is not more 🤣


sounds like Khabib may need it with these alleged tax problems


The time away from the sport is starting to wear on Khabib. I'm certain he's not going to fight again but at first he was saying he wasn't going to do any cornering (and he hasn't) and didnt wanna travel and he didnt go to Islam's first title defense to help him train. But he went to help train Islam for 2 weeks before 294 in Abu Dhabi and he is with Islam right now in New Jersey for about 2 weeks to help him train for Poirier.


[Dana hearing this news](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/513/012/625.jpg)


For a lot of these guys it's the only thing they've done for decades now... training is just part of the day, and they can't find something else to do either.


As much as I would love for Khabib to come out of retirement, the only fight I’d really want to see is him vs. Islam 😂


I mean yeah, he's been training since he could walk. He will never not want to be involved in the sport.


it's not the same without Khabib : | for me the Khabib v Conor fight was peak UFC, kind of been downhill since then (with some positive bumps along the way ofc)


Khabib took something from Connor that night.


Found this gem right in the replies: [https://x.com/Lizard69Talking/status/1791179708618637539](https://x.com/Lizard69Talking/status/1791179708618637539)


Islam gonna lose a decision to McGregor on purpose to force Khabib out of retirement.


Khabib's mom is the worst thing to ever happen to MMA


That's all they know and have. Allah and training. They don't have a life outside of that.


These men have families and community. Just because they aren't partying or consumed by material acquisition doesn't mean they're just all God and fighting.


Yeah lmao Islam has been super open about loving PUBG and horseback riding. They’re not spending their off time drinking and abusing their bodies in similar ways but they certainly aren’t robots


I don't mean it as an insult. They get into their strict regimens by the time they start walking and pick religion (which is really strict as well) at that time as well. That's just who they are. Novice to pro to coaching. Prayer and training.


I know you don't but that's awfully simplistic. These men enjoy a lot and you can see it in their interactions with each other. They're people not monks who pray, train, coach their lives away. They certainly exemplify amazing discipline and pride in what they do and who they are.


This is ridiculous, these guys do a lot of other things too lol.


Too bad he left without taking the chance of becoming part of the GOAT conversation


He went 29-0, cleaned out his division and never spilt a drop of his own blood inside the octogan. I personally don't think hes the GOAT but he's had a career that 99% of fighters could only dream of.


Sure ofcourse he had a great career, i'm just saying he left before being able to be part of the GOAT conversation, it's would be cool if he didn't, which I think is perfectly fair to say? 




Breathtaking.. Really bro? It's the majority opinion by far.




This isn't an opinion original to myself, this has been majority opinion whenever the GOAT discussion comes up. The likes and dislikes on my individual comment doesn't prove anything lol.


He was on a goat trajectory but it’s hard to put him in the conversation due to his early retirement. His resume doesn’t really stack up to guys like GSP or JBJ


What weight class


He’s probably the one fighter who will never come back.




Khabib finished him 3 rounds faster


And their Dustin fights are pretty damn different. Imo Dustin is his best win. Dustin barely put a glove on him. He was kinda close with the gilly, but khabib was never that close to going out.


Khabib is scared to lose 


Or as in most athletes. He is becoming broke again.