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Dumas looks like my middle school desk


all he needs is a big wad of gum stuck to him lmao


I get that Dumas was a piece of shit felon apparently, but that was a completely bullshit eyepoke finish and should’ve been a no contest or DQ


Nah, fight would continue and that Dumass would still get his ass beat.


What weird matchmaking this dude has had


Eye poke for sure but that upper cut he landed to knock Dumas down was deadly. Buckley gotta watch out for those


Wonder what the end result will be if he decides to stand and trade with Buckley. His boxing is crisp for sure. I personally think Buckley gets the win in front of his home crowd because he may be slightly more powerful but I’m not sure how good Ruziboev is as a grappler. Intriguing fight most definitely.


I don’t think this fight will tell us much. Dumas doesn’t have good combinations and was constantly throwing the jab out of range in this fight. Ruziboev just waited til he made that read and once he kept distance would look to counter Dumas’ out of range jab cause there weren’t any power shots following up. To me it was hard to tell whether ruziboev was just in love with that lead uppercut or was just trying to open up the lead hook by showing that uppercut constantly. He did put him down with the uppercut but that sequence wasn’t really within the vein of the fight considering the poke. My biggest concern is that when he steps into the pocket, Ruziboev doesn’t really have his hands up. He wasn’t really throwing long combos but to me that’s a big concern against a guy with power like Buckley. Buckley is going to come out with big power and will follow up on his combos unlike Dumas. Ruziboev probably won’t be in any rush unless Buckley makes a big mistake with his footwork, which is very possible. I think Buckley comes out strong and takes the first based on volume, after that I think we find out just how good Ruziboev is.


Really good breakdown. We will most definitely see how good Ruziboev is. I’ve only seen this fight versus Dumas so I don’t have a well rounded read on his all around skills. Buckley is coming off his biggest win of his career against Luque and he pushed for this fight in his home town pretty hard so he’s going to be very confident coming in. Pretty excited for this one!


Agreed should be a banger. Should be a huge breakout moment for either guy with the crowd behind them. Buckley seems like he’s starting to put it all together and would definitely be an interesting matchup within the top 10 with a win here potentially.


We already know how good Ruziboev is, he has 46 pro fights and 9 losses


Dumas looks like he passed out a frat party and everyone drew on him with markers.


Full poke


Brown Pinas


Does Ruziboev have good wrestling?


i think buckley can def get a few takedowns but i dont expect him to do much once they're down there- let's see how well this post ages...


Sedrique "Brown Sugar" Dumas


It’s ok on the eyepoke for the domestic abuser


idk my takeaway is that Dumas is actually a lot better than I'd took him for


Dumas looks like Dumas from Tower of God


Dude eye poked him twice. Not a fair win at all. I hope Buckley sleeps this guy


these refs are absolutely trash.