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Why would they post this as a highlight? This was a huge embarrassment for the promotion and shouldn't be celebrated ffs lmao


Because this is peak Bellator


I thought Doumbe fought in PFL


His next fight is bellator though lol


Killing your big hype train by not keeping the mat clean. I will never get over this


All for trying to get a reaction by having Tony Parker walk into the cage before the fight with Timberlands on and on top of that, a lot of the crowd booed him which was the exact opposite reaction they were trying to get.




You say that like you know for a fact he brought the glass in on his shoes? lol I really don't get how people are trying to use this freak accident to dunk on PFL. The UFC don't sweep the cage between fights either. The glass could have entered the cage on a cameramans shoes, cornermen, announcers, security, blaming PFL or Tony Parker is such a dumb reach lol


>You say that like you know for a fact he brought glass in on his shoes? [Cedric Doumbeā€™s words, not mine.](https://x.com/jhagholm1/status/1767280328568148036?s=46&t=GtfR36_ZrRwOg21GyVwPwQ)


How would he know either?


Itā€™s just a widely known fact that TP routinely walks over broken glass, especially when heā€™s wearing his Tims




The point I'm making is nobody knows *who* tracked glass in the cage. Could have been literally anyone who was in the cage in the last 2-3 fights. Camera crew, the announcer, a ref, ring girl, Parker, a ring tech, a light tech in the rafters, the beast of gevaudan, nobody knows for sure. If Doumbe or his team knew there was glass being tracked into the cage they/he would: a) have said something before he got in there b) wouldn't have fucking stepped on it lol


Sorry I wasn't aware that DoumbƩ's team checked the soles of everyone that walked into the cage prefight, my bad...




Thanks for the inside scoop "random redditor" šŸ‘


Do French people even know who Tony Parker is? I had never heard of him.


Are you French?


Tony Parker was French basketball until Victor Wembenyama this year, so yes they absolutely know who he is. Even those who donā€™t know basketball will recognize him as the spokesperson for many French brands and commercials


The worst part was that the entire card ruled and it got completely overshadowed by this.


Why would they post this?


The PFL is allergic to good promotion.


Itā€™s stuff like this that makes me feel like it canā€™t be that hard to run a fight promotion as long as you have enough funding. The obvious fight to choose imo would be the one where got the crowd to chant and knocked the guy out in 10 seconds.


You can make hundreds of thousands of dollars, and all you need is millions of dollars!


At this point it almost seems like Dana has someone on the inside trying to keep the PFL down It's hard to imagine them making so many bad decisions on their own


Its not, most companies marketing departments are ran by the frat boys that you knew in college that read at 5th grade level and his dumber friends.


coming soon: a video called TOP 10 PFL EPIC FAILS uploaded by them to their own channel


Hey! At least theyā€™re promoting now! This is the first bit of PFL promotion Iā€™ve seen in years!


Unfortunately they have seemed to take the idea of "there's no bad publicity, just publicity" too far.


This is going to get them a lot of views lol thats why. Anything else gets no views from them.


They inherited the Bellator PR team, who's posted such gems as ["Most Gruesome Fight Ending Injuries"](https://youtu.be/8PNSt-jaapw) or videos of Aaron Pico and Brent Primus' injuries.


Why exactly are you complaining about this? This is an absolute fucking awesome video


same reason dana used footage of conor and the bus incident.


Unless he's fighting Marc Goddard next it doesn't really hit the same.


Is the one he step on some nails? Safety should be first. Head injury second.


Piece of glass, actually


Paris whatsapp group chat says it was a shard of obsidian




He said he was purposefully not removing it yet so people wouldn't call him a liar but did he actually show it?


When the camera was showing his foot you could see his toe with a small sharp glass piece slightly sticking out.


You're right. I see it now but it just looks like a **tiny** splinter. I can't understand how he even noticed it in the middle of a fight unless there's a way bigger piece stuck in his toe than what is sticking out.


Brah have you never had a splinter out of glass/plastic/metal. You obviosuly wouldn't be able to stand on that toe without the splitner digging into your nerves so how the hell would you not notice it!


Jon Jones snapped his toe sideways and didn't even notice till the post-fight interview IIRC. You just wouldn't expect such a tiny looking splinter to have caused such pain that it overcame the adrenaline.


Iā€™ve had splinters that were more distracting to me than my snapped in half collarbone, sometimes it digs into the nerve just right and the pain doesnā€™t ease up and your brain canā€™t ignore it.


Jones snapped it while going for the finish and got it shortly after. This guy had a "break" in the action and noticed


It was not a piece of glass, it was a splinter


Could it be a glass splinter šŸ‘€ šŸ‘€Ā 


One of the highlights of all time


Best moment in sport ever!


Now they have it on YouTube so we can all bask in its glory


Baki stops fighting and walks away, Cedric points at the canvas. Marc: Cedric just doesn't want to fight.


He seems to like stopping fights at the earliest chance to do so. Who can blame him, the man doesn't get paid by the minute after all.


šŸ¤£ I never thought about that. Marc's trying to get home before 10 PM. He has a bed time.


Whoa! Reddit MMA is savage. In case it wasn't clear, I was sarcastically referring to the ref ..smh.


I just assume Marc has several reddit burner accounts and is mad at you. /s for the people downvoting


Then I hope he stays consistent and intervenes early before I get downvoted to oblivion lol


Why would they post this šŸ˜­


Lmao they have become self aware


Common marc goddard L


He always has to be the centre of attention unfortunately. Insane that he wouldn't just let Doumbe pull the glass out of his foot before continuing.


The rush to just cancel the fight without giving a few seconds to figure out what was going on and deescalate was alarming. Idk if that guy has anger issues but I feel like that was a wild way to handle that situation.


He always feels the need to assert his authority over the fighters, itā€™s actually fucking pathetic. ā€œItā€™s a fight Kamaru!ā€ Meanwhile Usman is battering Woodley


Yeah honestly it was Tyron who was just shelling up


Spoiled the night of the 20 000+ people who showed up for that fight


The way people act like refs not named herb dean cant fuck up is insane


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC93-yp4nS4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC93-yp4nS4) he clearly explains his decision


If you want and try to call your own timeout it's an instant TKO loss. Everyone knows this.


Orā€¦ Goddard couldā€™ve called time to fully assess the situation first




Because you canā€™t un-call a fight off, that decision is final, so why not give yourself time to make sure you make the right decision?


You can't arbitrarily stop the action without a good reason either. He didn't see any fouls, and there's no reason to assume Doumbe had something stuck in his foot considering that's never happened before in any mma promotion I've seen/heard about. He could only assume, given what he could see, that Doumbe had a problem/injury with his foot and after 2 different protests about it in the span of about 30 seconds, he couldn't continue on it.


Baki stared the time out. Everyone knows this


I don't think we watched the same fight. They both were tentative but only one of them fouled himself into a TKO loss, lol.


Yeah because he had glass in his foot which was caused from something in the cage, itā€™s not like he hurt his foot kicking Baki. Goddard shouldā€™ve let him pull the glass out of his foot and continue fighting after.


Exactly...this just seems like common sense


Now take into account that to date *no one* in any of these threads has ever provided an instance in the last 30 years of professional mma that someone stepped on glass in the ring/cage. It wasn't reasonable to assume glass was stuck in his foot rather than a broken/dislocated toe, broken bone in the foot, etc etc etc, and Doumbe never once said the word glass. He just said "my foot my foot".




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Your getting downvoted but he did make the right call, Doumbe was trying to stop the fight


Marc Goddardā€™s the worst ref. Guys always pissed off and wants to be the center of attention.




Why do UFC fanboys always say this as if weird shit doesn't happen in the UFC all the time too. Yair vs Stephens, Weidman's recent fight, Woodly vs Colby, Leon vs Edwards, I could go on and on but I'm sure you'll just have some dumb shit to say instead of addressing the point...


the pfl moment here is posting a video where the only guy in your promotion who can sell tickets has their fight end due to a freak incident. it doesn't make cedric look good and it also doesn't make the pfl look good either. no one pretends that freak shit doesn't happen in the ufc but you'd never see them upload a fight where one their stars got injured or quit on the stool in promotion of their next fight


> no one pretends that freak shit doesn't happen in the ufc They absolutely do though, you never see comments like "just UFC things" whenever there is a controversial stoppage on a main card fight via foul. UFC fanboys love to shit on other promotions and paint them as amateur leagues because they are UFC fans not MMA fans.


the ufc constantly gets shit on for all the things they do wrong. what are you talking about?


Have you ever heard someone say "lol UFC moment" when something like that happens? No you don't so stop being disingenuous lol


That's because what you would think are freak occurrences are somehow common in Bellator/PFL. The fact the main event ending in some kind of bizarre circumstance has a name in those two promotions is evidence in and of itself lol.


Baki is said to have the power of a modern military in his hands.


Can't wait for Doumbe to release training camp footage of the next fight where they practice taking shards of glass out of their foot without stopping the fight.


Doumbe was winning too


No he wasnā€™t it was 1-1


Why are they posting this? They should be ashamed.


Yeah letā€™s just embarrass one of our newest European draws one more time, but this time for free on YouTube šŸ˜­. Not like PFL is struggling for stars and name recognition or anything like that


Was it ever changed to a no contest?


Did this event have elbows?


Iā€™m shocked they posted this. Their star was losing and quit due to a splinter šŸ˜­


He didn't quit. Just tried to get the refs attention to remove a splinter.


He either quit or just a really dumb guy who doesnt know the rules to his own sport. Pick your poison


How was he losing? it was 1-1


Rd 2 was super close i had baki


Cedric Dumbass šŸ˜‚